Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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Vote count

SinRaven - Alwaysmind
Nighty - Alwaysmind
Stelios - Alwaysmind
Shiny - Alwaysmind
Alwaysmind - SinRaven > Shiny

Alwaysmind - 4
Shiny - 1

Alwaysmind (Hatake Kakashi) was lynched!

Shizune said:

Hatake Kakashi はたけカカシ
The Sixth Hokage
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life."

[Three Shot Active - Sharingan] - During the night Kakashi can attempt to copy one usage of an ability from another player. Kakashi cannot copy the same person twice.

[Copied: One Shot Passive - Lynchproof] - The first lynch attempted against you will fail.

[Copied: One Shot Active - Tracker] - You can track someone to learn who they targeted that night.

[Copied: One Shot Active - Poisoner] - You can poison someone else at night. They will die the following night.

There are only 4 people alive in the game. The mafia team outnumbers every other faction. Regardless of who they kill tonight, they control tomorrow's lynch by default.

Shiny (Mr. 0) and Stelios (Momochi Zabuza) have been killed!

Shizune said:

Mr. 0 ミスター・ワン
The Desert King
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"'If I do this I can stop the rebellion,' 'if I do that I can stop the rebellion...' open your eyes, princess! Your zealous idealism disgusts me! Ideals can only be spoken by those powerful enough to carry them out, and that excludes you!"

[Passive - Baroque Works] - Crocodile can communicate with his assistant Ms. All-Sunday outside the thread. As the leader of Baroque Works, Mr. 0 has a voting power of 2.

[Passive - Suna Suna no Mi] - Attacks pass right through Crocodile's body. He is bulletproof.

Shizune said:

Momochi Zabuza 桃地再不斬
The Demon Hidden in the Mist
wincon: eliminate all other players

"When I was your age, my hands were already soaked in blood."

[Passive - Bingo Book] - If Zabuza dies, his janitored kills will be revealed.

[Active - Kirigakure no Jutsu] - On even numbered night phases Zabuza will use his mist to janitor the entire writeup and perform a kill. If another player targets Zabuza that night, they will be unable to find him.

SinRaven (Haku), Nighty The Mighty (Kurotsuchi Mayuri) and Nevan (Ms. All-Sunday) have won the game!

Shizune said:

Haku 白
The Orphan
wincon: eliminate the town

"I realized the most painful thing: that in this world, my existence was not needed."

[Passive - One Handed Seals] - Haku cannot be roleblocked.

[Active - Makyō Hyōshō] - On night 1 Haku can create ice mirrors behind 5 other players. Each night Haku can hide in one of his mirrors, redirecting actions targeting Haku to his mirror target. If Haku performs the faction kill against one of his mirror targets, it will upgrade to a superkill.

Shizune said:

Kurotsuchi Mayuri 涅 マユリ
The Mad Scientist
wincon: eliminate the town

"A man's scream is really lacking in comparison to a woman's. It's nowhere as lustful. Rather, it's unbearably annoying."

[Passive - Kurotsuchi Nemu] - Mayuri plays the game using his daughter as a proxy. Mayuri can fool all investigative abilities. The first time Mayuri dies Nemu will die instead, and he will lose this ability.

[Active - Ashisogi Jizō] - Each night Mayuri can poison another player. When half the town is alive Mayuri will automatically activate the poison to role crush everyone who is already infected. Once the poison is activated Mayuri can role crush one person each night, and Mayuri's victims regain their abilities if he dies.

[Active - Kako wo Mitōsu Chikara] - Mayuri invented a hallucinogen that he can use to message another player through the moderator each night, telling them of an interaction that never happened.

Thanks for playing!

@WolfPrinceKouga @iwandesu @Dr. White @Mr. Waffles @nfcnorth @Nevan @Shiny @RemChu @Platinum @Lord Genome @Nighty the Mighty @Alwaysmind @White Wolf @Stelios @Roman @SinRaven @SupremeKage
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Game end New
Zabuza's bingo book:

Nighty The Mighty - Kurotsuchi Nemu

Shizune said:

Kurotsuchi Nemu 涅 ネム
Sleeping Number Seven
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"It would appear that you are making some kind of mistake. Attempting to use me as a hostage will achieve nothing."

