Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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She first said not only me.

Then she said she knows my invest results.

So she could either be the messager who sent messages to three people or the Emperor person who receives copies of my results.
I had a tinfoil that she was the one that messed up your invest results (therefore she would know your invest results) but she didn't expect you to pick her for the lie detect.
I had a tinfoil that she was the one that messed up your invest results (therefore she would know your invest results) but she didn't expect you to pick her for the lie detect.
She did seem like she didn't expect this.

Hilarious tinfoil: She's lie detect immune and reversed my lie detect. But due to that, it showed her as a lie because it would show as truth.
She did seem like she didn't expect this.

Hilarious tinfoil: She's lie detect immune and reversed my lie detect. But due to that, it showed her as a lie because it would show as truth.
She said it here that she didn't expect it. I would like to see cata's flip. If she is the messenger then parka's posts seemed more like TMI.

I did not know Cypher would do that tbh

I mean I thought that reading me should be enough when I am Town.

And like I said in a reply specifically to you, I thought I was going to have fun with a more complicated role that requires long term plans.
anyway i will create my own town pool, or rather, town ocean

guys if i die tonight this is my pool :dumbpepe

town af

should be tinfoiled forever

vig on sight

yeet on sight
explain the town read on me, siggy, and wpk. Siggy especially cause I don't think he's confirmed by any means
explain the town read on me, siggy, and wpk. Siggy especially cause I don't think he's confirmed by any means
i like sigis reactions on ur slot,
totally not because i want my troll invest to be worth something :life

i believe sigis claim over vivo as of now, but they r interchangeable for me. it does still remind me of the abilities we fake claimed last game so sigis could be pushed to tinfoil group. cata's flip can clear sigis completely for me

i have been agreeing with everything WPK said this game. about the town pool and how none is 100% cleared, about kue, remchu, LM. only thing bad going for him is he was roleblocked on the same night a kill was missed, so odd flip is what clears him for me completely.

none of these ppl r confirmed, thats the entire point of the :dumbpepe
they r merely ppl who i think r town
i don't want your suicide pact :ufdup
And there‘s some Emperor Army which enlists players and some General who now receives my lie detect results.

Interesting, did you receive this information from Nitty?

Yeah have zero actions tends to do that. Amazing right.

There is no alignment "neutral" in this game according to Nitty. I doubt you are simply survivor, I would imagine an indie that needs to make sure another role he masons with survives or otherwise something more sinister.
wanna appear guilty tonight? kvothe kun

Why would town role make people appear guilty? I have seen such thing maybe once on town role and it was related to giving others powerups. Usopp is very weird this game with his claims.
Interesting, did you receive this information from Nitty?

There is no alignment "neutral" in this game according to Nitty. I doubt you are simply survivor, I would imagine an indie that needs to make sure another role he masons with survives or otherwise something more sinister.

Why would town role make people appear guilty? I have seen such thing maybe once on town role and it was related to giving others powerups. Usopp is very weird this game with his claims.
Yes, I did. Don't think any of my visits were from Town, though, except yours perhaps and Vivo's.

Because nobody claimed anything. And I would honestly like to know what kind of ability is done to me during the night and if it's something good or not.
Interesting, did you receive this information from Nitty?

There is no alignment "neutral" in this game according to Nitty. I doubt you are simply survivor, I would imagine an indie that needs to make sure another role he masons with survives or otherwise something more sinister.

Why would town role make people appear guilty? I have seen such thing maybe once on town role and it was related to giving others powerups. Usopp is very weird this game with his claims.
i dont make them guilty forever. only the night i am visting them

i can state the full details tomorow. it is a positive ability with the only drawback making someone appear guilty
Day 2 - Cypher (Cersei Lannister) is killed
Cypher (Cersei Lannister) died of poisoning!

Cersei Lannister
from A Song of Ice And Fire
alignment: innocent

[Hidden Passive - Tywin With Teats] -
Cersei is not actually a skilled politician. Cersei's lie detections have a 50% chance to give her the wrong result.

[Active - A Game Of Thrones] - Cersei is a skilled politician who can see through other peoples' lies. During the day, Cersei can lie detect one sentence from one post made that day.

[Active - A Lannister Always Pays Her Debts] - Cersei always exacts her revenge on those who cross her. During the day, Cersei can kill a player who voted for her that day by quoting their vote, writing [execute] and tagging the moderator.
Day 2 - Catamount (Mulan Fa) is lynched
Vote count

Catamount - SinRaven
Cooler - Catamount
Dunya - Cypher
familyparka - Catamount
Usopp - John Wayne
Hayumi - Catamount
Hero - Catamount
John Wayne - John Wayne
Juan - Catamount
Katsuargi - Usopp
Kue - Catamount
Lord Melkor - Catamount
Sigismund - Catamount
Kvothe - Catamount
Vivo Diez - Catamount

Catamount: 10
SinRaven: 1
Cypher: 1
John Wayne: 1
Usopp: 1

Self votes

John Wayne

Catamount (Mulan Fa) was lynched!

Mulan Fa
from Mulan

alignment: innocent

[Passive - I'll Make A Man Out You] -
Mulan is disguised as a man named Ping. If Mulan's alignment is investigated, she will appear to be guilty.

