Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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Again. Prove it. I never named you a suspect of mine til after that post.

Yes you did lmao. You claimed that the game should lynch me, and voted me originally. then you claimed the game shoudl look at me, nevan and someone else, to which then Nevan questioned you about it, and you gave no substantial response. You just recently quoted that bullshit "guess what's wrong here" are you fucking serious lmao?
Oh, there it is. The floundering and desperate "h-he must be scum."

I would like for you, or anyone, to reconcile how likely it is for me to be scum considering the events of this day phase. Most people know the score, yet you don't.

Now why is that.
Nice strawman, specifically after I already made the caveat of you being playing terrible town in my earlier post. I'm using your own scumtell logic against you.

and yes while improbable, it is possible you are scum despite the "obvious" notion that Luffy would be town this game and fits with the miller theme, especially with bastard mechanics involved. Have you seen me vote you yet? Did I ever specifically call you scum?
Are you illiterate?

I claimed that you did just that before giving reasoning behind you voting. The first hint of you doing so was your "big money to anyone who can see what's wrong with this post" which was much later than my first post. Teh fuck? I refuse to believe you're this stupid.

I never claimed to give reasoning behind my post. All I've contested is I never OMGUS'd you, since you never officially named me as a suspect and never voted for me.

I don't know what pedantic angle you're attacking me from, but I've been suspecting you for hours now and decided to pull the trigger on you once I saw Sin (whom I read as town) was still leading.

I was actually in the process of highlighting what is exactly wrong with that post and how it gave you away before you decided to engage me in a battle of semantics.

But now since you're in the lead, I think I'll just watch you get lynched and be miserable that you still have no idea what gave it away. :)
I never claimed to give reasoning behind my post. All I've contested is I never OMGUS'd you, since you never officially named me as a suspect and never voted for me.

I don't know what pedantic angle you're attacking me from, but I've been suspecting you for hours now and decided to pull the trigger on you once I saw Sin (whom I read as town) was still leading.

I was actually in the process of highlighting what is exactly wrong with that post and how it gave you away before you decided to engage me in a battle of semantics.

But now since you're in the lead, I think I'll just watch you get lynched and be miserable that you still have no idea what gave it away. :)
what kind of bullshit circular logic is this lmao?

I called you out for voting me with no reasoning. It's omgsus because my post clearly leaned towards not believing your claim, and you followed immediately with a vote on me without giving any fucking reasoning. Something you only :"attempted" to justify hours later, in an ambiguous quote, which you still haven't expounded on. If you were town why not give them the option to lynch me? Why "let me stew" in this bullshit logic of yours while hiding behind the fact you have no real argument?

Vig, I will let myself take this lynch L, if you promise to cuck WAD. And if he survives, 100% lynch him afterward. And if he was really a vig proof townie lying about his character and terribly reading me then he fully deserves it.
what kind of bullshit circular logic is this lmao?

I called you out for voting me with no reasoning. It's omgsus because my post clearly leaned towards not believing your claim, and you followed immediately with a vote on me without giving any fucking reasoning. Something you only :"attempted" to justify hours later, in an ambiguous quote, which you still haven't expounded on. If you were town why not give them the option to lynch me? Why "let me stew" in this bullshit logic of yours while hiding behind the fact you have no real argument?

Vig, I will let myself take this lynch L, if you promise to cuck WAD. And if he survives, 100% lynch him afterward. And if he was really a vig proof townie lying about his character and terribly reading me then he fully deserves it.

Take one for the team dr. Town
what kind of bullshit circular logic is this lmao?

I called you out for voting me with no reasoning. It's omgsus because my post clearly leaned towards not believing your claim, and you followed immediately with a vote on me without giving any fucking reasoning. Something you only :"attempted" to justify hours later, in an ambiguous quote, which you still haven't expounded on. If you were town why not give them the option to lynch me? Why "let me stew" in this bullshit logic of yours while hiding behind the fact you have no real argument?

Vig, I will let myself take this lynch L, if you promise to cuck WAD. And if he survives, 100% lynch him afterward. And if he was really a vig proof townie lying about his character and terribly reading me then he fully deserves it.

-I've already admitted I voted you with no reasoning.
-It's not OMGUS You did not 'clearly lean' towards not believing.

Here's a refresher, again:

WAD situation is.... On one hand, never trust WAD. On the other hand it's a nitty game that's bound to be wild, and WAD has told us when he was before when he was unlynchable. My problems:
- He is making it more of a spectacle centered around himself, somewhat similar to last game where we must focus on believing him or not, in this case wasting an invest, and or lynch/vig.
- If there are death millers, would they really be made aware of this and unlycnhable? Would there really be two millers in a 17 person game? Idk man.

Tell me how that 'clearly leans' towards me.

