Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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I thought Plat played horribly (which was good for us) for most of the game until just now when his wincon was revealed to being just stay in power, that definitely made it make more sense

even tho he died at the end (we had almost certain lynchcontrol with him dead, you guys would've loved how the voting would've gone with the King dead and Grenth alive :catskully , so that's why we killed him, didn't need to rely on him anymore)
Oh yeah I mentioned in our QT, pretty positive that Didi is scum, WPK wanted to recruit didi I think? >_>

03:50 PM ET (US)


I'm like positive Didi is scum. ;) staying away from him sorry.


05:01 PM ET (US)


Actually @WPK Didi probably town.

Cuz Mr.Waffles made a joke "she made you cultist"
so could be a half truth type of comment.

Rereading the game is a mistake. Made me second guess the scum read of didi. Anyways not that I was exactly going out of my way to lynch scum.
I personally thought I didn't play poorly this game, but wasn't at my top either. Partial reason for the latter is that I decided to stick to my RP style no matter what. You don't want to know how many times I almost made a post out of character only for me rephrase it to an RP version of it at the last minute. I mostly wanted to go full SinRage during the last two phases but thank God I stuck to the RP.

I don't know why the RP of all things made me suspicious. Perhaps for those who have limited experience with me I could understand it, but those that have a lot of experience with me (@Stelios, @Santi) should have known better.

I focused too much on defending myself and too much on solving this game with mechanics (theories, quests, abilities and whatever information we gained in lore style). Okosan especially was always a main suspect of mine and I couldve pushed her harder instead of letting myself get distracted by other stuff.

To be fair, a good damn lot of townies were suspicious as hell.
yeah I was surprised how mild you were WPK

I made posts that I'm certain in other games you would've pounced on
which in turn made me let you stay alive longer cuz you didn't feel like much of a threat


12:32 PM ET (US)
Lets get Didi in here.

daww :catfeels
I called you out for your switch up on Dega but let you go, buddying with you even. Being cult with a kill weakened my desire for thread presence.
And to you @Shizune, I have to say first and foremost: thanks for the amazing game.

This is the most interesting and unique game of mafia I have ever played. So much creativity, while still remaining fairly simple.

I was frustrated with a whole lot of it, the mystery that shrouded it all, but in the end that's what made it so great.

Can I see the endresults for each questline? The quests were my favorite part, it kept the night interesting as well, and I loved it lorewise.

I loved this game so much. For me, you are now right up there with hosts like @Tiger, @Firaea and @Laix. I look forward to your next game.
Yeah, great game, Shizune. I hated myself for not being able to be active in the first 2 phases, cuz this was an amazing game in every aspect: mechanics, presentation, flavour, uniqueness, player-involvement, everything. Which is why I got so sucked in and was probably straight up annoying at times in your PMs later on, because I was so involved (and SO wanted to to win this cool game). Thanks <3
And to you @Shizune, I have to say first and foremost: thanks for the amazing game.

This is the most interesting and unique game of mafia I have ever played. So much creativity, while still remaining fairly simple.

I was frustrated with a whole lot of it, the mystery that shrouded it all, but in the end that's what made it so great.

Can I see the endresults for each questline? The quests were my favorite part, it kept the night interesting as well, and I loved it lorewise.

I loved this game so much. For me, you are now right up there with hosts like @Tiger, @Firaea and @Laix. I look forward to your next game.

Thank you so much. This game was incredibly time consuming to host, which is why many of you dealt with 24 hour delays in PM responses. This game has literally kept me sleep deprived for nearly two weeks now. Very happy to hear it paid off.
Ah, so close yet so far.
If my kill on Didi had gone through we would have had another dayphase. We would have lost regardless, but still. Great game! :nice

Didi was mafia MVP, for obvious reasons. Stellar gameplay until the end there. You flaunted there for a bit :maybe

Town MVP is a tossup between Dr. White and Sin. Even by the end I was completely convinced that Sin was mafia trying to play us. He was so town he made a full circle back to scum :zaru

RemChu played cultist really well, too. All the heat he got was mostly because of my bullshit theory. If that hadn't come to light, he would have slided by a lot more. Indie MVP right there :nice

BTW @Santi were you the one that killed RemChu? The reason I could trust you was because I kinda deduced you were the one that killed RemChu.
It also just doesn't make sense to give any of the town MVP, none of them were valuable. DW and SinRaven were dedicated but they trusted so few people they were just misplaying themselves over and over again.
I called out two of the three scum, and focused town multiple times lmao. King's presence, low number of mafia, a cult running wild, people focusing on quest, and the sheer amount of townies mod killed all hampered town.
@Degaforce there were 2 reasons the game ended even though you superkilled Didi:

1. The first person to die in their faction gets revived one day phase later (so since you killed him last night, not today but tomorrow). Didi could steal 3 peoples votes during the day and they killed the king, so when he returned he would have taken control over the lynch.

