Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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Definitely still ok with the King taking out players who still post to say they don't care about the game they're playing.

I don't even consider lynching Revan to be a "strike", like Mohit or Iwan or anyone else trying, for some reason, to dethrone (dethrown, really?) him already.

He lynched one of the people that a fair amount of people were suspicious of. It seemed to me to be maybe 4th down on the priority list...but how that can be considered such a detrimental tragedy, I'm not sure.
The Revan lynch verified the IQ of the king for me. However, he’s going to be much more careful now.
Santi just called himself low-hanging fruit.

Not in the same sense as, say, Alwaysmind or Stelios... But people are becoming increasingly determined to place a light on me if I lay back for a day or two and I don't get cut quite as much slack as most.

It has defintely been so in the past. Wild West Mafia, Cubey's vanillafia, and some more. The past two games you have been town you actually tried solving the game, even from the get go. You've posted nothing of contribution for a whole 1 and 3/4 dayphases, and I don't want you sneaking to end game because people forget to call you or don't focus on you.

You conveniently left out that I inactifagged for the latter 3/4 of the game in Viole's Bleach game and Dante's Souma game and was at risk of being modkilled for failing to meet posting requirements in the former, but such details don't exactly help your argument now do they?

I've played hundreds of games, quite literally hundreds, you'll find evidence of me playing every imaginable way as every imaginable role and alignment. It's all based on my mood and interest in the game. The idea that you can meta read me without any analysis of my actual posts is laughable and there's no way you actually believe you can do as much, and the only reason you're flirting with the idea is because I've literally rolled scum 8 out of my last 10 games in a time where I'm generally on an apathetic trend.

Granted, I'm a prideful and arrogant sucker and calling me out is always an effective method to get interactions from me, so I'll give you that much.
You conveniently left out that I inactifagged for the latter 3/4 of the game in Viole's Bleach game and Dante's Souma game and was at risk of being modkilled for failing to meet posting requirements in the former
Because as you know I left the game and didn't follow up. Point is with recent trends you've generally been more engaged in play as town in the beginning of games, and even until the end in som like in Souma, where granted you did decrease your post count, but you still posted relevant shit and were generally visible.

The idea that you can meta read me without any analysis of my actual posts is laughable and there's no way you actually believe you can do as much,
But I did? I explcitly compared the content of your post from all the games I was comparing...

and the only reason you're flirting with the idea is because I've literally rolled scum 8 out of my last 10 games in a time where I'm generally on an apathetic trend.
I tend to trust trends. It's not like I'm pulling a trend that happened 5 years ago and hasn't been relevant as of recent.
The Revan lynch moreso just narrowed down who the King might be.

It's probably in his best interest to not be a wild card, for multiple reasons.

so can I reveal my role here?

No need. Shizune told me that you're mafia. Didn't you notice everyone voting for you?

But speaking of pulling up old meta reads, Law has been saying some stuff the is somewhat reminiscent of his scum play from Psychic's vanilla game. Can anyone inform me if Law is the type of players that typically keeps the same demeanor/tactics regardless of alignment?

But speaking of pulling up old meta reads, Law has been saying some stuff the is somewhat reminiscent of his scum play from Psychic's vanilla game. Can anyone inform me if Law is the type of players that typically keeps the same demeanor/tactics regardless of alignment?
Yes? Little nuance differences. What little I've played with him, he usually plays as a leader type of person.
I need to crack you :blobcry , every student must overcome their senpai.

I think I may have an idea as to who you are but don't like to get too caught up in reads like that. :blobrip

Aside from the fact that I tend to enjoy the strategy and deceptive qualities of being mafia more than the innocent detective schtick of being town-- I don't even play the same way two games in a row as the same alignment. Figure me out within the game rather than relying on meta.

If by that you mean you've figured out I'm a town noble who is a follower of Lyssa, but not too spiritual, and won't reveal what his non 'power role' ability is...then you are a master sleuth.
@SinRaven I'd like a stelios report on my deskt pronto por favor.
I haven't caught up with all the gossip in the Kingdom yet and quite frankly, I don't think I ever will. I'm not a woman of secrets and schemes.

From what I have seen it doesn't seem like your man of interest Stelios actually is interesting. But while I don't think he is one of the people plotting to destroy the Kingdom, I haven't seen actual proof of it.
Dumb or scum?

Overthrow the bourgeoisie :camby

Whatever "strat" you have in mind (I remember briefly reading over it) it undermines town's ability to develop leads through the tried and true method of looking how votes move and figuring out why they moved the way they did based on how people flip and their interactions in thread.

What exactly do we have to benefit with allowing the king to have the final say?
I haven't caught up with all the gossip in the Kingdom yet and quite frankly, I don't think I ever will. I'm not a woman of secrets and schemes.

From what I have seen it doesn't seem like your man of interest Stelios actually is interesting. But while I don't think he is one of the people plotting to destroy the Kingdom, I haven't seen actual proof of it.
This firepit is not a home, this is not the Sin I knowwwwww.

