Game League of Legends Mafia

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I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time to look for incorrectly formatted votes. I made my formatting expectations clear in the OP. I need cooperation on this, it's a matter of efficiency and I'm generally very short on time.
I think it was around page 12? Close to the Laix kill.

He used Stelios suspicion on parka to pivot a case against VoDe.

Do you still believe VoDe to be mafia, WPK?

No, not that bit. When I said I find the stelios wagon strange over Saturno, WPK said something about stelios slipping. I asked him where but he either didn't respond or I missed it, and I can't search now, on phone.

Basically, I might be willing to switch to stelios if I can actually see what WPK is talking about.
1. Belphegoob - Legend
2. WAD - Saturno
3. WolfPrinceKiba - Vode > Stelios
4. Legend - Marco
5. Alwaysmind - Saturno
6. familyparka - no lynch > familyparka > Marco > no lynch > Stelios
7. Lord Genome - Saturno
8. Marco - Vode > Saturno
9. hammer - familyparka
10. Chaos - familyparka > Saturno
12. Stelios - WAD
13. Firestormer
14. Sin - VoDe > Psychic > WAD
15. Psychic - Alwaysmind > Shark Skin
16. Superman - Marco > WAD
17. Gogeta - Saturno
18. Shark Skin
19. Franky - Familyparka
20. Degaforce - Stelios
21. sworder - Remchu
22. Josuke - Psychic
23. Melodie
24. Crescent Nyx
25. VoDe - WAD > Familyparka > SinRaven > Familyparka
26. Santi - Melodie
27. Mr. Waffles - Ace
28. Saturno - WAD
29. sarun uchiha - Saturno
30. Viper - Superman
31. Persecuted > Saturno
32. Shy - Santi
33. Vae - Vode > WAD > Saturno
34. RemChu - Crescent Nyx
35. αce - no lynch
36. Atlantic Storm
37. Baroxio - familyparka > Franky

Saturno: 9
WAD: 4
Stelios: 3
Familyparka: 3

Day one ends in 45 minutes.
No, not that bit. When I said I find the stelios wagon strange over Saturno, WPK said something about stelios slipping. I asked him where but he either didn't respond or I missed it, and I can't search now, on phone.

Basically, I might be willing to switch to stelios if I can actually see what WPK is talking about.
It basically is that. Page 12 is where it starts, post #230 and beyond. The potential knowledge slips is why we figure Stelios might be Pantheon.

I still do find VoDe to be suspicious Dega, that lynch wasn't going anywhere though.
Vote Track:
1. Belphegoob > Legend
2. WAD > Saturno
3. WolfPrinceKiba > VoDe > Stelios
4. Legend > Marco
5. Alwaysmind > familyparka* > {NO LYNCH}* > Saturno* > Saturno
6. familyparka > {NO LYNCH} > familyparka > Marco > {NO LYNCH} > Stelios
7. Lord Genome > Saturno
8. Marco > VoDe > Saturno
9. hammer > familyparka
10. Chaos > familyparka > Saturno
12. Stelios > WAD
13. Firestormer
14. Sin > VoDe > Psychic > WAD
15. Psychic > Alwaysmind > Shark Skin
16. Superman > Marco > WAD
17. Goleta > Saturno
18. Shark Skin
19. Franky > Atlanti Storm* > familyparka* > familyparka > Stelios
20. Degaforce > Stelios
21. sworder > RemChu
22. Josuke > Psychic
23. Melodie
24. Crescent Nyx
25. VoDe > WAD > familyparka > Sin > familyparka
26. Santi > Melodie
27. Mr. Waffles > Ace
28. Saturno > WAD
29. sarin uchiha > Saturno
30. Viper > Superman
31. Persecuted > Saturno
32. Shy > Santi
33. Vaeny > VoDe > WAD > Saturno
34. RemChu > Crescent Nyx
35. αce > {NO LYNCH}
36. Atlantic Storm
37. Baroxio > familyparka > Franky

