Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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Throughout this entire discussion of me, none of you mentioned anything about my usefulness.

My Raven, aside from protecting me, is able to distract someone so they cannot act.

As is of now, I seem to be one of the more powerful members of the Kingdom, yet you want to risk my death?

Why not look at RemChu? Why not?


Even then, you all seem to think the theory about the traitors going on the quests where the leaders died is true, despite actual evidence.

Would they not continue to push that theory to frame people?
Alas, I'm continuing myself with mere theories of how I would've acted.

But the evidence against me is a mere theory either.

None of you seem to suspect the people with actual suspicious behavior. All of your suspects are only suspects because a Web of coincidences point towards them. Each of those strings in it are very fragile.

You are willing to risk the death of the Herald of Melandru herself, only to see if a theory could possibly be right.

Biased I might be, but is this not the wrong way to act?
Remember town, gimme dat super protect :blobok, night
Are you gonna choke up when your unsubstantiated claims are questioned? What’s my Mafia meta, DW?

Do not take 'making it right' as 'making it up for killing him', as I did not. My hands never took blood. No, I meant to make it right for failing him. Melandru gave me her blessing, but it could've saved him. I could've saved him.
Nah, I just don’t get why you did it.
Are you gonna choke up when your unsubstantiated claims are questioned? What’s my Mafia meta, DW?

Nah, I just don’t get why you did it.
Nope. I never claimed you were mafia so idk why you are asking me that. I explicitly said you were a wildcard so I'm confused why you are asking me that?

I've been pretty much saying you're not good at this game and someone as experienced as Law should be able to infer you were talking out kf your ass earlier and have very little if anything at all to give to town, if we're being honest here. But your nervousness is noted :blobok
Also, @Nighty the Mighty, don’t get so butthurt on some “jayjay is useless” shit when I say you’re sensitive to criticism. Insinuating that I don’t take Mafia games seriously (off a sample size of 1 game) when you haven’t even bothered to read my contributions to this thread is straight up disrespectful.

Quote the CB Mafia 2 posts you want Law to read or just don’t try to write me off as a valid player. Like, even UB can corroborate that I played CB Mafia 2 pretty well. Don’t even know why you brought that up when WAD rated you 1/10 on it.
Nope. I never claimed you were mafia so idk why you are asking me that. I explicitly said you were a wildcard so I'm confused why you are asking me that?

I've been pretty much saying you're not good at this game and someone as experienced as Law should be able to infer you were talking out kf your ass earlier and have very little if anything at all to give to town, if we're being honest here. But your nervousness is noted :blobok
I said I don’t need you to win the game, I told you that your fetish to oust the king is literally just going to get town killed faster, and you are mad that Law is still supporting my read on UB. I haven’t made a single misplay this game and I have been given no reason to give you any of my information.

And your conclusion is that I’m not good at this game? Nah, I’m just playing smart.
Some things to take into consideration. Day 2, I had decided I wanted to try the ten men quest. I told you Dr. I would do so. I was not on the quest initially. It was going to be Just Sin Raven and Dr. mod tells me last minute, "Oh well the other players who signed up aren't melandru so I'm adding you in this group." I go "ok?"

Last night I was added to Pricislla's quest. I was not aware I was going to go on it. No one died and we got successful quest.

Plus I show extreme nepotism towards White. He would kill me, but I would not kill him even if I could. Due to this amicability between us, I wouldn't kill him. He isn't a threat to me and vice versa.
So why would I eagerly recommend he take sin raven on his quest? and then kill him? Kill my friend?

Like, what the fuck ?
Sin Raven role playing is kinda kawaii.
Oi, I plan to see what happens in the ten man raid. Still null read on Stelios, usually he says something outlandish by now....
Take Sin with you. The two of you are imo the best town mafia players atm.
Grow and save this kingdom.

This was before the assassination mechanic was brought to light by Degaforce, before night 2.
I had a town read of Sin Raven.
Lately in games Dr.White and Sin Raven have been killing it, so I told Dr. to grab sin with him.

Sin has greats instincts lately, so King not a bad bird to have on your shoulder.

Day 3 after What dega says, I think about it and see them as scum.
Interesting theory, but I town read Sin. He is active and helpful. I also recommended him for the quest because of that town read I have of him.

If he turned out being part of this sisterhood group. Oh man. :defeat

Sin is legit acting OOC (out of character) and weird.
[Join Group]
Someone protect me this time please :blobcry

You could only get watched from what I've heard of peasant powers so far.

Side Note:
Why is the king still here? We need to start traditionally scumhunting, peasents make up a majority of deaths, and soon it won't even matter if we want to revolt. Vote to remove this ningen.

