Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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RemChu asks me why I fight over a quest, when it was proven that who goes on that quest actually matters.

He asks me why I want to lead a quest so bad, when he also claims the leaders of the quests are the actual targets.

To top it all of, he claims that that is a fact, with no actual proof. He even stated Degaforce leaked it, way before any such evidence showed up, and he claimed it to be truth without even doubting it.

Go ahead, kill me. But RemChu is absolutely an enemy of the Kingdom, and that should be considered immediately after my death.
It's Shiny. Followed by RemChu, and then lagging behind a bit is Sinraven. Mostly because I'm all-in on the assassination mechanic being leader-based where a mafia player must be in their group.

After that, I'm suspicious of Stelios' overall behavior the entire game. Only reason not to out him higher is he killed MSAL instead of a threat to mafia. Saves him quite a bit of suspicion.

I have, for some reason, had a bad feeling about Waffles the entire game, too. The fact he was among those who killed Crugyr makes it a bit stronger...but both Nevan and Legend are also not looking great.

I could see Sin still being scum, but mafia choosing to make their kill on the 10-man group for more cover even though Didi is a stronger threat.
Good good. Let's grind our gears a little bit more.
The kill is leader based and a member of the mafia has to be on the expedition to assassinate, right?
If you were mafia, would you assassinate the leader of a big group or a small group?
I joined 7 hours ago :drake

How did I miss that??

Good good. Let's grind our gears a little bit more.
The kill is leader based and a member of the mafia has to be on the expedition to assassinate, right?
If you were mafia, would you assassinate the leader of a big group or a small group?

I hope that's right, or else my death will be in vain.

I would do exactly what I think they did-- take out a couple big threats early, regardless of group size. And then stick to large groups to hide.
RemChu asks me why I fight over a quest, when it was proven that who goes on that quest actually matters.

He asks me why I want to lead a quest so bad, when he also claims the leaders of the quests are the actual targets.

To top it all of, he claims that that is a fact, with no actual proof. He even stated Degaforce leaked it, way before any such evidence showed up, and he claimed it to be truth without even doubting it.

Go ahead, kill me. But RemChu is absolutely an enemy of the Kingdom, and that should be considered immediately after my death.

Why don't you quote me? Because I clearly didn't realize what he said was as big as it was at first.

I had to go back and reread, then it clicked, that this is something potentially big.

All there, not hiding anything my friend.

It's cool, man. Take your time. Life comes before anything.

Oh, and the deaths are quite simple.
The sisterhood mafia is a guild of assassins. If a member who is on an quest performs the faction kill on a party member, they assassinate them and it becomes a super kill.

That's why I wanted people to give me a mafia pick out of the list of players who quested with Rez.

The only problem I'm having with this theory is that would imply someone between RemChu and Sin is mafia. And I have a good town read on both of them. On RemChu more than Sin, mind you.

Interesting theory, but I town read Sin. He is active and helpful. I also recommended him for the quest because of that town read I have of him.

If he turned out being part of this sisterhood group. Oh man. :defeat

Sin was in the 10 men if i remember correctly, not in the Reznor party for the first quest.

If it's a real slip, we get Sin Raven as well?
I am not in the sisterhood.

[Vote Lynch Degaforce]

This does seem a plus point of this lynch
[vote change degaforce]
Also you are not off the hooks broki I m watching you you filthy retainer

His description of the sisterhood took some assumptions and explained how the kill could possibly work. He could just be very clever, or you know in the actual group.

Another poster who seemed very clever day 1 was Nighty.

but hers is vague and anyone observant could infer this.

Maybe he is just really smart and came to that conclusion through deduction?


Let's see what the King decides.

Yeah, agree with @Stelios comment on the previous page.

He seems way too sure how the superkill work.

mad scummy...

OHhh and it makes sense Why Shizune yanked me from the other quest ,

not only were there not enough Melandru people signed up for it
if just Dr. and Sin Raven went, it would have probably fully implicate Sin as the killer when we figure this stuff out.

ya there is a lot of shit here, King do this.
I hope that's right, or else my death will be in vain.

