Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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Well truth be told I'm actually burnt out on mafia games and will take a break after all the games I'm in conclude for a few months, so I really couldn't be bothered to engage you in a massive TL;DR back and forth a la Rotaretilbo/Ratchet, but I feel like others (such as WPK) have expressed my points better than I possibly could.

Because I'll admit that when it comes to actual debate as town, I'm lacking. I know that. I appeal to emotion a lot and rely on my own instincts because I find they serve me better than if I try to take a logical approach to the game.

Maybe you're now resigned to spiting me if you're actually town, but how about you don't? There seems to be people here, and there's quite a few hours left in the phase. If you role reveal, and it's believable...then I'm sure there's other targets to pursue (cough cough Nevan and Roman, cough cough.)
You do know things can be altered right? He is 99.9% town and I have no interest in lynching him but I never fully trust anything in role madness, not even death flips.
Well the point you being brought up was irrelevant if plat is 99.9% town and an hst good guy. Why try to discredit me, after chiding stelios for impractical tinfoiling?
Saying a mashup game can have good guys as mafia isn't impractical tinfoiling though. You're talking to a three time Favorites host here, I know a thing or two about turning goody two-shoes to the dark side.
It is when someone as revealed their PM confirming something they said earlier. So yes with by your own words "Plat being > 99% town" makes your statement much less practical than what you chided Stel for about the miller stuff, which is still unknown.
Just so we clear I don’t care if dr.white is getting lynched today my disdain for Nighty is greater

Day 1 - Dr. White (Urahara) is lynched
Vote count

WPK - Dr. White
Legend - WPK
Dr. White - SinRaven > WAD > SinRaven
Mr. Waffles - WAD
nfcnorth - Dr. White > Roman

Shiny - Legend > SinRaven
Remchu - Lord Genome
Platinum - WAD > nfcnorth
Lord Genome - Stelios
Nighty The Mighty - SinRaven > Dr. White > Roman
Alwaysmind - WAD > Dr. White
White Wolf - SinRaven > Dr. White
Stelios - White Wolf > Platinum > SinRaven > Nighty
Roman - SinRaven > SupremeKage > Dr. White
WAD - SinRaven > Dr. White > SinRaven
SinRaven - Stelios > Dr. White
SupremeKage - Dr. White

Dr. White - 6
SinRaven - 3
Roman - 2
nfcnorth - 1
Stelios - 1
Lord Genome - 1
Nighty - 1
WPK - 1
WAD - 1

Self votes


Dr. White (Urahara Kisuke) has been lynched!

Shizune said:

Urahara Kisuke 浦原 喜助
The Inventor
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"You give me too much credit. These days, I'm just a plain old candy store owner."

[Passive - The Hōgyoku] - Each day Kisuke's reality-defying invention will materialize someone's wishes.

[Active - The Urahara Shop] - Once per day Kisuke can open his shop. The first person to message the moderator can request a one time use ability from the shop. Kisuke can decide whether to fill their order or not. If Kisuke agrees, their requested ability will arrive at the end of the day.

Thank you to everyone for an eventful and exciting day 1. I really appreciate the effort from you guys.

Night 1 start. No more posts, no exceptions.

Hello, this is Plernie Johnson with Charles Barkwolf, and Shaquielle WADNeal, here with the HST Halftime Report. WAD, what do you think of the game so far?

WAD: The town has got to do better than this Plernie. Lynching Dr. White was inexcusable.

Plernie: But weren't you one of the people predicting he was scum WAD?

WAD: I got MVPs, Plernuh.

Wolf: Man, you always out here with that.

WAD: MVPs, Wolfuh.

Wolf: The town was turrible. No sugar coating it. Just goes to show that you can't win as town unless you policy lynch Cubey, no matter if he is in the game or not. Scumhunting teams just aren't built to win championships, Plernie.

WAD: Not that you would know about that, Wolf *awkward laughter*

Plernie: We go now to Remmy "The Jet" Smith, for highlights and analysis.
Plernie: Remmy -

Remmy: Thanks, Plernie. As you know, the town did not get off to a strong start, as infighting and spite got in the way of solid play. However, stars always find a way to have an impact on the game, and that is what Platinum did. He strongly exploited the holes the defense gave him, and had a strong impact early, picking up for his struggling teammates.

Wolf: Shiny needs to get more involved in the offense, and the town needs to find a way to get them going. 7 posts only for the fluff lord is very concerning.

WAD: You got to feed the hot hand. Nighty was having a career half, and you got to ride your shooters when they are analyzing that deeply.

Plernie: And the bench play from WPK and Roman was so crucial, they are really performing well in their roles.

Wolf: WPK is just a great player. He knows its not about who starts, it's about who finishes.

Plernie: Speaking of finishes, there were quite a few people who struggled at the rim tonight. It's time for tonight's segment of WAD'cting A Fool.

WAD: Legend finished with less posts than SupremeKage after they joined halfway through the phase. That is simply inexcusable Plernie. This is why no one takes Order seriously as a mafia faction.

Plernie: Certainly, they are jobbers for a reason WAD. It is now time for the final segment of the show - Plernie's Inactifag of the Phase... which also goes to Legend:

First Post:ninja

[Vote Lynch WPK]

Im American. Sadly.

Literally it. You could not put less effort into this if you tried. The vote on WPK in particular is interesting, and done with no justification and never addressed again. Something to watch out for going forward.

Plernie: And that's all for this edition of the HST Halftime Show. Remember, that me and WAD should probably be either protected or watched by town. Thank you, and see you next dayphase.
Day 2 start
The HST Mafia faction killed Roman (Kotetsu Isane)!
Shizune said:

Kotetsu Isane 虎徹 勇音
The Delicate Lieutenant
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain."

[Two Shot Active - Bakudō #58: Kakushitsuijaku] - Isane can perform a ritual to track 3 people, learning who they target that night.

[Active - Bakudō #77: Tenteikūra] - Isane projects her voice over the entire game, allowing her to make an announcement through the moderator each day.

Day 2 start. You may now post.

@WolfPrinceKouga @Legend @Mr. Waffles @nfcnorth @Nevan @Shiny @RemChu @Platinum @Lord Genome @Nighty the Mighty @Alwaysmind @Optimistic Wolf @Stelios @w @SinRaven @SupremeKage

What is the purpose of life? Why go on if Roman was town?

Thats...a WPK kill if I've ever seen one.

[Vote Lynch WPK]

Hey hey gey, you volunteered as a tribute.
[vote lynch wad]

It’s all your fault if Roman isn’t with us today. Hey didn’t want to leave this game.
I would say that suggests an inexperienced godfather more than anything... or a mafia who wasn't sure who to kill.

Roman is the kind of player you can keep around and hope they get lynched.

In your game the argument was keep Didi live cause he’s a strong player, without him the game becomes dead. Maybe that silly argument resurfaced this game.
So, why are you voting for WAD in a serious manner Alwaysmind?

At the very least, we know almost certainly that he is Luffy. Whether or not he has a possibility of being scum can be determined by seeing if non-villain characters show up when we do get scum.
I’m being an idiot a forgot what game I was playing.


I have brought dishonour to my ancestors.

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