Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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Because that's a weird question to ask? It wasn't a vote or a claim at all comparable to the example you are using, it just sounds like your being overly apprehensive about people possibly suspecting you.

to answer your other question you are generally quiet except when coming in to blame another person and dip, as the phases have gone on.

Not quote just observing and watching, dropping my thoughts like everyone else
Out of those two I'd personally go with Rem, Sin seems to be actually trying to help the town (which can be considered good belnding but I can't tell right now)

Rem agreed with me about Tiger which I find sus because realistically I was the one who hard pushed Tiger even after all the evidence surfaced that he was town.

I mainly agreed with Nighty and Tiger was openly admitting he was being manipulative and aggressive. Those are scummy attributes, if you expect me to town read him with all that, you are straight up crazy.
This was well after pretty much everyone went on the 'Law is town' train except for me being stubborn. And unlike me you have more experience and should have picked up on it.

Everyone was saying town is law? That is false. He was very suspicious. If he plays like that I will 100% agree with lynching him.
I don't so this as a slight against me and frankly he was leading/talking the wrong points most of the time. We have lynched zero scum.
Weak argument Babby.

To paraphrase him, I recall him saying he was willing to die because of how bad he was playing.
He said something like his usefulness had run out.
How would that help.
Roleblock me if you are town.
Mod notifies you if you are roleblocked I believe.

If it works I'll semi confirm you are town.

4. Actions are processed at the end of the night, with priority given to roleblocks. During the day actions are processed chronologically.

5. Kills that are protected against will appear in writeups as failed. Players who are roleblocked will learn that they were blocked.

Plus I'm 100% sure kills will happen, I'm not scum. If mafia abstains to frame me, they waste a night.
but also, I found it strange you did express suspicion of santi like d1, but instead of me last night you choose to block Santi.

Like am I not worthy enough to be role blocked? You clearly told me to fuck off yesterday.
There were more than just one person I suspected. I chose to send my Raven to Stelios because I was pretty darn sure he was a traitor. More than you even l.
Roleblock me if you are town.
Mod notifies you if you are roleblocked I believe.

If it works I'll semi confirm you are town.

4. Actions are processed at the end of the night, with priority given to roleblocks. During the day actions are processed chronologically.

5. Kills that are protected against will appear in writeups as failed. Players who are roleblocked will learn that they were blocked.

Plus I'm 100% sure kills will happen, I'm not scum. If mafia abstains to frame me, they waste a night.
One thing to consider is that there are probably multiple traitors that can kill. Distracting you won't do much, especially if you are one of them and they know you will not be able to act anyway.

Another thing wrong with this plan is that you would just say it didn't happen if you were a traitor.
I didn't join any quest.


>I ask you if you joined a group
>you say 'yes'
>I ask you in what quest group you are
>you answer me with you joined a group before the day even started
>I ask you if you're part of a group after the phase started
>you answer me with 'no'

Couldn't you just skip the green part and go straight to "no" ?? :dank

Why didn't you join coolers group again?
Town is hemorrhaging hard right now. We need to reevaluate how we are playing..

Things we can infer from the kills so far.

they killed town leaders Reznor, Dr.White
I mean he doesn't talk as much as the above but he is still a decent player
party leaders

4. Katsuragi
He is a quiet player, truth meta.
But can infer main reason he was killed is for the tracking.

They have switched their focus to investigation roles.

So if any protection exists, people like Cooler should get it if possible. and if we have any secret watchers watch them .


in the big picture, scum have to be those who are being overlooked/ ignored.
Everyone talkative is dying and flipping town.
Anyone who was initially suspect dies and flips town.

The scum factions must be the ultra blenders and nobodies.
This guy will probably be killed tonight and still wants the 2 cycle poison to be wasted on him instead of Raven who has 2 lives
Why? Because of some BS about how hes honouring his deal with @Nighty the Mighty
Of course i have a problem with it
How does this make any sense? If any townie with a vig ability or the king knows Law is poisoned, then why would they off them themselves? This was such a desperate bid to off Law as fast as possible to take him and his tracking off the board. Just like how Katsu another tracker was killed the next night.