There's absolutely nothing that stops you from traditional scumhunting, don't act like it is. /non-court-biased-opinion btw

Y'all were only complaining about the king for 2 day phases straight, barely trying to scumhunt. Stop blaming him for the lack of effort you've been putting in the game, it could've been a lot easier if people would've bothered playing to their win con.

And yes, I want to win, I need the king in power and I can only win by helping him lynch scum, you as peasants could've literally done the same by helping him.
Also, @Nighty the Mighty, don’t get so butthurt on some “jayjay is useless” shit when I say you’re sensitive to criticism. Insinuating that I don’t take Mafia games seriously (off a sample size of 1 game) when you haven’t even bothered to read my contributions to this thread is straight up disrespectful.

Quote the CB Mafia 2 posts you want Law to read or just don’t try to write me off as a valid player. Like, even UB can corroborate that I played CB Mafia 2 pretty well. Don’t even know why you brought that up when WAD rated you 1/10 on it.


I wasn't saying you're useless I was saying that you're always sure of everything you do
I said I don’t need you to win the game, I told you that your fetish to oust the king is literally just going to get town killed faster, and you are mad that Law is still supporting my read on UB. I haven’t made a single misplay this game and I have been given no reason to give you any of my information.

And your conclusion is that I’m not good at this game? Nah, I’m just playing smart.
Ok so why'd you ask me about your scum meta?

No ousting the king is gonna let town make their own choices and give us more info then the dumbass king. Respond to my points on the matter if you wanna take this further.

You put out panda's name out of nowhere late in the game? For no reason? And then tried to play it off, and later claimed you confirmed her? Teh fuck?

It's easy not to misplay when you don't do jakshit. You've criticized people, been on the king's dick, and thrown shade at random people for no reason. Per usual, and I've seen nothing in the two games I've played with you that is worthy if praise in the slightest.
You could only get watched from what I've heard of peasant powers so far.

There's absolutely nothing that stops you from traditional scumhunting, don't act like it is. /non-court-biased-opinion btw

Y'all were only complaining about the king for 2 day phases straight, barely trying to scumhunt. Stop blaming him for the lack of effort you've been putting in the game, it could've been a lot easier if people would've bothered playing to their win con.

And yes, I want to win, I need the king in power and I can only win by helping him lynch scum, you as peasants could've literally done the same by helping him.
No. I have been scum-hunting all game so miss me (personally) with that bullshit. So have others. The problem is multi fold.
A. We have no idea what the king's decision making process is. In majority led voting we do, we can track voting, we can track voting, and clearly see why a lynch happened and if it didn't theorize on vote manipulation and what not. With king we can have 20 different people posit 3 main suspects and have no idea why he picked that person.
B. Mafia can completely throw out bullshit claims, go after low hanging fruit, and manipulate the king. For example Law has been doing this and all people that have been lynched were specifically mentioned by him. So we have 1 person who can havr their biases and whose opinion they trust, which is detrimental to town who is usually going to compile arguments and have a democratic system. And even when someones argument is listened to we can go back and find out why, or see how the wagon changed. The king's mindset is whatever eay the wind blows as far we know.
C. It has demonstrably had an impact on scumhunting and people's feelings about their vote. This is inherent in any system where the mass can't make a decision by majority. You can claim "eell you guys can still do this!" But the king has done some wildcard decisions, and so far even if aberage at scumhunting is not what we need in power. It'd be the same shit as if we gave the power to decide votes to an aberage townie in a regular game, why the fuck would we do that? Especially if he fucked up 3 days in a row?

I personally don't care about your wincon and you clearly donmt care about ours since there is now a divide between them, so as far as I'm concerned you guys are a third party threat. Without being able to communicate with the king, and us not knowing his intentions, you guys blindly backing him will only serve to hurt us.
You could only get watched from what I've heard of peasant powers so far.
No. I've already explained I got a different power.

And Melandru gave me a choice which power to give to my Raven.

I choose the power of distracting the enemies from making a move, but the other power I could've chosen was the one of protection.

I decided against the latter, considering most kills so far have been impossible to protect against.
No. I've already explained I got a different power.

And Melandru gave me a choice which power to give to my Raven.

I choose the power of distracting the enemies from making a move, but the other power I could've chosen was the one of protection.

I decided against the latter, considering most kills so far have been impossible to protect against.
Didn't you claim after i died that you had protection?

I wasn't saying you're useless I was saying that you're always sure of everything you do
Nah, looks like you wanted to say something but now you’re afraid. It’s ok, lol.

Ok so why'd you ask me about your scum meta?

No ousting the king is gonna let town make their own choices and give us more info then the dumbass king. Respond to my points on the matter if you wanna take this further.

You put out panda's name out of nowhere late in the game? For no reason? And then tried to play it off, and later claimed you confirmed her? Teh fuck?

