League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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Since you are rolecrushed marco why not now tell us who you are and what you could have done?

I'd actually not revealed this all game, hoping that I'd be cured once Lissandra dies. But after the lynch yesterday, I asked Nitty and he revealed that I'm still role-crushed, so it's pretty much permanent.

I'm Leona. I have just one ability which is a one-shot active.

[One Shot Active ? Solar Flare] ? Leona becomes the avatar of the sun, extending the current day phase until a majority vote has been reached. During this time all other players are rendered generic until they make a post praising the sun. At the end of the day Leona can cast her sunlight upon one player, revealing their alignment to the thread.

This should also make it clear why I said that I could prove my role any time I wanted.
Reposting on new page for sworder:

how does Belph being Pantheon affect your read on Stelios?

I understand your question but I think you're framing it incorrectly. To answer what your question is, if Belph flips Panthoen, that means Stelios isn't Pantheon. So, obviously it'll affect my read on Stelios.

The main thing to remember is that I started suspecting Stelios because of the "180" post, as it indicates he's Pantheon. So, if someone else is revealed to be Pantheon, that pretty much clears Stelios. He could still be some other scum but that's not very likely. His play is definitely anti-town, but this is Stelios. I'm used to him doing this kind of shit as town.

Now, to answer what I think you actually meant. What I'd said last phase was that depending on how my current reads flipped (Stelios, mostly), I would believe Belph to be town or mafia.

Basically, I've been saying it all game, but, even though all evidence point to Stelios being Pantheon, I've played enough mafia to know it's not a 100%, especially because Stelios being uncooperative is perfect red herring for mafia. Stelios is notorious for being read as scum when town. A large part of it has to do with what's lost in translation. English isn't Stelios' native language and it shows. I've been a part of games where Stelios has been 100% confirmed mafia for "slips" which were really just misinterpretations on account of him the language barrier. But it also doesn't help that he gets emotional and takes all questions and doubts against him as slights against him. It starts a perpetual cycle, where him and the people pushing him become completely pissed off at each other, and 2 phases later, lo behold, a bunch of townies just towned each other.

If the case against Stelios was just reads, I actually wouldn't have bothered. He's the kind of player I don't like reading because he always comes across as scummy. The whole thing is motivated by the "180" post and Stelios' insistence to not understand how the "180" conclusion has been formed.

Getting back to the point: Belphegoob's game has not been his town-meta (which is an indication of him being bored, scum, or having a role that he can prove whenever he wants). So, when he suddenly voted Stelios last phase, saying, "Oh, Stelios slipped. Stelios slipped." in regards to Stelios being the one who first said that Pantheon is likely GF, that raised a red flag for me, because:

1. That was hardly the biggest case against Stelios.
2. Belph had a town read on Stelios the whole game and he actually said that "I must be the only person who reads Stelios as town always (even when he's scum), instead of reading him as scum always (even when he's town).

Seems an awful lot like opportunistic mafia to me. The kind that "town-reads" a certain player in order to justify push or vote on some else (eg: the person he town-read was pushing someone mafia want eliminated), but later uses the smallest reason to flip his read because suddenly it's more favorable to eliminate said player (the one he town-read before).
I'd actually not revealed this all game, hoping that I'd be cured once Lissandra dies. But after the lynch yesterday, I asked Nitty and he revealed that I'm still role-crushed, so it's pretty much permanent.

I'm Leona. I have just one ability which is a one-shot active.

[One Shot Active � Solar Flare] � Leona becomes the avatar of the sun, extending the current day phase until a majority vote has been reached. During this time all other players are rendered generic until they make a post praising the sun. At the end of the day Leona can cast her sunlight upon one player, revealing their alignment to the thread.

This should also make it clear why I said that I could prove my role any time I wanted.

Ah my guess was right. You ARE Leona.

Shy said:
In any case, Belphegoob looks to be the main target now so it looks like young Marco lives to see another dawn.

I was hinting at it through the use of the word 'dawn' but as with all guesses, educated or not, you have to be a bit more reserved. In any case you admitted it yourself so its fine. :LOS
Also, from the day Persecuted was lynched.