I would do exactly what I think they did-- take out a couple big threats early, regardless of group size. And then stick to large groups to hide.
Not what I was going for, but close enough.
My point was: what happens if the leaders of the other two quests are part of your mafia and you are forced to abstain from a kill or kill in a small group and risk getting caught?

Do you see where I'm going with this?
@Dr. White
what's your thoughts on the whole Sin/WPK/Dega/Law/etc theories as brought forth by @Nighty the Mighty

would be nice to have some neutral thoughts about it tbh
I found myself agreeing with her when I read it as soon as I woke up albeit I don't remember every exact detail as of this moment. All bar Dega were scum lean reads I had before I died, and Imo Law and Dega are experienced enough to distance themselves as they have already done.
RemChu asks me why I fight over a quest, when it was proven that who goes on that quest actually matters.

He asks me why I want to lead a quest so bad, when he also claims the leaders of the quests are the actual targets.

To top it all of, he claims that that is a fact, with no actual proof. He even stated Degaforce leaked it, way before any such evidence showed up, and he claimed it to be truth without even doubting it.

Go ahead, kill me. But RemChu is absolutely an enemy of the Kingdom, and that should be considered immediately after my death.
No you seem overly aggressive over rewards.

If you are scum you aren't afraid of deaths etc.

[Vote lynch Law]

Other hot takes: Babby, WPK, Novaseline (Which no one has commented on his blending), Platinum.

Very sus: Sin, Dega (he hasn't responded yet correct?), with a possibility of Didi (I haven't played real time and he's made post that make me agree, and some that have made me go eh?), Bmos (blending with excuses), and of course waffles.

Don't know how to read Rem but there is def a maf in there somewhere.

The Temple of the Moon - 3 man expedition

[Join Group]

Responded to what? :hmm
*Caw! CAW! CAAW!*

The Raven on my shoulder is getting restless. You guys are acting like fools.

Turn against me and this Kingdom will fall.

My father will have your heads.


My FATHER will HEAR about this!
Idk, I remember a couple people like Law saying something along the lines of "still waiting on a response" from you specifically. Was reading sproadically so don't recall.

Think it was over your knowledge of the assassin mechanic.

Also mind dropping top 3 scum and town leans? (disregarding me for town).
I thought that was clear. I got why people thought I had inside info. I talked too confidently. That's why now I can't go full Dega and throw a theory bomb off the bat. I have to slowly build up to that or people will freak out. That's why I'm playing Barbie Detectives with Law.

Top 3 scums are Stelios, Kira and Shiny. Stelios is way up there. There's like 5 different signs that point to him being scum, but apparently if I drop them too fast I'm the scummy one :oldshrug

Town Santi and Didi, definitely. I found myself agreeing with most of what they post, specially the King affairs.
I'm feeling Law up to see if I can make him my third Town read.
Sin would be there if it wasn't for the roleplaying stuff, that makes it really hard to get a read out of it.

I believe Nighty and UB to be royal court.

The rest I don't trust a bit.
I thought that was clear. I got why people thought I had inside info. I talked too confidently. That's why now I can't go full Dega and throw a theory bomb off the bat. I have to slowly build up to that or people will freak out. That's why I'm playing Barbie Detectives with Law.

Top 3 scums are Stelios, Kira and Shiny. Stelios is way up there. There's like 5 different signs that point to him being scum, but apparently if I drop them too fast I'm the scummy one :oldshrug

Town Santi and Didi, definitely. I found myself agreeing with most of what they post, specially the King affairs.
I'm feeling Law up to see if I can make him my third Town read.
Sin would be there if it wasn't for the roleplaying stuff, that makes it really hard to get a read out of it.

I believe Nighty and UB to be royal court.

The rest I don't trust a bit.
I agree with Stelios, and find myself meh on Kira. Shiny inactifags regardless so I'll have to Iso him regardless.

I am very interested in your town reads though. could you expound more and throw a WPK read in there as well?

Side Note:
Why is the king still here? We need to start traditionally scumhunting, peasents make up a majority of deaths, and soon it won't even matter if we want to revolt. Vote to remove this ningen.
I agree with Stelios, and find myself meh on Kira. Shiny inactifags regardless so I'll have to Iso him regardless.

