Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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You are operating on the basis that one of Rem and I is a traitor. I didn't lead the quest like I wanted to and Rem joined the quest according to Waffles word. They would know I wasn't the quest leader in both situations. The only way they wouldn't know is if both Rem and I, and also Waffles and Priscilla, we're innocent.

Like this very dayp hase you suggest both of us are innocent.

I did not. I don't exclude you of being innocent, but the chances of you being so are too low for me to consider it useful.
based on what?

You never actually bring forward a good reason why you see me to be Scum. Yet I have brought forth circumstantial stuff and the fact I had trusted you and openly told white to take YOU.

I've been 100 % sincere in my posts while you hide behind some roleplay facade.
based on what?

You never actually bring forward a good reason why you see me to be Scum. Yet I have brought forth circumstantial stuff and the fact I had trusted you and openly told white to take YOU.

I've been 100 % sincere in my posts while you hide behind some roleplay facade.
I have given constant reasoning. The circumstantial stuff applies to you just as much.

I have been 100% sincere as well. I do not see how my manner of speech has to do with anything.
Like I said, it is an option, but not an option that is likely.

You seem to be afraid now. Trying to back out of the sacrifice, hiding behind the ruse of it being for naught? Because so far you've seemed to be very sure I was a traitor, why suddenly so hesitant?

Don't twist my words, I quoted that to show you are trying to cast doubt on the assassination mechanic.
You're clearly lying/backtracking.
I will leave it to rest of you to pick a side. I will be severely disappointed, mad even, if you choose the wrong one, especially since in my opinion it clearly stands out that I am being truthful here. But it doesn't matter, time will tell which one of us is the traitor anyway.

Keep in mind that if RemChu doesn't sacrifice himself, he clearly has something to hide.


My Raven is getting upset. He would rather have it that I would rage until you guys make the right decision, but you will only see it if you make the wrong one.
I stood by Dega because he looked like a supporter of the Kingdom to me and while you all jumped on him for a minor possible slip of words, I listened to him carefuly and understood it was just a theory. I saw him as far too intelligent to make a slip like that.

Of course, you would know this if you had any brain capacity.

Or perhaps you do and you're just continuing to stir stuff up so I will look worse and you don't have to sacrifice yourself.

But frankly, you will die at one point regardless. So you better have to do it sooner than later.
How the hell do you know about didi and UB?
Like wot?

>We were in a quest group where we had to vote someone to revive
>Nighty was like 'hey we can also revive Revan (former court member, he dead now)''
>Didi is like ''are you one of the court people because reviving that guy makes no sense''

that's the only time where we could actually talk


next day Tiger wanted to lynch me but Nighty was defending me (which was pretty fun to watch, wish she was active)
>We were in a quest group where we had to vote someone to revive
>Nighty was like 'hey we can also revive Revan (former court member, he dead now)''
>Didi is like ''are you one of the court people because reviving that guy makes no sense''

that's the only time where we could actually talk


next day Tiger wanted to lynch me but Nighty was defending me (which was pretty fun to watch, wish she was active)
This makes things more understandable
See he keeps going back and forth.

First, no it's just a theory.
Today he points out its not true at all.
Yet now he puts on a show that it's true and that I have to be the assassin, despite me openly saying I WAS NOT GOING ON THE QUEST.

But it is a theory. A theory most people here believe to be correct. And with all the back and forths, one of us has to die eventually.

You went on the quest in the end, didn't you? And don't come up with some device to say that you were chosen so there was a cover up for me, since Dr White already explained you were chose randomly by his design.
Im legit Lost anymore.

Because you Said Quest leaders needed to have an assassin on their Quest to get killed ?.
Do you even keep Track of YOUR arguments?
We are so screwed this game :defeat
Shut up, I'm doing a bit.
Let Sin take the bait.
See he keeps going back and forth.

First, no it's just a theory.
Today he points out its not true at all.
Yet now he puts on a show that it's true and that I have to be the assassin, despite me openly saying I WAS NOT GOING ON THE QUEST.

Yeah, I'm seeing that too.
I'm trying to defend you, so keep up with me.
She revealed herself to stand up for Nighty and no other court members stood up to tell them they are lying, so they're probably telling the truth.
Ok, perfect.
Now out of this list:
Underworld Broker
Who is unconfirmed? :hmm
Very interesting posts
I find many things suspicious to a degree. Suspicious enough to start a late night bandwagon on someone who is capable of legitimately theorizing something others think must be a knowledge slip and even more importantly had little reason to offer up said knowledge if they are mafia? Not by a long shot. It was a mafia slanted gamble and I would rather wait for Dega to defend himself before giving any real judgement. It is very suspect that people accused him of disappearing when the wagon started late at night for those in the US.

