Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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who were mafia's kills every night?

also i wasnt being sarcastic about getting results of kvothe being attacked n1 :dead

N1 killed Kvothe, Cooler forced to perform the kill: picked Kvothe because they were against Cypher, had given town reads on some people that would think they look good upon their town flip but actually brings out the tinfoil hats, was someone unlikely to be protected/watched, and the cherry on top was learning blue ajah passive(bringers of righteousness definitely a scary prospect, Paladins are no joke)

N2 tried to kill DDL, Usopp forced to perform the kill : this was primarily so we can get a frame job on a townie to squeeze out one last mislynch before Cypher's demise, and it worked. Would have worked even better if I had thought to use Melodie instead as [Compulsion] simultaneously RBs the target of their normal abilities, so without her protect DDL dies that night

N3 killed RemChu, Tiger forced to perform the kill : RemChu was a healer and rather lowkey, and even low activity I respect his game

N4 killed Sigismund, using Tiger : not only reduced number of watchers, but also kept things pretty even among the ajahs so that we didn't reveal ourselves through ajah PoE...Nittty did true RNG but it just happened that mafia was spread out in all different ajahs by coincidence

N5 killed DDL, performed by the controlled Tiger and myself : it didn't matter who we killed so long as it wasn't Nessos, but felt fitting to end the game by killing town's appointed leader
At least I got the mechanics right.
A Vote was shifted in Day 1, but it was the overpowered option....
And I was right about Melkors Slip and also about WPk being his scumbuddy after he hard defended Melkor.

@WolfPrinceKiba was it really you who told Melkor to say that he has become jailkeeper?
I never told him to claim jailkeeper, though I did suggest that he could fakeclaim copycat. It was Ish that I suggested could claim jailkeeper before deciding that he had gone too hard on the no RB angle to get away with that, even if he probably didn't technically lie by Nitty's standards, he would get eaten alive for it by the town.

I love the jailkeeper role myself, and think it's the most balanced role in all of mafia.
Hmmmm, tiger played incredible, and im sad i couldnt put much time or posts into the game at all, feel like it could have been a lot better, especially the whole cypher surviving ordeal. he didn't deserve too lose, town was tad too heavy.

also my main goal this game was to give DDL his first ever mafia game from start to finish without being lynched or killed

who were mafia's kills every night?

also i wasnt being sarcastic about getting results of kvothe being attacked n1 :dead

As I recall, N1 Kvothe,, N2 DDL which failed, N3 Remchu, N4 Sigismund, N5 DDL but it did not matter at this point.
At least I got the mechanics right.
A Vote was shifted in Day 1, but it was the overpowered option....
And I was right about Melkors Slip and also about WPk being his scumbuddy after he hard defended Melkor.

@WolfPrinceKiba was it really you who told Melkor to say that he has become jailkeeper?

I recalled I was seen visiting Melodie N3, which I really roleblocked by the way, and Natalija said her action failed on me, so it was hard to come with convinving lie that suited what we have seen of townie roles so far.
And I didn't even read a single post of hers.
Yeah I underestimated the ability of switching votes. Its a Nitty Game should have expected the worst case when thinking about scum abilities.

there was too much focus on mechanical stuff and not going back to the basics in my opinion as well as apathetic/inactive townies. I might be saying it from a higher ground cause I died n1 and I didn't actually experience the game so it is from a spectator point of view. Nitty might feel different about it though so my opinion might not be worth much

Game would've been different if scum lost the RNG vote lynch on day 1 between cypher and lg but alas.
WAD suffering the IC curse is both the saddest and funniest thing to come out of this game. That shit is real...please hosts stop putting Innocent Childs in your game...and if you do please make it the version that doesn't announce at game start but is activated manually if the player with the role so chooses. That's actually the version the majority of sites use as the standard, including MU.

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