Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

Help with Donations ~ Better than Ads :)


1. Do not discuss the game outside of the game thread unless given permission, even after you die. There will be no dead chat for this game.

2. Phases will last for 24 hours, except for the first day which will be extended to 48 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day and night phase is called a cycle.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may overlook them.

4. You are allowed to claim your abilities, but be warned that I have implemented countermeasures against doing so.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.

6. Do not screenshot or quote your private messages from the moderator.

7. The host may make on-the-fly game balancing or ruleset changes if they deem it necessary. Please do not be shocked if this happens to you.

1. During the day, actions are processed in the order they're received, and they're processed as soon as the host is able to do so. During the night, actions are processed at the end of the night phase, and in the following order:

a. Role crushes
b. Roleblocks
c. Redirects
d. Mafia & indie kills
e. Town kills
f. All other types of abilities

If players simultaneously target each other with nullifying affects, such as 2 players attempting to town-kill or roleblock each other during the same night, then neither ability will succeed.

2. If the player with the most votes at the end of the day is protected against lynching, then the lynch will pass to the player with the next highest amount of votes.


The color of your role name determines your win condition.

wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

wincon: eliminate all threats to your faction

If your role color is not red or blue, then that means you’re an independent and your role text will explain your win condition.

2. Every role also has an alignment of either innocent or guilty. Generally speaking, most town roles are innocent and most non-town roles are guilty, although there may be some exceptions.

3. Players may receive the role they submitted. Unlike in my previous submission-based games, I will not prevent people from rolling their own submission.


"Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable some passive defenses, such as bulletproof abilities. Players learn when they are blocked.

2. Limited use abilities may be used again if they fail or if they are blocked.

3. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role.

4. When a player is murdered during the night, the writeup will only say that they died and what their role was, not which faction killed them. Failed kills will not appear in the writeup.

5. If an ability requires certain posting conditions to be met, such as for another player to quote you, then you must include proof that the condition was met when submitting your action. The host will not monitor these types of abilities for you.
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Bonus Life - Protects against one regular kill.

Conditional Abilities - Cannot be used until certain conditions are met.

Helping Lynch A Player - If you are voting for someone when they are lynched, you are considered to have helped lynch them.

Hidden Abilities - Secret abilities that are not known until certain conditions are met.

Interaction - When one player targets another player, those two players are considered to have "interacted" with each other.

Investigative Abilities - Abilities whose purpose is to give their owner new information about another player, such as trackers and cops.

Limited Use Abilities - Refers to one shot, two shot, three shot, etc. type abilities.

Murder - Death at the hands of another player, as opposed to death by lynching.

Role Crush - Disables most player abilities, both passive and active.

Superkill - The highest level of kills. Superkills bypasses defenses, bonus lives and roleblocks. However, superkills can be stopped by a combined roleblock and protection. If the person using the superkill is roleblocked and their victim is also protected, then the superkill will be stopped. Superkills can be redirected.

Vote Tampering - Abilities that interfere with voting, such as vote silencers and vote thieves.
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Player list

10/21 Players Alive

1. Cooler
2. familyparka
3. Go D. Usopp
4. Hero
5. Katsuargi
6. Lord Melkor
7. RemChu
8. Sigismund
9. SinRaven Kvothe Kingkiller
10. Vivo Diez


1. Xadlin (Beatrix Kiddo) (link)
2. Alwaysmind (Leslie Knope) (link)
3. Cypher (Cersei Lannister) (link)
4. Catamount (Mulan Fa) (link)
5. Juan (Kimberly Wexler) (link)
6. Kue (Katarina d'al Cazarosta) (link)
7. Oddjutsu (Hit-Girl) (link)
8. John Wayne (Xena of Amphipolis) (
9. Dunya (Antigone) (
10. Hayumi (Artoria Pendragon) (
11. WolfPrinceKiba (Marika) (


Antigone from Greek Mythology
Artoria Pendragon from FATE
Bianca from Worm
Daria Morgendorffer from Daria
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Mai Taniyama from Ghost Hunt
Marika from Darkwar
Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction
Nero Claudius from FATE
Reimu Hakurei from Touhou Project
Wanda Maximoff from Marvel Comics
Yona from Akatsuki no Yona
Yuna from Final Fantasy

Do not post yet
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Hmm, I need to figure out if you are miller or scum trying to do a chess move.

If we knew which nights you don't get miller status a cop could target you.
Miller gambit as scum rarely happens. It would work if you knew all the other roles in play and could reasonable say no one would deduce your lying.

I've seen on other forums the miller come forward and get outright lynched, same with how indies are treated here.

so im a conditional miller that can appear guilty on certain nights

not that any1 invests me anyways :sadpanda

but i can sometimes make someone guilty with me so will be pointing that out if it ever happened and they were scanned

What do you mean by "I can sometimes make someone guilty with me?
If WPK goes inactive there's a good chance he is scum.

So you think activity is alignment indicative for him?

Are you trying to powerwolf here?

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