Game League of Legends Mafia

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So still no arguments? thought so

Go chat with your scum mates bro, come back when you got an actual defense on yourself.

Start a wagon on me and maybe I'd be inclined to defend.

Sorry Marco, I'm not falling for any of your good guy shit. I saw what you did on my Kingmaker game.

Town should see through it too, I mean that game ended like two days ago

Sup Marco, need to ask your QT how to react now?

If you really saw me in your Kingmaker game, you'd know I would never need pointers on how to react.
Start a wagon on me and maybe I'd be inclined to defend.

If you really saw me in your Kingmaker game, you'd know I would never need pointers on how to react.

But you do now, because you fell for my bait. Do you even realize where you screwed up?

I don't need to start a wagon, you'll slowly fall. Town will eventually see.

Their eyes will be opened, they'll all see through you crystal clear.
are you saying you have an ability that depends on mana? :hm

I doubt mana would be a "special" part of any role, considering 80% of champions use it (unless there's a Ryze role or something, he scales with it) but rage or energy are a little different in that the role may need to curse of rage a lot in the thread before they have the rage necessary to use certain abilities.

I'm just thinking out loud about role possibilities here, I play a metric ton of league.

Speaking of which add Vissik Foehn :catlove
Uh wow, this game sure is starting off slow. Alright, let's see if I can kick things up a bit.



you 5 i consider to have the strongest town leading capacity out of everyone else on the list besides myself

but i want you all to imagine a hypothetical

where we have to policy lynch 1 of these 3: saturno, stelios, crescent nyx

who do you choose and why?



u 5 ive just not seen play mafia in a minute or in some cases we've never played together ever

tell me how you're going to post as a townie this game

i word it that way, because i am fully aware of the fact that if you're mafia you're gonna lie to me, but if you happen to read and acknowledge this post i suspect you're at least gonna pretend to have a presence in this game, so how do you specifically plan to play? proactive? reactive? etc.

there u go
But you do now, because you fell for my bait. Do you even realize where you screwed up?

I don't need to start a wagon, you'll slowly fall. Town will eventually see.

Their eyes will be opened, they'll all see through you crystal clear.

Cool story, bro.

> Comes
> Tells me how stupid I am because you obviously are lynching mafia on day one
> Drops a random vote on an easy wagon and leaves

Sorry for not playing as good as you Marco :maybe

Geez I wonder what might happen if Saturn is actually town?

Do you mean chaos? Cause I didn't just come, call you stupid, drop an easy for and leave.

I've been here for a long while, never called you stupid, reasoned against a Saturno lynch, and have definitely not left after voting for him.
Oh Yea I'm just trying to play reactionary until I have more information, Day 1 is Day 1 and so much shit happens on day 1 and all we know is that...

Laix (may have) known Pantheon's ability was inbound
Steilios (may have) also had prior knowledge of the ability as well

Knowing that Pantheon's ability in game DOES cast a warning to the enemy that may mean both Steilios and Laix were town trying to warn people and they just got a random message? It'd be worthless if it warned everyone. In the end Laix obviously tried to tank one for the team.

I'm also a little upset that we have no clue what Laix's role is but janitors are a thing so I'm not mad.

I think the primary goal right now should be to get rid of the janitor or for someone to try and inspect that write-up (if we have anyone with an ability like that) and give us some light on Laix. At least if the janitor is dead we get more information and most likely 1 less Mafia to deal with.

Just my thoughts.
Let me illustrate for those who still haven't got it

Here's what town Marco would have done:

Parka, voting no lynch on day 1 is not the most intelligent thing to do because of the following reasons (gives a large list of convincing reasons).

Here's what mafia Marco did:

UGH, Parka, voting for no lynch is totally stupid and I got like, a BAZILLION reasons as to why we should totally follow a random wagon on day 1, but I'm not posting a single one because of reasons.
You're such a bad player omg
Let me elaborate.

We all know Marco, we've seen him play tons of times. You should all pretty much know his base meta.
It all started with my "newbie mistake". Now, Town Marco would have used logic and reason to try to show me where I was wrong. He would try to educate town into becoming the better players, and carry each other into victory. Town Marco knows there's no point in fighting among ourselves, because that only distracts the players from the game itself and creates time and space for Mafia to confuse us.

