Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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no if you really want to die you can be killed by our vig not wasting this day phase or the poison either on you

What vig?

also I get the feeling that you're like selectively immortal or something with the way you're trying to draw as much aggro as possible all at once

stop trying to escape my noose pls :blobban

Look at Mohit, Kira, and Stelios.

I'm the one literally saying "it's cool, I offer my life for Lyssa" and they keep trying to stop me.
If @Mr. Waffles is my fellow scum,he would be able to lie that the poison would be wasted on me.
Sounds scummy :hm

I brought up also that either Sin or RemChu must be mafia as well.

And there's a sudden push for Sin to get poisoned instead of me.

Keep a sharp eye on Stelios, Kira, Waffles and RemChu if Sin is killed and flips town.
Please,i have pushed for Raven to be poisoned even before youve offered to
Exactly why does someone of your quest group has to drink poison though?

It's not a drink, and it doesn't have to be one of us. It's magic.

i m talking about @Stelios who apprently has the sword of grenth with him

Since you're new I'm trying to have patience, but if Stelios (the guy pushing for my lynch almost as hard as Nighty) still had a sword to hit me you really think he'd be saying that he's sad he hit MSAL instead of me?
Town,we need to start getting our sh,t together,we can not afford another mislynch :blobsweat
We have 2 kills/possibly 3
1 lynch and that one peasants power to kill assuming he/she could use it everyday
And possibly the RuneBlade of Grenth assuming its in Town hands
We should use them wisely

I honestly feel Tiger is manipulating us all
SinRaven too is very scumlike as well

@Priscilla are you scum?
No.. Well.. Not that i have proof.. Should i quote a pm again?
A false claim, according to Sin, and apparently Didi. Who know she's King's court.

@SinRaven or did I misunderstand?

If you flip town
I will consider the scenario that Nighty might not be town

until then

I'm cop btw

the funniest part of this is that you don't even know why I know you're scum :hm

clue: I have extra knowledge about some people you're trying to deflect to :blobowo

I'll take her word for it
someone should maybe look into all the people who vouched for santi at once as well :hm

I mean, it’s not an uncommon occurence tbh. Like Waffles said, I should be used to it by now.

In Dragonball Mafia Super, I was investigated/lie-detected and ultimately vouched for 4 times by the beginning of D2.

How am I ever supposed to succeed as scum again if this becomes a trend every game? :kanye
We have a celebration in our family home tonight. We invited some of the local men to have a crossdressing contest and some of my friends come to watch it.

Cool. Glad you were able to return.

If you flip town
I will consider the scenario that Nighty might not be town

until then

I'll take her word for it

I think so too but
I will honestly entertain other possibilities if Tiger does not flip scum.

Don't make it seem like I now have a problem with Nighty. King's court is not anti-town, so don't spin my words. I'm 100% fine with that Indie group.

>Three trackers.

How is this not suspicious.

I was given a choice after my first quest. Watcher or Tracker. Wished I'd chosen watcher now.
Don't make it seem like I now have a problem with Nighty. King's court is not anti-town, so don't spin my words. I'm 100% fine with that Indie group.

Where are you even getting this?

A false claim, according to Sin, and apparently Didi. Who know she's King's court.

@SinRaven or did I misunderstand?

I pointed out that I believe her claim and this is you, once again not expressing your own opinion, using other's people words to throw shade on her cop claim and her guilty verdict on you.
02. Legend
03. Mr. Waffles
04. novaselinenever
05. smileyman
08. jackofhearts2005
09. Nevan

One of these people made a Super-kill last night.

What an oddly specific suspect pool.

Tell me more.

I don't really believe this level of ignorance is fake.

02. Legend
03. Mr. Waffles
04. novaselinenever
05. smileyman
09. Nevan

Make that one of these 5, instead.

So you have Shiny (according to Nighty via Sin and Didi, Broki is also associatively clean), and at least one of Sin or RemChu, then at least one of the 5 numbered above.

Those are strong leads, don't squander them.

I don't trust Stelios and the way he frames things. Also the conversation we had at the start of Day 1 still bothers me. He's a strong scum read. Waffles is on that list of 5 and I have felt uncomfortable with his play since the start. Also a scum read.