When I talked about superior research last night, I had figured Dega had googled Grenth's name or just had played Guild Wars as when I looked I found this:

Didn't post it as I wanted to see what Dega's explanation was for saying they were assassins. If he was mafia that really wanted to cover bases he could have done the same search but his answer was related to Assassin's Creed. Them being assassins just fit with his overall idea that mafia on the quests could kill the quest leaders.

Here Didi takes around the same position as me, that Dega isn't likely to slip like that. Says we should look at those who jumped on Dega.

Of all the people on there, it is me that stands out to you?

Are you just out of nowhere theorizing that mafia has a specific role that can perform faction kills?

Many people have been on quests, several have been 10 people ones. I have only gone on one quest this whole game, the one last night, which wouldn't have even happened if I hadn't joined as there would have only been 9 people since jjcb got lynched.

Most people in this game, probably including mafia, started with no abilities. You gain abilities by questing.

See here that Didi has now changed positions and is now voting Dega, when he was suggesting going after those who jumped on Dega just yesterday.

You have gone full AJ big fish hunting. It is painful to watch.

This is role fishing. Going by general abilities, anyone with half a brain can narrow it down to being one of two likely possibilities : he RB'd me or he tracked me.

Jester behavior is a fairly common scum tactic, as people will then avoid lynching you. In a game where people don't start with many abilities, vig shots aren't going to be as likely to be shot around. You suggest her teammates have influence over her or even want her to stop. QT's guiding someone to post in a certain manner/differently happens much less than one would assume given how people like to bring it up as a reason why someone is too scummy to be scum, which a fair amount of times are their scummates.

The nerve to point a finger at Law for MSAL when you offed him.

Law was part of a quest where multiple other people could still be the killer. Law tracked me and found I didn't kill anyone last night, this is a statement of fact, not a defense. I argue against what I see as towning all the time, it is why I am this generation's Prince of Hope. Sin is definitely a worthy suspect, given it's 50/50 between him and Remchu if the theory holds true.


It's nice that there has been no flips yet your stating we shouldn't be allowed on quests based solely on some whack lynch chain Nighty has cooked up. Lots of suspect people have been starting and going on quests, including yourself. Given you just killed a townie, you have no room to talk.

You are truly either stupid or scum at this point.

This makes sense how? If you're going by the theory of the assassin being one of those on the quests, then Sin/Remchu is by far the highest probability of catching scum.

[Vote Lynch Remchu]

Im not mafia. Im not anti-town or independent. I have not killed anyone. Why are we so convinced that this is the actual pattern? Anyone can see who leads the groups and kill them off to make it look like a inside job.

How all this is going down feels a bit too contrived and convenient.

By the numbers its probable and logical to assume that each quest has at least 1 mafia or indie member in it. But this pattern I believe is a fake out or a distraction of some sort.

I forgot to add in my post that the main thing that could lead me to believe that Dega is mafia is that despite wanting to solve the puzzle of the quests, he has yet to try to start/join any himself.
They made a kill on a non party leader and it was not a super kill.


Theories can be theory and still have solid evidence supporting them, so don't

2. Just a theory?

Climate-change deniers and creationists have deployed the word "theory" to cast doubt on climate change and evolution.

"It's as though it weren't true because it's just a theory," Allain said.

That's despite the fact that an overwhelming amount of evidence supports both human-caused climate change and Darwin's theory of evolution.

Part of the problem is that the word "theory" means something very different in lay language than it does in science: A scientific theory is an explanation of some aspect of the natural world that has been substantiated through repeated experiments or testing. But to the average Jane or Joe, a theory is just an idea that lives in someone's head, rather than an explanation rooted in experiment and testing.

The one time the sister's kill isn't a super it wasn't on the party leader.

So evidence supports the theory as being true.

The one thing we aren't sure about is if they have to be in the party to superkill, but a lot of circumstantial stuff is pointing in that direction.

So knock off the "it's just a theory" to discredit the line of thought.
Now out of this list:
Underworld Broker
Reznor, Law and Crugyr are all dead and proven to be supporters of the kingdom.

While not totally confirmed, with the events regarding Nighty we can be almost positive that Underworld Broker is a member of the council.

That leaves Shiny as unconfirmed, but it matters not, for apparently he will die of poison soon anyway, so we will see his true identity regardless.
Reznor, Law and Crugyr are all dead and proven to be supporters of the kingdom.