[Passive - A Spineless, Pale, Pathetic Lot] - Mulan tries to maintain order in the [Emperor's Army]. If one member of the Army kills another member, Mulan will learn the killer's name.

[Active - To Defeat The Huns] - Mulan is learning the art of war. During the night, Mulan can visit another player to learn whether they used an investigative ability that night or that day. If Mulan successfully detects an ability, then she will learn its results and her target will be conscripted into the [Emperor's Army].

[Active - Heed My Every Order] - During the night, Mulan can send an anonymous message through the moderator to all members of the [Emperor's Army]. Mulan cannot reveal her identity in the message, and it will be signed "The General."

[Emperor's Army] - Mulan is masquerading as a General in the Emperor's Army. Members of the Emperor's Army will send copies of the results they learn from investigative abilities to Mulan. Members of the Emperor's Army are told when they join the Army and that they have to send their results to their General, but not their General's alignment or identity.

The Trial of WolfPrinceKiba

Oddjutsu -
Vote Set Free
Kue - Vote Execute
Usopp - Vote Set Free
Hero - Vote Set Free
LM - Vote Set Free
Cypher - Vote Set Free
Parka - Vote Set Free
Cooler - Vote Set Free
Juan - Vote Execute
Kvothe - Vote Set Free

WolfPrinceKiba has been set free!

Night 2 start. No more posting.
idk how i feel about u suddenly being this aggro tho cooler

looks like one of u guys rolecopped flower and knew her passive

i didnt like ur vote on sin earlier but kept quiet about it for now
I never voted for Sin man. I wouldn't call this me being aggro though.
yes she did
and thats the only reason why he is in town core
By extension Kue also cleared Rem - who could still be a rat in the committee then. Reads are totally fucked now tbh.
although breaking town core is very unideal rn. i just dont think its solid enough of a core since there is no scum slip to back it up

we cant go and lynch every1 in the town core. i hard read kue as town day 1 but his day 2 was hella lackluster

i am also iffy on odd dunya JW and remchu. now WPK and cooler to certain extents

also cypher scum read sigis too for pretty valid reason and he shoots up my list as well
Night 2 - Juan (Kim), Kue (Katarina) and Oddjutsu (Hitgirl) are killed
Juan (Kimberly Wexler), Kue (Katarina d'al Cazarosta) and Oddjutsu (Hit-Girl) died tonight!

Kimberly Wexler
from Better Call Saul

alignment: innocent

[Two Shot Active - Rest Your Case] -
Kim can prosecute another player by compiling evidence against them. During the day, if Kim writes post with at least 500 words explaining why she thinks another player is guilty, then she can have them arrested to role crush them for the rest of the cycle. Kim must include proof of her post when submitting this action.

[Active - Attorney At Law] - Kim is a lawyer, enabling her to investigate another player each night to learn their alignment.

Katarina d'al Cazarosta
from Infiniverse

alignment: innocent

[Passive - Secret Identity] - Katarina is hiding her identity as the daughter of an important nobleman, making her overly evasive in answering questions. Katarina cannot divulge any information about her role or her abilities to other players. If Katarina is caught violating this restriction, she may be permanently role crushed or even removed from the game depending on the severity of her disregard.

[One Shot Active - The Heir To House Cazarosta] - Katarina may eventually accept herself and confide her secret in someone she trusts. During the night, Katarina reveal her identity to another player, showing them her role sheet and her abilities. After Katarina uses this ability, she will longer be restricted by [Secret Identity].

[One Shot Active - Women In Interactive Fiction] - Katarina is part of an interactive story, where her fate is partially determined by the readers. Katarina can use this ability on a dead innocent player whose role was not janitored to gain an ability based on that role's abilities.

[Active - Royal Tierran Intelligence] - Katarina is part of a special intelligence team. During the night, Katarina can track another player to learn who they visited that night.

from Kick-Ass

alignment: innocent

[Passive - Not Like Other Superheroes] -
Hit-Girl is trying to keep a low profile. If another player uses an investigative ability on Hot-Girl during the night, then she will learn their name and roleblock them. If this ability is triggered, then Hit-Girl will be so busy avoiding investigations that she will be unable to use her active abilities that night.

[One Shot Active - Flamethrower] - Hit-Girl can use her special weapon to upgrade her kill to a superkill for one night.

[Active - Vigilante Justice] - During the night, Hit-Girl can kill another player.

The following players have guilty sinners among them that must be executed! Failure to lynch one of them today will anger the Goddess!

Oddjutsu - Remchu - Go D. Usopp - WolfPrinceKiba - Dunya - Cooler

Miss Hermione Granger has been caught red-handed abusing her power as the Minister for Magic! I have it on good authority that Miss Granger has not only imprisoned her political opponents, she's even gone so low as to commit animal abuse! Perhaps Miss Granger did not escape the Wizarding War with her mind entirely intact.

Finally, the game rules have been altered for this cycle! All dead innocent players may post in the game thread today.

@Cypher @Catamount @Xadlin @Alwaysmind

Day 3 start. You may now post.

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