Still on the fence with Dega/WPK.

I shall be in your capricious embrace soon, Lyssa!
Where are you even getting this?

I pointed out that I believe her claim and this is you, once again not expressing your own opinion, using other's people words to throw shade on her cop claim and her guilty verdict on you.

Ok here is a solid example of Stelios twisting the words of others to fit his narrative.

I consider the King's court to be pro-town. So I trust Nighty, via the word of Sin, and the fact that no one has countered them on being court members.

She knew that one of the people I was trying to put the lynch on (Broki) was not mafia because they're both in the court.

She never said she got a guilty verdict on me. She literally said I know you're scum because someone you're going after isn't.

No one else finds Stelios suspicious? Really?
He was being oddly specific. Why a group of Assassins and not bandits or barbarians against the crown? iwandesu also made that same deduction but at least he assumed it. Dega’s post was a statement. Do you really not find it sus given his presence and posts so far ?
I find many things suspicious to a degree. Suspicious enough to start a late night bandwagon on someone who is capable of legitimately theorizing something others think must be a knowledge slip and even more importantly had little reason to offer up said knowledge if they are mafia? Not by a long shot. It was a mafia slanted gamble and I would rather wait for Dega to defend himself before giving any real judgement. It is very suspect that people accused him of disappearing when the wagon started late at night for those in the US.

When I talked about superior research last night, I had figured Dega had googled Grenth's name or just had played Guild Wars as when I looked I found this:

[Grenth is the God of Death and Ice. He is the patron god of Assassins, Water Elementalists, Necromancers, and Ritualists, and is linked to the Season of the Colossus in the Elonian calendar.

Didn't post it as I wanted to see what Dega's explanation was for saying they were assassins. If he was mafia that really wanted to cover bases he could have done the same search but his answer was related to Assassin's Creed. Them being assassins just fit with his overall idea that mafia on the quests could kill the quest leaders.

ya I think Dega is too smart to slip like that
was probably honest speculation

Honestly if they do turn about to be assassins (with that groupleader skill), I'd sooner look towards the people who immediately jumped on Dega for his 'slip' cuz they are the people who then most knew it'd be a slip cuz they knew his speculation was the truth

if that makes any sense
Here Didi takes around the same position as me, that Dega isn't likely to slip like that. Says we should look at those who jumped on Dega.



Of all the people on there, it is me that stands out to you?

what about this tho:

I mean I guess he could be JUST godfather or like mafia bulletproof or something else that's just passive

but still, I'd say it lessens his chances
Are you just out of nowhere theorizing that mafia has a specific role that can perform faction kills?

No way you're convincing me that WPK who was hard defending Dega who had weird knowledge about the Sisters of Grenth just HAPPENS to be on the same quest as the guy who gets superkilled when the leading theory presented by Dega himself is that one of the sisters have to be on the quest to superkill someone.
Many people have been on quests, several have been 10 people ones. I have only gone on one quest this whole game, the one last night, which wouldn't have even happened if I hadn't joined as there would have only been 9 people since jjcb got lynched.

oh wait I'm retarded anyway
WPK would be the one performing the kill in this scenario

but still I also meant more like
you think Dega is a scum then with a passive ability, cuz he didn't target anyone
and usually scum have actives

but I suppose it could be so yeah
I can dig it

[Vote Lynch Dega]

we could also just straight up lynch WPK tho right?
Can someone crossreference if he happened to also be in Dr White or Reznor's group? or if Dega was in either?
Most people in this game, probably including mafia, started with no abilities. You gain abilities by questing.

See here that Didi has now changed positions and is now voting Dega, when he was suggesting going after those who jumped on Dega just yesterday.


why the fuck have you taken WPK off this list?

I also notice that you're in the potential day 1 list of people who had access to reznor for the superkill as well :ufdup

fuckin gottem

4 scum confirmed

law/wpk/sin/dega all scum

that's a stacked team tho :blobsweat
You have gone full AJ big fish hunting. It is painful to watch.


how do you know this?
This is role fishing. Going by general abilities, anyone with half a brain can narrow it down to being one of two likely possibilities : he RB'd me or he tracked me.