While not totally confirmed, with the events regarding Nighty we can be almost positive that Underworld Broker is a member of the council.

That leaves Shiny as unconfirmed, but it matters not, for apparently he will die of poison soon anyway, so we will see his true identity regardless.
Very good.
That list is the list of players in Reznor's quest when he died.
If the theory you we want to prove is real, wouldn't killing Shiny be the optimal course of action?
I mean read the first few DP's and you'll see that I'm a supporter of the king :kanyeshrug
I know you are, I'm trying to make Sin see the error in his ways.
Why do people always get in the way of my gambits?
So knock off the "it's just a theory" to discredit the line of thought.
I'm not discrediting it. Nowhere. In fact I'm saying it's more likely true than not, which is why I said one of us should die today.

I only said it was 'just a theory' in the context of it being a slip of Dega. Where I used it to say I thought he was merely theorising than actually slipping any information.

Pay attention.
Very good.
That list is the list of players in Reznor's quest when he died.
If the theory you we want to prove is real, wouldn't killing Shiny be the optimal course of action?
I did not realize this.

Then yes, Shiny is an optimal choice. But by his words, he will die of poison anyway. @Kira Yagami could perhaps confirm if he was their eventual choice for the poisoning?

And it would come to me or RemChu sooner or later as well. I'd rather have the poison do its work while also ending the discussion about me and RemChu. Two birds with one stone, if you may.
Reznor, Law and Crugyr are all dead and proven to be supporters of the kingdom.

While not totally confirmed, with the events regarding Nighty we can be almost positive that Underworld Broker is a member of the council.

That leaves Shiny as unconfirmed, but it matters not, for apparently he will die of poison soon anyway, so we will see his true identity regardless.

peasant that can watch people at night :zaru
Yes calling it just a theory to dismiss the idea he in fact slipped.
that he in fact is 100% right ?

I agree with the Wolf here. To me it felt like Degaforce was merely theorising. He kept referring to it as a theory as well.

Others before him had the same theory. It strikes me as suspicious that people suddenly see his theory as legitimate information.

I have to say I think he looks loyal to the Kingdom and for that I put my trust in him.

We should rather just continue too look into @Santi. He offers nothing of value besides continously rebeling against the crown.

I don't recall, but I'm quite sure several people already pointed out that it was curious that only Quest Leaders have been targeted. They seemed to imply the attacks had to do with that as well.
You brush off the idea
That is quite the level of paranoia you have, especially after you've stated you thought I was loyal to the Kingdom. Quite a change of mind for such a complex theory.

Don't you think it simply has to do with the fact that there weren't enough followers of Melandru on that quest, as was stated?

Do you think the enemies can only target the Quest Leaders? Or that I was the only supposed one of them that went on a mission?

You seem to construct a Web of coincidences that lead to me. I believe they have a definition to disregard such a theory. It had something to do with shaving, I believe.
You think I'm paranoid for suspecting you.
and call it all Coincidences
This quite the odd assumption to make. For what reason do you exclude RemChu from that equation?

You are all mislead or purposefully trying to mislead if you say I'm an enemy of the Kingdom.

Everything I've done or said is for the survival of our people.

@Dr.White I was rereading day phase 1, and Dega said he would abstain from joining quests because he was not sure if they can fuck you up.

Which is oddly strange in a game where everyone wants to do quests to power up and be of use to the kingdom.

So it's like @Degaforce already knew
A)Bad stuff can happen on quests.
or that
B) Quests can implicate him as scum

Oh that's very weird indeed, can't believe I missed that (though I read d1 in bulk so that might explain)

Would also suggest he didn't need a powerup cuz he was already powerful
@Dr.White I was rereading day phase 1, and Dega said he would abstain from joining quests because he was not sure if they can fuck you up.

Which is oddly strange in a game where everyone wants to do quests to power up and be of use to the kingdom.

So it's like @Degaforce already knew
A)Bad stuff can happen on quests.
or that
B) Quests can implicate him as scum
Can you blame me for being a pussy?
I choose life.
Remember I was Scrooge McDuck in that one Favorites game where expeditions could get people killed, iirc.
I did not realize this.

Then yes, Shiny is an optimal choice. But by his words, he will die of poison anyway. @Kira Yagami could perhaps confirm if he was their eventual choice for the poisoning?

