Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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It was updated as follows: Folded light can now be used each night and you can choose to either use it on yourself or to use it on another player but not the same target in two consecutive nights.
@WolfPrinceKiba do you see that Slip. Based on this "Update" it is the same ability used on other player.
While having a completly different effect and somehow it is not described in the Update.
Honestly Nessos it seems to me like you are now hard carrying the scum team :trinny
@Lord Melkor claimed that he used this
Usopps ability said:
[Active - Folded Light] - During the night you can hide behind an illusionary wall, causing other players' abilities to fail on you, but also preventing you from using any other active abilities. This ability cannot be used two nights in a row
But no ability failed and every could still target Melodie.

Go ahead and lynch me. Once you See me flipping Town I the other Town are smart enough to lynch Melkor.
Do you think he can be that stubborn as town? I am thinking if he is not a bit too obvious to vote at this point....
Dunno, whenever I’ve seen him as town, he was murdered in some way or another

@Lord Melkor claimed that he used this

But no ability failed and every could still target Melodie.

Go ahead and lynch me. Once you See me flipping Town I the other Town are smart enough to lynch Melkor.
You got yourself a deal.
@Ishmael What actions did you try to perform on Tiger

Healing. Well not healing in a sense completely but it was health related.
Tiger is 100% scum. Cypher didn't have vote power passive so someone most likely manipulate the vote.

Tiger voted LG, Cypher counter wagon. His votes made the votes toed from 8 to 6 to 8 to 8 leading to rng.

Tiger again voted Cooler, Cypher counter wagon and Cypher had 7 while Cooper had 6 and Cooper got lynched. Tiger most likely has his voting power counted 3. So from 7 vs 6 in Cooler favour led to 7 vs 8 which led to Cooler got lynched.

Cypher might also gambled yesterday by outing Tiger her scum mate. If Cypher got lynched that confirmed Tiger. If tiger got lynched that confirmed Cypher. There 2 gambled like that yesterday.
Lmaoo I don’t know if it’s his veteran presence but I’m more inclined to follow him(which doesn’t sound bad ) than others.
I’m not that active I won’t lie but frkm
What I skim he’s trying .

it’s clear there’s scum amongst those sho
Are speaking.

my biggest concern right now is how hard nessos has backed cypher. It makes no fucking sense how plain in sight that shit is.

LM needs to be pushed. We need to know exactly what he meant by that so yes @Lord Melkor explain
I got result on Melodie so LM most likely didn't use that upgrade on Melodie.
Last night? What was it? Or never mind, I’ll read back
Also HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE. I’m thankful for each and every individual here, these game have helped me in bored, hard and sad times! :thumbsup
Y’all are some cool peeps so yeah thanks for this, especially when my pop’s passed, there’s some cool personalities here. Blessings to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving, I hope everyone who celebrates has a great time :catlove
Healing. Well not healing in a sense completely but it was health related.

Lmaoo I don’t know if it’s his veteran presence but I’m more inclined to follow him(which doesn’t sound bad ) than others.
I’m not that active I won’t lie but frkm
What I skim he’s trying .

it’s clear there’s scum amongst those sho
Are speaking.

my biggest concern right now is how hard nessos has backed cypher. It makes no fucking sense how plain in sight that shit is.

LM needs to be pushed. We need to know exactly what he meant by that so yes @Lord Melkor explain

@Ishmael, have you even read what i responded to Nessos? And what do you mean by health related ability, are you healer like Remchu was?
@WolfPrinceKiba Here once again the ability we are talking about.

Read once again, especially this part.
Update shouldn't create the Essence of an ability. Thus If his ability is Upgrades to use it on others it should still be the illusionary wall.
Why should this wall should act different by using it on other players?

@WolfPrinceKiba do you see that Slip. Based on this "Update" it is the same ability used on other player.
While having a completly different effect and somehow it is not described in the Update.

Is your issue with LM here that he originally called it a jailkeeper, or that it clearly didn't stop people from successfully targeting Melodie N3?

Eh. There are very few instances. Like mine with usopp. It doesn’t seem to be a regular occurrence like previously thought.

Don't forget mine with Ishmael.

Yeah I won't be overthinking the mechanics anymore anyway, wanna see Nessos flip

You guys both received a name that you shouldn't have added to your list.

