League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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How am I supposed to know, lol? Considering how Nitty has been approaching writeups this game, I dont think he includes protections and the like in write-ups. I think people slightly familiar with supportive champions already know what's this ability :hm

I thought that's something you would've asked him about. I mean, if there's a write up, you even prove your role. That's why I'd said I could prove my role any time I wanted.
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


I just said I had a night kill

you made me reveal that for... no reason :defeat

I should use it on you
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


I will get this protection....a phase later.
Also Ive been protecting her Psy so suck it:jackal

Are you serious? Melodie isn't even confirmed town. You've been protecting unconfirmed town every night over confirmed towns like Firestormer and WPK and Waffles? Not to mention, mafia hasn't targeted Melodie, not even once. Whatever is going on between you two is weird. I would put you two on the same alignment. So if Legend flips scum, then so is Melodie.

Also, I wouldn't quote Melodie, it could very well be a trap. At this point in the game, I don't trust her.

Aaaand, I didn't use my one shot kill on you Legend. I used it on Alwaysmind.
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


It might be too late but for town!!!!
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.



[change vote lynch marco]
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


Inb4 this actually kills everyone and Melodie wins the game.
I am on a very uncomfortable mattress.
Ah makes sense. I usually can't think straight if that's the case:noworries
AM is mafia godfather, I told you! I just don't have proof that's all.
Honestly though, I'm suddenly suspicious of AM. Well not completely sold on anything. But the write up with Jarvan claiming his crown or w/e seemed a bit weird. And Lissandra could fake writeups so...:hm

Nothing to act on though, just food for thought from someone who is suspicious of everyone else:noworries
Ah makes sense. I usually can't think straight if that's the case:noworries

Honestly though, I'm suddenly suspicious of AM. Well not completely sold on anything. But the write up with Jarvan claiming his crown or w/e seemed a bit weird. And Lissandra could fake writeups so...:hm

Nothing to act on though, just food for thought from someone who is suspicious of everyone else:noworries

We did bring up the fake writeup thing a couple phases back in regards to AM. However, nitty updated front page player list with AM as Javan. If it was just a fake write up, I don't think Nitty would do that.
Marco, you're tunneling him. Let it go. They honestly wouldn't waste their one shot write-up on him day 1.

Give me a good reason to belive he's not Pantheon and I'll drop it. But you don't have to worry about tunneling. It should be clear I'm not ignoring anything else in the game.

Like I said, they can only edit writeups, not create them. Not as many opportunities to use it this way. Cause mafia generally likes to use it to clear one of their own or implicate some townie.
All right, I'm just looking forward to your action now. Are you taking guesses on who we think you attacked?

So you think Stelios being mafia is bizzare. And you think anyone with half a brain can tell that we're not townie vs townie.

That means you think I'm mafia and Stelios is town. In that case, are you saying that you think I did the following:

As for the bolded:

1) I'm sorry, which champion did you claim D1? If you claimed before anyone's death, this should shut down any possible argument. Source please.
2) Perhaps its a passive one-shot? It really does not fall into framing Stelios specifically. You wouldn't know that Stelios is replying to it. In-fact, I have no reason to believe you're pantheon. I'm simply stating potential mafia. From what I'm reading, Belphe is more likely to flip Pantheon anyway.
3) You weren't really leading the lynches on mafia, but simply advocating for it when the movement happens. So I'm on the fence about this.

Either case, why is Stelios pushing for me bizzare? Or reflect badly upon him? Regardless of his alignment, his only suitable response now is to push on me.

As you state down, it's because it would reflect badly on him and make him the next priority lynch/kill whatsoever.

Lastly, we're entering Endgame. Now, mafia's priority is to avoid losing numbers because every person they lose means the game will go on an extra cycle, making it significantly harder for them to win. At this point, making town mislynch is really mafia's biggest priority. I can't know for sure but if there are enough mafia in this game, they might be close enough to victory to risk getting some heat over the lynchees.

This is far from Endgame, so to me, mafia wouldn't risk sacrificing themselves to lynch 1 generic player. It really is not worth in any sense. mislynch is a priority, always. but not in situation where there way too many players that'd simply lynch you after misdirecting.

Sorry it was midnight to me, I had to sleep, lol.
Vote count

Stelios - Marco > Belph
Josuke - Marco
Shy - Marco
Laix - Marco
sworder - Belph
Superman - Belph
hammer - Belph
Shark Skin - Belph
Psychic - Belph
Vaeny - Belph
Alwaysmind - Psychic > Marco
Josuke - Marco
Legend - Josuke
Melodie - Belph

Belphegoob - 8
Marco - 4

Draven has executed Belphegoob (Pantheon)!

Wincon: eliminate the town & hostile independent

[Passive ? Aegis Protection] ? Pantheon blocks attacks using his massive shield, making him bulletproof.

[Active ? Aegis of Zeonia] ? At night Pantheon knocks another player unconscious, roleblocking them.

[One Shot Active ? Grand Skyfall] ? During the day Pantheon can perform a herculean leap, landing on a post number that hasn?t been reached yet. Whoever posts on that number will be superkilled, in addition to the posters immediately before and immediately after that post.

The crowd goes wild! Draven has reached a new level of fame!

Day seven ends. Please send in your actions!
Nocturne has faction killed Legend (Lulu)!

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Active ? The Fae Sorceress] ? Each night Lulu can lure another player into a magical glade, roleblocking them and protecting them from kills.

