League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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ok back on PC. reading back on phone is a pain :catsweat

Hammer was telling all the while that he sent it but someone else wrote it. This phase he revealed it was sarun. He also said his message kills whoever gets it. Then how did sarun does instead of am?

Are you assuming it would be a delayed kill then? They send a message during night phase and then the person dies next phase or cycle.

I'm not sure what to make of this right now. hammer needs to explain how the kill works, but going by the action list, everything Alwaysmind said checks out

Yes please. Points to consider

1. Why was saruns death not in a write up when even the Katarina kill had a write up?
2. Why was saruns death time exactly with the AM King post?
3. What else could be the fake write up?

I agree with some things. For example, I think you are right when you say mafia used the one-shot to remove sarun's death from the action list. That does make sense

What doesn't make sense is that if sarun's death was in the same writeup that revealed AM as Jarvan, why would they not also edit Nami's action to frame other people? That's the same ability that got Baroxio lynched, so I don't think mafia had a hand in that in post specifically.

Then there's also the fact that that post was old actions that Nitty had not posted yet because he was away, as Nami had been killed hours earlier. He said he only processed kills immediately and left the other abilities when he had time. So sarun's death and AM's reveal may not have happened at the same time, as sarun would have been notified earlier in the phase that he had died

I think it's more likely it was a different writeup altogether that mafia deleted/edited. Plus editing a posted writeup AND the player list is definitely out of the scope of the ability's description

I don't think we should lynch Alwaysmind, altho it makes me a little uncomfortable he won't just reveal
Santi if you have abilities then share

hammer needs to explain the messenger kill and targeting me last night

I don't wanna tinfoil that Stelios's lie detection was messed with when sarun's death was removed because he seems pretty townish so far, but I'm running out of suspects

I feel like Claire is on her obvious town meta, someone else read her :catprone
Santi if you have abilities then share

hammer needs to explain the messenger kill and targeting me last night

I don't wanna tinfoil that Stelios's lie detection was messed with when sarun's death was removed because he seems pretty townish so far, but I'm running out of suspects

I feel like Claire is on her obvious town meta, someone else read her :catprone

Sworder are you sure you're not bulletproof? I mean you did ask for the doc not to protect you. If hammer did target you, and you're not bulletproof then we can say that mafia didn't target you with a kill last night. So hammer probably isn't a good candidate for mafia. Have to wait to see what hammer says.

Melodie is suspect. Sure, she insinuated Wad was mafia, but she never voted him. She did seem pro town when the game started so if she's mafia, she's been playing a good game.

OK, I'll be honest, I do have crucial information. I protected Vaeny last night. I only have a one shot protect and I meant to use it on Firestormer but I forgot to send in the action. Anyways, my one shot protect actually save a townie so yay me.
Psychic in one page I see you claiming that you targeted three different people. I don't know what to believe and what not. I targeted sworder because Vaeny was too obvious of a target. Given that we are like 11 alive players I believed that someone will most likely protect Vaeny and since I thought of that I came into the conclusion that mafia wasn't likely to target Vaeny. Sworder seemed like a bigger threat for mafia to me given that he got Pantheon. Also Vaeny may be Draven but his voting power may be detrimental to town if he votes for the incorrect person. Now cut the crap Psychic and tell us which character you are please
He was claiming throughout that am sad lying about the message. I'm on my phone now I'll check later but maybe you could also have a look. I linked the post a page of two back. Read up from when am claims he got a message to a little bit after saruns death comes to light.

Hammer was telling all the while that he sent it but someone else wrote it. This phase he revealed it was sarun. He also said his message kills whoever gets it. Then how did sarun does instead of am?

Yes please. Points to consider

1. Why was saruns death not in a write up when even the Katarina kill had a write up?
2. Why was saruns death time exactly with the AM King post?
3. What else could be the fake write up?

[One Shot Active – Rewriting History] – Lissandra has long had her hand in rewriting the stories passed between generations. She can even fool the moderator by falsifying the writeup, including or removing anything she wants. The moderator will post her writeup instead place of the real writeup.

The false write up could be anything before this post.

I don't understand what's the point of hiding Sarun's death. I ll look into this more from pc soon
town reads:

Alwaysmind (Jarvan, King of the World)?
Sworder (Caitlynn) confirmed by write-up
Stelios (confirm via lie detector) claim Teemo?
Superman (Anivia)
Psychic - (Best Support NA)
Shark Skin (town mason)
Vaeny - (Draven)
Mr. Waffles (Akali?)