2. Their faction gained a superkill for every 5 dead people, and Nova's role could perform an additional faction kill when half the game was dead. Even without Didi reviving, if I'm doing my math right they still would have killed the rest of you faster than you could lynch/kill them.
@Degaforce there were 2 reasons the game ended even though you superkilled Didi:

1. The first person to die in their faction gets revived one day phase later (so since you killed him last night, not today but tomorrow). Didi could steal 3 peoples votes during the day and they killed the king, so when he returned he would have taken control over the lynch.

2. Their faction gained a superkill for every 5 dead people, and Nova's role could perform an additional faction kill when half the game was dead. Even without Didi reviving, if I'm doing my math right they still would have killed the rest of you faster than you could lynch/kill them.
Yeah, I figured it was something like that.

Regardless of game mechanics, we would have still lost because I would have gone after Sin and KC before going after Nova or Okosan.

I'm just glad my bluff on the passive sword worked in the end :noworries
yeah, though to be fair we had very strong abilities to compensate

Compensate? Lol...your size was your greatest strength.

All you needed was a strong game from one, and two quieter players on cruise control. You nailed it, and thus are Player of the Game.

To be fair, a good damn lot of townies were suspicious as hell.

That's every game, which is how mafia can be 'town leader'.

Like from a balance standpoint the king being an indie in a closed set up is type wonky.

King being non-hostile indie was one of the most obvious things there was. Doesn't necessarily mean you oust them.

And you dorks...i was a noble. I was also a peasant. @Shizune i told you that was weird lol

Very fun game. It's great to see a big game with a tiny mafia again. It's more realistic to what it's really like in RL when a very small group of bad guys are among a very large group of good ones. That said, it's notoriously hard for town to win games with this % of mafia, especially when there isn't an indication that it's a pinhole mafia. All it takes is 1 or 2 people to start panicking that no mafia is dead by Day X, and everyone starts second-guessing. You just need to keep turning over rocks and lynching/killing people until you get that first hit. After that, it's usually game over for them. It's an all or nothing kind of victory-- and they did it well.

None of this means I have a problem with the setup-- I love it. I also got the feeling that as town, I needed to get "lucky" with a read early or I'd be tossed. That's also why I sided with the King and rallied for him to stay. The hope was maybe he would keep his supporters around because it was pretty obvious he wasn't town and his win-condition relied on that support. But I don't survive mafia games on NF, so it was only a matter of time. For me, taking the poison was a great way to give myself a deadline and prove my intent.

The quests set the game apart for me. I would like to know if they were original fiction or taken from existing lore. <--- Nitty
@Degaforce there were 2 reasons the game ended even though you superkilled Didi:

1. The first person to die in their faction gets revived one day phase later (so since you killed him last night, not today but tomorrow). Didi could steal 3 peoples votes during the day and they killed the king, so when he returned he would have taken control over the lynch.

2. Their faction gained a superkill for every 5 dead people, and Nova's role could perform an additional faction kill when half the game was dead. Even without Didi reviving, if I'm doing my math right they still would have killed the rest of you faster than you could lynch/kill them.

What you're saying though is that Platinum and the Court got a pity win because he wasn't actually alive until the end, we just didn't play it out? :ufdup
Bro, I'm sure you played well but town was on your side for this game.

@Tiger, this has to be one of the worst town performances in NF mafia history, right?
I have seen much worse towns than this one. There were only two things wrong with this town and that was that there were too many inactive people or people barely skating by and that paranoia took the best of the main leaders.

The active townies did fairly well if you ask me. Doing well as a townie doesn't necessarily equal lynching all the scum, especially when there wasn't much scum in this set up to begin with and especially because they weren't exactly in control of the lynch.
I love how jayjay os tryna mimize his inadaquency :catskully
I was gonna make cult plays with @RemChu if you guys gave me [Lyssa's Looking Glass]. We were gonna turn everyone into wolves, turn you into @White Wolf probably.:gglife

Too bad RemChu went out so soon.

I have seen much worse towns than this one. There were only two things wrong with this town and that was that there were too many inactive people or people barely skating by and that paranoia took the best of the main leaders.

The active townies did fairly well if you ask me. Doing well as a townie doesn't necessarily equal lynching all the scum, especially when there wasn't much scum in this set up to begin with and especially because they weren't exactly in control of the lynch.
I agree that it was a combination of many things, but I expect experienced players to be able to play around numerous modkills and inactive players. Distrusting literally everyone is not how you play around it.

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