Dog of War
who were mafia's kills every night?
also i wasnt being sarcastic about getting results of kvothe being attacked n1![]()
N1 killed Kvothe, Cooler forced to perform the kill: picked Kvothe because they were against Cypher, had given town reads on some people that would think they look good upon their town flip but actually brings out the tinfoil hats, was someone unlikely to be protected/watched, and the cherry on top was learning blue ajah passive(bringers of righteousness definitely a scary prospect, Paladins are no joke)
N2 tried to kill DDL, Usopp forced to perform the kill : this was primarily so we can get a frame job on a townie to squeeze out one last mislynch before Cypher's demise, and it worked. Would have worked even better if I had thought to use Melodie instead as [Compulsion] simultaneously RBs the target of their normal abilities, so without her protect DDL dies that night
N3 killed RemChu, Tiger forced to perform the kill : RemChu was a healer and rather lowkey, and even low activity I respect his game
N4 killed Sigismund, using Tiger : not only reduced number of watchers, but also kept things pretty even among the ajahs so that we didn't reveal ourselves through ajah PoE...Nittty did true RNG but it just happened that mafia was spread out in all different ajahs by coincidence
N5 killed DDL, performed by the controlled Tiger and myself : it didn't matter who we killed so long as it wasn't Nessos, but felt fitting to end the game by killing town's appointed leader