Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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1. Don't discuss the game outside of the thread or quicktopics under any circumstances.

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. Players must post at least twice every day phase. Players who break this rule may be replaced or punished without further warning.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may not count them.

4. This is a closed setup role madness game. Role revealing is allowed. Do not screenshot or quote your PMs. References to your PMs must be paraphrased.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.

6. Roleblocks are processed first and disable defensive passive abilities, unless the passive ability protects against roleblocks. For example, roleblocks can be redirected by passive abilities. Kills are processed last, allowing the victim to complete their action that night.


1. Failing to vote for another player will count as two votes toward yourself. You cannot vote for no lynch.

2. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives.

3. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities.

4. Kills that are protected against will appear in writeups as failed. Players who are roleblocked will learn that they were blocked.

5. Abilities with limited use are not expended until they succeed. For example, a one shot can be used a second time if it's roleblocked.

6. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. Faction kills appear in writeups under the faction's name and not the user's.

7. This game includes bastard mechanics. The moderator will lie to you.

8. There is a hidden interaction in the game unbeknownst to everyone.

Player list
1. WPK (Ms. Wednesday)
2. iwandesu (Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni)
3. Dr. White (Urahara Kisuke)
4. Mr. Waffles (Perona)
5. nfcnorth (Boa Hancock)
6. Nevan (Ms. All-Sunday)
7. Shiny (Mr. 0)
8. Remchu (Tsunade)
9. Platinum (Uzumaki Naruto)
10. Lord Genome (Tayuya)
11. Nighty The Mighty (Kurotsuchi Mayuri)
12. Alwaysmind (Hatake Kakashi)
13. White Wolf (Soifon)
14. Stelios (Zabuza)
15. Roman (Kotetsu Isane)
16. WAD (Monkey D. Luffy)
17. SinRaven (Haku)
18. SupremeKage (Hirako Shinji)

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That's why we should lynch him.
If he flips miller, we know we can trust him for the rest of the game.

Pretty much; I mean claiming miller if aware is optimal play, don't hold that against him, but at the same time miller is a bag full of shit and wifom and so on, so unless we have a strong lynch candidate there's no hard feelings in lynching wad since it could be scum ploy reasonably so.
Pretty much; I mean claiming miller if aware is optimal play, don't hold that against him, but at the same time miller is a bag full of shit and wifom and so on, so unless we have a strong lynch candidate there's no hard feelings in lynching wad since it could be scum ploy reasonably so.

I say we lynch him and find out. :blobknife

the thing is

u can’t lynch me :dead

im an unlynchable Miller apparently :drake

All the more reason to do it I say. :catsun

>in b4 ppl try anyways and it fails just like plat’s game :dead

Inb4 it doesn't fail and we all party like it's 1999.

Wad is feeling himself a bit too much.

You must be new here.
He's always feeling himself too much.
> wad
> voting for team

pick 2

It's adorable how you think you can stop me.
Have an optimistic.

Bussing teammates is something you'd never do, true.

hilariously enough
it’s been a while since i sought to actively bus my teammate

iirc the last 2 times someone was biased on my mafia team it was me

after nello’s game
nope never again
never entrusting my mafia team to do ANYTHING im going full BEEP BEEP on their ass :jackal

but im not trying to stop u :skysun
in fact u should be rewarded for that cute sketch :catsun
Why not both ? :derpko

cuz if u guys try to lynch me and it fails as it would i would like for my words to be taken at face value then in exchange for a wasted day phase and not add injury to insult by using an asset to further out town on the backfoot by vigging me

conversely i am ok with being vigged cuz i recognize my claim is sorta wacky so long as we lynch someone else so there’s a baseline to work from :hm

Now you're making me not want to lynch you. :sadpanda

But it won't work.


i mean
ill go to the gallows
but then ill walk off the platform :drake
cuz if u guys try to lynch me and it fails as it would i would like for my words to be taken at face value then in exchange for a wasted day phase and not add injury to insult by using an asset to further out town on the backfoot by vigging me

conversely i am ok with being vigged cuz i recognize my claim is sorta wacky so long as we lynch someone else so there’s a baseline to work from :hm


i mean
ill go to the gallows
but then ill walk off the platform :drake

You won't be walking, just swinging.
WAD might possibly be a jester, but if he is, then he is a doing it very standard and by the book... so I don't think he is.

Either way, not in the mood for 15th dimensional dungeon and dragons today. My natural superiority is best focused elsewhere.

ooo i like this
but im not a Jester (said every Jester ever I’m sure)

except Jeroenster in Bloodborne I guess :hm

I mean you know how whack the claim is miller and unlynchable lel :catshrug
I thought this was a near-vanilla game but you're making it some WoW tier shit

so ur abilities are basic? :hm

cuz i actually have a third ability, a one-shot that im not disclosing for the time being :catsun
so ur abilities are basic? :hm

cuz i actually have a third ability, a one-shot that im not disclosing for the time being :catsun
I mean yah, I'm very underwhelming so your claim seems like major whackness since my character is S+ but abilities D- ya know?

I guess it might come down to Shizune favoritism but still would need to see some other roles die first before believing it at face value. :hm

I guess this counts as an open invitation to kill me too so I don't have to apathyfag :dank
hi im a Miller


Lynch wad

My immense dislike of policy lynches is clashing with my desire to policy lynch SinRaven :(

We don’t care.
the thing is

u can’t lynch me :dead

im an unlynchable Miller apparently :drake

Lynch wad

Maybe we should lynch you for steering lynch away from Raven onto WAD who steered away from Raven :thunk

Maybe we should

cuz if u guys try to lynch me and it fails as it would i would like for my words to be taken at face value then in exchange for a wasted day phase and not add injury to insult by using an asset to further out town on the backfoot by vigging me

conversely i am ok with being vigged cuz i recognize my claim is sorta wacky so long as we lynch someone else so there’s a baseline to work from :hm

i mean
ill go to the gallows
but then ill walk off the platform :drake

maybe you are a jester after all. In any case your only motive here is to make us waste a day on you again. Pretty sure the result will only benefit you
maybe you are a jester after all. In any case your only motive here is to make us waste a day on you again. Pretty sure the result will only benefit you

i never have only just one motive as either alignment tho :dank

my primary motive in disclosing this information was to be honest cuz it’s probably optimal play (definitely so with the Miller aspect, arguable with the unlynchable one)

my secondary motive was to create havoc in watching u guys tinfoil on how to deal with me cuz it’s fun :catdankv2:

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