It's easy not to misplay when you don't do jakshit. You've criticized people, been on the king's dick, and thrown shade at random people for no reason. Per usual, and I've seen nothing in the two games I've played with you that is worthy if praise in the slightest.
I asked you because it sounds like you’ve created a profile on how I play based on a significant sample size of 1 other mafia game, lmfao.

Why do you keep bringing up the Panda lynch? If the king read my posts, she wouldn’t have been lynched. It was literally an IQ test for the king.

And I’m not concerned with earning your validation, dog. I played CB Mafia 2 pretty well and I’m playing this sinking ship to the best of my ability. But you attacked my ability to play Mafia at a high level and that’s where I’m drawing the line. Either you criticize my misplays or just pipe down and let the big boys try to carry you to victory.
B. Mafia can completely throw out bullshit claims, go after low hanging fruit, and manipulate the king. For example Law has been doing this and all people that have been lynched were specifically mentioned by him. So we have 1 person who can havr their biases and whose opinion they trust, which is detrimental to town who is usually going to compile arguments and have a democratic system. And even when someones argument is listened to we can go back and find out why, or see how the wagon changed. The king's mindset is whatever eay the wind blows as far we know.

You're talking about the king like he isn't participating in the thread :catthinks
Well too late for that amigo. ~_~'

I explained my self in that long post, you can see my logic has been consistent. Hopefully you see I'm telling the truth and you know I do have nepotism for you.
I'm not going to recommend something to you in earnest and then fucking backstab my brah like dat.
That's never me.

I'm adamant Shizune added me to the 3 man quest night 2 , so that Sin Raven doesn't self incriminate himself automatically.

2. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives.

7. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. Faction kills appear in writeups under the faction's name and not the user's.
Ok what does that mean in regards to my argument?

Your response legit responds to none of the argument you quoted.

Should've quoted the last sentence of B tbh :dead

I mean if the king is actually participating and tries to get a few good reasons why to pick a certain person or get people to give their opinions on the ones we vote then it's not really like hes just going for where the wind blows.
Should've quoted the last sentence of B tbh :dead

I mean if the king is actually participating and tries to get a few good reasons why to pick a certain person or get people to give their opinions on the ones we vote then it's not really like hes just going for where the wind blows.
But we still don't know why he picked said person, who's logic he followed, etc. makes it much harder to track motivation, and like I said earlier before that post: king can't be on 24/7. He could have logged off 4 hours ago and went to sleep, or went to work 7 hours ago knowing he needs to pic a lynch and won't be back on. How does that help make the best lynch?
Both are claimed trackers of some kind, together with Tiger.

Ok right, well for what's worth I tracked Kastsu on night 2 (?) and saw that he targeted Stelios - which is why I asked him whether he made any actions - he confirmed that he had tracked him, the third night I tracked Santi and was told he did nothing.


Now I've got to catch up on the rest.
Ok right, well for what's worth I tracked Kastsu on night 2 (?) and saw that he targeted Stelios - which is why I asked him whether he made any actions - he confirmed that he had tracked him, the third night I tracked Santi and was told he did nothing.


Now I've got to catch up on the rest.
Have you been a tracker from the beginning?

@others are most of your acquired powers one shots? Or permanent? @Stelios @SinRaven

@Katsuargi have you been a tracker from the beginning?
I'm adamant Shizune added me to the 3 man quest night 2 , so that Sin Raven doesn't self incriminate himself automatically.
This would assume that I was the only traitor on a quest and the choice to kill Dr White was made before night even fell.

The only reason you got sent on that quest is because there weren't enough followers of Melandru. She picked you for that reason.

Don't make it more complicated than it is.

My Raven is furious at this moment, I can see him turning red, since the amount of stupidity coming from you lowlifes is way too much.

This would assume that I was the only traitor on a quest and the choice to kill Dr White was made before night even fell.

The only reason you got sent on that quest is because there weren't enough followers of Melandru. She picked you for that reason.

Don't make it more complicated than it is.

My Raven is furious at this moment, I can see him turning red, since the amount of stupidity coming from you lowlifes is way too much.


So you admit the mod picked me.
That I wasn't his killer.

Case closed?
But we still don't know why he picked said person, who's logic he followed, etc. makes it much harder to track motivation, and like I said earlier before that post: king can't be on 24/7. He could have logged off 4 hours ago and went to sleep, or went to work 7 hours ago knowing he needs to pic a lynch and won't be back on. How does that help make the best lynch?

I don't think that if you'd have the king as role you'd be just like using work as excuse or sleeping close to end of the phase to pick just someone (I mean yeah, he could still pick one just in case but would try to come online and see if people changed their minds) :catthinks

Also I remember that a few days ago panda and MSAL were tied in votes (3 votes each I guess?) and both flipped town, was there really no one who seemed like just parroting reasons to look like contributung? That's some info we got and can actually look back who was legit concerned about towns win and people just skating by.
Shizune picked rem because I kept picking people who weren't melandru followers and din't read the quest write up. So shizune was just gonna let them go and I told her to choose another random person who signed up. I orginally had Sin and mohit aince rem switched quest.
And thus RemChu's stupid theory is thrown out.

