Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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>if the theory is not true we are lost without leads

bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh :catdefeat

Starting to get real paranoid that we've been lead on a wild goose chase and Iwan is already doling out the preemptive apathy / feeling of imminent defeat
Just because a lot of our stuff these past 2 phases have been based around the theory doesn't mean we don't still have normal means of scumhunting and tons of people who look sus as hell :ufdup
What exactly is inconsistent? Do you people not understand anything? Don't you understand tone of voice?

There is no inconsistency there.
The incosistency relies on How you did backtrack on the concept of both you being Innocent.
You seemed sure at It at the beggining but then changed mind.
Now it could be an honest mistake.
And i do think It Was.
Thats why I want tô hear you guys leads
The incosistency relies on How you did backtrack on the concept of both you being Innocent.
You seemed sure at It at the beggining but then changed mind.
Now it could be an honest mistake.
And i do think It Was.
Thats why I want tô hear you guys leads
I never supported the concept of us both being innocent. The only time I did was before the theory came up and I still read RemChu as innocent, but after that I only ever named it as a possibility, but never as a likely one. Yes, I speculated it from time to time, but that doesn't meant I believed in it. My words and phrasing should point that out. Keep my words in their context.

who are your reads?
Among remchu and raven im unsure.
I feel like sin has been honest.
At the same time remchu is too serious.
It doesnt quite feel like his silly Indie or
even mafia from my last game meta.
My top scum reads are If i completely ignore the "assassin aiding quests theory"
Nevan (came here to say lol no but like hell he isnt scum)
Dega (i Said this at the beggining but this Guy straight up seems to know too much while being freaking inconsistent with How he acts, now when he advocated a shiny Lynch all my redflags poped)
WPK (this Guy started strong and then dissapeared, i dont Trust him)
normally yeah but in this game so far I'd actually say Watcher is much better, just watch a quest leader and hope to get lucky

hell that might be the reason that maf went for katsu which hasn't been brought up yet; simply because they were scared of the leaders being watched because of so many people calling out watcher/tracker type abilities

i should have targeted one my bad :psyduck

and it seems ill die from the poison only tomorrow night, then i can either watch someone else or see mafia wasting a kill on me :noworries
According to what was said in the open, Tiger volunteered to be poisoned long before it was revealed to you that it was not instant, so this is nonsense.
Lol Read my reply again
I did not realize this.

Then yes, Shiny is an optimal choice. But by his words, he will die of poison anyway. @Kira Yagami could perhaps confirm if he was their eventual choice for the poisoning?

And it would come to me or RemChu sooner or later as well. I'd rather have the poison do its work while also ending the discussion about me and RemChu. Two birds with one stone, if you may.
Yeah its true,Shiny dies tomorrow night
So there is a chance WPK gets modfucked. Leaving the core of bug fish down to Plat, Waffles, Dega, and Santi.

Inactives I would like to see offed: Nevan, Novaseline, Smileyman, maybe Jack (Ub mentioned he might be townie?), and of course Mohit.

My top 3 would probably be: Santi, Nevan, and a tie between Mohit/Novaseline. Assuming wpk doesn't make it since people seem to not care about waffles and apprehensive about Plat.

There is also the Sin/Rem debacle.
I don't have much hope to win this game, just not trying to get perfect'd.

However an indie cop makes little sense, unless you have to figure alignments to some end. So are you anti town?
Nah, started indie, received cop ability.

None of my actions have been anti town.

In fact, I've been trying to get you 1 scum kill for most of this game, but this king is surprisingly dense.

So, who have you investigated and what results you got ?
Only 1 useful result, which I've posted numerous times.
Is it just me, or do people seem to not be all that quest joining this day phase. :hm
Past 2 dayphases

Feels like you didn't read Tiger's posts either. He stated it a few times and other people too

good to know they are also filler to you :catnoworries
Law is always tl;dr unless he directs his attention to you directly. Sjim what he says. Yep they are are ill tell that to them as well.
In order to contribute I have to read this day phase for which I don't have time
If you have any specific question for me then I m here
Also if you want to know who were on the quest which poisoned shiney I can help I too was part of that
We have like 7 hours, and you've been on for a good minute. Who are your reads, why shouldn't we lynch you?
You for completely disregarding the quest-kill mechanic, and WPK made several reads yet his vote on Remchu seemed pretty random.
Well the pattern broke last night so my theory wasnt wrong.
I thought one of them didn't happen cause Tiger got executed. :hm

Wonder why people are so hesitant to join quests..
2 because 2 today are holdovers

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