He wanted to poison Underworld Broker then he was fine with Priscilla getting poisoned. It's highly unlikely that Priscilla is part of any scum team , her team mates would have jumped her for displaying jester behavior so far.

The targets he has called are also all town so far.
Check his posts , jjcb and MSAL the most recent where both town. I highly doubt he is town.
Jester behavior is a fairly common scum tactic, as people will then avoid lynching you. In a game where people don't start with many abilities, vig shots aren't going to be as likely to be shot around. You suggest her teammates have influence over her or even want her to stop. QT's guiding someone to post in a certain manner/differently happens much less than one would assume given how people like to bring it up as a reason why someone is too scummy to be scum, which a fair amount of times are their scummates.

The nerve to point a finger at Law for MSAL when you offed him.

So what we have here is

>Law was on the team and could have killed Reznor
>Law is going ham defending WPK (role claiming even) who could have killed crugyr
>WPK himself was going ham defending Dega who seems to have scum slipped
>Sin is very high probability scum for killing Dr. White and was also defending Dega

@Tiger @SinRaven @WolfPrinceKouga @Degaforce explain this INCREDIBLY big coincidence or die
Law was part of a quest where multiple other people could still be the killer. Law tracked me and found I didn't kill anyone last night, this is a statement of fact, not a defense. I argue against what I see as towning all the time, it is why I am this generation's Prince of Hope. Sin is definitely a worthy suspect, given it's 50/50 between him and Remchu if the theory holds true.

Also join whatever group these guys are joining.

Now that we have them pegged down as sus we can't let them go on big quests alone and we can't let them have any items whatsoever.

It's nice that there has been no flips yet your stating we shouldn't be allowed on quests based solely on some whack lynch chain Nighty has cooked up. Lots of suspect people have been starting and going on quests, including yourself. Given you just killed a townie, you have no room to talk.

shouldn't have tried to defend wpk after he got caught imo :naruramen
You are truly either stupid or scum at this point.

I think the biggest flip now would be actually WPK

[Vote Lynch WPK]

@Nighty the Mighty
This makes sense how? If you're going by the theory of the assassin being one of those on the quests, then Sin/Remchu is by far the highest probability of catching scum.

[Vote Lynch Remchu]
Ok here is a solid example of Stelios twisting the words of others to fit his narrative.

I consider the King's court to be pro-town. So I trust Nighty, via the word of Sin, and the fact that no one has countered them on being court members.

She knew that one of the people I was trying to put the lynch on (Broki) was not mafia because they're both in the court.

She never said she got a guilty verdict on me. She literally said I know you're scum because someone you're going after isn't.

No one else finds Stelios suspicious? Really?

What narrative? You blamed me for something and I just proved that what you said was not the case
Im not mafia. Im not anti-town or independent. I have not killed anyone. Why are we so convinced that this is the actual pattern? Anyone can see who leads the groups and kill them off to make it look like a inside job.

How all this is going down feels a bit too contrived and convenient.

By the numbers its probable and logical to assume that each quest has at least 1 mafia or indie member in it. But this pattern I believe is a fake out or a distraction of some sort.
I’m pretty confident the king isn’t gonna lynch Law. The only way Law dies is if he drinks that poison or if town wastes their one-shots. You would be going to great lengths with valuable resources to do it and in the end, you will put town at an even bigger disadvantage.

Underworld Broker is still who you should lynch and if she flips town (she won’t), then you can confirm that I’m scum. I will make this guarantee with the king. But let’s get our first W already.

And by the way – to any town remaining: Nobody in this thread is trustworthy. Incoherent arguments, grasping at straws, volatile bandwagons, etc. – all of this stuff is scum running the game, the king making nervous mistakes, and getting most of us killed as a consequence. Join up a quest, use your abilities, and hope for the best. Because chances are we are gonna lose this game.

Jungle in the Sky - 5 man Expedition

[Start Group]
[Join Group]
It is too much of a coincidence that it's a group leader each time that gets killed.

It's also why I wanted to be group leader today and invite specific players.

But Stelios and Nighty decided I was mafia, so...

Basically, when you actually scum hunt and consistently come up with reads, they will usually be wrong. But it's much easier to make no effort of your own and then use someone's failure as a reason to lynch them.

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