Mafia Marco, however, looks for reactions. He doesn't care about logic nor reason, and specially, he doesn't care about townies learning a thing about the game. He just wants to piss you off so you lose your shit and get yourself lynched. And that's exactly what he did here. I mean just look at the way he engaged me in these particular posts.

Wonderful play, FP. I'm being sarcastic but I really hope you're not town because this attitude/play as town would definitely make me lose respect for how you play.

As a host, I thought you'd be one of the few people particularly against things like this.

Lol fp, you wouldn't be breaking any cycle. If you're town, you're just making me put you in the tantrum and attention seeker list.

Have you always been a horrible player and I never noticed? Was Rion right? I find it hard to believe either.
You kept us in suspense just for that parka?:ippy

If anything can be indicative of him potentially being scum, its that hes entertained your bullshit for as long as he has.

Theres Franky with a post that tries to look contributive but falls flat. Defending Stelios's claim with flimsy reasoning and stating the obvious that we should want the mafia janitor dead. We certainly do but as is, even if we are spot on in calling out scum, we have no means to ascertain which member is which role. The only lead we have on Pantheon's identity happens to be the person you are defending, Stelios.

So Franky, who are your scum reads?
Let me illustrate for those who still haven't got it

Here's what town Marco would have done:

Parka, voting no lynch on day 1 is not the most intelligent thing to do because of the following reasons (gives a large list of convincing reasons).

Here's what mafia Marco did:

UGH, Parka, voting for no lynch is totally stupid and I got like, a BAZILLION reasons as to why we should totally follow a random wagon on day 1, but I'm not posting a single one because of reasons.
You're such a bad player omg

Lol, none of this happened. I'm sorry if I offended you but I didn't call your party bad because of the NL thing. I'm calling your okay bad because of your response to pressure.

Also, the only reason I'm calling it bad is because I've come to expect better from you. This "you guys don't believe me, so fuck you town" is something I've come to expect from Rion, not you.
Let me elaborate.

We all know Marco, we've seen him play tons of times. You should all pretty much know his base meta.
It all started with my "newbie mistake". Now, Town Marco would have used logic and reason to try to show me where I was wrong. He would try to educate town into becoming the better players, and carry each other into victory. Town Marco knows there's no point in fighting among ourselves, because that only distracts the players from the game itself and creates time and space for Mafia to confuse us.

Mafia Marco, however, looks for reactions. He doesn't care about logic nor reason, and specially, he doesn't care about townies learning a thing about the game. He just wants to piss you off so you lose your shit and get yourself lynched. And that's exactly what he did here. I mean just look at the way he engaged me in these particular posts.

I've never entertained tantrums. Yes, I'm one of the more patient people in this community but once people start making OGI threats and threatening to play to lose, I nope it out. Might have entertained some newbies because they don't know better but you're a veteran.

It's not a surprise I considered MODkilling a player in my game for not playing to win.
I've never entertained tantrums. Yes, I'm one of the more patient people in this community but once people start making OGI threats and threatening to play to lose, I nope it out. Might have entertained some newbies because they don't know better but you're a veteran.

It's not a surprise I considered MODkilling a player in my game for not playing to win.

IMO this goes against the nature of the game. If a town is trolling then so be it, because there's just one step from that and MODkilling for being bad at the game.

Also you still haven't given me a single reason behind your Day 1 lynch
Like I said, I want more information before I can hard accuse anyone but Steilios is obviously a little suspicious, however if Laix was town then him having an idea of the Pantheon thing (if he did) would be moot.

Other than that I always feel scummy about the people who haven't posted at all, possibly waiting along with other scum to vote for town with the most votes?
IMO this goes against the nature of the game. If a town is trolling then so be it, because there's just one step from that and MODkilling for being bad at the game.

Also you still haven't given me a single reason behind your Day 1 lynch

Yep, Law convinced me against it and I never went forward with it. I was just giving an example of how strongly I'm against such play. This was the Stat Wars game and I'm talking about ATGNAT.

You mean my reason for lynching Saturno? I think I was the first person who pointed out his scummy posts this game. I abstained from voting him because I wouldn't be surprised if he's just a bad townie but now I voted him to make sure you or WAD don't get lynched.
This is what I got:

Out of the Laix kill I can get this:
Belph and sworder are town following this reasoning: If the skill was targeted at a specific post number then the smart thing to do, if you know what's happening around that specific number, is to stop posting when the threads closes in that number. So I can put the people posting close to that number in a soft town read.
Stelios, you did mention the exact same number as the kill post. Try to refrain from posting numbers from now on. In fact, nobody should post a number above the current postcount. If Pantheon's skill is post targeted, it would be really easy to frame someone that just so happens to mention a number in a random post.

