I agree the possibility of Blacks Vote being nullified in Blacks is possible, but in my opinion super weak cause it can't be effectly used for Vote manipulation.
Also through lying theme of Black Ajah, I think secretly shifting votes fits perfectly.
And as you said Black Ajah needs a Power to cancel out White Ajah passive also Points towards Vote shifting ability.
But even if take the Black Ajah Vote nullfied on Black Ajah as a potential case it Points again towards Natalija and Maerala don't you agree?
Thus we have
- Option 1: One of the Black Ajahs secretly shifted his vote from Cypher to LG -> one of Maerala or Natalija being that Vote shifter
- Option 2: WPK is not only double voter, but can also secretly shift his Vote -> makes only sense to hide a Black Ajah in the Cypher wagon -> WPK and at least one of Maerala, Natalija and me being scumbuddies
- Option 3: Black Ajahs vote nullified when voting for Black Ajah -> Cypher, Maerala and Natalija being scumbuddies or Cypher and Nessos being scumbuddies
Did I miss a reasonable possibility?
And about Option 3, why risking Cypher getting lynched one Black Ajah could habe Just abstained or Vote someone else in Day 1?
For the last question I would like to hear a logical answer from
@WolfPrinceKiba and
@Tiger since they are the once advertise this option. Giving their best to shift the votes away from Maerala.