Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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@Go D. Usopp what do you say about Xadlin surviving a kill?
i find it odd none is questioning u actually?
u said execute this ningen
then came and said he is bullet proof?

so does nitty tell u ur kill failed in ur pm? i did not see a writeup saying something like ??? tried to kill ??? but failed
do we even belive ur ability lol

@Go D. Usopp Why did you rate this post ‘agree’

come here, I just wanna talk :catstab
Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Cypher (has come off better)
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Lord Melkor
Vivo Diez

Would like to lynch

Where is Sin Raven? I would put him as maybe scum myself.
Depending someone likely to be lynched is dangerous tactic for scum. Though JW seems neutral so far to me.

Nitty was about to process an action but then said he made a mistake. Could this be about Cypher's attempt to execute Xadlin?
JW's read on Xadlin was before Cypher declared the execution afair and nobody could have known that she could execute during the DP at that point. There would have been tons of time to swing the lynch from Xadlin if they were both in the same team and nobody knew about the execution.

At the very least, it doesn't seem like Xadlin and JW are on the same team.
Also I‘d hereby like to clear Kue, too, just in case I get killed because superkills and invest immunities might exist, so scums probably have ways to off me next night.

I had a 1-shot lie detect which I used on him when I asked him if he‘s Town and it came out as truth.

You should have used it on SinRaven imo, I think I'm easy to read this game, but I'm ISOing myself lol.
Also I‘d hereby like to clear Kue, too, just in case I get killed because superkills and invest immunities might exist, so scums probably have ways to off me next night.

I had a 1-shot lie detect which I used on him when I asked him if he‘s Town and it came out as truth.
Shouldn't have revealed it as a one shot, could have used it as a scare tactic later :becel
Also I‘d hereby like to clear Kue, too, just in case I get killed because superkills and invest immunities might exist, so scums probably have ways to off me next night.

I had a 1-shot lie detect which I used on him when I asked him if he‘s Town and it came out as truth.

So we propably have town core in you, Kue and Hayumi unless there are some sheaninagans. Nice.
:catflip Breh, I‘m not a bad cop.
Don't worry, we've got it from here.

How do you people have reads a few minutes in the game
I have only bookmarked suspicious posts so far, including not trusting Hayumi, yall be throwing town reads around like used napkins
pretty meh openers and others already commented on it. its very natural to have early on reads actually. u get told that then start to actually drop reads from this "bookmark"
i dont even know ur posting style but i can already feel carefulness in it

It is bold of you to claim that I was inactive until being mentioned so early into the game. More than half of the players have not posted yet. I can post the players list and claim them inactive. And equal this to suspicious. Mind that I am usually the one to pursue inactive out of the game just for the sake of policy, but not a minute the game starts.

Not even mentioning the word "trust" at this point. Or expecting the reads being thrown in early equally from everyone.

Why town reads editing?
most of ur posts this day have been you claiming to want to hunt inactives, yet i have not seen u tag a single one of them or start an original wagon on them with the intention of making them talk.

Reply why you want a specific format of town reads to be present and where exactly have you voted me
Pressure :skully

Why do you want people to edit their posts in a specific manner?
does not want to join @Kue 's town read coalition kinda thingy

I am going to sleep, if someone could vote count with quoting posts with votes periodically it would be awesome. You can jump from a quote to exact post with a vote and it really saves time reading through the thread after the absence. Please do that who has time and option on the device they are using.
asks for vote count twice. u are one of the more active players u can actually do the count urself.

Everyone has already replied except familyparka.

Hero, Sigismund, and Xaldin all have 2 posts.

There is no minimum indicated so I would really look into the least active people in the thread. However, the phase is 48 hours, so it is kind of too early to call coasting.

Xaldin has very empty posts, the one I somewhat remember is the weird wording one with his own promise to basically stay under the radar.

Alwaysmind has 9 posts surprisingly, but nothing to take from them tbh

Can't remember Hero's and Sigismund's posts at all :dead
like look at this, u point ur guns to these names who hardly have any posts but you REALLYY dont do anything to help the situation. its fake hunting all together. u even backtrack on the same post saying the day is long so u wont count them as coasting yet.

mind u half the day is already gone and i still dont see any tags or original inactive pressure from u. instead all ur posts are targeted toward the setup, the millers or this fake inactive hunting.

role-claiming or coasting would trigger me regardless tbh
I do not do this myself and I really don't like it when anyone else does it. This is one of the reasons I am always trying to constantly bring inactive to the attention of the rest of the town, but people usually tend to go after names more than anything. Whatever.

