League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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How convenient.didnt vsquirtle use a similar excuse on another game?
You could just have easily taken a role from the janitored.

You can make a case for it if you want. But, realize that the entire wagon on you is built because people have already heard all the arguments to me being scum and they still trust me. So your best shot at surviving, regardless of your alignment, is to convince me of your innocence.

You can start with telling me if by +2, you meant a total of 3 votes or just total 2 vote power.
I'm back

I can't make much sense of the actions

we have hammer

1- claiming to be redirected from Franky to AM when no one else targeted them
2- actually visiting me and sending me a "message" and me not receiving it

those things cannot be explained in any way other than them not being true

but then there's the fact that AM did get a message, and the only person that targeted him was hammer, so no one else gave him that message. so unless there is an angle I am missing, hammer does have the ability he claims to have

if this AM lynch doesn't pan out :catface
I'm back

I can't make much sense of the actions

we have hammer

1- claiming to be redirected from Franky to AM when no one else targeted them
2- actually visiting me and sending me a "message" and me not receiving it

those things cannot be explained in any way other than them not being true

but then there's the fact that AM did get a message, and the only person that targeted him was hammer, so no one else gave him that message. so unless there is an angle I am missing, hammer does have the ability he claims to have

if this AM lynch doesn't pan out :catface

Nice, I've been feeling a bit alone. The simplest explanation for all the discrepancies is that both hammer and AM are scum, like I initially theorized.

There's still no explanation for the sarun death besides AM reveal.
So, by +2, is your total vote power 1 (+2) = 3. Or do you mean that your vote counts as two votes = total 2 vote power. Cause in the case of the latter, you would actually have +1 vote power. The + implies that it's adding onto your base vote power. Which you claim is 1.

Just the way it was phrased I assumed +2 meant 2, but could very well be that +2 means three.
Yes, we are. I just quoted my role reveal to you. And a lot of others have revealed their entire roles already.

Just making sure there is no trickery.

You peasants are really stubborn.

[One Shot Active ? The Crown] ? During the day Jarvan can assume his rightful position as the king, gaining +2 voting power and revealing his identity to the thread.
Now tell me that lissandra altered the op with a straight face.

Okay, I think I get it.

Last thing. If she were to edit with a fake role on death. I.e. Let's say they attack me but instead of my role being revealed as Leona, it's revealed as someone else.

In this case, would my name in bt he player list also be whatever Lissandra chose?

It's not the OP being edited as much as maintaining the integrity of Lissandra's power.

As far as the description goes, Lissandra can change any event.

[One Shot Active ? Rewriting History] ? Lissandra has long had her hand in rewriting the stories passed between generations. She can even fool the moderator by falsifying the writeup, including or removing anything she wants. The moderator will post her writeup instead place of the real writeup.

So, are you saying that if Lissandra tried to change a death write-up, it would be given away by the Player list?
It's not the OP being edited as much as maintaining the integrity of Lissandra's power.

As far as the description goes, Lissandra can change any event.

So, are you saying that if Lissandra tried to change a death write-up, it would be given away by the Player list?

You made it sound that even though it clearly states that I town that it could have been modified.
VOTE COUNT for VoDe lynch

Melodie - Atlantic Storm > VoDe
Psychic - Shy > Legend > WolfPrinceKiba > Josuke
Mr. Waffles - Franky
Alwaysmind - Franky > Josuke
Belphegoob - Atlantic Storm
Marco - Atlantic Storm > unvote > VoDe
VoDe - Atlantic Storm > WolfPrinceKiba > Franky
Laix - Melodie
Franky - Atlantic Storm > VoDe
WolfPrinceKiba - VoDe
Atlantic Storm - Melodie
sworder - Franky
FireStormer - Franky
Vaeny - Franky
Stelios - VoDe
Josuke - Psychic
Santi - Josuke
Shark Skin - Josuke
Persecuted - VoDe

VoDe - 6
Franky - 5
Josuke - 4
Melodie - 2
Psychic - 1
Atlantic Storm - 1

Accounting for Vaeny's vote power (total 2 at this point), AM's vote power (total 3) and Persecuted's vote stealing ability (assuming he stole from someone on Franky's wagon), it would actually be:

VoDe - 6 (7) +1 from Persecuted's vote steal.
Franky - 5 (5) + 1 from Vaeny's vote power but - 1 from Persecuted's vote steal
Josuke - 4 (6) + 2 from AM's vote power
Melodie - 2
Psychic - 1
Atlantic Storm - 1

Now, AM's vote was on Franky until the last minute where he switched to Josuke (with less than an hour to go before vote lock). He also called it a placeholder vote, and had earlier said he was suspicious of Franky.