[Active ? Polymorph] ? Each night Lulu can swap the appearance of two players. Abilities targeting one player will be redirected to the other and vice verse.

Night seven ends. You may begin posting!
Thank you legend. You played this well, maybe it's my bad for stating that you have been targeting me. :(

Hammer, I don't believe your claim about not being able to state anything about your role, as I suggested phases earlier. It's a common mafia/anti-town strategy to state. [Vote Lynch Hammer]

Vaeny, could you please state your reads on this situation? You're one of the few players that simply have pure town vibe in your posts. It'd be nice if you give us some thoughts, you slacked off these phases in contrary to your activity very early in the game.

Marco, could you lead me to where you claimed before anyone died?
Well, I'm off Stelios' ass now. That leaves Ace, Shy, Josuke. Shy seemed to have some reasoning behind his actions. So, we're down to Ace and Josuke. Ace needs to be MODkilled.


1) I'm sorry, which champion did you claim D1? If you claimed before anyone's death, this should shut down any possible argument. Source please.
2) Perhaps its a passive one-shot? It really does not fall into framing Stelios specifically. You wouldn't know that Stelios is replying to it. In-fact, I have no reason to believe you're pantheon. I'm simply stating potential mafia. From what I'm reading, Belphe is more likely to flip Pantheon anyway.
3) You weren't really leading the lynches on mafia, but simply advocating for it when the movement happens. So I'm on the fence about this.

1. No, I'm talking about the role-crush. I was role-crushed Day 1 by Lissandra's one-shot and I claimed it straight away.
2. Now that we saw Pantheon's role, it was 100% used to frame Stelios. Mafia chose Post #180 because Stelios had mentioned the number. So, do you really think I'd use a one-shot superkill on Day 1 (that can kill 3 people) just to frame Stelios? And do so within 30 minutes?
3. Can't say I lead it all but you can't pretend I was just joining in whenever needed. I was one of the first people on Baroxio and made him claim. Even said I didn't believe him. I was the only one who kept calling out Perse each day. In fact, the day that Perse was lynched, I had again pointed out the Baroxio - Perse connection, as well as Perse sending in his vote via Nitty. Look, I'm not trying to say that I single-handedly got all scum. Just saying look at all the evidence that points to me being town.

Another point:
4. I've been lie detected clean by the lie detector.

As you state down, it's because it would reflect badly on him and make him the next priority lynch/kill whatsoever.

But as I said, not pushing on me would reflect just as badly. Either way, this point goes both ways.

How can you say Stelios can't be mafia because he wouldn't push on me as it would reflect badly on him but not see that the same is true for me? Wouldn't me pushing Stelios everyday also reflect badly upon me if and when he flipped town?

This is far from Endgame, so to me, mafia wouldn't risk sacrificing themselves to lynch 1 generic player. It really is not worth in any sense. mislynch is a priority, always. but not in situation where there way too many players that'd simply lynch you after misdirecting.

Sorry it was midnight to me, I had to sleep, lol.

Again, this is just a possibility. The important thing is that what alternative would Stelios have? Like, why would he not push me at this point, regardless of his alignment?

And we're definitely entering Endgame. Unless you think the game is going to go longer than 10-12 cycles.
I like the Josuke lynch.

[vote lynch marco]
Jumped on Marco's wagon awfully fast compared to how long it took for him to place his previous vote. And most of his vote have been rather interesting in the context of the wagons/discussions that have taken place in this game.
you guys sure you want to lynch Marco?

I mean, shit, I don't mind but take that chance if you want.
I'll just stay here sipping some nice lipton tea like a real G.

[Vote lynch Marco]

And this was Shy's vote last phase. This is such a painfully obvious slip that I question whether or not it really is a slip. Its kind of like "hey I'm mafia and I know you guys are lynching a townie and I have no problem with that." Like come on:catflip

The only other reason I have my doubts is that he may be hinting at something with that real G line:hm

In any case Josuke is the vote at the moment.

Vote lynch Josuke
Actually, Sworder can test Josuke's Fiora parry claim instead of lynching him. Alternatively he could just kill hammer cuz that guy is most probably not town.

I missed this. Can you point me to the right place?

And I forgot about hammer. We know hammer sent a message to AM. Any clue what Champion fits with that?

>Clicks on Marco's profile
> :catpathy



And this was Shy's vote last phase. This is such a painfully obvious slip that I question whether or not it really is a slip. Its kind of like "hey I'm mafia and I know you guys are lynching a townie and I have no problem with that." Like come on:catflip

The only other reason I have my doubts is that he may be hinting at something with that real G line:hm

In any case Josuke is the vote at the moment.

Vote lynch Josuke

Hadn't gotten around to doing it, but I'll compile all the vote histories. I wish I'd been keeping my notes this game because I generally keep votes in sequence, so you can tell who voted when. Which is very helpful to see how the wagons shifted.

As for Shy, he claims he "guessed" my role. Even hinted it before my claim. Says he has reasons for having voted me.
Ace (Lucian) has been modkilled for inactivity.

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[One Shot Active ? The Culling] ? If a villager is lynched, Lucian can initiate a culling to avenge them. Over the next five phases, Lucian can kill up to five players who voted for them.

Shy (Bard) has been modkilled for discussing the game outside of the thread.

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independent

[One Shot Conditional Active ? Caretaker] ? If the town is in danger of losing the game, Bard will intervene to save them from sure destruction, removing a powerful anti-town ability.

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