In the light of Franky's abilities it's clear to me now why you have been also entertaining the possibility of fudged lie detection and repeating something WPK said phases ago.
It seems like all your behavior has been premeditated. You have been bussing your team mates one after another.
Now, if you'd actually read my questions each time I asked you (I've even bolded them for you and you still ignore/deflect them), it should be clear why I've been entertaining the possibility of fudged lie detect.
1. You (Stelios) were #1 Pantheon candidate, on account of "180" post.
2. You, yourself, pointed out that Pantheon is likely Godfather.
3. Godfathers generally fool lie detects.
That's the gist of it. What is so hard in this for you to understand? Even if you disagree about Point 1 or 2, it should still be obvious why others are not dismissing them.
Moving on:
1. What is it about Franky's abilities, specifically, that has made it clear to you why I have been entertaining the possibility of a fudged lie detection?
2. You earlier said that I've been ignoring everyone but you. But now you're saying I'm been bussing my teammates one after another. So, which one is it?
Here's what you're saying I've been doing:
1. I fake claimed a role crush, thus risking a counter claim OR actually role crushed myself, wasting my faction's one-shot rolecrush.
2. I decided to frame you (Stelios) on Day 1 by using (what is almost certainly) a one-shot super-kill within 30 minutes of you posting the "180" post.
3. I've systematically bussed all my teammates and got them killed.
This would be the worst mafia play I've ever seen. Wasting a crucial one-shot on trying to frame Stelios, of all people. Either wasting another (probable) one-shot on myself, just so I can say I've been role-crushed OR not wasting it but just plain lying and risking being counter-claimed. Bussing and pushing for the death of every teammate, for town cred.
Like, I can imagine how you can make a case against someone doing this stupidity, but I didn't start being regarded as one of NF's best mafia players for being retarded.
Anyone reading this game can see that most of what I'm writing is basically answers on your questions.
Answers which you are taking them and purposely misrepresent them as demonstrated bellow.
You actually never answered my questions properly. At least, you're sort of answering one of my questions by finally claiming that mafia (I) have been trying to frame you with Grand Skyfall.
You still haven't answered the other stuff properly but I can see there's absolutely no point in trying to get reason out of you, if you're town, anyway.
I didn't think that Pantheon was GF before you made the question. Me replying that Pantheon could be the godfather came as a reply to you.
"Why stelios think Pantheon is likely GF?" It's because Marco asked me. I said it's likely as a possibility. There's no why or wifom around this.
Now, this is a plain lie. I asked everyone in the game if they thought Pantheon could be Godfather. I didn't ask you. And I definitely didn't ask "Why stelios think Pantheon is likely GF?"
Then you answered me saying, "Pantheon is likely Godfather." All I did was ask everyone about it because I was still suspicious of you being Pantheon.
There's no big deal in answering your questions. The big deal is that you misrepresent my words. I've seen right through you since you started talking to me.
You couldn't see through a open window if you tried, man. Seriously. If you're townie, you're up there among the worst townies ever. Not just because you're not very skilled at this game. No, that's fine. There's hope for such people. But because you're just incapable of looking past your own ego to actually focus on what's important. Because you barely skim posts instead of actually reading them. Because you basically operate in a fictional world of yourself and disregard what's actually happening in the game.
There's nothing to misrepresent. I've asked you certain questions a dozen time. Each time, you have either ignored those questions, straight avoided them, deflected them by answering some tangential question that I didn't even ask, or plain refused to answer them because "I don't answer questions from scum".
Marco has been desperatelly trying to prove that he's town all game long, has gone apeshit everytime somebody questioned him about it (check how he went aggro on Vode and me obviously)
and has been trying to town lead. Every time a scum dies he points out how he's the one that previously said it or was on to them. Check his posts. Every phase. He repeated this last phase again.
Another lie. Can you quote where I've gone
aggro every time someone has been questioning me? This is the complete opposite. I've actually been calmly trying to explain to others how unlikely the possibility of me being scum is whenever someone brings it up. No aggro at all. Psychic has been going on about it every phase. When did I go aggro on her? Even when others stated their scum reads on me, I always explained calmly and clearly why me being scum is highly unlikely.
Please show me being aggro to others for questioning me.
Not everytime scum dies. Only when people say things like "you're ignoring everything but stelios." And you know who said that? You and Psychic. It's only in response to Psychic and your's "Marco is ignoring everything in the game", that I've pointed out how I've contributed to the death of pretty much every mafia till now.
It seems like Marco's the one that actually staged the 180 post thing. Which is why he's stuck like a broken and keeps asking "why do you think mafia did the kill at 180". I may not be a very vocal player but these are facts that can be seen through the course of this game. Just check his posts.
[vote lynch Marco]
lol right.
I used a probable one-shot super-kill on Day 1 to frame Stelios. Not just that, but I decided to do it (instead of discussing with my whole team), within 30 minutes on Day 1.
Even if for some reason I'd be retarded enough to waste a one shot to frame Stelios, I would definitely not decide in 30 minutes, thereby giving up any chance of my teammates providing their input on the matter.
I'm a team player first and foremost, and anyone who has played as scum with me knows that I listen to even the most retarded of suggestions and take them into account before sending in actions. I would never send in an action (let alone a one-shot) without most teammates okay-ing it first.
Heck, unless it's endgame, I would make sure everyone on the team is fine with a certain plan before going forward with it.
Like, it's dumb enough to waste a one-shot superkill to frame Stelios. But if people actually think I'd decide to send in a one-shot in 30 minutes (thereby ignoring input from probably most of the team), then you guys obviously don't know me at all.