Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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that person rn

Can someone explain to me the message situation about sowing doubt and stuff cuz I’m lost.
> someone sent cypher a message with numbers that looked like the player list and said one is no longer playing, and said they dont lie
> someone sent LM a message with a poem telling him to trust another messager, but not to become like him
> someone sent JW a message telling him not to trust millers and IC

the messages make no sense whatsoever and none claimed them so they r 99% not coming from a town source, so we can just ignore them for now tbh
Done with work, so I finished catching up more or less. There might be some things I may have missed. Going to go a bit iwan-wpk style

Am reconsidering my read on WPK though it's shaky. The usopp fake invest on SinRaven/me was to bait out I imagine a wagon on me and see who would jump on it but I get the feeling scum knows I'm town so they were hesitant to jump on it. WPK's vote on sinraven doesn't feel like a bandwagon vote.

In regards to odd's claimed kill, I still don't know how I feel about that. As scum, I don't think he would make this kind of play. He's done something similar but this is kinda unprompted. If in fact odd is town and he's claiming the vig shot on AM, then my thought is scum shot a bulletproof person or they were roleblocked
My role block was actually the ability that put WPK on trial. No harm in revealing that because it was a one shot.
I have so many people holding grudges against me that I think it's them each time, but in Favorites it was Ooh La La and here it's you, the players I least expected.

Fear the quiet ones:lmao
Then again I feel like conversions would be announced in the thread.
You'd think that...but Nitty doesn't quite agree with the rest of the community on when indie abilities should show up in write-ups. See Zyra from the 2016 LoL game, who was a silent arsonist.

I wasn't even considering a cultist prior to now, but Nitty does like to have small enough mafia teams that a cultist could fit in, probably with limitations.
Hayumi's been relatively quiet since you gave her "the gift".
Usopp lays hard pipe confirmed.
does any1 remmeber the number list at start of day? b4 AM died

this is the current list

1. Catamount
2. Cooler
3. Cypher
4. Dunya
5. familyparka
6. Go D. Usopp
7. Hayumi
8. Hero
9. John Wayne
10. Juan
11. Katsuargi
12. Kue
13. Lord Melkor
14. Oddjutsu
15. RemChu
16. Sigismund
17. SinRaven Kvothe Kingkiller
18. Vivo Diez
19. WolfPrinceKiba

first number 5 is parka, then me 6 then WPK 19

but the list woulda looked different depending on where AM was
If the list was always in alphabetical order, then AM would have been 1, Xadlin 21.
You'd think that...but Nitty doesn't quite agree with the rest of the community on when indie abilities should show up in write-ups. See Zyra from the 2016 LoL game, who was a silent arsonist.

I wasn't even considering a cultist prior to now, but Nitty does like to have small enough mafia teams that a cultist could fit in, probably with limitations.

2016 was 5 years ago, and that was my first big game. I’ve learned a lot since then. If any conversions happen, they will be mentioned in a writeup. I think I said this once before in this thread.

the way he called remchu's case against me manipulative and shielding me when the thread was anti-dunya without committing to a read on me in the first place till i asked

felt really opportunistic tbh.
If I was going to shield you, why not just commit to townreading you, rather than be neutral towards you? I commented on the situation with you vs RemChu as it was an easy avenue to voice my unease with RemChu, it was more about him than you. I've played with RemChu for eight years so have meta, you I have little other than general sense on skill level given impressions on TS.
I have so many people holding grudges against me that I think it's them each time, but in Favorites it was Ooh La La and here it's you, the players I least expected.

Fear the quiet ones:lmao

You'd think that...but Nitty doesn't quite agree with the rest of the community on when indie abilities should show up in write-ups. See Zyra from the 2016 LoL game, who was a silent arsonist.

I wasn't even considering a cultist prior to now, but Nitty does like to have small enough mafia teams that a cultist could fit in, probably with limitations.

Usopp lays hard pipe confirmed.

If the list was always in alphabetical order, then AM would have been 1, Xadlin 21.
didnt notice that actually. it does seem to be in alphabetical order

so the player removed is xadlin, but its obvious

w.e lol i wont bother with it much

u got anything WPK?
did u talk about why u scum read WPK?

not many ppl seem to wanna execute him iirc
it was more on a mechanical basis rather than a read. I'm inclined to believe Oddjutsu that he's the vig and I am thinking scum either got roleblocked or they hit a bulletproof player/protected player.

