Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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Ok? This is a game I doubt the host will tell you “oh btw, that result I gave you yeah... maf took control of that” the hell..

You can yell all day, Ishmael. My result is that you visited Cooler and Cypher and that won't change.

If something was dabbled with by mafia, it's not to my knowledge
how come nessos isnt even calling cypher climate denier or changer or w.e the fk he usually calls her that I dont understand lol

i cant believe a nessos vs cypher game without that
This comes only up when I being asked to remove Cypher from ignore.
Seems like others finally understand that I will keep Cypher in ignore doesn't matter what they say thus resulting in those discussions dosn't pop up anymore.
like we r gna rly listen to nessos, who is defending someone that he claims he has on ignore??

ur rly defending sm1 that u cant even see his messages

My defense is based on mechanics and Game Design, but most player unable unable to take these stuff into account when buolding their cases.

Your tinfoil theory only works with me being Town and Cypher being scum. Now you think we are scumbuddies.
You are contradicting yourself.
Oh great Town Leader @Dragon D. Luffy who shall we lynch this phase?

Maerala, Natalija, Ishmael or Cypher?

I think you are the one who should decide! You are the only confirmed Town so far.

I don't believe I'm qualified to decide who the best target is tbh.

I started a wagon on Cooler, though. So I guess at least that wagon is not started by scum if that's what you wanna know.
Alright y'all, I have arrived. I've been very busy as it is interview season. The phase still has 1 hour correct?
Here is a detailed explanation why I think at least one of Maerala and Natalija have to be scum.
I am just saying my top suspects based on the result of last DP lynch are Maerala and Natalija.

What do we know.
7 player voted for Cypher
6 player voted for LG

And it ended up with a rng between Cypher and LG.

Thats a fact.

Now we everyone knows that one of the Cypher voters had double voting power(me) and you (@WolfPrinceKiba) should be able to confirm this since you should have the same passive.

Thus we know it was actually
8 votes on Cypher
6 votes on LG

What is possible, but super unlikely
  • Cypher have a passive reducing votes on her by exactly 2
  • Cypher have a passive, when being lynched always RNG between her and 2nd in lead
  • There are multiple player with multiple vote power (making White Ajah trait quite useless)
  • Black Ajah with Vote silence ability Vote silenced me, unlikely cause it had to be me(it had to be cause of my +2 VP)

And the only other idea I can up with was Vote got secretly shifted!
Turning 6vs8 into 7vs7

Thus we get following suspects
  • One of the player in the Cypher train secretly shifted his vote -> one of @Maerala or @Natalija being Black Ajah with that ability
  • @WolfPrinceKiba secretly shifted his vote from @Go D. Usopp to LG (turning it to a 8vs8) (but even if thats the case I would expect scum hiding in Cypher train)
  • A Black Ajah can manipulated someones vote (but thats in my opinion to OP and thus again unlikely

@Tiger and thats what I think about Yesterday lynch after reviewing the result.

I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.

Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.

But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
  • Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
  • Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
  • Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies

Did I miss a reasonable possibility?

And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could habe Just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from @WolfPrinceKiba and @Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.
My defense is based on mechanics and Game Design, but most player unable unable to take these stuff into account when buolding their cases.

Your tinfoil theory only works with me being Town and Cypher being scum. Now you think we are scumbuddies.
You are contradicting yourself.

well u could be scum and cypher maybe town (1% chance)

eitherwya i dont approve of what u r doing. u might be giving in some tmi too
Just woke up and doing a quick catchup :

@Nessos @WolfPrinceKiba

Given all that's been discussed, do you think your teammate is mafia, or do you think it's more likely you're both town?

And if both town, what's more likely, that Maerala can secretly swap her vote without it showing-- or that the black mafia as a whole has an ability to swap a vote?
I think that Nessos's theorizing has had townie vibes, but their trust in Cypher and attempt to direct their claimed cop action, especially onto the target they suggested(not a red...well remaining red Usopp since Maerela would be dead and flipped town in the scenario presented), raises some major suspicion.
A Cypher flip dictates Nessos' alignment.
Can you eloberate?

As far as I know a Scum can White knight a Town and a Town can have wrong tinfoil theories about scum.

This post of yours is like @Dragon D Xebec prejudicing @Natalija at the end of Day 1 amd again super scummy.

Btw does your tinfoil theory also dass you yourself have to be scum when Cypher Flips Town?

You still didn't explain why you hard defend Maerala and Natalija or did I Just miss it?
Yeah I overslept my alarm and don't have enough time to process everything to my satisfaction. On the quick, I agree with Law about Maerala's situation with the lying, don't think they have the presence of mind as scum to do what they did fast as they did. Too many claims and possibilities in situations with Cypher, Nat and Ish. Cooler has been coasting and avoided both wagons d1, so he's scummy on a pure behavioral basis :

[Change Vote Lynch Cooler]
Can you eloberate?

As far as I know a Scum can White knight a Town and a Town can have wrong tinfoil theories about scum.

This post of yours is like @Dragon D Xebec prejudicing @Natalija at the end of Day 1 amd again super scummy.

Btw does your tinfoil theory also dass you yourself have to be scum when Cypher Flips Town?

You still didn't explain why you hard defend Maerala and Natalija or did I Just miss it?

I've explained it several times. So nah.

As for Cypher's flip that you're confused about-- if he flips town cop, you're confirmed. If he flips mafia, I'd lynch you next, barring other info.
Hi everyone, I don't think it'll be realistic for me to catch up on this thread, be active in CR's game, and find time to get everything else done this weekend.

Can anyone catch me up?

Any suggestions on who I should use my roleblock on during the night phase?

@Dragon D. Luffy only one that can guide Kue is you.

DDL i.e. our confirmed townie, is voting for Cooler. I find it weird you like you shift responsibility to DDL now while you are typically so confident and outspoken.
You all are dumb if you think this is my scum play but whatever.

I was finishing off painting my house. Did the undercoat last weekend and did the main colour just now. Think it looks good.

I've just claimed my abilities if that's not enough for you then enjoy the mislynch, I have no energy to give this game right now.
Sigh, this makes me feel like this lynch is a mistake. :cursed
Day 2 - Cooler is lynched
Vote count

Maerala - Cypher
Usopp - Cypher > Juan > Cypher
Cypher - Tiger > Cooler
DDL - Cypher > Tiger > Cooler
John Wayne - Cypher
Tiger - Maerala > Cypher > Cooler
Cooler - Maerala
Xebec - Hero > Cypher
Melkor - Maerala > Cooler
Natalija - Ishmael
RemChu - Cypher
Ishmael - Natalija
Melodie - Maerala > Cypher
WPK - Usopp > Cooler
Nessos - Maerala > Natalija

Cypher - 6
Cooler - 5
Natalija - 2
Ishmael - 1
Maerala - 1

@Kue, @Hero, @Sigismund and @Juan did not vote

Cooler was lynched. He was innocent.

Cooler Sedai, of the Gray Ajah

[Active - The Gray Ajah] -
During the night you can send an anonymous message to another player through the moderator.

[Active - Reading Residues] - During the night you can sense the usage of the Power from another player, learning the effects of any magical abilities they use.

Night 2 start. No more posting.

Countdown until Day 3
Day 3 start - Kue is modkiled
Nobody was murdered last night.

Kue requested a modkill. He was innocent.
Kue Sedai, of the Green Ajah

[Active - The Green Ajah] -
Members of the Green Ajah can use their combat training to attack another player during the night, roleblocking them.

[Active - Reading Residues] - During the night you can sense the usage of the Power from another player, learning the effects of any magical abilities they use.

Day 3 start. You may now post.

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