Mafia probably didn't know about Vaeny's vote power, it makes sense to get your own heavy hitter's vote off your teammate, regardless.

If AM would've kept his vote on Franky, it would have been

VoDe - 6 (7) +1 from Persecuted's vote steal.
Franky - 5 (7) + 1 from Vaeny's vote power but + 2 from AM's vote power - 1 from Persecuted's vote steal
Josuke - 4
Melodie - 2
Psychic - 1
Atlantic Storm - 1

Persecuted said he didn't send in his vote via Nitty. Pretty sure he didn't read up about it on the QT and they did it for him cause he was offline. I can definitely see it as mafia panicking last minute and doing their best to save Franky, with the Perse secret vote and Franky switch.

I'm gonna look through more vote histories but I had this going already when I asked AM about his vote power, so I posted this first.
Then again a sure way to find out who is town or not is to ask what's town wincon.

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

Specifically, what color nitty used to write town's wincon, Marco. And don't tell me it's blue either, because it's not. And yes, he did use a color.

Lol, I thought you were claiming independent, anyway.

And to answer your question, it IS blue. to be exact.
Marco, you got caught red handed! :lmao

Like, you can continue this charade if you really want, but it's basically pointless and you're just distracting me from actually trying to find mafia.

Here's my full role in all it's glory. I'll get back to looking at vote histories now.

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[One Shot Active ? Solar Flare] ? Leona becomes the avatar of the sun, extending the current day phase until a majority vote has been reached. During this time all other players are rendered generic until they make a post praising the sun. At the end of the day Leona can cast her sunlight upon one player, revealing their alignment to the thread.
VOTE COUNT for yesterday

After I informed Nitty of sworder's vote switch, he said the lynch result would still not change.

Melodie - hammer
Marco - Josuke > Laix
Shark Skin - Josuke
sworder - Josuke > Laix
Alwaysmind - Josuke
Psychic - Psychic > Laix
Superman - Laix > Josuke
Vaeny - Laix

Josuke - 3
Laix - 4

Counting Veny's vote power (total 5 here), AM's claimed vote power (total 3), we get:

Josuke - 3 (5) +2 from AM vote power
Laix - 4 (8) +4 from Vaeny vote power

SS and Superman are confirmed town and I don't think any of them have power votes. So, unless AM's vote power is actually at least +5, the only way Josuke was lynched was that someone, most probably Vaeny, had their vote silenced. Which would make the vote count:

Josuke - 3 (5) +2 from AM vote power
Laix - 4 (3) -1 from Vaeny being silenced

That's the most likely reason Josuke was lynched and not Laix.
VOTE COUNT for Persecuted lynch

This is a weird one as Franky voted for me, instead of Stelios, when voting for Stelios could'e saved Persecuted. Even Belphegoob didn't vote Stelios. I think they were trying to keep Stelios alive because of my constant push on him.

Also, Persecuted didn't vote at all. I think probably some confusion and/or inactivity here unless mafia just decided to let Perse die.

This is the strangest collection of votes because they could have quite easily saved Persecuted.

Psychic - Marco >Josuke > marco > Laix >Persecuted > marco > Stelios
Alwaysmind - Marco > unvote
Belphe - WPK
Santi - Psychic
Marco - Stelios
Stelios - Marco
Laix - WPK
Mr. Waffles - Stelios
WPK - Stelios
Melodie - Stelios > Persecuted
Shy - Psychic
Firestormer - Persecuted
Shark Skin - Persecuted
Sworder - Stelios
Atlantic Storm - Persecuted
ace - Marco
Legend - Persecuted
Franky - Marco

Stelios - 5
Persecuted - 5
Marco - 3

AM didn't vote. Persecuted didn't vote and his ability description implies he has to vote for the stolen vote to apply, but I also think it means whoever he stole the vote from lost the vote power. So, they could've used Perse's vote steal to reduce one of the votes on the Perse wagon.
you mean who I picked or who we actually got or why it showed up wrong

picked franky because.... why not?

why I didn't reveal it?

because I don't want too much info released I just thought eh it was a bus or some shit, and my internet went to shit and I barley could post until today so I didn't look back to catch what was going on
Nitty, my love, you're finally here.