It was not Melandru's decision, it was White himself.

Unless you now theorise White made that decision to kill himself and to not immediately frame me for it and what other nonsense you could come up with.
I don't trust RemChu. Not at all. The way he shifts narrative in his favor is infuriating and shady.

@Dr. White perhaps you could shed some light on why Melandru sent RemChu on our quest.

You don't dispute that I show Dr. favoritism,
that I recommended you, I had a town read of you before.

I'm innocent here, my friend.
@Dr. White my maid helped me transcribe your language and we've come to the conclusion that you're suspecting me of being part of the grand conspiracy and thus dont want to take me on the journey to the glade. Are we correct in this assessment?

It is extremely rude to make such an assumption out of nothing. I normally would have my father send you to the gallows immediately, were it not for your status.

Thus I give you a chance to explain: why do you suspect me?

I really hope you change your mind, for I have to go on the quest to the Glade. I have to, or my dream will fall to shambles.

Indeed. You're usually a bit more helpful, and involved. You've been primarily low key with cryptic hints stuffed around, which worries me. I must take the two most trusted Acolytes with me on our mission to seek out the good mother.

Oi, I plan to see what happens in the ten man raid. Still null read on Stelios, usually he says something outlandish by now....
Take Sin with you. The two of you are imo the best town mafia players atm.
Grow and save this kingdom.

And thus RemChu's stupid theory is thrown out.

It was not Melandru's decision, it was White himself.

Unless you now theorise White made that decision to kill himself and to not immediately frame me for it and what other nonsense you could come up with.
He confirms I wasn't going to go on the quest and was planning for the ten men raid by stelios.
I'm telling the truth.
and uh mod would look out for mafia faction,

if the entire mechanic revolves around you guys getting into parties/ blending in and super killing the party leader, he has to fill the party up in order to not incriminate scum. Especially in a 3 man where you wanted to kill a town leader.
No. Absolutely not. Considering the evil party decides themselves on which quest they go.

If I would go on a 3 man quest if I was a traitor to the kingdom, it would be at my own risk to be found out. I could've well just joined a 10 man quest and hidden among the masses.
No. Absolutely not. Considering the evil party decides themselves on which quest they go.

If I would go on a 3 man quest if I was a traitor to the kingdom, it would be at my own risk to be found out. I could've well just joined a 10 man quest and hidden among the masses.

Yeah that's reasonable reasoning, but you've been hyping up your value and that you are all special and stuff. I think that hype is to dissuade any suspicion.

ala "Look I'm being super useful! Look I have to be town right?!"
Kill me.

I no longer have anything to live for and don't want to be around this stupidity no longer.

With my sacrifice, I hope you guys will reconsider and start looking at those that are behaving suspicious, rather those that are lead to by a series of assumptions and coincidences.

I for one have given up on trying to make you guys see the light.

[Vote Lynch SinRaven]

I'm sorry, father, for tarnishing the family name. It was never my intent, as I did nothing wrong, yet the people already painted me red in their eyes. There is nothing I can do anymore.
Kill me.

I no longer have anything to live for and don't want to be around this stupidity no longer.

With my sacrifice, I hope you guys will reconsider and start looking at those that are behaving suspicious, rather those that are lead to by a series of assumptions and coincidences.

I for one have given up on trying to make you guys see the light.

[Vote Lynch SinRaven]

I'm sorry, father, for tarnishing the family name. It was never my intent, as I did nothing wrong, yet the people already painted me red in their eyes. There is nothing I can do anymore.
Yo chill lol.
So many martyrs today, first Law now you.
Yeah that's reasonable reasoning, but you've been hyping up your value and that you are all special and stuff. I think that hype is to dissuade any suspicion.

ala "Look I'm being super useful! Look I have to be town right?!"
I have been useful, both with my blessing and without.

I'm sorry Melandru, for wasting your gift like this. I understand if you don't want me by your side no longer.

I have lost my faith.
Legend casts doubt on the very clear assassination mechanics going on, when he himself is part of a 5-man group that mafia is hiding in.
Its not doubt its just having a open mind that not everything is what it seems. We dont know everything about how this game is being run. We are grasping at straws trying to make sense of things.
So far ive got:

Nighty the mighty
Underworld broker

3 spots left
If ive missed anyone who joined let me know
I joined this quest on Page 63 dude.
This should not be a revelation to you.

My presence in a mafia game is palpable. If I want something, I try to make it happen. You don't have a scum meta on me in this century.
I know your scummeta. Its burned me before.

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