Now, who were the other party leaders when Dr White died?
Which is more likely: that their parties had no mafia on them or that they themselves are mafia?
Dr. White, Stelios, and Katsuargi. I see. Now I need to remember why I had Katsuargi semi-cleared in my head.
The question is, why make a late push to take leadership away from Priscilla? Clearly they weren't going to kill Priscilla that why not just let her be?
Clearly Stelios triggered me by leaping into leadership positions asap and then telling anyone not in his group that they were scummy for choosing smaller groups. I was on Reznor's team Night 1, and I forget whose team I was on Night 2. I remember I went to avenge Shiny's capture (which I now feel was staged for our benefit). I can sense there's something just out of reach, like a missing piece of the puzzle, but I'm tired and it's been a stressful day, so I'm not sure I'll find it in time.
Are you already signed up for a quest?
I'm feeling Law up at the moment. See if I can change my original read.
I had a scum read on him Day 1, how he was tunneling iwan and didn't properly hunt until I pointed it out. The other unsettling thing was how easy it was to make him agree with him when I confronted him. He gave up way to easily. I was expecting more of a fight.
Since then I've been trying to see if anyone else had the same feeling as I. The correct cookie answer of the question yesterday was Law.
But now I'm not so confident. Something about the way he wants to die reminds me of Parka somehow. Parka only does that when he's actually town. I know Law is not Parka, but trying to die as mafia is the least thing I would expect from him.
When it was pointed out to me what iwandesu said, I had to admit that I missed a lot of it while I was fixated. So I backed up, and waited for something else to happen. I may not always admit when I'm wrong, but I don't tend to keep hold of the bone just out of spite. That's why it doesn't rattle me when townies die that I suspected as mafia. When you try and hunt, and you bring as much information as you can to public attention, you will usually be wrong. Then you have to forget about it and keep trying-- a new bone to latch onto. I decided I wanted to not just blend in and play quietly this game, so when I see something scummy, I write it up and put out an APB on it. That's, again, why if I have 6 reads and 3 of them are low-profile, while 3 are highly contributive members with clear answers and good activity...I would much rather push for the low-profile 3 to go first.
Because it hurts less when you're wrong.
Once I survived Night 3, and Crugyr died, I decided all at once that you were right. So I immediately started a group and invited players. So let me ask you-- why do you think I would do that?
I made a deal with a spiraling-out-of-control player who I believed to be pro-town. I've seen Nighty do that as town several times, and it stops her from becoming better at the game, because it's as if she sees only red and attacks. And usually it's incorrect, despite how incredibly annoying she gets with her meme behavior about how awesome she is. I saw that in Jalphames back in the day sans memes, as well as AJ with his pure aggression. Part of it is my fault, because I play aggressively and like to manipulate people and events. But I do that as any alignment, because it's literally who I am. Doesn't mean I have bad intentions.
So that deal with Nighty did multiple things-- it calmed her down a bit, and it gave me a time limit to figure things out. I didn't expect to be stone-walled by Kira, Babby, and Stelios, not allowing me to be poisoned. They can't all be mafia, but I'd be
shocked if none are. Now I have to defend myself against "he's tricking us because now he knows the poison acts 2 cycles later"-- but I didn't when I made the deal.
So that's not going to happen, despite me bullishly keeping my vote on myself. And multiple people have stated that the King won't lynch me despite me asking him to. So my group may get a chance to go into the Jungle. Then we can see how it goes from there. If I die, I die.
You want to know why I don't mind being dead in this game? Because I've outlived my usefulness as town. That's, at least, how I feel about my performance. I don't often play mafia anymore because I constantly get flashes of impostor syndrome, and I find myself on day 3 or 4 defending my
very existence in a game. That is not fun. If I'm alive by now, I must be scum. And I sit here defending the fact that I know how to play this game, and have been playing it for a long time. And why? Because I didn't Blaze or Mio the game on Day 1. I don't play the same way as most, and it makes them extremely uncomfortable.
wish I'd been mafia, to be honest. It's a lot more fun, and I'm better at it.
Dude, I don't need you to win this game, lmfao. It'd be nice, sure, but I don't need you. My understanding of the current game state is beyond your comprehension. I will carry this shit on my back if necessary.
And THIS is why I voted Underworld Broker when the phase started. I stopped for other reasons later on through the day.
Am I the only one who understands that?
This is a big game, I'm not sure why people are panicking. This is precisely what happens in a game with a small % of mafia. It's Battleship. Our side is all small boats covering the entire field, so it's nearly impossible for the opponent to miss. Their side has one battleship placed in a random spot. We keep missing until we hit...and then we hit again. And things slowly unravel for them.
But now we have a problem, because according to Didi and Sin, and evidenced by Didi's rundown of events, Nighty is not a cop as she said-- but a member of the King's Court. And then as part of our deal, she vouched for Underworld Broker. Broki later confirmed she was a courtier. You have a believable claim, that was not once even potentially countered all day, despite it being completely brainless not to counter...and yet jayjay is this confident that Broki should be lynched. Why?