Question time if you can answer.

Sorry I didn't see this.

Only accurate information is put into the OP unless specifically stated otherwise by a role or ability. Lissandra's ability did not have the provisions to change the OP. If she fake killed a player, that player would be alive in the OP. If she changed their role on death, they would still reveal as their actual role in the OP.
It couldn't have been a bus though. If someone bus drove Franky and Alwaysmind, it would've shown up in FP's reveal. Legend bus drove WPK and WAD, and that was shown.

Did you actually not notice the Nami reveal when people actually started hounding you BECAUSE of the Nami reveal? When everyone asked you if you targeted AM, you were like, "Oh yeah that was me." Why would you do that?
Sorry I didn't see this.

Only accurate information is put into the OP unless specifically stated otherwise by a role or ability. Lissandra's ability did not have the provisions to change the OP. If she fake killed a player, that player would be alive in the OP. If she changed their role on death, they would still reveal as their actual role in the OP.

so then alwaysmind is town.
Sorry I didn't see this.

Only accurate information is put into the OP unless specifically stated otherwise by a role or ability. Lissandra's ability did not have the provisions to change the OP. If she fake killed a player, that player would be alive in the OP. If she changed their role on death, they would still reveal as their actual role in the OP.

Well, then, Alwaysmind is 100% Jarvan. What a waste of brain power.

One more question. Can you answer how this worked, exactly?

[One Shot Active – Grand Skyfall] – During the day Pantheon can perform a herculean leap, landing on a post number that hasn’t been reached yet. Whoever posts on that number will be superkilled, in addition to the posters immediately before and immediately after that post.

Did Pantheon have to PM you a post number?
It couldn't have been a bus though. If someone bus drove Franky and Alwaysmind, it would've shown up in FP's reveal. Legend bus drove WPK and WAD, and that was shown.

Did you actually not notice the Nami reveal when people actually started hounding you BECAUSE of the Nami reveal? When everyone asked you if you targeted AM, you were like, "Oh yeah that was me." Why would you do that?
if I said I didn't send that message you guys would say wtf you did it was just easier
Well, then, Alwaysmind is 100% Jarvan. What a waste of brain power.


but I still sent a message to am either way intended or not, and stelios saw me target sworder.'

nothing has changed
if I said I didn't send that message you guys would say wtf you did it was just easier

I don't understand. What do you mean it's easier? What townie would not reveal that, "I didn't target the person mentioned in the write-up reveal".

but I still sent a message to am either way intended or not, and stelios saw me target sworder.'

Not sure what you're trying to say.

nothing has changed

What do you mean? You just conceded yourself that Alwaysmind is 100% town.
well then

i still feel like hammer might flip town, but only doing this to save alwaysmind since he is 100% confirmed

[vote lynch hammer]

We don't have a lot of options at this point.

Marco - Leona
sworder - Caitlyn
Shark Skin - Town Mason
Mr. Waffles - Town Mason
Vaeny - Draven
Superman - Anivia
Alwaysmind - Jarvan


People who didn't quote Melodie:

Vaeny - Draven

Also, considering the Jarvan reveal was true, that means sarun's death was hidden among the rest of the actions.
I'm too tired to do a vote count. Anyone else up for it? Hopefully, Vaeny comes online, otherwise Mafia will probably control lynch.

if I said I didn't send that message you guys would say wtf you did it was just easier

I don't understand. What do you mean it's easier? What townie would not reveal that, "I didn't target the person mentioned in the write-up reveal".

but I still sent a message to am either way intended or not, and stelios saw me target sworder.'

Not sure what you're trying to say.

nothing has changed

What do you mean? You just conceded yourself that Alwaysmind is 100% town.

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