Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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It seems, only you got paranoid or doubtful right now, really. You are either missing the point or just feel too pressured from previous conversations you had and go defensive aggressive fast.
No, just some of your posts have some very concerning form of negativity in them. I‘d like to think things are much simpler than that. No need to doubt ourselves every second.
2. Every role also has an alignment of either innocent or guilty. Generally speaking, most town roles are innocent and most non-town roles are guilty, although there may be some exceptions.
this is interesting. either this means alignments arent strictly black and white or miller/godfather confirmed existing for a parity cop.

I don‘t mind a few votes on me, actually. Could prove useful :raiden .
is this a role hint?

The city has opened a Committee for Police Officers! The following players have been appointed to this committee:

@Go D. Usopp

Congratulations to our new law enforcement officials!
i checked op and have no idea what i do here. i thought it would be explained lol. what is my role?
Everyone has already replied except familyparka.

Hero, Sigismund, and Xaldin all have 2 posts.

There is no minimum indicated so I would really look into the least active people in the thread. However, the phase is 48 hours, so it is kind of too early to call coasting.

Xaldin has very empty posts, the one I somewhat remember is the weird wording one with his own promise to basically stay under the radar.

Alwaysmind has 9 posts surprisingly, but nothing to take from them tbh

Can't remember Hero's and Sigismund's posts at all :dead
i like wpk's case on them, but i had also liked LM's iso up until that point.

i do think he choked a bit, but i dunno if it's AI.

i wouldn't vote him today, his prods and reads have had consistency and "gone places"
I can see a bit of a wagon on him forming, so I'd like to figure out if that is based on genuine suspicion or just scum trying to push that. I'm leaning towards the former atm.
Everyone has already replied except familyparka.

Hero, Sigismund, and Xaldin all have 2 posts.

There is no minimum indicated so I would really look into the least active people in the thread. However, the phase is 48 hours, so it is kind of too early to call coasting.

Xaldin has very empty posts, the one I somewhat remember is the weird wording one with his own promise to basically stay under the radar.

Alwaysmind has 9 posts surprisingly, but nothing to take from them tbh

Can't remember Hero's and Sigismund's posts at all :dead
hero talked about not being able to get any ass from his date.

since he's talking about getting ass from his date on an anime forum, i can see why he can't get "any ass".

are you new to the Alwaysmind experience? apparently, this is their meta.
when someone red checks him, he'll say, yep, i was miller this night! ;p
Tbh I don’t think Ussop is worth pushing or hard suspecting at this point in time, namely because of the fact that he was easily willing to elaborate on his role and even offered to use it on me to clear himself to the rest of the game if someone invested me and came up with a guilty result. Now, I think it would be extremely counter productive for town to waste an invest on me just to clear him, but the fact that he was even offering this is extremely towny. Ussop can make big brain plays but this would just make no sense.

Talking ffom phone rn

so @Kue if someone is willing they can easily confim my ability by checking hayumi tonight. he will likely be my target. both of us will appear guilty and hayumi will easily be able to confirm me tomorow

ofc this is assuming i dont get roleblocked so watchers would be nice too

well someone has to be willing to waste an invest on hayumi tho which might not be the most productive thing to do

but atleast helps confirm us

this is also assuming hayumi isnt straight up mafia fake revealing lol, or he isnt like hinata from shrikes game that cannot be made guilty

or if sm1 want they can check me tonight ill make myself guilty then tomorow ill be innocent. or vice versa to confirm that my alignment does change
yah he’s town af imo.

Everyone has already replied except familyparka.

Hero, Sigismund, and Xaldin all have 2 posts.

There is no minimum indicated so I would really look into the least active people in the thread. However, the phase is 48 hours, so it is kind of too early to call coasting.

Xaldin has very empty posts, the one I somewhat remember is the weird wording one with his own promise to basically stay under the radar.

Alwaysmind has 9 posts surprisingly, but nothing to take from them tbh

Can't remember Hero's and Sigismund's posts at all :dead
My posts thus far were pretty early and fluff, talking about the MK movie and giving shit to AM for a misspelling he had.

Xalqdins reaction to the dice roll vote onto him was weird. I have seen him in at least a couple of other games before, so he should know meme votes like that are fairly common.
2. Every role also has an alignment of either innocent or guilty. Generally speaking, most town roles are innocent and most non-town roles are guilty, although there may be some exceptions.

aftere reading usopp, i think i'll bite for now. but now what i'm really tinfoiling on is this rule. does this make hayumi's IC unreliable?

>> "this is also assuming hayumi isnt straight up mafia fake revealing lol, or he isnt like hinata from shrikes game that cannot be made guilty" <<

^ what does this mean?
aftere reading usopp, i think i'll bite for now. but now what i'm really tinfoiling on is this rule. does this make hayumi's IC unreliable?

>> "this is also assuming hayumi isnt straight up mafia fake revealing lol, or he isnt like hinata from shrikes game that cannot be made guilty" <<

^ what does this mean?
what i mean to ask: has an NF host ever confirmed someone IC and that someone was mafia? lol.
aftere reading usopp, i think i'll bite for now. but now what i'm really tinfoiling on is this rule. does this make hayumi's IC unreliable?