I am very interested in your town reads though. could you expound more and throw a WPK read in there as well?

Side Note:
Why is the king still here? We need to start traditionally scumhunting, peasents make up a majority of deaths, and soon it won't even matter if we want to revolt. Vote to remove this ningen.
I'm null on Kira as well. He hasn't said anything of note that sticks to memory. He doesn't stand out in any way aside from his name being Kira. Invisible.
I have mad respect for @Tiger albeit most of his suspects etc flipped town,
don't like how he immediately sided with Sin
he sides with Dega too?

It feels like the King listens to him, and right now things aren't looking good.

Usually I would be pretty naive and jump him the moment I sense any deceit in him, but there is no point. He will talk and moonwalk his way out of situations. It's a good sign that Nighty and Dr. both suspect him as well. I have had high town read of nighty, and dr. is confirmed.

Hopefully King and others can look to these two for guidance instead of those waiting to ambush us from the dark.
Not what I was going for, but close enough.
My point was: what happens if the leaders of the other two quests are part of your mafia and you are forced to abstain from a kill or kill in a small group and risk getting caught?

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I think so, because I would want one member to lead a quest every day, but only ever one.

Rem says I've sided with Sin, despite him being 3rd on my sus list. And either isn't reading my posts or is leaving out any reasons I give for my opinions.
@Dr. White
This is the post that won me over:
Overthrow the bourgeoisie :camby

Whatever "strat" you have in mind (I remember briefly reading over it) it undermines town's ability to develop leads through the tried and true method of looking how votes move and figuring out why they moved the way they did based on how people flip and their interactions in thread.

What exactly do we have to benefit with allowing the king to have the final say?
That is the biggest draw back of having a King. Invalidating vote tracking and applying pressure. I completely agree with everything Santi said on this matter, and that is my reason to trust him. He had no reason to point this out unless he wanted to help.

Meanwhile WPK was on the pro King side, listing both benefits and drawbacks of having a King. But he never mentioned what Santi did. That's why I tried to bait him when I asked what other drawbacks he could see on having a King, but he ignored me, didn't engage me.
I found odd that a seasoned veteran like WPK would not point out that having a king invalidates pressure and vote tracking.
That's why I still don't trust WPK.

Finally Didi has been contributing well, and pointing out stuff I was about to. I found myself agreeing with most of his reads, as well. That's why I trust him.
I think so, because I would want one member to lead a quest every day, but only ever one.

Rem says I've sided with Sin, despite him being 3rd on my sus list. And either isn't reading my posts or is leaving out any reasons I give for my opinions.
You were agreeing with his posts.
How am I not to infer you side with Sin?

You are talking with Dega, who I and others suspects is part of the sin group, and we also suspect as a result sin or I are in said group.
I have mad respect for @Tiger albeit most of his suspects etc flipped town,
don't like how he immediately sided with Sin
he sides with Dega too?

It feels like the King listens to him, and right now things aren't looking good.

Usually I would be pretty naive and jump him the moment I sense any deceit in him, but there is no point. He will talk and moonwalk his way out of situations. It's a good sign that Nighty and Dr. both suspect him as well. I have had high town read of nighty, and dr. is confirmed.

Hopefully King and others can look to these two for guidance instead of those waiting to ambush us from the dark.
Problem is he is playing like a great manipulator. Using his status to suggest low hanging fruit to the king which he can than backward explain as trying to weed out the "safest" people who contribute. But town will take responsibility for that while also explaining their motives, he seems keen on minimizing any responsibility by explaining the merit, which reads as safeguarding to me. His defenses also seem majorly dismissive, and using passive aggressive tone I called him out for day 2 to make people second guess suspeciting him "When I flip do X, y, and z." "It's ok if I die this phase, just do x, y, and z". I also read the poison thing as a bit sus. So yeah that's where I am at with that.
Problem is he is playing like a great manipulator. Using his status to suggest low hanging fruit to the king which he can than backward explain as trying to weed out the "safest" people who contribute. But town will take responsibility for that while also explaining their motives, he seems keen on minimizing any responsibility by explaining the merit, which reads as safeguarding to me. His defenses also seem majorly dismissive, and using passive aggressive tone I called him out for day 2 to make people second guess suspeciting him "When I flip do X, y, and z." "It's ok if I die this phase, just do x, y, and z". I also read the poison thing as a bit sus. So yeah that's where I am at with that.

