Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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I dothink nighty is scum, or a power town role Imo. I'd like to hear more.

Stel what are your scum reads?

NFC's post made me feel better about him as I agreed with multiple of his lines of thought.

I'm hell bend on Nighty currently. Platinum's reveal also proves I was right to think that she had a purpose on pushing her narrative.
This implicates things as far as Sinraven goes If she's scum she can't be of the same team with Sinraven.
Plat wants to join the wagon to policy lynch sinraven but is reluctant to - this isn't necessarily indicative of much but it's interesting to note this in the context of everything else. I think it's noteworthy precisely because in the case where Sin is scum he's going to need a fall back for not being on the lynch but he also wants the credit for whatever Sin flips. He's basically trying to eat his cake and have it too by saying "I won't take the risk on lynching sin but I'd like you all to remember that I almost did so soft town credit me for it later in your memories."

Let's assume that plat is the same faction as Sin who is scum. Doesn't it seem intuitive that your first action as a scum mate is to try and start some sort of counter wagon rolling to deflect from things? Policy lynches (in my experience) are rarely actually carried through but on the occasion that they are your scum buddy being the target of a mass policy lynch is the worst possible thing that can happen because it's very difficult to argue "don't lynch this person" in the face of there not being a case for them in the first place. It sets you up on the defensive from the start in a way that is very unnatural if you're town.

Stelios initially comes out swinging against Sin, Wad and Platinum, even going so far as to say we should lynch wad and then directing the vig to kill him at night however ultimately settles on this after suggesting that Sin is an inactive and so there's no reason to really go after him and even here:

Suggesting that people ON the wagon are scum.

This evokes a scenario where Platinum and Stelios are both attempting to discredit the SinRaven wagon as being merely a 'policy lynch' and are trying to hurry town along to the next target for the day (in this case the people on the policy lynch wagon).

Here's where it gets interesting though:

Stelios trying to softly suggest Plat is town while keeping an out for himself should he flip something else: "I think he's town but he's unreadable so really I'm saying nothing."

Stelios seems to know what Plat is getting at even when other players do not. Could they perhaps have discussed their plans in a QT prior or is it just that great minds think alike? Again note that a lot of the time when stelios talks about plat it's 'could' or 'might be' or 'possible' etc. He wants to say things about Plat without actually solidly coming down one way or the other on Plat's allignment. :hm

Here Stelios gives Sin a way to possibly get out of the lynch - "you've got a truth meta don't you? wink wink nudge nudge." Why bring this up in the way that he did? It feels very much like Stelios (and plat) desperately doesn't want Sin to get lynched and is searching for ways to make this happen.

tl;dr Plat and Stelios are both trying really hard (harder than sin himself actually :hm) to stop the lynch on Sin.

few reasons:

1. Plat/Stelios/Sin/? (how many scum in a 17 player game? :thunk) scum team
2. Plat/Stelios know Sin's alignment is town and are trying to shift the wagon without giving away their own pro-town roles.
3. Plat/Stelios are scum and Sin is someone they can recruit or is otherwise unaware that he's part of their faction somehow

either way the point is that afaic plat/stelios are the same faction and are trying to save Sin.


her post btw
It also explains Plat's earlier statement that the nature of his role allows him to play ultra aggressively. The ability to literally break the rules affords such a luxury :caticon

Pretty much. Which is why I went full-retard trying to pressure WAD, since he can be a right pain when anti-town, and I knew I had the luxury of being able to save myself from any repercussions.
Someone run me through the logic that this puts Nighty in a bad spot? Unless you're implying she knew Plat's role beforehand :thunk

Hmm didn't peep that. Either try harding scum tactic or legit town scumhunting, I'm actually feeling the latter

What is off with her post is that is not her usual analytical self. It's too biased and stretched to fit the narrative that me and plat were trying to save Sinraven. I don't know Nighty well as a person , maybe she's petty and biased and we have a case of "I hate Stelios and everything he posts is scummy to me". But I don't think that's the case.
What is off with her post is that is not her usual analytical self. It's too biased and stretched to fit the narrative that me and plat were trying to save Sinraven. I don't know Nighty well as a person , maybe she's petty and biased and we have a case of "I hate Stelios and everything he posts is scummy to me". But I don't think that's the case.
Dunno I just got out of a game with her and she was a mess, so not being analytical doesn't really ring any bells, though she is seemingly more contributive so shrug, 50/50 on her.
What is off with her post is that is not her usual analytical self. It's too biased and stretched to fit the narrative that me and plat were trying to save Sinraven. I don't know Nighty well as a person , maybe she's petty and biased and we have a case of "I hate Stelios and everything he posts is scummy to me". But I don't think that's the case.

Pretty much. And you don't really need to know her to tell that her whole theory banks on the belief that Stelios and Plat were trying really hard to save Princess Raven for one reason or another. While this doesn't absolve Raven of anything (if you think he's scummy), it really does make Nighty look like she's either try-harding or doing what we all accused Plat of doing, which itself is just shy of being scummy at the very least.
Pretty much. And you don't really need to know her to tell that her whole theory banks on the belief that Stelios and Plat were trying really hard to save Princess Raven for one reason or another. While this doesn't absolve Raven of anything (if you think he's scummy), it really does make Nighty look like she's either try-harding or doing what we all accused Plat of doing, which itself is just shy of being scummy at the very least.
Are you alwaysmind now?
I had Nighty among my suspects earlier but I figured it was a stupid reason so I didn't name her

I thought she might be scum because she always spitevotes me but usually steps away from it

But then I thought I remembered she actually always sticks to it

Though the way she actually pushes for it is noteworthy though

Like, people are using my lynch for many things, but to actually use it as information before I even flip is goddamn interesting.
The whites both voted me for nothing and basically did nothing about it since

Nighty voted me because of this stupid old vendetta but for some reason took it seriously this time and takes this bandwagon as if there is already information in it

Stelios is a dumfuck who voted me for not contributing like I promised while I clearly stated I was still at work and shown contribution since I got out

And all four of you are idiots tbh
The whites both voted me for nothing and basically did nothing about it since

Nighty voted me because of this stupid old vendetta but for some reason took it seriously this time and takes this bandwagon as if there is already information in it

Stelios is a dumfuck who voted me for not contributing like I promised while I clearly stated I was still at work and shown contribution since I got out

And all four of you are idiots tbh
I had full intention to change it eventually. :catblink
The whites both voted me for nothing and basically did nothing about it since

Nighty voted me because of this stupid old vendetta but for some reason took it seriously this time and takes this bandwagon as if there is already information in it

Stelios is a dumfuck who voted me for not contributing like I promised while I clearly stated I was still at work and shown contribution since I got out

And all four of you are idiots tbh
I promised I would make you a policy lynch last game. You still haven't done much despite being present from early on so...

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