Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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Are you confusing me with someone else?

I do think RemChu is suspicious, especially after the more recent events. I wouldn't mind seeing him dead, which is one reason why I agreed with the notion to have RemChu sacrificing himself in his current quest with Waffles and Priscilla.
Im pretty sure you Said this entire thing of "scum needing tô be on Quest" is BS
And thats the entire basis for you tão getting lynched
Im pretty sure you Said this entire thing of "scum needing tô be on Quest" is BS
And thats the entire basis for you tão getting lynched
I said that until further evidence pops up it's nothing more than a theory and there is no use on relying on it for finding the traitors amongst us.

I still stand by it, but RemChu's behavior has become increasingly more suspicious and I want one of us, preferably him, to die to get it all over with.
I said that until further evidence pops up it's nothing more than a theory and there is no use on relying on it for finding the traitors amongst us.

I still stand by it, but RemChu's behavior has become increasingly more suspicious and I want one of us, preferably him, to die to get it all over with.
Your answer is actually good.
im actually Reading you less scum right now.
Cooo! COOO! (Sure sure. Currently, Okosan believes that we should keep the King in power. Sure it would be nice to have actual, direct control over the lynch. But at this point if we allow this to happen Mafia (and apparently werewolves ffs) are probably going to have a pretty good chunk of the control as well. About the victims, first off, just fantastic. We still have werewolves alive. Actually kill him (but like really please don't, though, thanks). The kill on Kat at seems to point towards the fact that maybe there wasn't mafia on a quest? We don't know if they have to kill the leader or not so it's hard to tell.)
Town still has majority and if mafia wants to change the vote then they have to expose themselves, they can't just hide behind the king at that point.
I said that until further evidence pops up it's nothing more than a theory and there is no use on relying on it for finding the traitors amongst us.

I still stand by it, but RemChu's behavior has become increasingly more suspicious and I want one of us, preferably him, to die to get it all over with.

What exactly about my behavior raised alarm?
I simply explained my state of mind.
The fact that I was added to the quest, I myself did not want to go on the quest.
Thus I could not have plotted to murder my amigo Dr.White.

Note that yesterday @Didi or whatever said you suggested to revive Raven first and not Dr.White.
@Tiger to back up Sin's story, basically when everyone was agreeing Dr White was the best townie to revive she suddenly was like 'well we could also resurrect Revan' which I thought was weird because we don't even know for sure if their faction is pro-town so I grilled her for a bit and she basically cracked under the pressure

This suspect for a few reasons.

-Raven was acting clueless and dumb, so him being revived seems less of a benefit for town.
-If you are in fact mafia, you would not want to undo the work you did on Dr.White your night 2 kill.
-Dr.White is a far better scum hunter and threat overall as a player so the fact Didi brought that up is huge in my opinion.

You are still very much playing selfishly imo, "Look how special I am, look I got rewards" ????
I don't know you have a completely different vibe from your town self.

The fact the mafia choose to abstain from super kill just confirms they need the party thing.

I was in another quest again, nothing bad happens.

I second the notion in which RemChu would sacrifice himself, obviously. I'm not afraid to see what he would turn out to be.

The only con I could see is that an evil man sacrificing himself could have evil results, but that's just theorycrafting.
Telling you right now, in the event I die. You 100% self incriminate yourself as mafia.

And at this point too Degaforce's slip aka "theory" on how the superkill works is all but fucking confirmed.

We need to get rid of Dega and Sin.
We, @Nighty the Mighty, @Katsuargi and @Underworld Broker all chose to resurrect @Dr. White, but I was the first one to bring him up.

This is a clear lie

Lynch all liars.

@Tiger to back up Sin's story, basically when everyone was agreeing Dr White was the best townie to revive she suddenly was like 'well we could also resurrect Revan'

[Vote Lynch SinRaven]
santi. the only thing he ever bothered arguing was about the king, then he completely bounced

also plat, he has barely said anything, bet this would be actually the kind of game where he would try to lead again and stuff

idek about wkp

Plat has had few posts but the few he made seem to encourage town not to lose track, etc.
I will be most certainly surprised if he wasn't town.
You are operating on the basis that one of Rem and I is a traitor. I didn't lead the quest like I wanted to and Rem joined the quest according to Waffles word. They would know I wasn't the quest leader in both situations. The only way they wouldn't know is if both Rem and I, and also Waffles and Priscilla, we're innocent.