Scum reads :

Santi - calim cop but so far nothing
Marco (town leader but still alive?)
Melody - townread but why still alive??????
hammer, what abilities did sarun have and what did he target WPK with on Night 1?

ffffffff i saw that post marco, I wanted hammer to answer before mentioning it. Now he will simply adjust to it if he's mafioso. :sadpanda

my message targets them, after they are targeted sarun can kill them, sarun is dead so my target won't do shit

vote lynch hammer
legit voting with n indi doing some fucking laix rion uchiha play
I'm not sure what to make of this right now. hammer needs to explain how the kill works, but going by the action list, everything Alwaysmind said checks out

look above the quote
Can you at least clear some people for us? And why investigate Marco? He literally passed a lie detect and probably has Godfather status to fool investigations. You should have investigated Melodie or hammer.

The only other person is Alwaysmind, who already claimed. Like I said, there's a limit to my investigations, I can only investigate those who fit a certain criteria.

Scum reads :

Santi - calim cop but so far nothing
Marco (town leader but still alive?)
Melody - townread but why still alive??????

How have I given you guys nothing? I hard-pushed Baroxio the moment I investigated him and hinted that he "fell for my trick", which was the hint that he met the criteria to be investigated during our exchange.

Pay attention.
I found a lead thought I have to admit this lead looks very bad for me :lmao

I don't care though I have nothing to hide anymore :noworries

Notice how before a single action there's an "incoming action" and is followed by a single action indeed.

"incoming actions" : plural


Says actions there's only one action in the write up. Also post number wise it agrees with Sarun's message about him being dead.
>lacked internet

>asking me to send a message

also no, even if I was here I wouldn't send a message, it would be painting a target on my back I don't want people reading a PM from me so they can guess who I am, I mean if we killed mafia and the team read the message they would have guessed I was involved.

messaging is like the worst role in a game people are use to your post style.
The part where you post to fill your activity blending without internet?

And how does that affect the fact that your message did not come through despite the fact that you straight up slipped by not saying you were notified block? It literally says you will be notified if your action fails in the opening post.

yes ask any chinese user or user in china, is it so hard to beleive china made me bleed intrnet? even without the 5 year plan my school internet is shit, go on, ask anyone

yes I was not notified so what, people don't always get notified.
yes ask any chinese user or user in china, is it so hard to beleive china made me bleed intrnet? even without the 5 year plan my school internet is shit, go on, ask anyone

yes I was not notified so what, people don't always get notified.

I've seen him targeting sworder that I did. If he was roleblocked he would receive a message back that he would.
If he was also roleblocked I would not have seen him targeting sworder at all the action would have failed before he actually targeted sworder, right?
Therefore hammer wasn't roleblocked last night something else happened we are not aware off. Nocturne is still alive and let's not forget what happened when he used paranoia

Nocturne used Paranoia! The game has been shrouded in darkness!

The following guidelines have been enacted:

� Tonight's writeup was lost in the darkness.

� Masons no longer trust each other and cannot communicate outside of the thread.

� Players have become too suspicious of each other to participate in public votes. To maintain order, votes must be submitted privately to the moderator. I will not count any votes made in the thread.

� Paranoia has spread. Every vote you cast against another player also counts as a vote against yourself. Self-votes stack; if you switch your vote three times, you have one vote on whoever you're currently voting and three on yourself.

Careful where you post today. Nocturne lurks.

You may now begin posting.
He's saying that your action went through, otherwise it would NOT appear to him that you targeted him. I'd like to point out that Nocturne has an ability that distances a target from them out of "fear". Perhaps he was afraid of cait targeting him? :hm Theorizing at this point.

Whoever is bulletproof, they should claim. Mafia knows, so no reason to not share it here.
Are you assuming it would be a delayed kill then? They send a message during night phase and then the person dies next phase or cycle.

I'm not sure what to make of this right now. hammer needs to explain how the kill works, but going by the action list, everything Alwaysmind said checks out

I was actually saying hammer's claim is shady. Why has he targeted no one else if his message kills someone?

Why is it that his claimed mason sarun was so sure AM didn't receive any message?

I agree with some things. For example, I think you are right when you say mafia used the one-shot to remove sarun's death from the action list. That does make sense

What doesn't make sense is that if sarun's death was in the same writeup that revealed AM as Jarvan, why would they not also edit Nami's action to frame other people? That's the same ability that got Baroxio lynched, so I don't think mafia had a hand in that in post specifically.

sworder, check this out.