I'd take you to the glaaaaddesss, if Town-Sin like you'd playyyyyyyyyyyy.

This Kingdom's not the saaaaaammme, withoouuuuttt yooouuuuuuu.

It's just a filthy town (just a filthy toowwwnnnn), withoouuutt yooouuuuuuuu.
This firepit is not a home, this is not the Sin I knowwwwww.

I'd take you to the glaaaaddesss, if Town-Sin like you'd playyyyyyyyyyyy.

This Kingdom's not the saaaaaammme, withoouuuuttt yooouuuuuuu.

It's just a filthy town (just a filthy toowwwnnnn), withoouuutt yooouuuuuuuu.
I'm not sure if I follow your lowly language, for it has me confused. I thought I had ser @Dr. White in front of me, but you're showing signs of @Shizune. Is this some kind of magical glamour?
It only undermines anything if players refuse to put in any work. That's not his problem, it's lazy shits allowing the fact that they're not fully in control stop them from playing.

The good players are still playing despite the King making the calls.

Simple Mafia Game by Psychic, where you got recruited N1. It's what some of your responses eerily reminded me of, particularly you claiming you don't think you're gonna live long, and stuff about who we should go after if you die.

You mean the game where I started town and was recruited to the mafia? :p
I'm not sure if I follow your lowly language, for it has me confused. I thought I had ser @Dr. White in front of me, but you're showing signs of @Shizune. Is this some kind of magical glamour?
Magical future animation

It only undermines anything if players refuse to put in any work. That's not his problem, it's lazy shits allowing the fact that they're not fully in control stop them from playing.

The good players are still playing despite the King making the calls.

You mean the game where I started town and was recruited to the mafia? :p
Das why I time tracked them to make sure the quotes were after you got recruited N1
@Dr. White my maid helped me transcribe your language and we've come to the conclusion that you're suspecting me of being part of the grand conspiracy and thus dont want to take me on the journey to the glade. Are we correct in this assessment?

It is extremely rude to make such an assumption out of nothing. I normally would have my father send you to the gallows immediately, were it not for your status.

Thus I give you a chance to explain: why do you suspect me?

I really hope you change your mind, for I have to go on the quest to the Glade. I have to, or my dream will fall to shambles.
@Dr. White my maid helped me transcribe your language and we've come to the conclusion that you're suspecting me of being part of the grand conspiracy and thus dont want to take me on the journey to the glade. Are we correct in this assessment?

It is extremely rude to make such an assumption out of nothing. I normally would have my father send you to the gallows immediately, were it not for your status.

Thus I give you a chance to explain: why do you suspect me?

I really hope you change your mind, for I have to go on the quest to the Glade. I have to, or my dream will fall to shambles.
Indeed. You're usually a bit more helpful, and involved. You've been primarily low key with cryptic hints stuffed around, which worries me. I must take the two most trusted Acolytes with me on our mission to seek out the good mother.
Indeed. You're usually a bit more helpful, and involved. You've been primarily low key with cryptic hints stuffed around, which worries me. I must take the two most trusted Acolytes with me on our mission to seek out the good mother.
Oi, I plan to see what happens in the ten man raid. Still null read on Stelios, usually he says something outlandish by now....
Take Sin with you. The two of you are imo the best town mafia players atm.
Grow and save this kingdom.
Indeed. You're usually a bit more helpful, and involved. You've been primarily low key with cryptic hints stuffed around, which worries me. I must take the two most trusted Acolytes with me on our mission to seek out the good mother.
An old Raven family saying is "If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say anything at all."
I simply have been too busy to keep up with the gossip of the Kingdom. I vow to you to keep up starting now and once the new day comes I'll help you all to find the traitors in our midst.

Do not suspect me, for I am not suspicious.
Btw. Im tired of lazy shits complaining to put in any kind of effort to help the king decide on a lynch target.
Then they complain why the king didn't hit mafia on day 1 as if it's common that mafia gets always lynched day1.
It only happens if people put in effort to scumhunt instead of sitting on their lazy asses and wait for 1 person to do the whole work.

Stop complaining and play to your damn win con.
Btw. Im tired of lazy shits complaining to put in any kind of effort to help the king decide on a lynch target.
Then they complain why the king didn't hit mafia on day 1 as if it's common that mafia gets always lynched day1.
It only happens if people put in effort to scumhunt instead of sitting on their lazy asses and wait for 1 person to do the whole work.

Stop complaining and play to your damn win con.

You guys are dismissing the underlying issue that I addressed, even IF the king hits scum, how does that help us build leads when the votes don't reflect? It's easy to say "everyone should just put their bootstraps on and hunt scum" when an important part of that process stands on unsteady ground.
You guys are dismissing the underlying issue that I addressed, even IF the king hits scum, how does that help us build leads when the votes don't reflect? It's easy to say "everyone should just put their bootstraps on and hunt scum" when an important part of that process stands on unsteady ground.

