Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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@Vivo Diez Some players don’t like playing meta reads, like @Catamount it seems. Besides, it was more of the fact you were trying to use Kue’s intimate relationships with you to get us to meta read you.
@Catamount do you have a read list yet? Who do you dislike more between Xadlin and Kat?
I am going to post this third time already probably.
My vote on Xadlin is an attempt to pressure him into activity. Hero is above 2 posts right now already, so he is off the activity questioning. I am not talking about its quality because it comes off rather aggressive so far (do not mistake with offensive or rude) and I am not sure I feel good about that.
So I would say that based on my current reasoning I would choose between Xadlin and Sigismund in attempt to pressure them to reveal more, and Xadlin is currently one more people are willing to join on for (regardless of their reasoning).

At the moment I see both Xadlin and Katsuargi both equally either distracted and clueless or actually slipping. I was hoping Xadlin would react more and become active sooner, so I think he is a good target right now, you get what I mean? Katsuargi's posts are bad. First two are like super-careful scum giving some low level activity: hello, stating a fact, asking a question, pls dun hurt me idk how to do it no moe. Like, this is bad. Dipping is also bad.
I kind of wished it got more attention and got mentioned by other players more, because it would give a better hint on their type of thinking alignment-wise, you know? Without anyone pointing this out to them consistently. So that once voting for Katrsuargi forms and moves better it is more of a genuine pressure and less time to come up with excuses.

21/21 Players Alive

1. Alwaysmind
2. Catamount
3. Cooler
4. Cypher
5. Dunya
6. familyparka
7. Go D. Usopp
8. Hayumi
9. Hero
10. John Wayne
11. Juan
12. Katsuargi
13. Kue
14. Lord Melkor
15. Oddjutsu
16. RemChu
17. Sigismund
18. SinRaven
19. Vivo Diez
20. WolfPrinceKiba
21. Xadlin


Artoria Pendragon from FATE
Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill
Bianca from Worm
Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice And Fire
Daria Morgendorffer from Daria
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Hit-Girl from Kick-Ass
Katarina d'al Cazarosta from Infiniverse
Kimberly Wexler from Better Call Saul
Leslie Knope from Parks And Recreation
Mai Taniyama from Ghost Hunt
Marika from Darkwar
Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction
Mulan Fa from Mulan
Nero Claudius from FATE
Reimu Hakurei from Touhou Project
Wanda Maximoff from Marvel Comics
Xena from Xena: Warrior Princess
Yona from Akatsuki no Yona
Yuna from Final Fantasy

Do not post yet
Why isn’t my submission on the list :dank
Okay I'm here. It was a lot to read, and not too much content to be honest.

I don't have really strong reads against anyone.

It's pretty clear that Hayumi is confirmed town, and either Usopp or Cooler are town too. I don't think both of them are tho.

Since Usopp posted about it immediately I'm more inclined to trust his claim over Cooler's.

Also Catamount mentions some pretty solid points about Katsuragi.

So for now

[vote lynch Katsuragi]
This is interesting because trust tells/truth metas are usually banned on other forums, I haven't had to make a rule against it in my games.
It is not banned here and there have been some OG players who had it and if they did not establish a rule of not answering this question when they are town, when they rolled scum it often stopped their game before it even properly started. Cause there would almost every time be someone pointing out their truth meta and the whole thread just happily jumped on it, including the rest of the scum team to gain a town cred on that bus.
I’m sorry but that just doesn’t seem very reasonable to me. If you don’t have a reason to lie and are town, why bother not answering the question and instead causing further speculation.
because it either gives you in once you roll scum by people constantly asking you this
and because it gives you an excuse to avoid answering once you rolled scum because before you have avoided answering it while town
usually takes a few mislynches to start working and only on those who follow meta reading anyway :catskully
I’m sorry but that just doesn’t seem very reasonable to me. If you don’t have a reason to lie and are town, why bother not answering the question and instead causing further speculation.


if katsu does that, then every other game they play, where they're not town, and someone asks them their alignment, and they don't answer because "well i can't bloody say i'm scum", how long do you think it will take someone to put 2 and 2 together?

if they always say when they're town then they'll get lynched when they don't say it

like i think it's a shitty playstyle too but think about it for a min babe :dank
Btw, Kat did very similar things as to what Xadlin did and I have doubts that they are town as well, but if we need my vote as well I can switch. I want to see Xad defend themselves first.

So you guys think Xadlin or Katsuargi could be scum?

Could be, though they are also very easy pushes for actual scum to wagon on. Though I do not think Xadlin is going to be very useful even if he is town.

Seems like everyone and their mother is suspecting Xadlin, which makes me doubt it a little bit. I think some people are just naming him now as an easy throwaway suspicion.

So first you went with this easy push and voted him, then when a wagon formed you changed your mind? Not liking this at all Sin.

Nah. I also hypothesized that the ability to make someone else read as Scum might be Goddesses alignment ability despite not wanting to potentially be getting my own role shot.

? But you just sent your submission's idea to Nitty, I do not think we were allowed to propose and discuss submissions for our roles?
Yea, but all his posts just come off as scum that gave up. Kat has the new to mafia thing going.

I do not think Kat is new to Mafia. I remember him playing few years ago and also his "truth meta" being referenced there.

I‘m shit D1, so I only do consensus that phase.

But I swear, if that RNG is right again Imma flip out.

Consenus? You are not usually that consensual.

So anyway, I like Juan with his recent posts. JW seems to be his usual self, so more of neutral lean.

I do not like Sin (seems calculated, but he often gives such impression) and Vivo (careful and defensive) among the active players.

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