Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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@Santi just need you to join my jungle quest. If the poison takes too long, and/or the King fails to execute me-- I will still want to test this group on a quest.

@jayjay³² If you still think Underworld Broker is mafia, then you also must believe that Nighty is mafia. Because Nighty, who was said to be King's court by Sin and Didi by association, vouched for her.

At the very least there must be a better option than Broki today with that hanging in the air.
@jayjay³² If you still think Underworld Broker is mafia, then you also must believe that Nighty is mafia. Because Nighty, who was said to be King's court by Sin and Didi by association, vouched for her.

At the very least there must be a better option than Broki today with that hanging in the air.
Ya, I didn’t like anything I read from Nighty but I didn’t want to bring it up because she is fragile and will stop talking to me on NF. She is a good secondary lynch if UB can clear herself to the king soon. I will break Nightbringer when the time is right.
I love it.

So we have Nighty claiming cop in-thread, then "slipping" that she is King's court while on a quest with Didi and Sin. She vouches for Underworld Broker.

Jayjay is adamant that Broki is mafia, and by association, Nighty as well.

Some people defending Nighty, others giving off opportunistic vibes and jumping on others throughout the day.

The leading candidate for poison says he's immune to it thanks to a blessing received by a quest.

Nitty is completely absent this morning and afternoon to either scold us for chatting about it in-thread (nowhere does it say not to), and/or accept my offer to be poisoned. We'll see on that.

Legend casts doubt on the very clear assassination mechanics going on, when he himself is part of a 5-man group that mafia is hiding in.

If only I had a gun.
@Okosan, do you worship Melandru? If so, I would like you to join my expedition.

That doesn't mean I trust you. As a matter of fact, I don't. But I don't fear you nor death, as I have Melandru at my side, and I am willing to give you an opportunity to prove your worth.
Cooooo? (Question, why would you want to take Okosan anyways since you don't trust him? Just seems weird to him. If that was the case with Okosan he would want to take someone different. But no, Okosan is going to have to pass and stay where he is sadly.)
1) Are you just out of nowhere theorizing that mafia has a specific role that can perform faction kills?

2) See here that Didi has now changed positions and is now voting Dega, when he was suggesting going after those who jumped on Dega just yesterday.

3) This makes sense how? If you're going by the theory of the assassin being one of those on the quests, then Sin/Remchu is by far the highest probability of catching scum.

[Vote Lynch Remchu]

1) No, I was talking about how scum usually have active abilities and full-passive roles are uncommon for mafia outside of GFs
2) yeah because of all the added connections to Dega made me change my mind
3) Because your flip would also shed more light on people like Law etc in my eyes. You're right that you're probably not the killer of that night unless Law is lying. But that doesn't mean you're not maf.

The Swamp - 5 man dungeon

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I don't know if you'll take me now lmao

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@Tiger to back up Sin's story, basically when everyone was agreeing Dr White was the best townie to revive she suddenly was like 'well we could also resurrect Revan' which I thought was weird because we don't even know for sure if their faction is pro-town so I grilled her for a bit and she basically cracked under the pressure

but I didn't want to necessarily be the one to raise the issue in the thread because
a) I think they're probably pro-town or at the worst, survivors (with the condition that King must be in power) (I also asked her questions about that, but she didn't want to answer those)
b) didn't want the King to goon me for snitching on his homies :dead

Cooooo? (Question, why would you want to take Okosan anyways since you don't trust him? Just seems weird to him. If that was the case with Okosan he would want to take someone different. But no, Okosan is going to have to pass and stay where he is sadly.)

Why don't you want to go with Sin?
And you didn't answer if you're aligned with Melandru
1) No, I was talking about how scum usually have active abilities and full-passive roles are uncommon for mafia outside of GFs
2) yeah because of all the added connections to Dega made me change my mind
3) Because your flip would also shed more light on people like Law etc in my eyes. You're right that you're probably not the killer of that night unless Law is lying. But that doesn't mean you're not maf.

I don't know if you'll take me now lmao

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You have answered my suspicions pretty well. To point #3, I never said I was eliminated from being mafia. It is a major part of Nighty's whole theory that I was the killer that night and that Law has to be mafia for saying I wasn't if I flip mafia. As you said, unless he is lying about the track, this doesn't have to be the case.