Psychic - Marco >Josuke > marco > Laix >Persecuted > marco > Stelios
Alwaysmind - Marco > unvote
Belphe - WPK
Santi - Psychic
Marco - Stelios
Stelios - Marco
Laix - WPK
Mr. Waffles - Stelios
WPK - Stelios
Melodie - Stelios > Persecuted
Shy - Psychic
Firestormer - Persecuted
Shark Skin - Persecuted
Sworder - Stelios
Atlantic Storm - Persecuted
ace - Marco
Legend - Persecuted
Franky - Marco

Stelios - 5
Persecuted - 5
Marco - 3

Franky did not vote Stelios, when that would have saved his teammate, Persecuted. Instead, he voted me.

This should be more than enough evidence that Stelios is scum, or at least that I am not scum.
Also, from the day Persecuted was lynched.

Psychic - Marco >Josuke > marco > Laix >Persecuted > marco > Stelios
Alwaysmind - Marco > unvote
Belphe - WPK
Santi - Psychic
Marco - Stelios
Stelios - Marco
Laix - WPK
Mr. Waffles - Stelios
WPK - Stelios
Melodie - Stelios > Persecuted
Shy - Psychic
Firestormer - Persecuted
Shark Skin - Persecuted
Sworder - Stelios
Atlantic Storm - Persecuted
ace - Marco
Legend - Persecuted
Franky - Marco

Stelios - 5
Persecuted - 5
Marco - 3

Franky did not vote Stelios, when that would have saved his teammate, Persecuted. Instead, he voted me.

This should be more than enough evidence that Stelios is scum, or at least that I am not scum.

From the same vote count, Belph also didn't vote for either of us.

So, most probably Belph is the Mafia roleblocker and Stelios is Pantheon.
Have you ever read The Wheel of Time?

I have not. I'm a big fan of ASOIAF though, so I plan to read this at some point.

After the game finishes or when I eventually die. It would do me no good if I said it now.

After all, I still require leverage in some manner. :LOS

Understandable, but there's no leverage here. Honestly, if you don't want to explain how you guessed it, don't. But, just know most people, including me, will probably think you're scum and your team investigated me.

Anyway, you can at least tell me why you voted for me before, right?

Last time Ace posted was in the other thread. :hm

Definite MODkill or replacement needed, then. Too late in the game to let him slide, sadly.
I have not. I'm a big fan of ASOIAF though, so I plan to read this at some point.

Think along the lines of some of the most scheming characters from the novel and you'll find an answer to satisfy you for the time being as to why I voted to lynch you.

I said I guessed, not that I knew, Marco. Who bets everything on a guess? You've spent the entire game reading in between the lines, don't get lazy on me now. :quite

Understandable, but there's no leverage here. Honestly, if you don't want to explain how you guessed it, don't. But, just know most people, including me, will probably think you're scum and your team investigated me.

It costs me nothing except my life. I think I'll be fine. :awesome
Feels like lynching Belph isn't the worst call ever but I agree with Waffles, how come we haven't lynched Shy yet? Every single time he's posted it's just been completely irrelevant stuff or dodging questions most of the time, since it's his first time playing I'd assume he doesn't know how to hide as Mafia and just tries to not give anything away by not posting.

I know he's a bad liar and bad at hiding stuff from outside of the game so it wouldn't surprise me if this was his mafia strat.
Think along the lines of some of the most scheming characters from the novel and you'll find an answer to satisfy you for the time being as to why I voted to lynch you.

I said I guessed, not that I knew, Marco. Who bets everything on a guess? You've spent the entire game reading in between the lines, don't get lazy on me now. :quite

Reading between the lines implies that there was anything for you to read. Like I said before, I left absolutely no hint towards my role. So, for you to have guessed it right, that means it's pure luck. What, with the dozens and dozens of champions that LoL has, why did you think I'm Leona?

It costs me nothing except my life. I think I'll be fine. :awesome

All right, you can keep it to yourself for now. We can come back to it later, if needed.
Feels like lynching Belph isn't the worst call ever but I agree with Waffles, how come we haven't lynched Shy yet? Every single time he's posted it's just been completely irrelevant stuff or dodging questions most of the time, since it's his first time playing I'd assume he doesn't know how to hide as Mafia and just tries to not give anything away by not posting.

