Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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what the fuck are you doing

[Passive - Baroque Works] - Robin has fooled Crocodile into thinking she's innocent. Ms. All-Sunday and Mr. 0 can communicate outisde the thread.

[Passive - Cuerpo Fleur] - Robin can create clones of herself. Robin's votes stack.

Shiny is hinting Mr 0 , Mr 0 is fucking crocodile in which universe do you consider him town?

The wording here implies Mr.0 is innocent though....
Robin has fooled Crocodile into thinking she's innocent.

if croc is scum, why the hell is robin fooling him?

unless u believe that is a lie from host...

I believe that shiny is a liar. and iwandesu in his moment of clarity made the right choice.
The incentive for taking Nevan down was to confirm Shiny's allignment.

If you guys believe this is not the simplest and more likely route by all means believe in Shiny's version of things.
Shiny it's whether people believe that Mr 0 aka crocodile is town or not.
Given the town roles that have been killed I highly doubt it you are town. So cut the bullshit talk.
You are going to have to do much better than ad hominems to make a case for you here.

Why would a scum be fooled that a scum is town?
Day 5 - SupremeKage (Shinji) is lynched
Vote count

White Wolf - Shiny
Remchu - Shiny > SupremeKage
Stelios - Shiny
Nighty The Mighty - Shiny > Stelios
Alwaysmind - Shiny > SinRaven > Shiny > SupremeKage
SupremeKage - Shiny
Shiny - Stelios > SupremeKage
SinRaven - Alwaysmind

SupremeKage - 3
Shiny - 3
Stelios - 1
Alwaysmind - 1

SupremeKage (Hirako Shinji) was lynched!

Shizune said:

Hirako Shinji 平子 真子
The Visored
wincon: survive until the end of the game

"Not a chance. We ain't your allies or nothin'. We're just Aizen's enemies. Oh, an' we're also Ichigo's allies."

Night 5 start. No more posts, no exceptions.
Day 6 start
I'm starting the phase an hour early for personal reasons.

The HST Mafia faction killed RemChu (Tsunade)!

Shizune said:

Tsunade 綱手
The Fifth Hokage
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Grow up. Death comes with being a shinobi. There are times when death is hard to accept, but if you don't get over it there's no future."

[One Shot Active - Sōzō Saisei] - Tsunade uses her stored chakra to regenerate damage, gaining 2 extra lives that night. For the next 2 cycles Tsunade will lose 1 life each night until she loses all her bonus lives.

[Active - Katsuyu Daibunretsu] - Each night Tsunade can either place a mini-Katsuyu on another player, or use her healing jutsu to protect everyone who currently has Katsuyu on them.

Day 6 start. You may now post.

@Shiny @Nighty the Mighty @Alwaysmind @White Wolf @Stelios @SinRaven
Player list
1. WPK (Ms. Wednesday)
2. iwandesu (Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni)
3. Dr. White (Urahara Kisuke)
4. Mr. Waffles (Perona)
5. nfcnorth (Boa Hancock)
6. Nevan (Ms. All-Sunday)
7. Shiny
8. Remchu (Tsunade)
9. Platinum (Naruto)
10. Lord Genome (Tayuya)
11. Nighty The Mighty (Kurotsuchi Nemu )
12. Alwaysmind
13. White Wolf (Soifon)
14. Stelios
15. Roman (Kotetsu Isane)
16. WAD (Monkey D. Luffy)
17. SinRaven
18. SupremeKage (Hirako Shinji)

6 bleach
5 one piece
3 Naruto

@Shiny whomst are you?
Player list
1. WPK (Ms. Wednesday)
2. iwandesu (Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni)
3. Dr. White (Urahara Kisuke)
4. Mr. Waffles (Perona)
5. nfcnorth (Boa Hancock)
6. Nevan (Ms. All-Sunday)
7. Shiny (Mr. 0)
8. Remchu (Tsunade)
9. Platinum (Naruto)
10. Lord Genome (Tayuya)
11. Nighty The Mighty (Kurotsuchi Nemu )
12. Alwaysmind
13. White Wolf (Soifon)
14. Stelios
15. Roman (Kotetsu Isane)
16. WAD (Monkey D. Luffy)
17. SinRaven
18. SupremeKage (Hirako Shinji)

6 bleach
6 one piece
3 naruto


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