Game HST Mafia 3 (mafia wins!)

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Whoever does not vote for WW today is scum. WPK was a double agent and he obviously had info on Wolf

Take down your top royal, cut away your main mast,
Come hither in under my lee,
For I will take from you all of your flowing gold,
Flowing gold, flowing gold,
And I’ll turn your fair bodies to the sea.”

Then broadside for broadside we valiantly fought,
We fought for four hours and more,
Till at last Henry Martin gave her a dead shot,
A dead shot, a dead shot,
And down to the bottom she goes.

Bad news, bad news, to you English heroes,
Bad news I have for to tell,
There is one of your rich ships sunk off the land,
Off the land, off the land.
And all of your merry men drowned.

[vote lynch White Wolf]
I got the same pm about alwaysmind. huh

I happened to have one shot tracked W. I learned that he targeted no one, which is useless information.

I think if the person I use an ability on player and that player dies that i somehow fell responsible for it.

Or it’s part of this curse.

Speaking of curses, your post above lacks lament. W was butchered, have you lost your sympathy and compassion you heartless scoundrel?
I wish mafia was dead*
As do we all, as do we all. Except mafia, obviously.

[Vote lynch Stelios]

For once I'm actually inclined to trust Raven of all people. The fact that you so blatantly bypass everything said to dickride an incompetent oaf is laughable stupidity or just blatant scuminess at the expense of tact.

I'll repeat again, I killed him personally for his boarish reasoning and convenient attempt at mislynching me in the dead of night. No regrets.
As do we all, as do we all. Except mafia, obviously.

[Vote lynch Stelios]

For once I'm actually inclined to trust Raven of all people. The fact that you so blatantly bypass everything said to dickride an incompetent oaf is laughable stupidity or just blatant scuminess at the expense of tact.

I'll repeat again, I killed him personally for his boarish reasoning and convenient attempt at mislynching me in the dead of night. No regrets.

So we should have a piece of mind for you being a poisoner who just killed a town investigator. And we should let you off the hook because you claimed you killed him.

So we should have a piece of mind for you being a poisoner who just killed a town investigator. And we should let you off the hook because you claimed you killed him.

Yep, I was town vig before rolecrush, well very limited vig due to canon capabilities. WPK earned my one shot :catsun

No regrets. Keep pushing Scumlios.
If you were town vig and killed W’K, why arnt you guilty or mourning. You heartless animal.
No sympathy for idiots.

Also @Stelios Unless you're BP you've no reason to keep the front up, you were my N1 and N3 pick. With WPK eating my one shot N2
My normal skill needs 2 shots to apply (oh I wonder who I could possibly be?) you're as dead as WPK, so quit the bullshit hoe.
But he is an idiot~

I mean let's look at this way.

You are an elite scumhunter ISO'ing someone and trying to get something out of them, so you wait near end of day phase when your target isn't even online to gauge reactions? Even though you could have posted numerous times until then? His methods are garbage, his reasoning trash and his playstyle worse than Itachi, SK, AM and Roman combined into one scummy dickwad of a mother fucker.

I've no sympathy for his bullshit, nor is there any fact behind his claims.
Do you know if there's a way to cure your poisoning Wolfie? Because perhaps mafia can save Stelios and if that's the case perhaps lynching him is still fine :hm
I don't know, I'm rolecrushed now cos of the mafia poison, so my actions up until now may be moot.

I wish I had my bankai :blobcry

Howl all you want wolfie. The fact here is that you killed a town investigator who pushed a lynch on you. I’ve been susing and voting for you since yesterday when you didn’t even pursuit the ones that voted for you because you got away. Don’t act like surprised or insulted.
Hindsight 20/20, just because your mafia team had role info on that investigator doesn't mean I did.
>white wolf says he killed WPK
>WPK dies of poisoning
>the mafia activates a delayed poison that rolecrushes town

explain this, scum wolf :naruramen

idk if I buy this as an ability

sofine stabs u twice in the same place and then u die, why would you need to target someone three nights in a row?
You misunderstand.

Tap once, nothing happens
Tap twice, poison enters their body and they die the following night.

Tap twice, but it has delayed activation, not attack thrice.

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