I know he's a bad liar and bad at hiding stuff from outside of the game so it wouldn't surprise me if this was his mafia strat.

Why is lynching Belph the worst call ever?
?? It literally says ISN'T the worst call ever, it's a saying as in it's a good plan.

Marco pls.

Oh, my bad.

I don't see why Mafia would try their best to lynch a rolecrushed player. (Viewing it from the perspective that Stelios is such)

If this is in regards to mafia trying to lynch me, it isn't so much as getting me lynched as it is making sure mafia doens't get lynched.

Isn't copy/pasting his role/ability modkillable? :hm

Why're you interested in getting me MODkilled?

And no, copy/pasting is allowed. And for all you know, I've paraphrased it.
Interested to see what I flip implies that you still think I'm scum.

Why do you believe Franky voted me instead of Stelios the day Perse was lynched?

Unless you think it's likely that Stelios and me are scummates with them and I've been bussing Stelios all game. But, honestly, if someone thinks I'm scum, then I've bussed literally all my teammates already, so that shouldn't stop anyone from believing it.
Interesting how quickly the Marco wagon at the start developed. And it just so happened to have most of the inactives in this game. Keep that in mind for later.

[Vote lynch Belph]

I had become somewhat suspicious of Belph last phase because he had mentioned LeBlanc in the same phase Pers had been lynched and flipped LeBlanc. Went back and checked the context, and since it didn't quite match up (he implied that LeBlanc could be mason spy) I decided to drop it. Of course it could just have been him trying to plant the idea that someone else, in particular WPK, could have been LeBlanc. Not that it did much to save Pers since its not like anyone was going after him based off of his role or anything.
@Santi, considering some of us (including confirmed town like Shark Skin) believe it likely that Nocturne's Paranoia may have influenced lie detect, why did you say that's not possible?

Nice try.

Interested to see what I flip implies that you still think I'm scum.

Why do you believe Franky voted me instead of Stelios the day Perse was lynched?

It implies that I think there is still a probability, and that with all the controversey surrounding you, there is much to learn through your death and little to lose in terms of power due to your apparent "genericness".

As for the lynch, hell if I know.
Nice try.

What, "Nice try"? Like, are you actually saying that I'm mafia trying to fish, here? You do realize that I've been pushing Stelios all game on the probability that his lie detect was fudged.

It's one thing having healthy paranoia but it's another thing to pay the bare minimum of attention to a game and then say things like this.

It implies that I think there is still a probability, and that with all the controversey surrounding you, there is much to learn through your death and little to lose in terms of power due to your apparent "genericness".

As for the lynch, hell if I know.

Can you tell me what you're learn through my death? Just humor me.

Also, what is the "controversy" surrounding me? I mean, as far as I can see you're referring to me vs Stelios, in which case, anyone paying attention would know Stelios is the better pick for a kill/lynch. Why? First assume he's town and I'm mafia. Then assume I'm town and he's mafia. Then assume we're both town. Stelios has contributed pretty much nothing this entire game. I have pushed pretty much every mafia that has been lynched till now. If info is what one wants, doesn't take a genius to see who's the better pick.
What, "Nice try"? Like, are you actually saying that I'm mafia trying to fish, here? You do realize that I've been pushing Stelios all game on the probability that his lie detect was fudged.

It's one thing having healthy paranoia but it's another thing to pay the bare minimum of attention to a game and then say things like this.

I'm saying that it's not something I could put past you.

Can you tell me what you're learn through my death? Just humor me.

I'll have that answer ready later :catnoworries

Also, what is the "controversy" surrounding me? I mean, as far as I can see you're referring to me vs Stelios, in which case, anyone paying attention would know Stelios is the better pick for a kill/lynch. Why? First assume he's town and I'm mafia. Then assume I'm town and he's mafia. Then assume we're both town. Stelios has contributed pretty much nothing this entire game. I have pushed pretty much every mafia that has been lynched till now. If info is what one wants, doesn't take a genius to see who's the better pick.

You say that, yet town has seemed more inclined to lynch you instead on more than one occasion. The rest of your argument is null since it just doesn't apply to Stelios, considering how naturally scummy he almost always is. Not to exclude him from potentially being mafia, but I don't expect better from him as a player at all.