[Passive - Artificial Body] - Nemu will return to life if she is killed.

Platinum - Uzumaki Naruto

Shizune said:

Uzumaki Naruto うずまきナルト
The Seventh Hokage
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Then I will break that curse. If there's such thing as peace, I will find it. I won't give up!"

[Passive - Troublemaker] - Naruto can break the game rules without being modkilled.

[Passive - Loudmouth] - Naruto talks over his opponents, vote silencing whoever he is currently voting for.

White Wolf - Soifon

Shizune said:

Soifon 砕蜂
Heiress to House Fēng
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Of my five older siblings, two died on the first mission, then two more on the second, then in the sixth mission, the last one died as well. I felt sad somewhat, but more than that, I felt ashamed of their incompetence."

[One Shot Active - Shunkō] - Soifon moves with the wind, allowing her to stab one person twice in the same night.

[Active - Nigeki Kessatsu] - Each night Soifon can stab another player. If Soifon stabs the same person 2 nights in a row she will poison them, killing them the following night.
Considering the size of the game, I've decided to award 1 MVP and 1 Play of the Game.

MVP - SinRaven (Haku)


I typically don't use godfather roles because I really want each player to talk to their teammates and take control over their own role. However, SinRaven took the initiative to go above and beyond and call the shots for his team. Sin took it upon himself to submit all his team's actions and coordinate several interactions between himself and Nighty that kept them one step ahead of the town.

Play of the Game - Iwandesu (Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni)


Iwandesu joined the game late and at an inconvenient time. He took some time to get involved, but once Iwandesu got rolling he totally reversed the town's abysmal momentum by killing one of the hostile indies, role crushing the other indie on his designated kill night, and finally single-handedly securing the only scum lynch in the game. Iwandesu earned SinRaven's ire and died soon after, but he truly went out in a blaze of glory.

Thank you everyone for your time. I like to think we've shut up everyone who was doubting this section's activity lately!

If you haven't already, please consider signing up for my RPG mafia in January! It's a very unique game meant to evolve with its players, and I need a lot of people to make it happen.
@Stelios my main balance concern regarding Zabuza was that you were hurt too badly by Yamamoto's role crush. I considered treating it like a cooldown, rather than a restriction specifically to even nights, and letting you make a kill the following night (night 5). Ultimately I decided against it and unfortunately I'm still not sure whether that was the correct decision or not. Regardless, I think you were on the cusp of winning the game and the deciding factor was the game's general inability to lynch Sin.
Oh that reminds me!

If Haku was the only person left in his faction, he could have recruited Zabuza.

Ah they would have won regardless.

No offense but the shiny, alwaysmind, night, sin , stelios.

the latter 3 were in control and Shiny and AM seemed to be at the mercy of the other 3.

Shiny: Plz no bully, I'm telling the truth.

@SinRaven @Nighty the Mighty That was really good play killing me, even I thought AM was guilty at that point.
I was a little frustrated by how hard I was bussed. Like 90% of Nevan and Nighty's posts early were about me (well for Nighty it's in character). The most frustrating part about it is that I felt my role made our team so much stronger and also because they were really silent in the qt early game so I could see them forgetting about actions n stuff if I died.

Luckily I defended myself pretty well against my scummates ayyee
@Shizune explain the guilty pm thing for me.
It was Nighty's message ability.

Used it night one, unsure about the usage of it and thus not thinking it out, and it didn't really work out. Town wouldn't have trusted messages after that point. We sent Stelios a fake qt message night two, but couldn't target him. We sent you another Alwaysmind message just to fuck with your mind, but not much came of it.
Ah they would have won regardless.

No offense but the shiny, alwaysmind, night, sin , stelios.

the latter 3 were in control and Shiny and AM seemed to be at the mercy of the other 3.

Shiny: Plz no bully, I'm telling the truth.

@SinRaven @Nighty the Mighty That was really good play killing me, even I thought AM was guilty at that point.
Yeah that kill on you was probably the best choice at that point. You were literally the only one who hadn't really been suspected by anyone at that point, so it made town as paranoid as possible.

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