Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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I would like for @Degaforce, @Underworld Broker, @Mr. Waffles and @Dr. White to join me on the quest to the hermit's hut. I don't yet trust you all, but to me this is the safest combination of people.

Others are welcome to join as well, but I'd like to hear why I should trust you and take you.

I'm okay with joining, but I'll do so if I survive the wrap up of last night's quest.

Also im leading the swamp.
SWAMP-5 Man group.
Start group

You're competing with Priscilla on this.
I wanted the swamp since yesterday.
But i dont mind normally joining the quest.
Anyway how benefiticial would be saving the child?
@Mr. Waffles @RemChu @Priscilla
If one of you had to die which one should?
Doesn't say what benefit ..
just that 1 of the 3 of us should be sacrificed in order to heal the child ..
i already volunteered tbh ..
Rem and Waffles are better alive anyway..
I would like for @Degaforce, @Underworld Broker, @Mr. Waffles and @Dr. White to join me on the quest to the hermit's hut. I don't yet trust you all, but to me this is the safest combination of people.

Others are welcome to join as well, but I'd like to hear why I should trust you and take you.
I'd like to get the result of our quest first, to decide.
Also, I believe the swamp would fit my character better.
[Vote Lynch @Okosan]

While many are perhaps acting more suspicious, this bird is skimming the sidelines of all discussion, but adding little.

I'd like to hear her opinion on a few matters. What is your opinion on the King currently? What do you think about the nightly victims, specifically the ones last night? Who do you trust and more importantly, who don't you trust?

Showing cannibalism now aren't we?
Hey dega do you have anything to tell us
I will once I get the results of the quest.
Whose group did Katsu join yesterday?

Out of all the suspected people you jump to lynch me and for such a bad reason,Scummy :hm
Katsu joined Law's group. So no quest there.

And his reason for suspecting you is completely valid. Why are you turning it around?
Actually not a bad reason your basically someone who's led multiple quest but hasn't been attacked (to my knowledge) or killed. Unlike the other unfortunate soul's.
It is imo
We cant just say every quest leader who doesnt get offed is scum
Anyone who didnt get killed yesterday despite being quest leader is suspicious.
@Kira Yagami
Why would mafia faction kill @Katsuargi instead of super killing your asses?
Honestly i dont know
Guess they thought Katsu with his tracking ability was more important to get rid of than I
OR im being framed.
Sin wasn't a quest leader. :hm

But did mafia know that?

Or are you saying you knew because you were on the actual quest and thus mafia knew?

Whose group did Katsu join yesterday?

Out of all the suspected people you jump to lynch me and for such a bad reason,Scummy :hm

how is it a bad reason? It's objectively scummy to be not targeted multiple times while being a questleader, even moreso considering they normalkilled a pretty random seeming guy (well, I suppose he did confess to having a tracking ability) last night instead instead of superkilling a quest leader?

Just dismissing me and going the very textbook definition of OMGUS only makes you look worse

Are you seeing this @King ? :ufdup
But did mafia know that?

Or are you saying you knew because you were on the actual quest and thus mafia knew?
You are operating on the basis that one of Rem and I is a traitor. I didn't lead the quest like I wanted to and Rem joined the quest according to Waffles word. They would know I wasn't the quest leader in both situations. The only way they wouldn't know is if both Rem and I, and also Waffles and Priscilla, we're innocent.
how is it a bad reason? It's objectively scummy to be not targeted multiple times while being a questleader, even moreso considering they normalkilled a pretty random seeming guy (well, I suppose he did confess to having a tracking ability) last night instead instead of superkilling a quest leader?

Just dismissing me and going the very textbook definition of OMGUS only makes you look worse

Are you seeing this @King ? :ufdup
Again,Not a good enough reason to lynch me
This normalkill move could simply be mafia framing us and trying to make us point fingers at the quest leaders
In fact you could be that mafia seeing how hard you'rs pushing this :lmao

No one did, don't try and twist the argument.
Mate,You vote lynched me which means you think im scum:drake
However going on multiple and escaping the dance everytime? More so.
It's been what, 2 or 3 times now for you?
Again,Not a good enough reason to lynch me
This normalkill move could simply be mafia framing us and trying to make us point fingers at the quest leaders
In fact you could be that mafia seeing how hard you'rs pushing this :lmao

Mate,You vote lynched me which means you think im scum:drake


yeah I do, don't pretend people weren't saying you were scummy already before this happened though bro
you're acting like this is the only point against you :drake

I like the pressure put on Kira, makes me have more faith in Didi as well.

Okosan was around a few minutes ago, but flew off as soon as I called her out. I say she too makes a valid target for today.

Yeah the birdy has been a bit off, I agree. Very sporadic activity, not much of worth said
Nice that you're finally choosing to contribute nova

got some more stuff?
what do you think about the Sin/Remchu debacle and in general the Sin/WPK/dega conspiracy?

Or any townreads / other general scumreads besides your ones based on meta?