I mean No mafia are dead yet
And tiger was indeed innocent,Jesus christ
In large part thanks to you.

The Katsu kill is very interesting.

If anything, I think it is apparent that the mafia is headed by someone with not a lot of experience. The fact that certain people have been left to linger signals to me a lack of player familiarity.
The Katsu kill was likely due to his tracker claim and truth meta. It's not a good look that you are suggesting that this or the other kills are indicative of inexperience on the mafia team, especially when a lot of the big name players are being heavily suspected. We are still working out the details of why the first three targets were chosen, yet Reznor is always a good choice and Dr.White is at least an active townie who brings pressure, Crugyr being the odd one out there. The mafia team in a 46 player game should be at least nine people going by the lower town:mafia ratio of 20%, the chances of there not being a vet among them is slim.

Im off for the night

Dr.White,expose these scums :ufdup
Hiding behind the revived confirmed town, just like you piggybacked off first Stelios then Dr.White with the Law lynch.

So out of santi, plat, dega, and wpk who do you guys feel should go first and why?

I'd throw kira in their possibly as well, but secondary to a big fish
Everyone trying to be the next AJ in this game.

You are being mean Bro.
Tbh my gut tells neither you nor remchu are mafia.
But this would mean we are leadless. you even read your own posts? You have named multiple people based on behavior as suspects, like Nevan and myself.

>if the theory is not true we are lost without leads

bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh :catdefeat

Starting to get real paranoid that we've been lead on a wild goose chase and Iwan is already doling out the preemptive apathy / feeling of imminent defeat
Just because a lot of our stuff these past 2 phases have been based around the theory doesn't mean we don't still have normal means of scumhunting and tons of people who look sus as hell :ufdup
I'm starting to think we might be correct on certain parts of the theory but off on the others. IIRC, the kills went like this :3 man squad leader, 5 man squad leader, 10 man squad leader. If the mafia could choose which mission to kill on, why not always the ten man? Could be they were restricted on which missions to pick targets from, starting with the smallest and working their way up. Give the mafia guaranteed kills with a limited pool early then after that they have abilities to work with so just have the normal kill unless they have obtained an item/ability to upgrade it.

Inb4 Priscilla is superkilled while im on her quest :defeat
Preemptive defense seals the deal.

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]

Preemptive defense. :hm
Finally paying attention old man? You totally missed Smileyman's alarm blaring preemptive defense/fence sitting post a couple phases ago.
Heh. Sooo let's look at this,

>I ask you if you joined a group
>you say 'yes'
>I ask you in what quest group you are
>you answer me with you joined a group before the day even started
>I ask you if you're part of a group after the phase started
>you answer me with 'no'

Couldn't you just skip the green part and go straight to "no" ?? :dank

Why didn't you join coolers group again?

Misread that I wasn't written up as in it but to my knowledge yes I'm in a group cooler started.
There's so many more options actually
Could've very well just been: Conditional 3-shot: using the factionkill on 3, 5 or 10 man quest leader will upgrade it to a superkill
with maybe as extra stuff "if you have a member on that quest"

and they just decided they to do em all early to mess with our heads
This is what I'm thinking in general. On day 2, there were two ten man missions and the one three-man god specific mission which couldn't even find enough followers to join it that Remchu was brought along. If it worked as the popular theory proposes, then mafia chose to kill off Dr.White instead of one of the two ten man leaders despite the incrimination it would bring. Mafia can very well make mistakes and lack foresight, yet people have been wary of potential sabotage on missions since day 1.

One of the reasons I'm waiting on Shiny's death by poison before being dead set on Remchu/Sin.
How does this make any sense? If any townie with a vig ability or the king knows Law is poisoned, then why would they off them themselves? This was such a desperate bid to off Law as fast as possible to take him and his tracking off the board. Just like how Katsu another tracker was killed the next night.