In that case with Ussop, I would not say that his eagerness to make the town use the invest on him OR on YOU makes him townish in my eyes. It is rather in general his active contribution despite claiming (partially but still) early. I cannot really remember much of it except the discussion of his own situation, but I think he did provide some opinions on other players. If he keeps up the activity and gives more contribution further on it would be a stronger town-aligned read for me.
once again, millers and fake inactive hunting

I am digging one of the inactives push Xadlin included. Coasting must not be allowed at all. If the push mid-phase produces their activity it should be good. Might switch further on to Hero or Sigismund.

[vote lynch Xadlin]
voted @Xadlin after others have already voted him
like why dont u be the one to take lead and start that wagon? why r u just sheeping them off when u have been talking about making inactives speak the entire game
u still didnt even bother tagging xadlin in that post

I don't do stuff I am told to in the game unless I trust the one who is asking. I cannot confirm I will do something that is beneficial for town.

Any ability-based requests mid-way the first day phase are a no-no.
refuse to vote for @Cypher , who he thinks she is town. i mean u r literally sheeping xadlin vote who cypher started and claimed a failed kill on, so if anything u should wanna co-operate with her and do as she says, so this seems very odd tbh. are u scared she can check ur alignment or smthing from that?


I am going to post this third time already probably.
My vote on Xadlin is an attempt to pressure him into activity. Hero is above 2 posts right now already, so he is off the activity questioning. I am not talking about its quality because it comes off rather aggressive so far (do not mistake with offensive or rude) and I am not sure I feel good about that.
So I would say that based on my current reasoning I would choose between Xadlin and Sigismund in attempt to pressure them to reveal more, and Xadlin is currently one more people are willing to join on for (regardless of their reasoning).

At the moment I see both Xadlin and Katsuargi both equally either distracted and clueless or actually slipping. I was hoping Xadlin would react more and become active sooner, so I think he is a good target right now, you get what I mean? Katsuargi's posts are bad. First two are like super-careful scum giving some low level activity: hello, stating a fact, asking a question, pls dun hurt me idk how to do it no moe. Like, this is bad. Dipping is also bad.
I kind of wished it got more attention and got mentioned by other players more, because it would give a better hint on their type of thinking alignment-wise, you know? Without anyone pointing this out to them consistently. So that once voting for Katrsuargi forms and moves better it is more of a genuine pressure and less time to come up with excuses.
imagine the audacity of this opportunism. im glad ur even self aware of how much u repeated this over and over
its like none of the active players interest u, so u just sheep whatever easy vote there is on inactives and use that to feign contribution

why dont u start a case or wagon on sigis/odd/AM then? are u waiting for us to do one for u? like with xadlin?
and then ur gna come and say oh its my vote i have on them to pressure?

I am up for two counter wagons in voting, it is usually helpful and informative. If one of them is pure pressure one there is always a chance to switch to another one that should be read-based.
Has anyone been counting votes? I think we are at the point where we can start doing it seriously now.
I suggest that there are main and backup wagons still.
u seem certain the lynch will fail or pass on to the next wagon or what? like whats the point of a 2nd wagon here exactly? have u actually bothered explaining why 2nd wagon is good to have? one for pressure and one read based, both of which u just sheeped.

u even ask for vote count once again but never try to make one and never really make it desperately apparent that we need a vote count. u just drop it here to just feign some contribution and concern, but u really have no intention of savoring one.

get yeeted scum :catdab

[vote lynch @Catamount ]
pretty meh openers and others already commented on it. its very natural to have early on reads actually. u get told that then start to actually drop reads from this "bookmark"
i dont even know ur posting style but i can already feel carefulness in it

most of ur posts this day have been you claiming to want to hunt inactives, yet i have not seen u tag a single one of them or start an original wagon on them with the intention of making them talk.

does not want to join @Kue 's town read coalition kinda thingy

asks for vote count twice. u are one of the more active players u can actually do the count urself.

like look at this, u point ur guns to these names who hardly have any posts but you REALLYY dont do anything to help the situation. its fake hunting all together. u even backtrack on the same post saying the day is long so u wont count them as coasting yet.

mind u half the day is already gone and i still dont see any tags or original inactive pressure from u. instead all ur posts are targeted toward the setup, the millers or this fake inactive hunting.

