Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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Not trying to suck up but you read my mind. I had ussop as an early lock based off his willingness to elaborate on his special miller condition alone. Cooler claiming miller right off the bat and then immediately voting ussop when he learned of him claiming it as well is also a really solid town look. So right now I'm not keen on voting either of them and hope the situation can be better elaborated on when Ussop returns.
I voted Usopp before I saw him claim miller. I said in the Aries game I would be policy lynching him too. Usopp is the one that reactionary voted me...
True, but it's important we get a town core going and me questioning Hayumi the whole time will make that harder. If I strongly disagree with a read I'll speak up.

Remchu didn't post his scum tell.
So you're putting up a potentially cleared by mechanics player on the same pedestal as someone who you think hasn't done a scum tell. Someone who has a few non fluff posts?

I like that you're moving the game along, but your logic is kinda weird
I‘m not gonna argue with him. He always votes me up and if I argue with him, it can waste a day which usually ends with either of us getting lynched, the other getting vigged or tunneled on the next day and wastes valuable time.

But he never learns that tunneling me all game ain‘t the best thing to do :raiden .
You seem pretty content with it though and you're town reading him :pepethink
I see nothing wrong in wanting to get rid of WPK if he's inactive..

Or even if he's active. :blobcoffee

Seriously though, Kue made that point about WPK in particular though, which was a read on his meta. Although I think WPK can be inactive as town too, I don't think it was an entirely bad thing to point out either, nor do I think Kue was immediately trying to throw WPK as a viable lynch candidate out there.

So I still don't get how you read powerwolfing from that statement either.
this is a wolf as well.
Talking ffom phone rn

so @Kue if someone is willing they can easily confim my ability by checking hayumi tonight. he will likely be my target. both of us will appear guilty and hayumi will easily be able to confirm me tomorow

ofc this is assuming i dont get roleblocked so watchers would be nice too
im not caught up yet but live-timing is more fun than reading 6 pages back

what exactly is hayumi's role? aren't they innocent child?
well someone has to be willing to waste an invest on hayumi tho which might not be the most productive thing to do

but atleast helps confirm us

this is also assuming hayumi isnt straight up mafia fake revealing lol, or he isnt like hinata from shrikes game that cannot be made guilty
this...isn't a bastard game? if the host reveals something, i take it he's not lying to us.

if nitty subbed me into a bastard game, we aren't gonna be friends anymore :mad:
So Usopp and dunya want to lynch Cypher.

@RemChu @Hayumi What are your reads on Cypher?
Essentially null? I didn't like her first few posts of the game based off tone, they just seemed out of place for a typical town cypher imo. She's showed glimpses of her typical townie desperateness but she's done that plenty of times as scum before. As of right now I'm liking a little pressure on her and I could probably be convinced to vote her up, so I'm keeping my options open. But I don't think she's a scum lean over anyone else in particular yet, just not a town read by any means.
@Vivo Diez What are your actual thoughts on Cypher?
cypher exponentially gets easier to read the more votes on her

threshhold at 4 votes in this game size

if she doesnt claim something at 4 votes, she is scum
Why tf are you trying to get me to claim??
This response seems kinda fake/faux outrage and I think why most people are suspecting her I guess.

I did like her jumping in to clarify the possibility of there being 2 millers instead of staying out of it so the attention would go to Usopp/Cooler or even me for making that miller comment.
Like, scum would want to plant seeds of doubt on players away from them or their team instead of jumping in to clarify things that might just be potential misunderstandings.
I agree but that’s also very one dimensional thinking. As in, there’s a lot of other ways scum could go about it. For example, in a game of this size I’m pretty sure scum would want to defend eachother and deflect from their partner in small ways if possible without being too obvious.

I’m not saying I think that’s what happened here but I also think it would be equally towny for someone to assume that one out of Cooler/Ussop is a liar and push that angle. Because assumptions have to be made either way in a game heavily revolving around pure tonal reads and claims.
I agree but that’s also very one dimensional thinking. As in, there’s a lot of other ways scum could go about it. For example, in a game of this size I’m pretty sure scum would want to defend eachother and deflect from their partner in small ways if possible without being too obvious.

I’m not saying I think that’s what happened here but I also think it would be equally towny for someone to assume that one out of Cooler/Ussop is a liar and push that angle. Because assumptions have to be made either way in a game heavily revolving around pure tonal reads and claims.
What I’m trying to say is I don’t think that’s enough to town lean Cypher off of
The city has opened a Committee for Police Officers! The following players have been appointed to this committee:

@Go D. Usopp

Congratulations to our new law enforcement officials!
I’m not sure how to feel about this list apart from maybe Ussop and Remchu. Dunya seems sincere but I’m not familiar with them at all. A lot of conflicting thoughts on Cypher. Has AM even posted yet?

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