Out of the parka NL thing I got:
WPK made a good assessment of the thing that basically went unnoticed. The VoDe accusation was crafty, but made sense.
The only one who acknowledged this was Marco, but hopped wagons immediately after.
The other thing was people stating how they found parka's thing suspicious but not voting for parka until much after. Specifically Alwaysmind. He only casted a vote when the votecount came up and it showed a tie. Like he was trying to save WAD. I would link them together. VoDe too, but at least he had voted for parka before switching back.

Now parka is playing a gambit on Marco. This will be interesting. Let me give you a hand.
Marco, if someone came out tomorrow and said "I'm a cop, Marco is scum" what would you do?

WAD, what's your opinion on WPK's VoDe accusation and the Pantheon kill?
His interactions with you are really more of a null read to me Parka. Granted, I can't remember the last time I played with a Marco that was town but the mafia Marco that I know also wouldn't engage you this much, so meta reasoning isn't indicating scum to me.

My only personal reason for suspecting him was an ease of voting with me on VoDe but that is WolfParanoiaKiba talking. I have been distrustful of early backings of my lynch ever since I got manipulated by Kue in one of WAD'S generics long ago.
This is what I got:

Out of the Laix kill I can get this:
Belph and sworder are town following this reasoning: If the skill was targeted at a specific post number then the smart thing to do, if you know what's happening around that specific number, is to stop posting when the threads closes in that number. So I can put the people posting close to that number in a soft town read.
Stelios, you did mention the exact same number as the kill post. Try to refrain from posting numbers from now on. In fact, nobody should post a number above the current postcount. If Pantheon's skill is post targeted, it would be really easy to frame someone that just so happens to mention a number in a random post.

Out of the parka NL thing I got:
WPK made a good assessment of the thing that basically went unnoticed. The VoDe accusation was crafty, but made sense.
The only one who acknowledged this was Marco, but hopped wagons immediately after.
The other thing was people stating how they found parka's thing suspicious but not voting for parka until much after. Specifically Alwaysmind. He only casted a vote when the votecount came up and it showed a tie. Like he was trying to save WAD. I would link them together. VoDe too, but at least he had voted for parka before switching back.

Now parka is playing a gambit on Marco. This will be interesting. Let me give you a hand.
Marco, if someone came out tomorrow and said "I'm a cop, Marco is scum" what would you do?

WAD, what's your opinion on WPK's VoDe accusation and the Pantheon kill?

before i answer this
let me ask
how come u and parka haven't voted each other
did u guys stop doing that :mikebatman
i had no idea
anyways i actually missed whatever wpk said about vode or considered it unimportant
i dont have any particular strong reads towards either of them atm so eh

as for the pantheon kill
why are people actually discussing it?
it specifically said its a kill on post #180 so why are the mechanics being questioned
i also think it sounds HELLA dumb for anyone to theorize that 'laix knew it was coming' because...if someone is alerted to a kill about to happen on a certain post #...why would they make sure they get that post number?

im also guessing that this ability was a one-shot because it was a super kill and because 'grand skyfall' is the name of pantheon's ultimate, im gonna go out and guess that anyone who has an ultimate for an ability has it as a one-shot (yea, not entertaining the idea of superkills by post number every day, nope.)
His interactions with you are really more of a null read to me Parka. Granted, I can't remember the last time I played with a Marco that was town but the mafia Marco that I know also wouldn't engage you this much, so meta reasoning isn't indicating scum to me.

My only personal reason for suspecting him was an ease of voting with me on VoDe but that is WolfParanoiaKiba talking. I have been distrustful of early backings of my lynch ever since I got manipulated by Kue in one of WAD'S generics long ago.

