Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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By OP we usually mean Opening Post, Xadlin.
The author of the game is usually called the host.
This is why everyone was asking you what OP you are reading.

Eh, for your info...

OP=opening post, not the host of the game.
fuck me sideways
I'm a idiot :whatthe

I mean the host
The plan is coming along beautifully. @Xadlin engage plan XYZ 3000, formation octopus. It won't be long now :pepesmoke
I am having hard time believing a host would midgame inform only one player of the game thread having a fake OP and no indies being there specifically when they are about to get lynched. It is either gigantic brain play going wrong or some kind of language barrier, idk.
How would it look like: lol Xad wtf stop your nonsense in the thread there are no indies I was just kidding in the OP?
Regardless of right or wrong reading the terminology.
ok enough fluff


what do we rly get from xad's flip actually

have we discussed potential scummates if hes scum?

go for hero or sigis imo, their votes on the wagon was awful
Confirms the validity of Cypher's ability depending on what he flips, some people are still sussing or pretending to sus Cypher.

If he flips mafia that we look at his voters and who were the ones that jumped on his train really late.
Use [Time Freeze] on @Pool Party Nitty. No actions processed for the rest of the game and he's preserved for generations to come. @Go D. Usopp 's grandchildren play in his next mafia game.
Usopp hands down a list of posts for them to make when the time freeze is undone.

Nitty gets the largest thread in Bourto'sGrandsonFourms history in just a single day via 100k spam posts
Vote count

Alwaysmind - Xadlin
Catamount - Katsuargi
Cooler - Xadlin
Cypher - Catamount
familyparka - Xadlin
Usopp - Catamount
Hayumi - Dunya
Hero - Xadlin
John Wayne - Katsuargi
Juan - Xadlin
Katsuargi - Catamount
Kue - Xadlin
Lord Melkor - Xadlin
Oddjutsu - Kue
Sigismund - Xadlin
SinRaven - Xadlin
Vivo Diez - Xadlin
Xadlin - Cypher

Xadlin - 10
Catamount - 3
Katsuargi - 2
Dunya - 1
Kue - 1
Cypher - 1

Self votes


Xadlin is being lynched.
Last edited:
Day 1 - Xadlin (Beatrix Kiddo) is lynched
Xadlin (Beatrix Kiddo) was lynched!

Beatrix Kiddo
from Kill Bill

alignment: innocent

[One Shot Passive - Black Mamba] -
Beatrix is a former assassin who can protect herself against the first kill attempted against her. If Beatrix successfully blocks a kill, then she will come out of retirement and gain access to [Death List Five].

[Conditional Active - Death List Five] - During the night, Beatrix can kill another player.

[Active - Bodyguard] - During the night, Beatrix can defend another player by redirecting any kills attempted against them to herself.

Night 1 start. No more posting.
Night 1 - Alwaysmind (Leslie Knope) is killed
Alwaysmind (Leslie Knope) died last night!

Leslie Knope
from Parks And Recreation

alignment: innocent

[Active - Queen Of The Committees] -
During the day, Leslie may appoint players to a local [Committee]. Leslie must choose at least three players when starting a new committee, but she may move players out of an existing committee and into a new one so long as the move would not leave their original committee with less than three members. Leslie herself will also be a member of every committee.

[Committees] - Each committee has control over one night action. During the night, members of a committee will meet in a private chat where they can discuss the game with each other and vote for who they want to use their action on. If no player gets more than one vote, or if there is a tie, then the action will not be used. If a committee falls below two members, then it will be disbanded.

[Active - The Committee For Sex Workers] - Each night, this committee may roleblock one player.

[Active - The Committee For Doctors] - Each night, this committee may protect one player against kills.

[Active - The Committee For Police Officers] - Each night, this committee may investigate one player to learn their alignment.

[Active - The Committee For Birdwatching] - Each night, this committee may watch one player to learn who targets them.

WolfPrinceKiba has been put on trial. In addition to today's lynch vote, you will vote on whether to execute WPK with the following commands: [vote execute] or [vote set free]. For this execution, every player has 1 voting power and that voting power cannot be increased or decreased.

Day 2 start. You may now post.
If I die here is my current list at the moment:

Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
18. SinRaven
7. Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Vivo Diez

Would like to lynch
Lord Melkor

If you change your mind on Cata I would put her in the lynch list.

If I die tonight Oddjutsu should be more suspicious as well.
If I die here is my current list at the moment:

Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
18. SinRaven
7. Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Vivo Diez

Would like to lynch
Lord Melkor

If you change your mind on Cata I would put her in the lynch list.

If I die tonight Oddjutsu should be more suspicious as well.
what made you change your mind on me
Okay let me edit again:

If I die here is my current list at the moment:

Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
18. SinRaven
7. Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Vivo Diez

Would like to lynch
Lord Melkor
I think Vivo, LM, and Odd are good lynch candidates for today.
By the end of the phase when Vivo and Cypher where doing their dancing on Xadlin's bones before lynch, Vivo came off really bad.
While Cypher was simply hyped with the thought she got a scum power role, I did not feel the same about Vivo.

I do wish to either have him cleared or lynched.

Alternative candidates to look into are familyparka, Hero, Sin. I find Sin's presence in the thread not yet beneficial for town. In 48 hours I would expect town Sin to generate more information with his activity.

[Vote lynch Vivo Diez]
If I die here is my current list at the moment:

Should be tinfoiled the whole game anyway:
18. SinRaven
7. Go D. Usopp

Current town core:
Go D. Usopp

Maybe town?
Catamount (Remchu is reading her as town)


Maybe scum
John Wayne
Vivo Diez

Would like to lynch
Lord Melkor

If you change your mind on Cata I would put her in the lynch list.

If I die tonight Oddjutsu should be more suspicious as well.
why do u keep talking like u r dying at any moment lol i dont undertsand ahah
By the end of the phase when Vivo and Cypher where doing their dancing on Xadlin's bones before lynch, Vivo came off really bad.
While Cypher was simply hyped with the thought she got a scum power role, I did not feel the same about Vivo.

I do wish to either have him cleared or lynched.

Alternative candidates to look into are familyparka, Hero, Sin. I find Sin's presence in the thread not yet beneficial for town. In 48 hours I would expect town Sin to generate more information with his activity.

[Vote lynch Vivo Diez]
uh oh nope
we go sin today
Melkor freudian slipped in that one post where he wanted to encourage me to push Cypher. Before Cypher's execute he was pushing her as well. Not a fan.

This is not truth, I only questioned your motifs behind a vague statement.

Ok first of all, somebody must have figured out that AM was the one handling the committee.

So perhaps one of the members is scum?

Does the comittee still exist or is it disbanded upon the death of its founder?

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