Not really. Had trouble keeping up with the game the last day phases and all these players seem pretty neutral to me.

The only thing that caught my eye is the theory about Mafia killing quests leaders every night phase except the last one.

Last night phase Mafia didn't superkill, it was just a regular kill. Maybe they can only superkill when they're part of quest or just the leaders.
Not really. Had trouble keeping up with the game the last day phases and all these players seem pretty neutral to me.

The only thing that caught my eye is the theory about Mafia killing quests leaders every night phase except the last one.

Last night phase Mafia didn't superkill, it was just a regular kill. Maybe they can only superkill when they're part of quest or just the leaders.

wow, good of you to catch the thing everybody has been discussing to death, real observant of ya :nonon
[Vote Lynch @Okosan]

While many are perhaps acting more suspicious, this bird is skimming the sidelines of all discussion, but adding little.

I'd like to hear her opinion on a few matters. What is your opinion on the King currently? What do you think about the nightly victims, specifically the ones last night? Who do you trust and more importantly, who don't you trust?

Cooo! COOO! (Sure sure. Currently, Okosan believes that we should keep the King in power. Sure it would be nice to have actual, direct control over the lynch. But at this point if we allow this to happen Mafia (and apparently werewolves ffs) are probably going to have a pretty good chunk of the control as well. About the victims, first off, just fantastic. We still have werewolves alive. Actually kill him (but like really please don't, though, thanks). The kill on Kat at seems to point towards the fact that maybe there wasn't mafia on a quest? We don't know if they have to kill the leader or not so it's hard to tell.)

COOOO! (Okosan is suspicious of people like Kira (For leading so many quests and the thing with poisoning law yesterday), Shiny, RemChu, and the people that come in just to join a quest and leave. So since there wasn't a superkill today that makes Okosan feel like Sin isn't Mafia due to the fact that he was trying to lead a quest earlier, and this recent thing where RemChu hasn't volunteered yet also seems sus. So he'd say hi biggest suspects for today are RemChu and Kira, in that order.)

Coo! (Okosan feels like he can trust people like Dr. White (Obviously), JayJay (Maybe a little too sus of Broker and Nighty, but still), Didi, and KC? The thing is just that there is so many more people to distrust right now as opposed to trust.)
yeah, your weird stonewalling on Tiger's poison sacrifice caused us to have a fairly useless lynch yesterday (instead of a more informative one in like Sin or WPK etc. Or just an obvious one in Nevan, who by the way, is still definitely hella scum @King )
Please :lmao
1.the person who got poisoned was not entirely up to me,it was a group vote
2. Everyone thought Tiger was sus so dont act like anyone wouldve agreed to have him alive for another 2 cycles mate
Tiger suspected you as well for how you tried to switch his plans up for the poisoning.
Oh yeah he did too,he slipped my mind
Though Tbf he did suspect Stelios,AlwaysMind and MSAL too and he was wrong
I am in the same boat as them :skysun
Also I'm positive that more people than just Sin (hell, even more than just Sin and Law) called you out yesterday

Having to resort to baldfaced lies only makes you look more confirmed, mr Scum Scum Scummy Scum :ufdup
No,i really dont recall anyone other than them two,quote these people please :dank
Do you know what happens to you guys if the King is removed from power?

Nope dunno. Have to keep him in power.

Do you leave and lose the game permanently?


Do you turn into mafia?

Doubt so, wouldn't be balanced imo.

Do you turn into town?

Could be an option, what usually happens to a royal court if the king has no power?

Though i already said it once, i wouldn't recommend voting the king down. Not sure if mafia could get an upgrade or some other thing triggers (maybe some other role in the game that has to get rid off the king?). I mean otherwise we wouldn't be in the game with the win con we currently have. Also bastard mechanics, haven't seen what's that bastard yet.

Maybe we already got mafia and they flipped blue, idk.
Im positive nevan is scum.
Smileyman is most definitely scum.
There must be one scum that is not inactive.
@SinRaven argues neither him nor remchu are likely to be scum but a remchu death is information because ?
I mean If you are so sure neither of you are scum then remchu death would be useless no ?
I myself am sure one of you should be scum unless mafia can really Just spam super kills as Far as There is a Quest leader.
Imo your attempt to discredit remchu Lynch is a way to avoid getting called máfia when remchu flips town.
Im positive nevan is scum.
Smileyman is most definitely scum.
There must be one scum that is not inactive.
@SinRaven argues neither him nor remchu are likely to be scum but a remchu death is information because ?
I mean If you are so sure neither of you are scum then remchu death would be useless no ?
I myself am sure one of you should be scum unless mafia can really Just spam super kills as Far as There is a Quest leader.
Imo your attempt to discredit remchu Lynch is a way to avoid getting called máfia when remchu flips town.
Are you confusing me with someone else?

I do think RemChu is suspicious, especially after the more recent events. I wouldn't mind seeing him dead, which is one reason why I agreed with the notion to have RemChu sacrificing himself in his current quest with Waffles and Priscilla.

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