And it would come to me or RemChu sooner or later as well. I'd rather have the poison do its work while also ending the discussion about me and RemChu. Two birds with one stone, if you may.
Yes, IF the theory is true, then lynching one of you and waiting for Shiny to die would be the optimal course of action.
But what if it isn't?
What if we have been on a goose chase for the last three days?
What if both you and RemChu are town going at each other based on a false premise?
I'm saying this because out of your exchange today, both of you came across as earnest.

Killing Shiny right now would resolve this problem. If he is town, the theory is bullshit and we can pretty much assume the whole mafia team is between the dudes who come into the thread, enter a Quest, say something random and then leave for the day.

Besides, between losing you, RemChu or Shiny I'd pick Shiny every day. Nothing personal :oldshrug
Yes calling it just a theory to dismiss the idea he in fact slipped.
that he in fact is 100% right ?

You brush off the idea

You think I'm paranoid for suspecting you.
and call it all Coincidences

In none of those instances did I brush off the idea. I was merely expanding the theory.

The sentences you colored red even have me working with the theory, only saying that their kills are probably not limited to just the leaders of the quests formed as a question.
Can you blame me for being a pussy?
I choose life.
Remember I was Scrooge McDuck in that one Favorites game where expeditions could get people killed, iirc.

Yes, IF the theory is true, then lynching one of you and waiting for Shiny to die would be the optimal course of action.
But what if it isn't?
What if we have been on a goose chase for the last three days?
What if both you and RemChu are town going at each other based on a false premise?
I'm saying this because out of your exchange today, both of you came across as earnest.

Killing Shiny right now would resolve this problem. If he is town, the theory is bullshit and we can pretty much assume the whole mafia team is between the dudes who come into the thread, enter a Quest, say something random and then leave for the day.

Besides, between losing you, RemChu or Shiny I'd pick Shiny every day. Nothing personal :oldshrug
Then should we not execute another target then? Shiny is dying regardless, so putting him up for execution is a waste of a day. We could very well go for someone like Kira, or Nevan, or Santi. Or do you suddenly trust all of them as well?
>Dega wants us to waste the lynch on a scum that's already going to die

yeah nah, totally not suspicious indeed :nonon
someone tell him you can't get towncred for bussing someone that's already marked for death lmao
I agree with this. I trusted him right up to this point. Especially because he calls me blind for not seeing that Shiny is an option, yet he is blind for he doesn't see that the rest of the kingdom is an option.
Yes calling it just a theory to dismiss the idea he in fact slipped.
that he in fact is 100% right ?

You brush off the idea

You think I'm paranoid for suspecting you.
and call it all Coincidences

Yeah this seems consistent.
I called him at the beggining of the phase for this backtracking.
He did sound sincere on his claims...
But this is kinda kinda too incosistent for my tastes
>Dega wants us to waste the lynch on a scum that's already going to die

yeah nah, totally not suspicious indeed :nonon
someone tell him you can't get towncred for bussing someone that's already marked for death lmao
Stop triggering all my traps :maybe
Then should we not execute another target then? Shiny is dying regardless, so putting him up for execution is a waste of a day. We could very well go for someone like Kira, or Nevan, or Santi. Or do you suddenly trust all of them as well?
What if Shiny is lying about the poison?
What if there are antidotes as rewards in Quests?

You can try to go for them, but getting a confession out of Santi is like milking a cow's skeleton.
Nevan and Kira already filled their posting quota, I bet you won't see them again until tomorrow.

The person I want to pressure the most is Jackofhearts2005, as he seemed like an experienced player, but he hasn't done anything of value all game, except address every little aggression that has been made towards him.
Is like he's playing reactively, not proactively.
Stop triggering all my traps :maybe

What if Shiny is lying about the poison?
What if there are antidotes as rewards in Quests?

You can try to go for them, but getting a confession out of Santi is like milking a cow's skeleton.
Nevan and Kira already filled their posting quota, I bet you won't see them again until tomorrow.

The person I want to pressure the most is Jackofhearts2005, as he seemed like an experienced player, but he hasn't done anything of value all game, except address every little aggression that has been made towards him.
Is like he's playing reactively, not proactively.
If Shiny doesn't die tomorrow, we can then decide to execute him instead, but for now it would be useless, for we should assume he is dying until he doesn't.
Like help me here.
@SinRaven If you flipped máfia.
Who would you think máfia team would look like ?
@RemChu If you flipped máfia.
Who would you think mafia team would look like
If I was a traitor, anyone could be with me, even RemChu. I do not think my behavior points toward anyone specifically, since I would defend my allies, but also my enemies, and would attack or ignore them both as well.

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