Doesn't mean you should mistrust all information. It's a very specific type of fuckery you both received in order to confuse. It caused Nat and Ish to argue. It caused Usopp to have a meltdown. Just keep carrying on.

Multiple people saw LM target Melodie and do other things aside from Folded Light.

At this point, a Nessos or an LM lynch gives lots of info.
Tiger is 100% scum. Cypher didn't have vote power passive so someone most likely manipulate the vote.

Tiger voted LG, Cypher counter wagon. His votes made the votes toed from 8 to 6 to 8 to 8 leading to rng.

Tiger again voted Cooler, Cypher counter wagon and Cypher had 7 while Cooper had 6 and Cooper got lynched. Tiger most likely has his voting power counted 3. So from 7 vs 6 in Cooler favour led to 7 vs 8 which led to Cooler got lynched.

Cypher might also gambled yesterday by outing Tiger her scum mate. If Cypher got lynched that confirmed Tiger. If tiger got lynched that confirmed Cypher. There 2 gambled like that yesterday.

I kind of like theory that Cypher and Tiger just distanced at some point, knowing she was gonna die.

I'm not super inclined to support or reject it, though.
Ok, I couldn't sleep. I iso'd several people.

@Lord Melkor I think you need to answer Nessos' question. That felt like a slip to me.

Also, what was your buff?

@Dragon D. Luffy if my theories of today are correct, and Green is being ignored because mafia doesn't have a green, and mafia had red, blue, brown, and yellow (mafia has gone after Kvothe, RemChu, and Sigis.) Then Nessos is only mafia if they have 5.

How do you feel about Lord Melkor claiming he has access to Folded Light, but calls it "the ability Usopp had", and also has been seen visiting others when we know he has a brown passive to improve his ability like Sig and Natalija?

I don't feel anything but I'll make a mental note of it if I need to read Melkor later.
[Vote Lynch Nessos]

Their attachment to Cypher this game despite their mutual dislike raises major red flags, and their push onto Tiger even almost getting him lynched or trying to these last two day phases is a sign of desperation. The vote fuckery that's been happening doesn't have to be Nessos doing it, but it's the most obvious answer, and I'm not going to overlook the obvious answer again like with Cypher.

And the "let's make close wagons cuz I want to gain "information" about abilities, even if town loses the game for all the mislynches"

Guys, information is worthless if scum outnumbers the town first.
I hate this.

I want to lynch Nessos. Now suddenly you don't anymore.

If Nessos flips scum, you are next.

Do you agree that Nessos' jump on Lord Melkor means they would not both be mafia?

And have you actually read the back and forth between LM and Natalija, Xebec and Nessos? It's really not good.

I did not say I don't want to lynch Nessos. But LM may have legitimately slipped, and Nessos jumped on it like a soldier jumping on a grenade. That's not bussing.

So we have some time left-- let's work through it. LM claims he used Folded Light on Melodie which prevents all actions against them-- but others were able to successfully target Melodie when LM says he used it on her.

There is a chance that Nessos was a bad townie, right? So weigh the two, rather than being bullish and pushing toward only one option.
Yeah, I get this eerie feeling over that. Ever since Tiger said he pushed her, but instead voted Cooler and LG.

And her branding him as guilty may be just a distancing tactic

I shouldn't need to keep defending this. On D1, no one was *sure* of Cypher. But having dueling wagons is great usually (backfired due to mafia vote fuckery). On D2, arguing with Nessos all day made me unsure of my push on Cypher, so I pressed pause on that line of thinking, and listened to DDL when he said "lynching claimed cop this early seems silly". DDL being the only person in the game whose words I could trust, I let that take precedent over my gut feeling on Cypher. You can learn a lot from CFDs as well, and we did.

I have been very vocal about Cypher surviving a lynch being damning. Two is a clear violation, and I didn't waver from D3 on. I argued relentlessly with her and anyone wishing to doubt that she was mafia.

If you ISO me, rather than just say "he voted for opposing wagons in the end", you would see there's way more to it than that. It's super, super easy to look at mistakes in hindsight and say "shame on you for that"-- but you defended Cypher a lot in this game. My play is not contradictory to anyone actually paying attention to it, and not just the end result.