Read up Nitty's answers to my questions. He says mafia would have to either

1. Send in an action of their own and tell Nitty to change it via Lissandra's one-shot.
2. Would have to tell Nitty to change the next write up to whatever they want.

Basically, mafia isn't informed of what write up is about to come. Lissandra had to take the initiative to either tell Nitty to edit the next write up or send in their own action and as Nitty to edit that.

Mafia doesn't know what action is about to come. So, obviously they wouldn't know to edit Nami's action.

A single post can have multiple action write-ups in it. Nami's action and Alwaysmind's reveal are separate write ups even though they're in the same post. Mafia would have no way of predicting FP's action and changing it to save Baroxio.

Then there's also the fact that that post was old actions that Nitty had not posted yet because he was away, as Nami had been killed hours earlier. He said he only processed kills immediately and left the other abilities when he had time. So sarun's death and AM's reveal may not have happened at the same time, as sarun would have been notified earlier in the phase that he had died

That gives weight to my theory.

Nitty said he processed all the kill actions first. That means mafia sent in the kill on sarun after Nitty processed Sin and mafia's kill.

sarun realized he died exactly around the time of the Alwaysmind reveal. That means his death had to be hidden in that write up.

And the only candidate there is Alwaysmind's reveal.

I think it's more likely it was a different writeup altogether that mafia deleted/edited. Plus editing a posted writeup AND the player list is definitely out of the scope of the ability's description

I don't think we should lynch Alwaysmind, altho it makes me a little uncomfortable he won't just reveal

There's literally no other action mafia could have edited. Especially when you consider that it was almost certainly used to hide sarun's death.

As for the player list, that is precisely the point I used last dayphase to clear Alwaysmind. However, let's wait for Nitty's response to this:

Okay, I think I get it.

Last thing. If she were to edit with a fake role on death. I.e. Let's say they attack me but instead of my role being revealed as Leona, it's revealed as someone else.

In this case, would my name in bt he player list also be whatever Lissandra chose?

If Nitty says, No, Lissandra's write can have no effect on player list, then AM is pretty much confirmed town and that would fuck my brain up because there's literally no other write up mafia could've hid sarun's kill in.
that's the same writeup that exposed Baroxio

no way mafia fakes that and leaves Baroxio's action unchanged

sworder, it's the same post but it's not the same write up. Read up on Nitty and my conversation.

He already revealed that mafia isn't updated before Nitty posts a write up. That Lissandra had to pre-emptively chose to edit the next write up. She could do so by telling Nitty to change whatever the next write up is or mafia could send in their own action and ask Nitty to change it.

Nami's action is a separate write-up. AM reveal as Jarvan is a separate write-up.

sarun's death coincides exactly with that write-up. There's literally no other write-up where sarun's death could have been hidden.
hammer, if your message can kill someone, why did you target sworder with it and why haven't you used it all game?

@Melodie, regardless of hammer's alignment, AM is implicated. I really think we should stick to AM lynch.

1. Literally no other write up besides the AM reveal where mafia could've hidden sarun's kill.
2. Why did sarun not believe AM at all about the message?
I was actually saying hammer's claim is shady. Why has he targeted no one else if his message kills someone?

Why is it that his claimed mason sarun was so sure AM didn't receive any message?

hammer just claimed that he sends the message and sarun performs the kill on whoever has it. which kind of makes sense to me, assuming that's how they work in the actual game

as for the rest of your post, it makes sense, so I suppose we gotta wait for Nitty. your question to him would clear everything up, so we'll see
my problem with lynching hammer is that he has writeup evidence backing him up

he did, in fact, target Alwaysmind with a message

hammer targeted Alwaysmind. We don't know if it was for a message. Could have been a night protect. I mean, there's multiple abilities I can think of that require scummates to target each other.

if he was lying, it would be so complicated that it doesn't even make sense for him to lie about this when he would have other janitored roles to choose from

If he is telling the truth, that means:

1. sarun and him were indeed masons.
2. sarun says AM wasn't the one who got message but hammer says AM was the one who got the message.
3. hammer's message can kill the target. So, why did he choose sworder last night, AND why did he never use the message except 2 times if it's really a kill. Lastly, why was sarun so focused on having AM lynched if the target of the message dies?
hammer just claimed that he sends the message and sarun performs the kill on whoever has it. which kind of makes sense to me, assuming that's how they work in the actual game

If that were really the case, why the dissonance between sarun and hammer, though?