I'll hopefully get into this later but yeah, I didn't just get convinced VoDe is scum by your vote.
before i answer this
let me ask
how come u and parka haven't voted each other
did u guys stop doing that :mikebatman
We started doing blind trust in each other since the Psychic game.
Bad boys for life and all that shit.

i had no idea
anyways i actually missed whatever wpk said about vode or considered it unimportant
i dont have any particular strong reads towards either of them atm so eh

as for the pantheon kill
why are people actually discussing it?
it specifically said its a kill on post #180 so why are the mechanics being questioned
i also think it sounds HELLA dumb for anyone to theorize that 'laix knew it was coming' because...if someone is alerted to a kill about to happen on a certain post #...why would they make sure they get that post number?

im also guessing that this ability was a one-shot because it was a super kill and because 'grand skyfall' is the name of pantheon's ultimate, im gonna go out and guess that anyone who has an ultimate for an ability has it as a one-shot (yea, not entertaining the idea of superkills by post number every day, nope.)
That's the same thing I was thinking. Laix had no idea it was coming because nobody could know who was posting on that exact post number.
My ultimate is a oneshot, so ultimates being one shots makes sense.
That brings the question why use a one shot super kill so early into the game and why specifically on post 180.

Now that the game has progressed, what lynch would you advocate that's not Saturn/Nyx?

@dega, I can actually prove my role any time I want. So, if a player claimed guilty on me, I can deal with that easy enough.

That's all I wanted to hear.
I think you are barking at the wrong tree here, bro :shrug
Degaforce said:
That's the same thing I was thinking. Laix had no idea it was coming because nobody could know who was posting on that exact post number.
My ultimate is a oneshot, so ultimates being one shots makes sense.
That brings the question why use a one shot super kill so early into the game and why specifically on post 180.

Now that the game has progressed, what lynch would you advocate that's not Saturn/Nyx?

not sure why mafia would use their one-shot superkill already :mikebatman
maybe they were just being trigger happy
though its possible the player who the role pantheon belongs to is a high profile player who is afraid theyll die soon and want to make sure it gets used before anything happens
thats what i would do if i was him anyways, and always good to get early momentum as scum by demoralizing town with kills on d1 already

im pretty biased especially on d1 tbh
i would not push or support a lynch that includes either:

a) people that i think are top tier players (marco, chaos, sin, etc.)
b) people that i like/are my friends (waffles, superman, legend, etc.)
c) people that i play league with (ace, vae, shy, etc.)

in quite a few cases theres people who overlap multiple or all categories (like melodie or LG)

so ultimately for today im hoping to find someone suspicion who doesnt manage to qualify for any of those categories

if not saturno/nyx, definitely stelios :rainbowsheep

if you dont want to count him since he's one of the 3 people i had suggested as a policy lynch to begin with, i find remchu's low activity concerning so far
Illaoi used Test of Spirit to lie detect the following post:

lol, don't ask questions just for the sake of asking them. I consider myself town because that's the alignment of my role.

Marco is telling the truth.

Lux used Illumination to reveal one ???.

Pantheon used Grand Skyfall to land on post #180, superkilling Laix (Shyvana)!

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive ? Rage] ? For every vote cast by another player against Shyvana, she will accumulate 1 rage. As Shyvana accumulates rage, she earns access to her abilities.

[3 Rage Active ? Burnout] ? During the day Shyvana envelops another player in her fiery aura, vote silencing them.

[5 Rage Passive ? Flame Breath] ? If Shyvana types her posts in all capitals, her votes will stack. If Shyvana switches her vote to another player or makes a post that isn?t in all capitals, her vote count will reset to 1.

[7 Rage Passive ? Dragonborn] ? Shyvana is bulletproof.

[10 Rage One Shot Active ? Dragon?s Descent] ? Shyvana assumes her dragon form, allowing her to superkill another player.​

Day one ends in 5 hours.
actually u can probably safely infer that it was not mafia's ONLY super kill or else that would be hella retarded

Who was at risk of getting lynched when laix died?

Was saturnos or parka that far in? If that's a one shot it might have been to use it before said person(if mafia) is gonna get lynched :hm

i dont think either were far in and we werent even halfway that i know of but i can definitely see saturno just using his ability :hm
I see what you did there, but I still don't buy it.

Well, at this point I'm not surprised. You're either in a state of mind completely unsuitable to critical thinking, and we should get back to this later when you're calm, or more likely, you're lying because you're scum/jester.

So, how about we agree to drop it. You already know I'm opposed to you being lynched today. But hopefully, vig takes care of you.

That's all I wanted to hear.
I think you are barking at the wrong tree here, bro :shrug

Listen to your brother, parka.

Dega, what're your thoughts on FP championing NL day 1?
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