Katsu claimed a roleblock on WPK. Unless Katsu gets redirected, it's why I was thinking WPK could be a potential scum.

However after reading his posts, I kinda agree with some of his thoughts with regards to remchu and odd plus his vote on sinraven feels natural and not opportunistic to me. Sinraven is town and I don't think WPK would force or join on that mislynch. I could be wrong though:thunk but it's why I am reconsidering my read on him.
it was more on a mechanical basis rather than a read. I'm inclined to believe Oddjutsu that he's the vig and I am thinking scum either got roleblocked or they hit a bulletproof player/protected player.

Katsu claimed a roleblock on WPK. Unless Katsu gets redirected, it's why I was thinking WPK could be a potential scum.

However after reading his posts, I kinda agree with some of his thoughts with regards to remchu and odd plus his vote on sinraven feels natural and not opportunistic to me. Sinraven is town and I don't think WPK would force or join on that mislynch. I could be wrong though:thunk but it's why I am reconsidering my read on him.
the role block is spooky af, if odd really flips vig this will be pretty serious matter

for now i dont think odd will flip vig at all tbh, i dont like that reasoning at all

and i think odd is a powerful role thats rly hard to kill so he is willing to make us waste stuff on him, if not a jester or vet kinda role that can bait us to target him.

my town read on WPK banks on odd flipping scum. tho its still possible scum simply hit a protected target, but i highly doubt they abstained.
the role block is spooky af, if odd really flips vig this will be pretty serious matter

for now i dont think odd will flip vig at all tbh, i dont like that reasoning at all

and i think odd is a powerful role thats rly hard to kill so he is willing to make us waste stuff on him, if not a jester or vet kinda role that can bait us to target him.

my town read on WPK banks on odd flipping scum. tho its still possible scum simply hit a protected target, but i highly doubt they abstained.
It just seems like a risk play to do that as scum.

I am keeping an open mind on it which is why I'm not going to focus too hard on the mechanics and going off of reads. For me, I don't think odd as scum would make that play here. Keep in mind in the last game when I believed he shot Mango too, I'm just getting that same feel.
It just seems like a risk play to do that as scum.

I am keeping an open mind on it which is why I'm not going to focus too hard on the mechanics and going off of reads. For me, I don't think odd as scum would make that play here. Keep in mind in the last game when I believed he shot Mango too, I'm just getting that same feel.
well the problem is there was a reason to shoot mango on aries game
but there was hardly any reason to shoot AM here. it felt very out of place
I missed over Dunya and Remchu's posts

Oddjutsu - Vote Set Free
Kue - Vote Execute
Usopp - Vote Set Free
Hero - Vote Set Free
LM - Vote Set Free
Cypher - Vote Set Free
Parka - Vote Set Free
Cooler - Vote Set Free
Juan - Vote Execute
Remchu - Vote Execute
Dunya - Vote Execute
Kvothe - Vote Set Free
[vote set free]

No votes yet (unless I missed it):
John Wayne
I don't think he's being super helpful in posts, so at worst I don't think a mis-execute on him would hurt much much other than the loss of the town body (well, that and the drawback I suffer from getting a townie executed anyhow.)
My wisdom is always helpful to have around, respect your elders young'un! :hmpf

I'm not being any less helpful than anyone else in this game that doesn't have TMI :zen
I haven't gotten too much of a read on WPK yet, and if he is town, executing him here is a complete waste, and doing scums job for them.
However, the fact that Odd claims to have kill AM, something I highly doubt scum Odd would do, leads to the inference that mafia was either roleblocked or caught a person who was protected/was bulletproof. Katsu claims, if I read correctly, that this ability was activated last night and should have roleblocked WPK.
This could all be just sheer coincidence and conjecture, Odd could just be going all in and doing some weird "openly scum because no one would take that seriously"/covering for another scum/ballsy jester play, the only vig we killed and Katsu hit WPK. I just find that scenario unlikely. The idea WPK is mafia and got RBed is far more likely, but so is the idea that scum hit bulletproof and WPK is town. I dont know which is more likely between the two and do not have my own read on WPK, so I'm going to wait for more to come out before I vote.

Your Alignment says neutral?

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