Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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So basically:

Xadlin claims he thought he was Indie.
But on the other hand the OP in his PM told him there were no Indies in the game.

Bruh :scoobysus.
Well I guess he thought he was an indie based off his abilities but OP told him he couldn't be an indie due there being no indies. That's the sequence of events from what he's trying to claim I think.

But OP revealing that there aren't any indies in the game to a rando "townie" while implying that there could be indies in the first post of the game sounds impossibru
I am hungry
me too.
Give me your dinner
Why did you abandon the voting for town reads idea right after the IC reveal?
Why did you stop being active?
good choice
What is this?
already made my joke on this post.
Kue gave up the town read vote thing pretty quickly after an IC got revealed
but xiadlin was outed as scum.
[Vote Lynch Kue]
and that's all she wrote. These were all of Odd's posts.

nothing tangible.
Cat: I don't like her negativity, but might just be culture clash since she hates claiming.

Dunya: Where is she now?

Rem: I think he's good.

Cat seeems to be a scumread for a lot people - but she seems rather sincere to me in her contrary and sceptical / ironic approach.
I mean I've never seen Xadlin give any amount of effort in the games I've seen him be Town.

Yes, I remember him only being low effort and coasting.
Im still formulating but I do not trust familyparka’s coasting. But as a fellow police officer, I cannot speak to I’ll of him. He better pick up slack tonight I’ll tell ya this much.

Cypher voted a few times to end the phase was quite interesting. Not too sure what to make of this.

And the scummiest of them all is @Pool Party Nitty if there’s vig, off him for making us vote to end the phase and balk our at the last minute. :catmad i thought this was democracy. :catmaddance

I remember Family being more active and agressive in other games we played, agreed she does not look great here,
I don't mind mechanic talk, but if you bring up "well once upon a time in a completely unrelated mafia game there was this one role" then it's starting to come off as fake contribution.

So does this observation affect your read of Cypher at all? Any conclusion from this?
I mean it could potentially just be bullshit, but it seems like a reasonable enough response given dunya’s weird conclusion out of squat nothing. Which speaking of, I don’t trust dunya at all and that’s not good considering I need to be able to at least somewhat trust the other committee members.

Do you have any idead on what basis the members were chosen?

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