And then, if AM really received the message, why didn't he get attacked by sarun? And why did sarun care so much about lynching AM if the target of the message could be killed, anyway?

The only thing that doesn't fit is "Why would sarun send a message about WPK to WPK?"

But, regardless of whether hammer is telling the truth or not, AM is still implicated cause there's literally no other write-up besides the AM reveal that Lissandra could have edited.

as for the rest of your post, it makes sense, so I suppose we gotta wait for Nitty. your question to him would clear everything up, so we'll see

I'm pretty sure Nitty is going to tell us he can't reveal the answer to that question.

Hmm. Why do you think Josuke got lynched instead of Laix, Marco?

I was entertaining the idea of vote stealer but while compiling the list of actions, I saw Persecuted had a vote stealing ability. It's not likely there's another one.'

Vote count

Melodie - hammer
Marco - Josuke > Laix
Shark Skin - Josuke
sworder - Josuke > Laix
Alwaysmind - Josuke
Psychic - Psychic > Laix
Superman - Laix > Josuke
Vaeny - Laix

Psychic asked me privately to change her vote to Laix.

Josuke - 3
Laix - 4

Vaeny's vote power would be = 5 (1 + 4 from the 4 lynched scum)
[Passive – Glorious Executioner] – Lynches are carried out by Draven. For every hostile player that Draven executes he will reach a new level of fame, gaining +1 voting power.

So, the actual votes would be

Josuke - 3
Laix - 4 (8)

If they had a vote silencer, and he targeted Vaeny, the votes would be 3 v 3. That would mean Josuke died via RNG. Or there could be a power voter among SS, AM, Supes. In which case, AM as King or mafia would fit. I would also expect an ability write up if vote silencing was going on, but Nitty never made any such write up for Perse's vote stealing.

That's the most likely explanation, unless we're to believe someone on the Josuke wagon at least +6 vote power.
At first, it seems unlikely that player list would be updated, but think about it in these terms:

If she were to edit with a fake role on death. I.e. Let's say they attack me but instead of my role being revealed as Leona, it's revealed as someone else.

In this case, would my name in bt he player list also be whatever Lissandra chose?

I think it's pretty likely that the ability can have an effect on the Player list.

Also, if the player list could really be used to clear someone, then I think Nitty would have been more focused with keeping it updated.
remember that that entire phase masons could not communicate with each other due to Paranoia. so my theory is that sarun thought hammer targeted someone else, then when he saw the action list he realized he was wrong and apologized

AM also mentioned about having to be careful who he votes for, so he has more than 1 vote power

this game is giving me a headache :psyduck

I'm gonna search AM's vote history, just out of curiosity
And also Marco it says right there that Lissandra can actually fool the moderator if he chooses. Thought not sure if that means he can alter the OP with the game rules granted that that's where the player list is :hm

Yeah, I definitely think the AM Jarvan thing in the player list is a product of Lissandra's one-shot.

I mean, I don't think they can directly change the player list, but changing actions that have an impact on the player list definitely count.

Think about the death reveal scenario:

If she were to edit with a fake role on death. I.e. Let's say they attack me but instead of my role being revealed as Leona, it's revealed as someone else.

In this case, would my name in bt he player list also be whatever Lissandra chose?

If player list wasn't going to reflect Lissandra's choice, then that would give away the fake write up.
remember that that entire phase masons could not communicate with each other due to Paranoia. so my theory is that sarun thought hammer targeted someone else, then when he saw the action list he realized he was wrong and apologized

It wouldn't matter because the message was sent at night. sarun would know who his mason has targeted at night, regardless of day shenanigans.

Also, sarun apologized when he saw Alwaysmind = Jarvan. "hammer targeted Alwaysmind" wasn't in that write-up. Nitty edited it in later, saying he forgot.

AM also mentioned about having to be careful who he votes for, so he has more than 1 vote power

this game is giving me a headache :psyduck

I'm gonna search AM's vote history, just out of curiosity

I remember he voted for me while saying he believed me. Not sure why a power voter would do that.
Answer these questions:

1. Why did sarun push so hard that AM received no message?
2. Why did sarun's kill not happen?

not the intended target, not really sure the day who we targeted was revealed, did someone target me, might have been a bus. or maybe they altered who targeted me to make it more confusing.
2. he died before he could use it. it's an active ability that happens at night.

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