League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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And he actually did guess it. He pointed out the dawn thing he said. And my character has something to do with the Sun.


Alwaysmind - Jarvan
Marco - Leona
Superman - Anivia
sworder - Town (forgot role name)
Shark Skin - Town
Mr. Waffles - Town (Mason)

Am I missing anyone?

@Waffles, yo you can still confirm another player right? There were 3 of you, correct?
Read my post again :p It only gives percentage.

Ah, yes. I remember some people didn't quote you. Strange that mafia would go over Legend, who was protected, rather than one of the people who didn't quote you.

Idk about mafia having two bulletproofs. And there is this:

Does he mean his identity will be revealed in the write up? Or just that the failed kill will be announced? The latter would still not clear him as long as the target shows up as ???.

I think I'll shift [CHANGE VOTE LYNCH Laix] for now.
Players who didn't quote Melodie:


Bit strange how Mafia didn't attack any of them and took their chances against Legend. Some probably because mafia think they will draw heat but I think it wouldn't be a stretch to say at least one of these is mafia.

He probably means that his role will be revealed if he's being truthful. Knowing the champion, it'd probably be a "parry" announcement.

Yep, the claim sounds quite genuine. I'd advise to hold back kill until he comes in and clarifies how the parry works.
I didn't quote Melodie because I wasn't around till the phase ended. Legend seems to have died because I m pretty sure he mentioned that he had a protect skill last phase. Santi who did you target last time ? Santi was either under Legends umbrella or targeted someone Legend was protecting. Psychic claimed survivor thought I've read her as Draven maybe I was wrong after all. We all know who Sworder is. Alwaysmind said Jarvan. Hammer had that incident with the message which overall has left me a sus impression. Marco claimed Leona. Ss town by meta. Laix has hidden into a hole and never came out again...

Josuke , santi, hammer and Laix are my current suspects.
people are still suspecting me?

people are still suspecting me?


Why'd you vote me :(

what is there to replay to, I said already it is my ability but I was not the one who sent the message, they got janitored.


So who sent the message? Are you claiming you had a mason who got janitor killed? Or that you can allow a play to send messages? Either way, who is this janitored player?
Then why the hell did Melodie sent out the mass protect? She basically role block our vig. And to top it off, our doc quoted her and still died. Melodie, what role did you claim again?

Well... she did want to check with Sworder about his killing abilities for that exact reason.

Although she didn't roleblock our vig with it.
Pretty sure there were not that many people who actually quoted the post. :hm

Didn't he kill someone during the day? And that's how we got to know his role?

Aren't you supposed to be keeping notes that answers these questions ?
Cause like fuck if I remember every kill and whatnot.

Even though that does ring a bell...

Still... check your notes!
Well... she did want to check with Sworder about his killing abilities for that exact reason.

Although she didn't roleblock our vig with it.
Pretty sure there were not that many people who actually quoted the post. :hm

Stelios, Psychic, hammer, and Vaeny didn't quote Melodie.

Aren't you supposed to be keeping notes that answers these questions ?
Cause like fuck if I remember every kill and whatnot.

Even though that does ring a bell...

Still... check your notes!

I didn't keep notes this game. I told you this, waffles. :notrust
Which is to say I don't mind lynching him. I mean if he's town, he can put in a little effort and help. Funny how he always makes fun of town for playing bad in his games.

Why am I going to try when nobody else is clearly giving a fuck? I always give my all near the start but have no qualms about giving up when everyone else does.

The fact ya'll are randomly deciding to lynch me "because Gogeta was scummy!!11!!
", "Laid is a roleblocka!!!1
" isn't worth me trying to defend because there's no merit to it. The fact this lynch is even gaining traction shows scum know they've won and the remaining town are either:
  • Stupid
  • Apathetic
  • Stupid and apathetic
Why am I going to try when nobody else is clearly giving a fuck? I always give my all near the start but have no qualms about giving up when everyone else does.

The fact ya'll are randomly deciding to lynch me "because Gogeta was scummy!!11!!
", "Laid is a roleblocka!!!1
" isn't worth me trying to defend because there's no merit to it. The fact this lynch is even gaining traction shows scum know they've won and the remaining town are either:
  • Stupid
  • Apathetic
  • Stupid and apathetic

Nonsense. First of all, I'm giving dozens of fuck. Generic and no flavor knowledge. And I have double the posts as anyone else.

Second, those aren't the reasons people are voting you. You'd know if you actually gave a fuck about reading the game.

Get off your high horse, you've contributed literally nothing all game except roleblock confirmed townies.

You can start by explaining your vote on me earlier.
Nonsense. First of all, I'm giving dozens of fuck. Genetic and no flavor knowledge. And I have double the posts as anyone else.

Second, those aren't the reasons people are voting you. You'd know if you actually gave a fuck about reading the game.

Get off your high horse, you've contributed literally nothing all game except roleblock confirmed townies.

You can start by explaining your vote on me earlier.


1. Those are the reasons people are voting to lynch me. There is literally no other reason and don't be vague and try to pretend there is, there isn't.

2. Nope, I'll stay on my high horse thanks since there have been countless examples in the past six months where others and I have been let down by braindead townies. This game is an exception but I have more than enough reason: I died Day 1 to bullshit, rejoined the game and was immediately implicated for absolutely no reason. Why am I going to bother trying to help a town that doesn't want to help themselves?

3. I don't need to explain anything. I'm not seeking redemption from you or anyone in this game!


1. Those are the reasons people are voting to lynch me. There is literally no other reason and don't be vague and try to pretend there is, there isn't.

2. Nope, I'll stay on my high horse thanks since there have been countless examples in the past six months where others and I have been let down by braindead townies. This game is an exception but I have more than enough reason: I died Day 1 to bullshit, rejoined the game and was immediately implicated for absolutely no reason. Why am I going to bother trying to help a town that doesn't want to help themselves?

3. I don't need to explain anything. I'm not seeking redemption from you or anyone in this game!


1. It's not the reason I'm voting you. So that proves you wrong right there.

2. Lol, I've never seen you give a darn as townie. Or mafia, for that matter. Why you'd want to help a town that doesn't wanna help itself? Babe, I do that every game. You do that because that's the game. You play to win. Not to whine about how others are not playing. I mean you literally give the least amount of fucks ever as townie, so you don't get to say others let you down.

3. Then just go afk from this game. We'll try to get sworder to kill you if he's not roleblocked. At least the Lynch won't go to waste if your really a townie.
I was afk this game until you tried (and unspectacularly failed) to drag me.

Sorry you've never paid attention but I have tried numerous times in games. I just don't tryhard Day 1 like most of ya'll love to. I am qualified to drag town and will do it, regardless of whether I have your approval or not.


Don't even know what you're referring to @bolded

Laix, state two games in the last year where you made any contribution as town. I've plays D pretty much every game and all you do is post gifs, claim your role, troll, and eat popcorn.

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