If you are so favored why couldn't you lead the quest?

I don't even recall signing up , YET AGAIN I was on a quest and it went successful without a problem.

I'm not the danger, lol.
I declare RemChu an enemy of the Kingdom.

While I do believe he too is a follower of Melandru, I think it is therefore the reason he sees me as as threat.

Jealousy is a sin, but it is not only a sin. Me, having Melandru at my side, would prove a great threat to whoever wants to destroy our Kingdom. RemChu wants me gone for that exact reason.

There is no actual proof against me. Everything lies within a string of coincidences, none of which are proven to be connected. The enemies are trying too hard. We are down a lot, and they're trying to bring us down even more by eliminating the biggest threats.

If you really suspected me why roleblock Santi?

Simply roleblock me.
Yeah Rem, like UB said, if you were paying attention I was talking about Nighty there and backing up Sin's story about her and me in the Quest Convo

I would never call Sin a her unless he wanted me to :blobpeek

So out of santi, plat, dega, and wpk who do you guys feel should go first and why?

WPK > Santi > Dega >>>>> Plat

though Dega becomes higher priority if WPK flips scum

Plat has been uncharacteristically quiet but I recall do liking the posts he did make
Yeah Rem, like UB said, if you were paying attention I was talking about Nighty there and backing up Sin's story about her and me in the Quest Convo

I would never call Sin a her unless he wanted me to :blobpeek

WPK > Santi > Dega >>>>> Plat

though Dega becomes higher priority if WPK flips scum

Plat has been uncharacteristically quiet but I recall do liking the posts he did make

Ok ,well the only reason I quoted that, is it stuck out in my memory, and I thought it referred to Sin. Apologies.
Didn't stelios lead multiple quests as well?

This is faulty logic.

yeah, I was also sus of him for that last phase, but apparently wrong. Still, don't you think combined with the fact mafia normalkilled last night that it's a bit sus? Kira had a 10man quest even so surely there was mafia on there

I don't see how it's faulty, it's sus to me and the logic holds up. I'm not saying it's a 100% confirm (though his reactions to my grilling make me a lot more sure)

But actually I don't think Kira should be the lynch today, just wanted to put some pressure on him and see how he would respond. Still think he's likely maf but he shouldn't be the best target today if we also want to get on with solving the game

[Vote Lynch WPK]
yeah, I was also sus of him for that last phase, but apparently wrong. Still, don't you think combined with the fact mafia normalkilled last night that it's a bit sus? Kira had a 10man quest even so surely there was mafia on there

I don't see how it's faulty, it's sus to me and the logic holds up. I'm not saying it's a 100% confirm (though his reactions to my grilling make me a lot more sure)

But actually I don't think Kira should be the lynch today, just wanted to put some pressure on him and see how he would respond. Still think he's likely maf but he shouldn't be the best target today if we also want to get on with solving the game

[Vote Lynch WPK]

Yeah fact they abstained is true.
still haven't eaten anything today, so my brain power is like low at the moment.

making baked sweet potatoes and have a chicken in the oven.
Note that yesterday @Didi or whatever said you suggested to revive Raven first and not Dr.White.
This suspect for a few reasons.

-Raven was acting clueless and dumb, so him being revived seems less of a benefit for town.
-If you are in fact mafia, you would not want to undo the work you did on Dr.White your night 2 kill.
-Dr.White is a far better scum hunter and threat overall as a player so the fact Didi brought that up is huge in my opinion.
Didi is talking about Nighty there. She brought forward the suggestion to revive Revan, which led to her being outed as a council member.

The only other option I brought forward was Reznor, but I pushed for reviving Dr White throughout it all.
[Change vote lynch WPK]

Back to my vote from last dayphase.

@Underworld Broker is still a dick tho


i still love you though :caticon
I don't have any outstanding thoughts about the princess, and if I had I wouldn't be sharing it with you.

You are annoying me and right now you are nothing more than a fly waiting to be squashed. My only hope is for it to happen before I die, so I can finally have some peace.

If you were town, you would be open to talking to me.
Just more hyperbole ad hominem.

Plus your freak out near end of phase.

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