Game Women In Fiction (mafia+indie win!)

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I would say AM and Dunya are the mafia in the committee.

Fair chance that we are all "town".

but I wouldn't trust AM as far as I can throw him. Not really sure why she thinks I'm a wolf lol? Odd.
You’ve barely talked my friend.

Do you know something we don’t?

In any regards, like I’ve said. We can discuss this tonight. OfficerChu
@Alwaysmind what are your reads so far? I see you‘re here :raiden .
Im still formulating but I do not trust familyparka’s coasting. But as a fellow police officer, I cannot speak to I’ll of him. He better pick up slack tonight I’ll tell ya this much.

Cypher voted a few times to end the phase was quite interesting. Not too sure what to make of this.

And the scummiest of them all is @Pool Party Nitty if there’s vig, off him for making us vote to end the phase and balk our at the last minute. :catmad i thought this was democracy. :catmaddance
Im still formulating but I do not trust familyparka’s coasting. But as a fellow police officer, I cannot speak to I’ll of him. He better pick up slack tonight I’ll tell ya this much.

Cypher voted a few times to end the phase was quite interesting. Not too sure what to make of this.

And the scummiest of them all is @Pool Party Nitty if there’s vig, off him for making us vote to end the phase and balk our at the last minute. :catmad i thought this was democracy. :catmaddance
I think you‘re confusing parka with dunya. I don‘t see the former in our chat :catmad .
You are wrong suggesting such role cannot exist as town. I had such role as town and further in the game got offed by a redirected super kill. But the description was basically almost the same except less gun power I'm general.
Why do you and JW keep bringing up roles in terms of all mafia games you've ever played ever? Such a weird way of thinking when hosts are often completely different in terms of how they want to balance their games.
Def-f-fensive?.. are you referring to someone else's post or read with the eyes closed?
Yeah, defensive of Xadlin‘s claim. I don‘t doubt the existence of such a role as it could be a thing. I just don‘t understand why he would wanna lay low with such powers. He‘d profit from making himself a target for kills as he could just deal a lot of damage to scum. So for me his behaviour and claim just don‘t match.
Yeah, defensive of Xadlin‘s claim. I don‘t doubt the existence of such a role as it could be a thing. I just don‘t understand why he would wanna lay low with such powers. He‘d profit from making himself a target for kills as he could just deal a lot of damage to scum. So for me his behaviour and claim just don‘t match.
Do something with that vocabulary then. Because there is difference between defending a player and reminding that in a game like this one should not judge by a role powers only. Xadlin's case is more of his playstyle right now.
I would be more certain of a 100% fake claim if he just said that he is limited bulletproof or cannot be killed during the day. My problem with him is how his all activity in the game goes so far. And I am especially worried about "begging on his knees post".
There should be a second wagon on familyparka or katsuargi just in case.
How tf did you not check your alignment :becel?
Cause I sadly am a guy that assume a lot of stuff.
Yeah, defensive of Xadlin‘s claim. I don‘t doubt the existence of such a role as it could be a thing. I just don‘t understand why he would wanna lay low with such powers. He‘d profit from making himself a target for kills as he could just deal a lot of damage to scum. So for me his behaviour and claim just don‘t match.
Also, this is the first time I get this kind of role and my first initial move is to lay low, since I thought scum would omega kill me or something. especially on first day, my instinct is to lay low and let more confident players take charge until im sure.
cause one time, got the role of town, claimed and got killed one first day.
And I don‘t really understand the need of mechanic talk either. I feel like scum would want to talk more about mechanics than question players to prevent TMI slips. Who cares about abilities? Except for a few types, they are NAI anyway.
I don't mind mechanic talk, but if you bring up "well once upon a time in a completely unrelated mafia game there was this one role" then it's starting to come off as fake contribution.
Why do you and JW keep bringing up roles in terms of all mafia games you've ever played ever? Such a weird way of thinking when hosts are often completely different in terms of how they want to balance their games.
I agree with this that is why I did not take the innocent child for a fact immediately, but I actually elaborated on my point after.

Bulletproof jester is superfun tbh Make him lynchable on 3 impossible to achieve conditions and there would be a new circle to hell
Cause I sadly am a guy that assume a lot of stuff.

Also, this is the first time I get this kind of role and my first initial move is to lay low, since I thought scum would omega kill me or something. especially on first day, my instinct is to lay low and let more confident players take charge until im sure.
Why worry about scum when you thought you were Indie, though :kannasip ?
Cause I sadly am a guy that assume a lot of stuff.

Also, this is the first time I get this kind of role and my first initial move is to lay low, since I thought scum would omega kill me or something. especially on first day, my instinct is to lay low and let more confident players take charge until im sure.
cause one time, got the role of town, claimed and got killed one first day.
Your whole role claim is based on making yourself a target so you can absorb kills. I don't buy this laying low tactic

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