I am with you on Nevan. I don't find the multiple trackers odd when Law said that he could choose between watch/track and a fair deal of the missions have been about being stealthy.

I don't mind having you on the group.
Killing Dr. White makes sense. Killing Crugyr doesn't. Not really. And I'm not saying Crugyr isn't good, but he's not all that dangerous and was truly just looking to go on quests.

If mafia could choose just anyone, I don't think Crugyr would be dead right now.

There's two reasons I'm alive.

1) I haven't led a quest until today.
2) I always always have a group of people trying to lynch me in every game for no other reason than I'm still alive.
That feel when town isn't sus of you, mafia and other factions arn't trying to kill you, and you arn't a role that can actually make use of being completely ignore (besides most people's preferances for living anyways, lol.)

Iwan, why won't people ignore me like this in your games? I can outright truth meta a survivor claim and someone still always picks a fight with me.
I have let you be because i know for sure you are not mafia(or at least not Gretchen).
Thats what happens when 90% of tfr game is vanilla.
My only question Will be.
Do you know anyone who is a werewolf ?
The Temple of the Moon - 3 man expedition
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More thoughts incoming,

You guys shouldn't be hasty to start party, let scum form the party, and kills probably stop altogether.

I was on a quest with Priscilla and Thorin, nothing bad happened.
I have a town read of Priscilla, the fact Sin Raven is in opposition to Priscilla who is pure of heart and easy to read for the most part is slightly alarming. Thorin seems pretty chill as well.

Asking the King for the safety of this kingdom to lynch Degaforce or Sin Raven today.

Scum has only killed group leaders.
Law has never been a group leader.
Not Rocket science tbh
So people who were super eager to start groups before yesterday and today were not in the know. Though some people still seem fired up to start the groups regardless of superkill possibility.
And just like them it would be no big loss to town even if you were peasant.

That's a sad jibe, got any more of them?

It's actually quite simple, someone as acclaimed and successful as you has flopped so many times this game, that alone raises suspicion for me, and then you take the macho mode 'I WANT TO BE LYNCHED!' in a sad attempt to redirect Nighty from you.
That's a sad jibe, got any more of them?

It's actually quite simple, someone as acclaimed and successful as you has flopped so many times this game, that alone raises suspicion for me, and then you take the macho mode 'I WANT TO BE LYNCHED!' in a sad attempt to redirect Nighty from you.
Yeah it's just reverse psychology.
Feign that he wants to die for the team/ cause.

Hardly a jibe, it's just true.

If you have 6 reads, 3 of which are contributive and clear-headed, while the other 3 are somewhat useless and inexperienced...may as well start with the latter 3 in case you are wrong, and it's not a huge detriment to town.

And once again, good players are always pushing and making reads. They are usually wrong in their reads because they make a lot of them. And they're good players because they're not offended by C-string players laughing at their mistakes.

Have the courage to be this assertive and I'll have something to talk to you about.

Trying to discredit me now that I'm actually making not a good look. It tells me I'm starting to figure things out. I've laid out most of my actual reads now, so when I die, people can look into them. There are enough veterans to know just because I was wrong about a few players in the first few days that it doesn't mean discrediting my intuition is a safe play.
I'm willing to bet that Shiny and RemChu are mafia.

I believe mafia would choose to kill Didi over Crugyr if given the chance. Sorry jayjay, I just don't see Nighty and Broki flipping mafia anymore.

It's also why I'm perfectly happy to have Katsu on my quest.

>tfw excellent at picking the people to go along on my quest or I might've died

Actually the reason why I didn't dare starting a quest again today :blobsweat
So what we have here is

>Law was on the team and could have killed Reznor
>Law is going ham defending WPK (role claiming even) who could have killed crugyr
>WPK himself was going ham defending Dega who seems to have scum slipped
>Sin is very high probability scum for killing Dr. White and was also defending Dega

@Tiger @SinRaven @WolfPrinceKouga @Degaforce explain this INCREDIBLY big coincidence or die
Bros being bros? It's not uncommon to defend players who you consider good at the game.
Personally, I think WPK defended me to get on my good side. I already tried to bait him day two into a confrontation and he didn't take it. I assumed he wanted to give me bland reasons to trust him.