Marco - 1
Saturno - 9
Melodie - 1
Psychic - 1
Alwaysmind - 0
Marco - 0
Shark Skin - 1
VoDe - 0
WAD - 4
Atlantic Storm - 0
Ace - 1
Crescent Nyx - 1
Santi - 1
{NO LYNCH} - 1
Superman - 1
familyparka - 3
Legend - 1
RemChu - 1
Sin - 0
Stelios - 4
Franky - 1
(*) - Franky and/or Alwaysmind used wrong formatting

Dead (Not in the count):
11. Laix (Shyvana) > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe > Marco > VoDe
Draven has executed Saturno (Amumu)!

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive – Let’s Find Some Friends!] – If another player says something kind or complimentary to Amumu in the thread, he will follow them around for the rest of the cycle, learning the names of anyone they target and anyone who targets them. Amumu can only follow one player per cycle.

[One Shot Active – Curse of The Sad Mummy] – Amumu magically binds the town, stopping the lynch.​

Day one has ended. Night one begins. Please send in your actions!
Last edited:
Nocturne used Paranoia! The game has been shrouded in darkness!

The following guidelines have been enacted:

? Tonight's writeup was lost in the darkness.

? Masons no longer trust each other and cannot communicate outside of the thread.

? Players have become too suspicious of each other to participate in public votes. To maintain order, votes must be submitted privately to the moderator. I will not count any votes made in the thread.

? Paranoia has spread. Every vote you cast against another player also counts as a vote against yourself. Self-votes stack; if you switch your vote three times, you have one vote on whoever you're currently voting and three on yourself.

Careful where you post today. Nocturne lurks.

You may now begin posting.
Nocturne used Paranoia! The game has been shrouded in darkness!

The following guidelines have been enacted:

? Tonight's writeup was lost in the darkness.

? Masons no longer trust each other and cannot communicate outside of the thread.

? Players have become too suspicious of each other to participate in public votes. To maintain order, votes must be submitted privately to the moderator. I will not count any votes made in the thread.

? Paranoia has spread. Every vote you cast against another player also counts as a vote against yourself. Self-votes stack; if you switch your vote three times, you have one vote on whoever you're currently voting and three on yourself.

Careful where you post today. Nocturne lurks.

You may now begin posting.
is this forever:catdude
well it could be two days or something, the fact it didn't say how many days is odd.

It didn't even occur to me it could be more than a day because that's just plain OP. You guys need to scale your thinking and ground it in mafia.

Also, there are things in the write up that indicate it's just for today.

1. "Tonight's writeup was lost in the darkness."
2. Careful where you post "today".

I would be shocked if this lasts more than today, and I'm almost as surprised that you thought otherwise.
Yeah, that was just weird. I guess he thought it wasn't worth it to save himself. And well I guess that makes some sense because chances are we would have taken that as scummates coming to the rescue depending on how the writeup turned out.

I think he should've still done it. Write up would probably have had his name with the color in it. He could also claim before the lynch that he's using the ability, just to prove himself.

Also, who is Drayden? Could be Saturno DID try to use his ability but Drayden bypassed it?
idk if i like this NL thing marco

surely someone will provide some context or info for this day phase

but if worse comes to worse than yea maybe thats the best course of action for the submitted vote

I think I sorta convinced myself we should just play kind of like normal. Votes in the game thread don't count but will help us track everything.

And people just have to try to be patient and send in their private votes in the last 3-4 hours. Of course, mafia easily being dishonest is a given, but town has majority. If everyone is vigilant, we'll get a majority lynch of our choice.
I actually agree on that no lynch tactic on this situation. Currently i don't we have any other real choice.

There's only so much I can take. I'm a human, as hard as it is to believe.

I will not tolerate town's stupidity any longer.

This feels so forced. How i read this situation at the moment:

FP might be a mafia member, he set up that no lynch vote trap on a day one. Of course some of us idiots (like me) is gonna jump on it, which gives him and his mafiamates to jump on those idiots.