>> "this is also assuming hayumi isnt straight up mafia fake revealing lol, or he isnt like hinata from shrikes game that cannot be made guilty" <<

^ what does this mean?
Just one of ussop’s typical tin foils. I can understand a bit of skepticism but come on people. My reveal by Nitty was quite a bit before I even posted. As stated already, it’s a passive and something I have no control over. The main idea of my character is literally to be IC .
aftere reading usopp, i think i'll bite for now. but now what i'm really tinfoiling on is this rule. does this make hayumi's IC unreliable?

>> "this is also assuming hayumi isnt straight up mafia fake revealing lol, or he isnt like hinata from shrikes game that cannot be made guilty" <<

^ what does this mean?
I assume that the first part is tinfoil that Hayumi isn't actual a "Town Mayor" role and is instead a scum character who used a fake write up ability to declare themselves and their tole town to avoid suspicion and to get town to protect them from idiot vigs.
since he's talking about getting ass from his date on an anime forum, i can see why he can't get "any ass".
Listen, it all depends on the ass. Some asses require a herald to inform the world of their glory.
are you new to the Alwaysmind experience? apparently, this is their meta.
:lmao ofc I am not, I am making fun of it early before the whole thread brings up Alwayscum meme cause of his posting manner lol
Now, I think it would be extremely counter productive for town to waste an invest on me just to clear him, but the fact that he was even offering this is extremely towny. Ussop can make big brain plays but this would just make no sense.
Do you not think it is the contrary of town-friendly in a way he suggests to use one of the town investigations (I have reasons to consider there are multiple investigative abilities) two nights in a row on results only he can predict? I am not sure how they would prove him being town and having innocent as the main alignment either. As I assume, alignment investigations return "guilty" or "innocent" and that is all, they do not inform if it is the mentioned by the host mechanics of "mixed up" alignments in roles that might be assigned to indie or scum.
There is also a chance of losing more than one investigation at night if more than one players decide to use it (as we cannot really openly coordinate each other as of yet).

Like, due to reasons I am okay with accepting the idea of town having more than one cop-confusing role, this goes along with what I know from my role PM and what host described in the OP. And I have seen plenty of times people hoping to make it easy for them and claiming millers, survivors and similar non-hostile or town roles early in the game. I am just not fine with calling for invests or doc heals, especially so early.
Do you not think it is the contrary of town-friendly in a way he suggests to use one of the town investigations (I have reasons to consider there are multiple investigative abilities) two nights in a row on results only he can predict? I am not sure how they would prove him being town and having innocent as the main alignment either. As I assume, alignment investigations return "guilty" or "innocent" and that is all, they do not inform if it is the mentioned by the host mechanics of "mixed up" alignments in roles that might be assigned to indie or scum.
There is also a chance of losing more than one investigation at night if more than one players decide to use it (as we cannot really openly coordinate each other as of yet).

Like, due to reasons I am okay with accepting the idea of town having more than one cop-confusing role, this goes along with what I know from my role PM and what host described in the OP. And I have seen plenty of times people hoping to make it easy for them and claiming millers, survivors and similar non-hostile or town roles early in the game. I am just not fine with calling for invests or doc heals, especially so early.
In case I wasn’t clear enough, no asking for invests to be wasted isn’t beneficial for town. But rather him even being willing to ask for it and try and prove himself quickly is very much a town thing to do, whether it would be useful or not.
Also, Ussop gets sussed and tinfoiled practically every game. Those unfamiliar with him get a pass, but for those who are, let’s not act like he isn’t one of the easiest pushes for scum to take even if he didn’t do anything particularly sus. He’s always a good distraction.
role-claiming or coasting would trigger me regardless tbh
I do not do this myself and I really don't like it when anyone else does it. This is one of the reasons I am always trying to constantly bring inactive to the attention of the rest of the town, but people usually tend to go after names more than anything. Whatever.

In that case with Ussop, I would not say that his eagerness to make the town use the invest on him OR on YOU makes him townish in my eyes. It is rather in general his active contribution despite claiming (partially but still) early. I cannot really remember much of it except the discussion of his own situation, but I think he did provide some opinions on other players. If he keeps up the activity and gives more contribution further on it would be a stronger town-aligned read for me.
role-claiming or coasting would trigger me regardless tbh
I do not do this myself and I really don't like it when anyone else does it. This is one of the reasons I am always trying to constantly bring inactive to the attention of the rest of the town, but people usually tend to go after names more than anything. Whatever.

In that case with Ussop, I would not say that his eagerness to make the town use the invest on him OR on YOU makes him townish in my eyes. It is rather in general his active contribution despite claiming (partially but still) early. I cannot really remember much of it except the discussion of his own situation, but I think he did provide some opinions on other players. If he keeps up the activity and gives more contribution further on it would be a stronger town-aligned read for me.
Yeah he even mentions how the invest would be a waste. Kind of scummy.
Talking ffom phone rn

so @Kue if someone is willing they can easily confim my ability by checking hayumi tonight. he will likely be my target. both of us will appear guilty and hayumi will easily be able to confirm me tomorow

ofc this is assuming i dont get roleblocked so watchers would be nice too
So you actively choose who you want to make guilty? That doesn't sound like a town ability at all.
Also, Ussop gets sussed and tinfoiled practically every game. Those unfamiliar with him get a pass, but for those who are, let’s not act like he isn’t one of the easiest pushes for scum to take even if he didn’t do anything particularly sus. He’s always a good distraction.

He's actually pushed more by town than mafia, since he's such an easy lynch you can just sit back and watch Town do the job for you when you're scum.

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