once again, millers and fake inactive hunting

voted @Xadlin after others have already voted him
like why dont u be the one to take lead and start that wagon? why r u just sheeping them off when u have been talking about making inactives speak the entire game
u still didnt even bother tagging xadlin in that post

refuse to vote for @Cypher , who he thinks she is town. i mean u r literally sheeping xadlin vote who cypher started and claimed a failed kill on, so if anything u should wanna co-operate with her and do as she says, so this seems very odd tbh. are u scared she can check ur alignment or smthing from that?

imagine the audacity of this opportunism. im glad ur even self aware of how much u repeated this over and over
its like none of the active players interest u, so u just sheep whatever easy vote there is on inactives and use that to feign contribution

why dont u start a case or wagon on sigis/odd/AM then? are u waiting for us to do one for u? like with xadlin?
and then ur gna come and say oh its my vote i have on them to pressure?

u seem certain the lynch will fail or pass on to the next wagon or what? like whats the point of a 2nd wagon here exactly? have u actually bothered explaining why 2nd wagon is good to have? one for pressure and one read based, both of which u just sheeped.

u even ask for vote count once again but never try to make one and never really make it desperately apparent that we need a vote count. u just drop it here to just feign some contribution and concern, but u really have no intention of savoring one.

get yeeted scum :catdab

[vote lynch @Catamount ]
I thought you were @Kue for a second and was confused on how he typed all that within like a minute.
Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Cypher (has come off better)
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Lord Melkor
Vivo Diez

Would like to lynch
i'd swap melkor and WPK tbh
also dunya and vivo
and remchu and cypher
and i'd put catamount on scum reads

other than that we agree. and cooler could be indie tbh

Haha, I called you being town before you used your ability @Cypher
tmi much :maybe
I am not going to answer to everything, but I might have some evil fun answering to some that are not completely empty.

most of ur posts this day have been you claiming to want to hunt inactives, yet i have not seen u tag a single one of them or start an original wagon on them with the intention of making them talk.
My policy is not tagging inactives. There have been 3 PMs total about the start of the game. If someone gives so little fucks as to ignore all 3 and "forget" the game started, they do not deserve to stay in the game. 48 hours are enough to get into posting without additional tags from the thread. And if someone does not do that... well, reasons.
does not want to join @Kue 's town read coalition kinda thingy
Read the thread more to see... oh you saw this further and the reason not and still keep this in your spreadsheet? breh lol
asks for vote count twice. u are one of the more active players u can actually do the count urself.
Once at that point, when I was going to sleep. Are you mad to attack a post asking for someone to keep an eye on vote tracking in the thread because town has to assist each other?
once again, millers and fake inactive hunting
Go give this crap to the rest of the thread talking about possibility of more then one miller in the game :skully
refuse to vote for @Cypher , who he thinks she is town.
Read more posts of mine :skully
why dont u start a case or wagon on sigis/odd/AM then? are u waiting for us to do one for u? like with xadlin?
and then ur gna come and say oh its my vote i have on them to pressure?
Not every inactive is pressured by a lynch because there can be as many as one main wagon and a backup wagon and one final lynch.
When to add a vote is my own pure choice, don't shit me with an RNG vote or meme vote the first page being any way better than a vote further in the game after a consideration.
I am free to remind town of existence of other players that have questionable activity and substance as I see fit because there are other options how to keep an eye on them except lynch.
have u actually bothered explaining why 2nd wagon is good to have?
This is not required to be explained in a non-generic game. You are asking a weird question while acting so experienced and stronk.
so guys this whole police thing is a neighbouring chat with an ability that we can use tonight

i am 99% certain we have a scum among us there, atleast 1

so since scum already know about it, we honestly might as well discuss it here

we get a shared cop invest ability that we can use tonight by voting who we want to invest

i would like if we have that discussion with the whole thread instead, maybe do smthing like

[vote invest playername]

we will take that into consideration on the police chat
so guys this whole police thing is a neighbouring chat with an ability that we can use tonight

i am 99% certain we have a scum among us there, atleast 1

so since scum already know about it, we honestly might as well discuss it here

we get a shared cop invest ability that we can use tonight by voting who we want to invest

i would like if we have that discussion with the whole thread instead, maybe do smthing like

[vote invest playername]

we will take that into consideration on the police chat
[vote invest SinRaven]

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