It's kinda easy tactic to switch the attention to those idiots, rather than to yourself.

My suspect list atm is:

Like i said earlier, there should be 0 fucking reason why you would tell everyone that you're gone for 12hours in day 1... After you vote no lynch.

But because i have nothing else to back it up, and voting is kinda hard today. I agree with Marco and vote no lynch is the best way to go.
Doesn't change the fact that that's some paranoid association just like the ones conspiracy theorists are making. If you are Mafia I can see how it's easy to fabricate such an accusation but if you are town I hope you are not serious and only reaction baiting.
Why don't you read back the phase and find me not falling for wad's "let's kill saturno" bullshit instead ?

Off to work ,
Ok so I managed to lose my entire summary of what I'd found so far right as I hit preview post after writing it all down and I am crying rivers of pure rage, but let's move past that. Shorthand version of some of the notes:

WAD's being a frantic mess as early as page 4. I'm convinced he's town.

Chaos' reaction to the whole Saturno situation (the "Marco says he considers himself town because it's his alignment, Saturno says he also considers himself town, everyone has a heart attack over it" thing) irked me a little. Specifically this:

If nothing good is coming from Saturno about 'considering' himself town we should probably lynch him.

There shouldn't be anything to consider

While he was voting for parka at the time. And then talked about Risk and left :/ Suspicious to me. As an aside, Gogeta's reactions were also suspicious, but apparently he dropped and let Laix take his place so. Gonna keep an eye on Laix simply because he's replacing Gogeta, so idk, let my gut feeling be wrong so Laix can keep posting gifs here since the game sorely needs them?

Psychic's OTTness when it comes to Leo and the Oscars is her town meta iirc. As mafia she tones that shit down, but if she's town she will yell about our lord and saviour Leo DiCaprio winning an Oscar and she does not care who hears it. Give us a premonition thanks.

When Laix died and posted that death rant, I thought it was a gif of National Treasure and Future WINNER of BBCAN4 Nikki Grahame for a second, but then I realised it was just Megan McKenna, one of the least interesting parts of CBB17. Life is full of betrayal. But I will post this video anyway because the public deserves it.


I also feel weird about sarun's posts, specifically that incredibly awkward tangent he went on about how Alwaysmind and Saturno were doing some weird botched mafia interaction? What was that even about? Originally I was convinced he was mafia because of it, but after a moment of reflection he might have just been an idiot? Not sure what to make of him. sarun, how should I feel about you?

I have more opinions, but these are the ones I want to say for now. The rest can be discussed later when I feel like they're relevant, so mysterious.

Franky, could I ask a question about your votes last phase? I noticed at the very end of the phase, when most people were voting for Saturno, you ended up voting for parka, and then for Stelios. Was there any particular reason you chose them instead of Saturno?

Also, ace, have you been able to read the game so far? I did see you last phase, but all I really saw was a couple "I'll be back later to read!" posts, so I'm wondering if you had any thoughts about things now.

Ok one more question, to RemChu. What's your opinion of Chaos so far? Also hey, long time no see :O

That's probably all I need for now, I'm gonna go make some pasta and check back in like an hour.
The Parka vote was because I couldn't find my original vote so I was reposting, upon further consideration I believed Stelious's comment about 180 to be a bit too coincidental.

I think Waffles is trying to point out the possibility that Pantheon's ability possibly required him to post a number that hadn't been posted on yet, and seeing as Stelios posted "180" just before Laix went splat I thought it was the most likely possibility on day 1.

Now it's day 2 and I still have a soft scum read on Stelios due to the above reasons, so I may vote for him closer to the end of the phase. Emphasis on may, it's only a soft read and something else may come up today.
He mentions risk, rolling dice, luck etc. a lot.

Pretty Sure he plays league,

so guessing he is role hinting and is a townie. In my opinion, or mentioning luck like that is tied to his abilities and gives him power ups.

not going to speculate on the champ, should be a lil obvious. (speculation) could be just a new style of talking and has nothing to do with role or alignment.
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