Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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Sure buddy
so im a conditional miller that can appear guilty on certain nights

not that any1 invests me anyways :sadpanda

but i can sometimes make someone guilty with me so will be pointing that out if it ever happened and they were scanned

i'll be guilty tonight but can be innocent tomorow if i want

i can be guilty every night and make someone guilty with me, but that would come with a benefit to both of us

at the cost of making us appear guilty
So explain to me how your ability works? You can control whenever you're guilty correct? You said you can be guilty every night and make someone guilty with you. Alternatively you can appear guilty on some nights? Why not just stay innocent since you can be innocent tomorrow it seems

Note to Everyone: I'm going to quote things as I got before I post final thoughts.
I want to trust Usopp's Miller claim but he also is the guy to pull crazy random (not necessarily good) moves as scum so I don't feel like it is OoC for him to do this as scum.
All I think about is ToG
offered to use it on me to clear himself to the rest of the game if someone invested me and came up with a guilty result.
you are aware, i hope, that usopp's 'clearing method' would require an investigator (perhaps even two) to come forward and risk their neck fir no real benefit

furthermore, confirming that usopp can make people scan scum means squat in terms of alignment determination, the framer role exists, and it is traditionally a scum one
you are aware, i hope, that usopp's 'clearing method' would require an investigator (perhaps even two) to come forward and risk their neck fir no real benefit

furthermore, confirming that usopp can make people scan scum means squat in terms of alignment determination, the framer role exists, and it is traditionally a scum one
It's a 50 IQ play and a waste of an investigation lol.
Honestly, if somebody claims Miller right after somebody already claimed Miller I tend to believe the second claim more than the first. Because claiming 2nd Miller is a death sentence if you‘re scum since most of the time people will doubt you.
This is going into WIFOM territory, but I think going with the simpler premise first will help not have us waste time.

I think the simplest would be that there are two millers in this game.

The second would be Usopp trying something new and claiming miller as scum.
What is the difference? I only know Mayor from ToS.
The thing is that Innocent Child has no control over being announced once the game starts. It is a mechanic of providing a confirmed town role. And it is usually not a power role or a locked until condition met role. Because the intention is not to give a scum definite town power role kill or make town have a fixed doctor/protector target.
I however expected it to be a move for a more populated game realm tbh
The thing is that Innocent Child has no control over being announced once the game starts. It is a mechanic of providing a confirmed town role. And it is usually not a power role or a locked until condition met role. Because the intention is not to give a scum definite town power role kill or make town have a fixed doctor/protector target.
I however expected it to be a move for a more populated game realm tbh
I saw ICs in every Nitty game I played so far.
This isn’t your first mafia game by a long shot. Why is this just bothering you now?
It is not just now. I just do not always bring this up. An exchange between two players about how someone else plays as in being a serious basis for a conclusion in this particular game does generate activity, but it is not like it is always genuine or you can trust their judgment on that. Besides, claiming that host (for example) would never do something based on their previous games can backfire as hell for town further in the game.
And I actually enjoyed the sock puppets game I subbed in a lot and would not mind another one :catskully
These are basically my reads:

Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
18. SinRaven
7. Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Cypher (has come off better)
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Lord Melkor

Would like to lynch
because this is clearly some type of vote stack ability or some shit :drake

"your vp will grow according to the number of times you've been voted" or "you will get x ability once x people have voted for you" and who knows what else

like what the fuck :drake
It was just a failed attempt at baiting. Not that deep. If I wanted people to vote me up for nefarious reasons I‘d just go afk and let a wagon form naturally.
You literally said he’s the player who could read you the best, elevating his skills and abilities above other players in reading you. You countered this by trying to paint @Kue as sus and hint yourself as being innocent
I mean he's literally hosted several games where I was indie or scum so he should have a solid read on me meta wise. I don't see how anything I had posted up to that point would be alignment indicative so his case on me and the follow up tunneling seemed weird to me.
I mean he's literally hosted several games where I was indie or scum so he should have a solid read on me meta wise. I don't see how anything I had posted up to that point would be alignment indicative so his case on me and the follow up tunneling seemed weird to me.
Kue said his list was subject to change. Mafia is literally a game about how your interactions come off to people. If you’re reading scummy to someone, then:catshrug

Also your argument about him hosting doesn’t hold water. Because he’s hosted you multiple times, he should be able to read you? If you’re a good player, it doesn’t matter.

Alternatively, what’s your read on Kue
you are aware, i hope, that usopp's 'clearing method' would require an investigator (perhaps even two) to come forward and risk their neck fir no real benefit

furthermore, confirming that usopp can make people scan scum means squat in terms of alignment determination, the framer role exists, and it is traditionally a scum one
For the third time, I never said I actually want him to do it, but that it's the concept of him being so open that makes him a town lean
Kue said his list was subject to change. Mafia is literally a game about how your interactions come off to people. If you’re reading scummy to someone, then:catshrug
I don't mind if he thinks I'm scummy but it's completely valid to question whether someone arrived at that conclusion naturally or there's a hidden agenda behind it. I also asked why he wanted to lynch Cypher mind you.
Also your argument about him hosting doesn’t hold water. Because he’s hosted you multiple times, he should be able to read you? If you’re a good player, it doesn’t matter.
That's like saying meta reads don't exist :dead
Alternatively, what’s your read on Kue
Neutral. He's putting in the effort to organize the thread and keep the game going which is good, but I know he's a very knowledge-able mafia player and some of his posts initially gave off a pre-determined vibe, so I'm keeping an eye on.

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