Just remember what I said. When I flip peasant, take a good hold of your shoulders and yank your head out of your butthole. Learn not to put blinders on.
I thought you claimed noble already? Like two days ago.
Don't do this when I was starting to believe you are Town :meh
I forgot to add in my post that the main thing that could lead me to believe that Dega is mafia is that despite wanting to solve the puzzle of the quests, he has yet to try to start/join any himself.
100% of non-mod kills happened to people that went questing. I said I'm not sticking my dick on a plugged in blender.
I choose life.

The biggest problem people have with my theory is the way I worded it apparently. I sounded too confident.
It's not the same to say

"I think Stelios and Kira are preventing Law from drinking the poison because if he dies as town, the lynch could be turned on Stelios. I believe they want Law to take the lynch today and make us waste another phase. Stelios and Kira may be scum buddies"

Or to say:

"Stelios and Kira don't want Law to drink the poison because they want him to take the fall for Stelios. If Law were to die, the lynch could fall to Stelios next. Kira, his buddy, also defended this. And as they are on a closed 10 man group, they thought they could hide this budding behavior. Two scums down, got emm :noworries"

One is speculative and tentative while the other one is filled with confidence and makes it seem like I know stuff.
I like being confident.
To be fair, I think you'd also have been ok adding iwandesu.

My group today is:

Myself, Iwandesu, Katsuargi, jayjay, and Mohit signed up too.

I'm still looking for more, because this is probably an assassination waiting to happen.

yeah I wasn't too off with Iwan, I was straight up against JJCB joining but Iwan was okay
which I said itt, only join if you think you're better than Iwan :blobpeek
To test the assassination mechanic would be sure fire to just take out Sin.

[Vote Lynch Sin Raven]

Though I support Degaforce lynch as well, since Sin has hard defended him over and over. Thought the two should not know each other if both town etc.?
-Didi also defends him yesterday, though Didi scum meta usually just bus his own teammates maybe he is learning and not doing that anymore.

-A lot of posts today Mr.waffles in agreement with Sin Raven about Priscilla. Sin just slandering priscilla who should be that "hero" town role and should be trustworthy for the most part, aside from his fluff posts.

The people pursuing Degaforce are asking the wrong question. It should not be "Did he leak information he could only get as an enemy of the Kingdom", as that can only be answered with the information gained from his death. It should rather be "Would he, accidently or not, leak information if he was an enemy of the Kingdom?"

To me, that answer would be no, as I would rather think him to be more intelligent than that. With his own contributions towards finding the hidden enemies, I'd say he looks to be an ally. And a valuable one at that.

Executing him for that slight possibility of information is too risky.

I'd rather execute someone that actually had been acting suspicious. Should I name Santi again?

ya I think Dega is too smart to slip like that
was probably honest speculation

Honestly if they do turn about to be assassins (with that groupleader skill), I'd sooner look towards the people who immediately jumped on Dega for his 'slip' cuz they are the people who then most knew it'd be a slip cuz they knew his speculation was the truth

if that makes any sense

We were asking the right question.

We arnt asking if he would do such a thing or did he do such a thing. We are asking how he knew such a thing.

He didn't know. He called it a theory long before people called him out on it. It was all pure speculation.

Alwaysmind, I believe there's a spot open for the Court Jester and you fit the requirements.

The Tomb of Heroes - 10 man raid
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So Always was town,surprising

We've lost a lot of townies and not a single mafia,we're doomed :blobcry

[Vote Lynch Tiger]

The Temple of the Moon - 3 man expedition
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The Temple of the Moon - 3 man expedition

I need not to repeat my words. Don't follow Priscilla.

Melandru blessed me once more. Chosen by the Lady of Trees Herself, I am the one that you should follow.

I'd rather follow him than you lol.

The Temple of the Moon - 3 man expedition

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It's kinda sad that there are 3 people in this game that have fewer posts than the guy that got executed day 1. :(

I think there was a traitor amongst us, @Nighty the Mighty. Or perhaps he is just in hiding for now.

I will consider everyone joining Priscilla an enemy of the Kingdom. Why would you join her that could not succeed?

Like wow is this needed? Why the fighting over a quest?
@jayjay³² still ham on Underworld Broker?

Because after recent events, I'm even more curious to see that flip.