All true. Games within games lol.
@Dr. White
This is the post that won me over:

That is the biggest draw back of having a King. Invalidating vote tracking and applying pressure. I completely agree with everything Santi said on this matter, and that is my reason to trust him. He had no reason to point this out unless he wanted to help.

Meanwhile WPK was on the pro King side, listing both benefits and drawbacks of having a King. But he never mentioned what Santi did. That's why I tried to bait him when I asked what other drawbacks he could see on having a King, but he ignored me, didn't engage me.
I found odd that a seasoned veteran like WPK would not point out that having a king invalidates pressure and vote tracking.
That's why I still don't trust WPK.

Finally Didi has been contributing well, and pointing out stuff I was about to. I found myself agreeing with most of his reads, as well. That's why I trust him.
Well that could easily be Santi reading the atmosphere of the thread, and preemptively going with that line (Which had been said before and is pretty obvious) in order to not look like an apologist of the king. Also gave him some time to distance from Law (if there is any connection there). It seems weird his one post would make your town read him against all of his other activity/lack of contribution.

Agree on WPK. I'm pretty confident he is scum.

Didi I shouldn't have put on my sus list, he is more null as of the moment (which I explained). Which is why I want mor elive interaction.

This post is missing stuff about Law though
You were agreeing with his posts.
How am I not to infer you side with Sin?

You are talking with Dega, who I and others suspects is part of the sin group, and we also suspect as a result sin or I are in said group.

Oh...sorry, I didn't realize we're not supposed to talk to people we suspect as being mafia. I'll have to write that down.

My very presence is manipulation, and my playstyle is aggressive. I'm not "playing at" something...I'm making it so when I flip town people will have a lot of information to look at.
This is why the King needs to die, and his major vocal supporters are either scum or court.

Allowing one person to decide puts major pressure on them. They will more likely side with a mix of majority, and the safest option. Why go for Law with a good argument, when alwaysmind is sus and been pointed to? Big plays need to be made, and not only that but King can't be on 24/7. If something breaks after he's logged off and sumbitted his lynch kill, town gets fucked. Mitigating town's major advantage (majority) is a boon for scum along with decreased scumhunting.

So we can either let scum manipualte the convo to go after low hanging fruit they know aren't mafia, or make some big, and or informative plays by ourselves by over throwing the king.
This should not be a revelation to you.

My presence in a mafia game is palpable. If I want something, I try to make it happen. You don't have a scum meta on me in this century.
You're aggressivness seems shallow though. What have some of your major reads been? "I wouldn't mind if Babby, Revan, Alwaysmind, KC, JJCB, or MSAL took a bullet". You haven't really mounted real pressure against players which I'd expect you to. When I asked you about actual veteran players like WPK you simply answered "Null, time will tell where their intentions lie" (paraphrase) which is extremely lax and dismissive. You never actually pressured them, and continued on chasing low hanging fruit.
I haven't mounted real pressure? I think iwandesu and jjcb would disagree.

I 100% stand by that statement. Every single player on that list was expendable, and I have always and will always play mafia with that mindset.
Iwandesu has been on the radar since early D1. Everyone knows what has been said about him. JJCB was an inactifag, and not a threat.

Why haven't you actually engaged other players who could be a threat? Do you really trust, or are incapable of reading other players we should be worried about? Is pressuring Iwan, JJCB, and the other low hanging fruit I mentioned, the best you got? I'm not reading "kill expendable players who could be blendy inactifags that are mafia or expendable town" as an efficient townie mindset. Rather an indie, or mafia mindset trying to appear helpful to town.
This guy will probably be killed tonight and still wants the 2 cycle poison to be wasted on him instead of Raven who has 2 lives
Why? Because of some BS about how hes honouring his deal with @Nighty the Mighty
Of course i have a problem with it

And if we poison who you want, and the King still spares me, what then? It's not in my control.

So why are you so sure I'll "die tonight"? Have I invited one of your buddies into my group by accident?

Taking the poison is in my control and will kill me.