Also, Santi, how come you didn't vote Persecuted or Stelios that same phase where Franky voted me instead of Persecuted and Stelios?

I don't recall.
If this is in regards to mafia trying to lynch me, it isn't so much as getting me lynched as it is making sure mafia doens't get lynched.

Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell that the conversation you and stelios are having isn't misunderstood townie vs townie. It's a different alignment debate. So assuming that Stelios is mafia, and he's trying to lynch you is bizarre to me as your role, according to you, is the most worthless role right now in the game. Lynching a supposedly generic townie simply announces his alignment to be mafia. Why would he publicly debate against you knowing very well it would reflect badly on him? Why pick on you specifically? Mafia player would want an easy pick that could have a good role potential. Neither options fall under your category.
I'm saying that it's not something I could put past you.

Just to be clear, this "it" we're talking about is that I'm mafia and fishing for your role. Look, you're saying that you know for certain that Paranoia didn't fuck with lie detects. Which implies that Stelios' lie detect wasn't fudged with (unless Stelios himself is lie detect immune).

Everyone knows I've been pushing for Stelios all game. And you mentioned this (that you know Paranoia didn't fuck with lie detect) several days ago, so if I was mafia I could've already investigated you and satisfied any curiosity towards your role. Why fish now?

Also, if you think I'm mafia, then you have to accept that I did the following:

1. Risking getting counter claimed for the role-crush on Day 1. As Godfather, no less.
2. Using a (almost certainly) one-shot super-kill on Day 1 to frame Stelios, of all people. And deciding to do so within 30 minutes, no less.
3. Bussed every single scummate.

I'll have that answer ready later :catnoworries

What's the problem with expanding on it now? It only helps town by letting people know the importance of the information tied to me.

You say that, yet town has seemed more inclined to lynch you instead on more than one occasion. The rest of your argument is null since it just doesn't apply to Stelios, considering how naturally scummy he almost always is. Not to exclude him from potentially being mafia, but I don't expect better from him as a player at all.

Can you expand on this? Are you saying town has been more inclined to lynch me than Stelios? Cause that is completely inaccurate.

1. Stelios was tied to be lynched against Persecuted and RNG (apparently) saved him. I have not come close.
2. The total number of votes on Stelios is definitely more than on me.

I don't recall.

See, it looks like you're not paying attention. Which is why I'm trying to tell you as much information as I think you'd like to know. Let's sort this. I'll try my best to make you trust me. If you don't, fine. But at the end, if you trust me, then you can trust me when I say it's in our best interests for you to answer a couple questions.

Is that okay with you?
That implies that you can read me, which you and I both know isn't true.
Well I can now, thanks for being scummy. Your vote that phase and your push now on marco basically confirms this.

Before I announce/do something, Gotta make sure with sworder, who probably is the only townie left that kills. Do you have a night kill? Super important :catnoworries

Who are you talking to? me? The answer is no. I do not have any night kills.
Pretending to suspect you and tunneling on you in order for mafia to come out from hiding was the biggest trick I ever pulled. Remember I told WPK that everything that I did had a reason and a purpose.

All right, I'm just looking forward to your action now. Are you taking guesses on who we think you attacked?

Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell that the conversation you and stelios are having isn't misunderstood townie vs townie. It's a different alignment debate. So assuming that Stelios is mafia, and he's trying to lynch you is bizarre to me as your role, according to you, is the most worthless role right now in the game. Lynching a supposedly generic townie simply announces his alignment to be mafia. Why would he publicly debate against you knowing very well it would reflect badly on him? Why pick on you specifically? Mafia player would want an easy pick that could have a good role potential. Neither options fall under your category.

So you think Stelios being mafia is bizzare. And you think anyone with half a brain can tell that we're not townie vs townie.

That means you think I'm mafia and Stelios is town. In that case, are you saying that you think I did the following:

1. Risked getting counter claimed for the role-crush on Day 1. As Godfather, no less.
2. Used an (almost certainly) one-shot super-kill on Day 1 to frame Stelios, of all people. And deciding to do so within 30 minutes, no less.
3. Bussed every single scummate.