[Vote Lynch Underworld Broker]

Why UB ? Can you articulate why you suspect UB? JJ never did so this just seems like a distraction lynch. Do you have any comments on the Degaforce, Sin, or I ?
Can someone tell me if Crugyr was the leader of his party last night, who else was on it, and what they encountered?

Thank you.
You were active yesterday, how could you not remember Crugyr who was asking for people to join the whole day. You probably even interacted with him. You have a good memory too how did this slip your mind, when there isn't exactly a ton of activity.

I'd like for @Dr. White, if alive, to join my group. An eye for an eye, is what they say. You lead me to the blessing I received and I now hope to do the same for you.

@RemChu.. I have doubts about. He was the other one in our group when White was killed and for that, I do not know if I can allow him to join.

This post ?
If you have doubts about me, I'm pretty sure about you at the moment. Your posts today have not alleviated my concern at all, in fact it has made things worse.

People who have been on quests where the leader died that I know of:

Sin/Remchu - If we take it as gospel that the sister has to be on the quest one of these two is scum, defo read sin way scummier than remchu right now but a 50/50 flip this early into the game isn't abysmal, we should deal with this before lylo tho in case whoever it is tries to wifom us

Who else can add to this list?

Killing Sin would 100% test that theory lol.
Our envoy to the monastery enlisted the aid of the priesthood in refortifying our ranks against the undead menace. @Dr. White was elected to be resurrected through a divine ritual.

However, Thorin (Royal Guard) was modkilled for editing this post after already being warned.


Royal Guard
Follower of Melandru

wincon: eliminate all threats to the kingdom

[Passive - Animal Familiar] - You have 2 lives.
No, killing you AND Sin would 100% test the theory. Neither of you have been vouched for.

Killing Shiny also tests the theory. Since it's down to him and Broki, and she was vouched for.

And aww, he thinks I have a good memory. Sometimes, I suppose. I had to read back to remember which day Crugyr was asking people to fight with him.
Aren't you a writer, and your memory seemed good enough to push for UB today? Who had no real justification to be lynched, because again JJ told us nothing. So from my perspective you just seem to be directing lynches unto townies over and over, while not paying attention to the game.

I declare RemChu an enemy of the Kingdom.

While I do believe he too is a follower of Melandru, I think it is therefore the reason he sees me as as threat.

Jealousy is a sin, but it is not only a sin. Me, having Melandru at my side, would prove a great threat to whoever wants to destroy our Kingdom. RemChu wants me gone for that exact reason.

There is no actual proof against me. Everything lies within a string of coincidences, none of which are proven to be connected. The enemies are trying too hard. We are down a lot, and they're trying to bring us down even more by eliminating the biggest threats.
OK, then.
Play with me for a bit.
Who's your strongest scum read right now and why is it Stelios?

It's Shiny. Followed by RemChu, and then lagging behind a bit is Sinraven. Mostly because I'm all-in on the assassination mechanic being leader-based where a mafia player must be in their group.

After that, I'm suspicious of Stelios' overall behavior the entire game. Only reason not to out him higher is he killed MSAL instead of a threat to mafia. Saves him quite a bit of suspicion.

I have, for some reason, had a bad feeling about Waffles the entire game, too. The fact he was among those who killed Crugyr makes it a bit stronger...but both Nevan and Legend are also not looking great.

I could see Sin still being scum, but mafia choosing to make their kill on the 10-man group for more cover even though Didi is a stronger threat.

Oh look my town read of Thorin proved

If you're mafia, that wouldn't be too hard lol
Aren't you a writer, and your memory seemed good enough to push for UB today? Who had no real justification to be lynched, because again JJ told us nothing. So from my perspective you just seem to be directing lynches unto townies over and over, while not paying attention to the game.


I'm a writer...what does that have to do with memory? I am constantly re-reading everything.

It was easy to forget Crugyr wanting people to fight bandits, compared to jayjay strolling in and acting like he'd gotten a guilty result on UB.

[Vote lynch Law]

Other hot takes: Babby, WPK, Novaseline (Which no one has commented on his blending), Platinum.

Very sus: Sin, Dega (he hasn't responded yet correct?), with a possibility of Didi (I haven't played real time and he's made post that make me agree, and some that have made me go eh?), Bmos (blending with excuses), and of course waffles.

Don't know how to read Rem but there is def a maf in there somewhere.

The Temple of the Moon - 3 man expedition

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