In large part thanks to you.
Please :lmao
1.the person who got poisoned was not entirely up to me,it was a group vote
2. Everyone thought Tiger was sus so dont act like anyone wouldve agreed to have him alive for another 2 cycles mate

Hiding behind the revived confirmed town, just like you piggybacked off first Stelios then Dr.White with the Law lynch.
1. I wasnt hiding behind anyone
Man needed some sleep at the time

2.I wasnt piggybacking off anyone
The one who started the suspicion on Tiger was me in the quest chat (that you werent in) and on here,go look back

Preemptive defense seals the deal.

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]
You're so wrong but please Go ahead :lmao
Towns fate is sealed with my death
Neeeeeeding a list of alive players

Can't be that hard to copy paste player list and remove the dead names :dead

  1. Underworld Broker
  2. SinRaven
  3. Dr. White (Peasant)
  4. Platinum
  5. Shiny
  6. Legend
  7. Santi
  8. Nevan
  9. Cooler
  10. Smileyman
  11. KC
  12. Remchu
  13. Darth
  14. Babby
  15. Okosan
  16. Degaforce
  17. WolfPrinceKouga
  18. iwandesu
  19. Jackofhearts2005
  20. jayjay³²
  21. Kira Yagami
  22. Mohit
  23. Nighty the Mighty
  24. notnovaselinenever
  25. Mr. Waffles
  26. Priscilla
  27. Didi

You're welcome :skysun
Anything else to add, or just gonna skip again ?
Sorry Mr waffles. ill try my best. i realize ive been too absent. ive been going to some lengths to fix that.

Guessing Smileyman skipped again. :blobcry


I know the guy. This is scum play. He doesn't try to blend in nor participate in case of a slip up.

He's much more active and question everything as Town.

:hehee... Actually it juts turned out that most of my games so far i have had scum roles. This one not included. Im much less active on games where i am generic but ive since learned thats not the way to do it since you really sharpen your mafia skills in generic roles.

That's because the one time you did go, you got yourself captured and we had to save your sorry ass. :catippy

I did a quest once. and yeah i checked in regularly because i was hoping something would happen. We just had to pick a item... nothing else happened. not sure if i missed something but like i said i checked regularly.

Im positive nevan is scum.
Smileyman is most definitely scum.
There must be one scum that is not inactive.
@SinRaven argues neither him nor remchu are likely to be scum but a remchu death is information because ?
I mean If you are so sure neither of you are scum then remchu death would be useless no ?
I myself am sure one of you should be scum unless mafia can really Just spam super kills as Far as There is a Quest leader.
Imo your attempt to discredit remchu Lynch is a way to avoid getting called máfia when remchu flips town.

BY what reasoning? Have i been online enough to do a action? JUst in case you dont know, the answer is no.

Also ill be done catching up later tonight. in about 3 hours ill start with that. if night has fallen by then in the game, ill save my post for when day break happens.
Sorry Mr waffles. ill try my best. i realize ive been too absent. ive been going to some lengths to fix that.


:hehee... Actually it juts turned out that most of my games so far i have had scum roles. This one not included. Im much less active on games where i am generic but ive since learned thats not the way to do it since you really sharpen your mafia skills in generic roles.

I did a quest once. and yeah i checked in regularly because i was hoping something would happen. We just had to pick a item... nothing else happened. not sure if i missed something but like i said i checked regularly.

BY what reasoning? Have i been online enough to do a action? JUst in case you dont know, the answer is no.

Also ill be done catching up later tonight. in about 3 hours ill start with that. if night has fallen by then in the game, ill save my post for when day break happens.

Yeah I don't like this post...

Weak excuses about low activity on D4 along with the customary "I'll catch up later".

If the King decided to off Smiley I wouldn't be against it...
but like i said. im going offline now and respond to any further false allegations later.

but i wont blame the king if he decides to vote for me since i havent been very active or active at all and town wont lose anything if i die unless im able to go completely active and some how improve my meager mafia skills to find every scum.

You still remember why I voted you D1? :maybe it was also because you sheeped a vote on babby, Crugyr voted him first and you jumped on that bandwagon immediately

Wait so you were joking :wth:kaga nice one.

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