Mafia will still try to defend their people, they will still try to lynch a townie. The votes do reflect.
I mean, at least lynch someone who had votes on them. Like Nighty...

This is basically the point I want to get across, if the king is to be choosing who gets lynched I must insist that he chooses lynches with reasonable wagons on them, and will prove informative. The lynchee being "suspected by a lot of people" means almost nothing if there's no votes to reflect it.

Instead, we have people like Law directing the king (jokingly or otherwise, although I'm inclined to believe he's not) to lynch people who are complaining about the system, and although I'm not certain what their reasons are, there is definitely reason to be dissatisfied with the outcome.
Mafia will still try to defend their people, they will still try to lynch a townie. The votes do reflect.

What votes are being reflected from Revan, might I ask? And how is it helping us today in D2?

From what I'm seeing here, 6 hours before the phase ended, there wasn't even a SINGLE vote on Revan. Not one.

Tell me what's reflected, again? Show it to me. This is exactly the point I'm bringing up, for the king to arbitrarily choose who should be lynched based on who had the most suspicion voiced against them is meaningless for town if the votes aren't there

but that's precisely why we should follow priscilla

you lead a quest yesterday (I think) so what merit is there to letting you lead another one today from a solving the game PoV? It doesn't tell us anything new about quest mechanics and it doesn't help spread loot amongst town (if that's even how it works, idk since I didn't quest yesterday which apparently means I don't get that info?) to have the same people leading quests and becoming visibly powerful/obvious targets for scum.
but that's precisely why we should follow priscilla

you lead a quest yesterday (I think) so what merit is there to letting you lead another one today from a solving the game PoV? It doesn't tell us anything new about quest mechanics and it doesn't help spread loot amongst town (if that's even how it works, idk since I didn't quest yesterday which apparently means I don't get that info?) to have the same people leading quests and becoming visibly powerful/obvious targets for scum.

It warrants success, full disclosure of what happened and I'm not the one to claim the item should we win. We also have someone with an item in it already so that counts towards the success of the expedition. My end goal is to create the groups , filter those that wanna join and gear town reads. Do you find this a bad idea?
It warrants success, full disclosure of what happened and I'm not the one to claim the item should we win. We also have someone with an item in it already so that counts towards the success of the expedition. My end goal is to create the groups , filter those that wanna join and gear town reads. Do you find this a bad idea?

to a degree because it makes town beholden to your personal town reads and makes it easy for mafia to hunt down town power roles (assuming the situation is that we all start as generic or near generic and get powers from doing quests) by just eliminating people who get loot. It doesn't matter whether you're only giving the tome of majiks most evil to a town player u trust because if there's scum on that quest with you then they apparently get to know that player has the item or something (or at least this is what I gather is happening) and just night kill that player with loot.

Admittedly this isn't solely a problem with quests led by you (it applies to all quests) but if you lead multiple quests in a row and start consistently picking the same people then you're basically just painting bigger and bigger targets onto your own town read's backs

in this case since you already won the right to lead the quest I'll swap to yours I guess but something to keep in mind in the future imo

The Labyrinth - 10 man raid

[start group]

For the kingdom
For gloryyyyy :obd

[join group]
Have you? Do you agree or disagree with my arguments regarding the king and the last lynch?
Yeah, this was pretty much my argument with MSAL and his reasoning. On one hand it assures no mafia fuckery with votes, but giving all the power to one man, and not allowing organic vote mechanics really is slowing down our scumhunting/allowing mafia to blend easier. Like if town knew he the king was from get it be one thing, but kinda not feeling this. The revan thing was just wew lad worthy, and not really sure if I wanna chance something like that happening again.
to a degree because it makes town beholden to your personal town reads and makes it easy for mafia to hunt down town power roles (assuming the situation is that we all start as generic or near generic and get powers from doing quests) by just eliminating people who get loot. It doesn't matter whether you're only giving the tome of majiks most evil to a town player u trust because if there's scum on that quest with you then they apparently get to know that player has the item or something (or at least this is what I gather is happening) and just night kill that player with loot.

Admittedly this isn't solely a problem with quests led by you (it applies to all quests) but if you lead multiple quests in a row and start consistently picking the same people then you're basically just painting bigger and bigger targets onto your own town read's backs

in this case since you already won the right to lead the quest I'll swap to yours I guess but something to keep in mind in the future imo

This is a valid point but you have to take into consideration that the voting is being done between the raid members.
Which means the town reads and voting patterns between 10 people will be at our disposal at the end of the raid.
This is a valid point but you have to take into consideration that the voting is being done between the raid members.
Which means the town reads and voting patterns between 10 people will be at our disposal at the end of the raid.
not necessarily. We don't know how further loot will be dived due to the circumstance of the first loot and it being a single item. I read the reasoning for us voting who gets the loot due to it being filled with intent that offput everyone, not necessarily a mainstay mechanic for who earns the loot.

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