-I did NOT 'follow immediately' with a vote on you. As I already showcased earlier, a whole 12 hours passed from that post which flagged you for me til I decided to vote for you.

-Also I just forgot that the phase isn't ending because it's 48 hours for Day 1. So we still have another 24 hours. So, I'm off. :derpko

I promise to dissect and ISO you when I return.
Vote count

Legend - WPK
Dr. White - SinRaven
Mr. Waffles - WAD
Shiny - Legend
Remchu - Lord Genome
Platinum - WAD - nfcnorth
Lord Genome - Stelios
Nighty The Mighty - SinRaven
White Wolf - SinRaven
Stelios - White Wolf > Platinum > SinRaven
Roman - SinRaven
WAD - SinRaven > Dr. White
SinRaven - Stelios > Dr. White

SinRaven - 5
Dr. White - 3
Lord Genome - 1
nfcnorth - 1
Stelios - 1
WPK - 1
WAD - 1
Legend - 1

Phase would normally end 45 minutes from now at midnight CST.

@Alwaysmind has replaced Franky because Franky's account is showing no signs of life.

Very confused.
recent behavior isn't helping you Dr. White
will note your shallow ass involvement until now, and joining my wagon without so much as a single line of reasoning except "recent play" which hilarious because if you're talking about past games I've been town except the one where I defended Stelios and was active since the start. But noted.
will note your shallow ass involvement until now, and joining my wagon without so much as a single line of reasoning except "recent play" which hilarious because if you're talking about past games I've been town except the one where I defended Stelios and was active since the start. But noted.
How I might ask you do you think your comment to Sin helps you in any shape or form?
Why don't you go ahead and rage quit and modkill yourself to disrespect nitty like psychic :cat
It doesn't, but is wholly unrelated to gameplay. Not to mention I've been going back and forth with sin for hours now, yet you just now comment now that I have a wagon? and also wholly ignore sin? Ok buddy.
Who says I am ignoring Sin? I may not comment on him but do you really think I am not reading him? Or I am not willing to listen to your side? I just don't think your doing things that help me believe your side of the story.
Vote count

Legend - WPK
Dr. White - SinRaven
Mr. Waffles - WAD
Shiny - Legend
Remchu - Lord Genome
Platinum - WAD - nfcnorth
Lord Genome - Stelios
Nighty The Mighty - SinRaven
White Wolf - SinRaven
Stelios - White Wolf > Platinum > SinRaven
Roman - SinRaven
WAD - SinRaven > Dr. White
SinRaven - Stelios > Dr. White

SinRaven - 5
Dr. White - 3
Lord Genome - 1
nfcnorth - 1
Stelios - 1
WPK - 1
WAD - 1
Legend - 1

I like how Dr. White has 3 votes when only 2 people voted for him. :hm

big money to whoever can see what’s very wrong with this post

Lemme see if I can tell. :hm

NFC North is very quiet and detached. I don't like it.

Can't say I agree with this. :hm

Stelios is throwing shit everywegere hoping for it to land. So either usual derping, or scum. Undecided.

> for it to land
> land


I don't like how plat went for WAD after the bussing talk and continues to tunnel.


Waffles I am town reading for now.

Town reading me cause I voted for WAD I suppose.
Can't think of anything else I've done that would justify this. :hm

WAD situation is.... On one hand, never trust WAD. On the other hand it's a nitty game that's bound to be wild, and WAD has told us when he was before when he was unlynchable. My problems:

This is true. :hm

- He is making it more of a spectacle centered around himself, somewhat similar to last game where we must focus on believing him or not, in this case wasting an invest, and or lynch/vig.

Pretty sure other people (read Platinum) made it into a spectacle.
Doubt anyone is focusing on whether to believe it or not.

- If there are death millers, would they really be made aware of this and unlycnhable?

I don't recall WAD claiming Death Miller. :hm
Just Miller.

Would there really be two millers in a 17 person game? Idk man.

If assuming WAD is a Miller, how do you get to wondering if there are 2 ?

WW I need more time on and don't want my bias in the way of scum pinning him.

This is a good joke.

But, I am also a man of my word, and it's almost 4am. So for the time being:

This is an even better joke.

Who says I am ignoring Sin? I may not comment on him but do you really think I am not reading him? Or I am not willing to listen to your side? I just don't think your doing things that help me believe your side of the story.
> You didn't say shit about the other party.
> It takes two to tango yet you only comment on the person who has a wagon formed on them.
> Voting me without asking me to listen to my side.

Once again, ok bud. I'm resigned to being lynched at this point. I've given all my reads and logic, if you guys wanna listen to WAD and vote without giving reasoning be my guess.

All I'm asking is that town look at this wagon closely when I flip town.

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