The fact you have a problem with that is alarming.
Iwandesu has been on the radar since early D1. Everyone knows what has been said about him. JJCB was an inactifag, and not a threat.

Why haven't you actually engaged other players who could be a threat? Do you really trust, or are incapable of reading other players we should be worried about? Is pressuring Iwan, JJCB, and the other low hanging fruit I mentioned, the best you got? I'm not reading "kill expendable players who could be blendy inactifags that are mafia or expendable town" as an efficient townie mindset. Rather an indie, or mafia mindset trying to appear helpful to town.

I definitely think you're not done reading the thread if you think I haven't been pressing and making reads today.

You can practically peel the tension I've created off your monitor screen. Try again.

If you trust that Nighty is King's court, then Shiny is mafia.

One of RemChu or Sinraven is mafia.

I've narrowed down a list of 5 people from Crugyr's group where at least one is mafia.

Tell me again what YOU have done aside from die and revive?
And if we poison who you want, and the King still spares me, what then? It's not in my control.
Which is why i said we should overthrow him today
But if that happens the peasant vig could kill you anyways

So why are you so sure I'll "die tonight"? Have I invited one of your buddies into my group by accident?
Have you not been paying attention,you are the main suspect of today,of course i assume you would die tonight by lynch or vig,you know that

Taking the poison is in my control and will kill me.

The fact you have a problem with that is alarming.
Whats alarming is how eager you are to take this poison and die
Very sus which is why i dont plan on letting you have it
I definitely think you're not done reading the thread if you think I haven't been pressing and making reads today.
I never said you didn't pressure people, just that it has been shallow. Going decently today doesn't erase your abysmal (by your standards) day 1 and 2. The pool is also getting lower, so if you are mafia it's easy to latch on to others. Nighty was also in response to sussing you wasn't it?

You can practically peel the tension I've created off your monitor screen. Try again.
*rates optimistic*

If you trust that Nighty is King's court, then Shiny is mafia.
Explain. You know I died so....

One of RemChu or Sinraven is mafia.
I agree with this. But this isn't pressure. If you believe this then why aren't you pressing them?
I've narrowed down a list of 5 people from Crugyr's group where at least one is mafia.
so cool, we have 1/5 chances of hitting mafia if you are to be trusted. My question is what are you doing about it?
Tell me again what YOU have done aside from die and revive?
Deflection, I'm asking about you.

And I have done wayyy more pressuring than you have overall, helped theorycraft alot about what we know about the gods, and am trying to get rid of this terrible king. The fact I was superkilled D2, and brought back the next day should tell you enough that I've been impactful today, so take this deflective character attack elsewhere.
I've been front and center the entire day. I was willing to let jayjay run the show because to me it sounded like he had an actual guilty result to follow. Seemed solid and confident. No-brainer.

Then Stelios and Kira jumped on me early. So while helping solve the mechanics of assassination kills all day, I've also been constantly defending myself.

And still have done the most pressuring of anyone in the thread.

Nah, fuck you lol. I'll let you sort the rest of the day out. Part of me wishes the poison was immediate so I could shut some of you up. So frustrating.
I've been front and center the entire day. I was willing to let jayjay run the show because to me it sounded like he had an actual guilty result to follow. Seemed solid and confident. No-brainer.

Then Stelios and Kira jumped on me early. So while helping solve the mechanics of assassination kills all day, I've also been constantly defending myself.

And still have done the most pressuring of anyone in the thread.

Nah, fuck you lol. I'll let you sort the rest of the day out. Part of me wishes the poison was immediate so I could shut some of you up. So frustrating.
- Front in center in that you've posted a bit of pressure, and have been a suspect as well. You don't get brownie points for the latter.

- Uhm....Welcome to mafia?

- *rates optimistic*

- Ok so basically "let me get in my feels about someone pressuring, since I'm so town, so let me go inactifag out of spite and let someone else play. (insert passive aggressive tactic making person feel stupid for suspecting me).

It's hilarious because all your day 1 and 2 reads were pretty much dead wrong, which you curtailed as "town should know they can be wrong, it's the process of getting someone", yet it apparently doesn't apply to people suspecting you.

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