As for the bolded:

Are you saying that Stelios wouldn't push on me because it would reflect badly on him? How, so? If he is indeed town, then that means that he is honestly misinterpreting my questions, which makes it obvious why he'd think I'm mafia. Because from a townie's perspective (TownStelios POV), if a person (Marco) appears to keep discounting what you think is obvious (all the "answers" that TownStelios has provided), and keeps pushing on you, you're bound to start thinking he is being manipulative and deceitful, ala mafia.

MafiaStelios has only two ways of engaging my questions. 1. Giving me the answers I want and hoping they satisfy me. 2. Avoiding the questions, knowing he doesn't have any satisfactory answers. Either way, if he says he town-reads me, then that means he'll have to eventually give in to my questions and implicate himself further unless I'm satisfied and stop pushing on him. I haven't stopped pushing on him, obviously. So, MafiaStelios has no option but to scum-read me.

Either case, why is Stelios pushing for me bizzare? Or reflect badly upon him? Regardless of his alignment, his only suitable response now is to push on me.

Or are you saying that Stelios wouldn't want me getting killed because that would reflect badly on him? Agreed. However, as I said above, his only appropriate response now is to push on me. And that mere fact doesn't mean I'll get lynched. As long as people are divided, there's not a lot of risk that I'll get lynched. Especially, since most know I'm not very easy to lynch, i.e. I try my best to prove myself.

Lastly, we're entering Endgame. Now, mafia's priority is to avoid losing numbers because every person they lose means the game will go on an extra cycle, making it significantly harder for them to win. At this point, making town mislynch is really mafia's biggest priority. I can't know for sure but if there are enough mafia in this game, they might be close enough to victory to risk getting some heat over the lynchees.
Tch, not interested in getting in entertaining these drawn out logistics. Like I said, I'll have an answer later which will choose how I'll continue from here regarding you :catnoworries

Oh, do you mean you're waiting on some action? I thought you meant you'll have that answer once I die.

Don't even remember who I voted, was busy that day. Also, I'm not pushing Marco, I'm just going with the flow and he's desperately fighting back :catnoworries

Why should I not? Are we at a stage in this community that we look down upon trying to play the game the way it's meant to be? Do you encourage that everyone should only post the bare minimum and we have barely active games? That everyone should be coy about posting even the tiniest bit of insight so that mafia can easily blend? That we should rely entirely on actions to play the game?
Lastly, we're entering Endgame. Now, mafia's priority is to avoid losing numbers because every person they lose means the game will go on an extra cycle, making it significantly harder for them to win. At this point, making town mislynch is really mafia's biggest priority. I can't know for sure but if there are enough mafia in this game, they might be close enough to victory to risk getting some heat over the lynchees.

There's 18 people left if I'm not mistaken.
2 known mafia (Pantheon and Nocturne) and possibly 1 or 2 more mafia.

Not sure how that is end game. :hm
It means it's 14 against 4 in the worst case scenario.
There's 18 people left if I'm not mistaken.
2 known mafia (Pantheon and Nocturne) and possibly 1 or 2 more mafia.

Not sure how that is end game. :hm
It means it's 14 against 4 in the worst case scenario.

By endgame, I mean the last third of a game (Earlygame, midgame, and endgame), not that we're actually at the end.

Depending on the numbers of mafia, we're entering the last third. You're operating with a max size of 8 scum but I wouldn't be surprised if there's 10. In which case, we could be as bad as 12 v 6. And that's not counting the possibilities of power votes, vote silencing, etc. And any one-shots, bomb, etc. Maybe I'm being paranoid but it's not a possibility that we should just ignore.
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.

Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


Thank you based Melodie:amuse
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


Dat Melodie. :skysun
Alright then. I'm a passive watcher on myself, this is how I know who targets me and what not, whatever the heck they use on me. That's how I realized that Atlantic Storm targeted me, and whenever Legend blesses me with his protection and the like (Thank you!). Basically I am lucky as fuck to live this long without utilizing my mechanically ludicrous one shot. Basically whoever quotes a specific post of my own choice gets a random percentage of protection through the cycle its used. Sounds op, but very double edged sword. Not in this situation, however. I dont mind Mafia quoting me and getting % of possible protection, since we do not have any night kills. It works on quotation as it fits into the mechanic of the champion my role is based on "stumble on a specific area to gain protection/buff/etc".

I'll be using it on this post.


You're still a bitch tho :catnoworries

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