Yeah N three and last night. I got result both nights.

@Dragon D. Luffy @WolfPrinceKiba do you see how bad this is for Lord Melkor's claim?

DDL, you balked at lynching a town cop when there were other options, but we might be lynching a town +1 voter when there's another option. If you HONESTLY believe I'm mafia, then fuck nevermind I guess. But if you believe I'm town, let's actually weigh the information. I have zero issue with lynching Nessos today. I've literally brought up all the reasons you both have for that very lynch. But there's another piece to the puzzle here. I don't want to blindly follow the bandwagon and vote Nessos without at least exhausting this possibility while we still have time in the day just to make you feel better about my alignment.
I see the point in it, but how do we know Melkor's ability didn't just fail?
But why should have only Melkors ability fail.

Melkor claimed to have used the following ability on Melodie on Day 3.

Usopps ability said:
[Active - Folded Light] - During the night you can hide behind an illusionary wall, causing other players' abilities to fail on you, but also preventing you from using any other active abilities. This ability cannot be used two nights in a row.

And thats what Melkor said about the Update:
It was updated as follows: Folded light can now be used each night and you can choose to either use it on yourself or to use it on another player but not the same target in two consecutive nights

My ability didn't fail in Melodie and also Xebec claimed he got results in Melodie.
I got result on Melodie so LM most likely didn't use that upgrade on Melodie.

And not only I did see Lord Melkor D3 visiting Melodie through my Watcher ability also @Natalija saw Melkor visiting Melodie through tracking Melkor.
I just finished 10 hours of working so i do not have time to reread everything but if DDX contradicts what i said he is either lying (too mamy watchers and trackers this game for all of them to be town as I said) or there is abilities fuckery being done, propably by Mafia.

Also i do not like inactive people being ignored.

Ok, so your upgraded Folded Light did not fail on Melodie. And yet multiple people successfully targeted Melodie the same night.
I just finished 10 hours of working so i do not have time to reread everything but if DDX contradicts what i said he is either lying (too mamy watchers and trackers this game for all of them to be town as I said) or there is abilities fuckery being done, propably by Mafia.

Also i do not like inactive people being ignored.
Either you are scum or @Dragon D Xebec @Natalija and I are a scumteam preparing a huge lie on Day 3 to make your claim 2cDPs later look a slip :bloblick
You target LM and me N3 seen both of us visiting Melodie.

According to LM my ability should have failed thus you shouldn't have seen me visiting Melodie. Also Xebec claimed he visited and got results on Melodie that night confirming my Watcher result.

Also LM didn't call me out in Day 3 that my ability should have failed.
True, true. Then it’s your word against his
@Melodie were you blocked N3?

A little over 2 hours to hear what Melodie has to say.

But I agree that if LM knew abilities should have failed on Melodie due to his ability, then he should have called DDX and Nessos out for lying already.

His Folded Light buff sounds more and more like something made up today.

Want to hear from @WolfPrinceKiba @Melodie @Juan about this.

abilities should not fail on me i have no passive and i was not notified of being roleblocked in any phase of the game so far.

I have been busy with family amongst work and other things today so im trying my best to catch up in last hours but it seems like some people are trying to pry on a free inactive phase lynch.
@WolfPrinceKiba how do you feel about LM using folded light on Melodie, but others still able to use abilities on Melodie the same night? And calling it a jailkeeper at first, then saying it's just folded light for another person?
I feel that it could be a slip, guess this is what Nessos was getting at but didn't properly communicate earlier. If he did get to use Folded Light on others, then I don't see Nitty changing up how it works when applied to them. Don't know LM's familiarity with generic style roles, but a jailkeeper both protects and roleblocks a person, so while not entirely all that Folded Light does, it could be used as a shorthand. Could be he got that word from a scummate.
So as of right now, Lord Melkor is in the lead in votes. Mostly due to both WPK and Nessos voting with their big voting power.

@Dragon D. Luffy you still feeling ok with that? We've talked it out, back and forth. So as it stands, do you like a Nessos lynch with Hero and Natalija remaining steadfast on it, or do you like a Lord Melkor lynch via scumslip that has attracted late attention?

@Ishmael going to contribute a vote this phase?

@Juan how about you?

Anyone think it's a coincidence these guys rarely vote?

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