Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

  • Total voters
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Rules and mechanics


1. Do not discuss the game outside of the game thread unless given permission, even after you die. There will be no dead chat for this game.

2. Phases will last for 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day and night phase is called a cycle.

3. Lynch votes will be cast through the thread poll. At the end of each day, I will screenshot the poll, and the player with the most votes will be lynched. In-thread votes are not required, but you may still find them useful. "No lynch" is an option in this game. Failing to vote for anything will count as two votes toward yourself.

4. Role claiming is strictly banned on day one, but allowed from day two onward.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.

6. Do not screenshot or quote your private messages from the moderator.

7. The host may make on-the-fly game balancing or ruleset changes if they deem it necessary. Please do not be shocked if this happens to you.


1. During the day, actions are processed in the order they're received, and they're processed as soon as the host is able to do so. During the night, actions are processed at the end of the night phase, and in the following order:

a. Role crushes
b. Roleblocks
c. Redirects
d. Mafia & indie kills
e. Town kills
f. All other types of abilities

If players simultaneously target each other with nullifying affects, such as 2 players attempting to town-kill or roleblock each other during the same night, then neither ability will succeed.

2. If the player with the most votes at the end of the day is protected against lynching, then the lynch will pass to the player with the next highest amount of votes.

3. The color of your role name determines your win condition.

wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

wincon: achieve player count parity or voting power parity with the town

If your role color is not red or blue, then that means you’re an independent and your role text will explain your win condition.


"Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Doctors will be told if they succeed at stopping a kill.

2. Roleblocks disable some passive defenses, such as bulletproof abilities. Players learn when they are blocked.

3. Limited use abilities may be used again if they fail or if they are blocked.

4. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role.

5. When a player is murdered during the night, the writeup will only say that they died and what their role was, not which faction killed them. Failed kills will not appear in the writeup.

6. When players die, only their alignment is revealed in the game thread. If a player is murdered by another player, such as through the mafia faction kill or the town vigilante, then the murderer will learn their victim's role.

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Town roles
Town roles

Spoiler: Town Core Roles
All of these roles are guaranteed to be in the game.


Sarutobi Hiruzen

[Passive - Chakra] -
Hiruzen is limited by his diminished chakra supply, preventing him from using more than one ability each night.

[One Shot Active - Tōmegane no Jutsu] - During the night, Hiruzen cast a scrying jutsu to either watch another player and see who visits them, or to investigate a dead player and learn their role.

[One Shot Active - Kongō Rōheki] - During the night, Hiruzen can trap himself or another player inside an unbreakable cage. If Hiruzen uses this ability on himself, he will protect himself against kills. If Hiruzen uses this ability on another player, he will roleblock them and protect them against kills.

[One Shot Active - Shiki Fūjin] - During the night, Hiruzen can sacrifice his life to kill another player. If Hiruzen's victim survives, they will instead be role crushed for one cycle.


Momochi Zabuza

[Passive - The Bloody Mist] -
Zabuza can communicate with Haku outside of the game thread. If Haku dies, Zabuza will leave the game.


Yuki Haku

[Passive - The Bloody Mist] -
Haku can communicate with Zabuza outside of the game thread. If Zabuza dies, Haku will leave the game.

Spoiler: Town Protagonist Roles
One of these roles will be in the game.


Uzumaki Naruto

[One Shot Passive - Dainanahan] -
If Naruto is alive when the game reaches MeLo or ELo, he will deliver an inspiring speech to his teammates. For that day, other players will temporarily receive an extra voting power when voting for the same person as Naruto. If Naruto is vote silenced while using this ability, then this ability will be disabled.


Monkey D. Luffy

[One Shot Passive - Gomu Gomu no Mi] -
If the game reaches MeLo or ELo, then Luffy's Devil Fruit will protect him against lynching for that day.


Kurosaki Ichigo

[One Shot Passive - Reiatsu] -
If Ichigo is alive when the game reaches MeLo or or ELo, then he will unleash his spiritual pressure against the other players. For that day, all living players besides Ichigo will have a voting power of 1, Ichigo will have a voting power of 2, and vote tampering abilities used by other players will have no effect.

Spoiler: Town Deuteragonist Roles
One of these roles will be in the game.


Uchiha Sasuke

[Two Shot Active - Sharingan] -
During the night Sasuke can use his dōjutsu to gain a one shot use of any of the potential town active abilities in the game. Sasuke cannot copy a new ability and use one of his copied abilities in the same night, and Sasuke cannot copy the same ability twice.


Roronoa Zoro

[One Shot Passive - Kiki Kyutoryu: Ashura] -
If Zoro is murdered by another player, he will harness his spiritual power to delay his death until the end of the following night. That night, Zoro can kill another player before he dies.


Kuchiki Rukia

[Active - Karakurachō] -
Rukia monitors the human world for disturbances, such as the presence of high spiritual power. During the night, Rukia can investigate another player to learn whether their character is from Bleach.

Spoiler: Town Coroner Roles
One of these roles will be in the game.



[One Shot Active - Iryō Butai] -
During the night, Shizune can send a copy of all the results she gathered thus far to either the town's protective role or to Hiruzen. If the role Shizune chooses is already dead, then nobody will receive her results.

[Active - Autopsy] - During the night Shizune can investigate the body of a dead player to learn their role.


Doctor Hogback

[One Shot Active - Death Doll] -
During the night, Hogback can reanimate the body of a dead innocent player he previously performed an autopsy on, granting Hogback one-shot uses of their abilities.

[Active - Autopsy] - During the night Hogback can investigate the body of a dead player to learn their role.


Kurotsuchi Mayuri

[One Shot Passive - Nikushibuki] -
If Mayuri dies then he will liquidate his own body, confirming his role in the game thread.

[Active - Autopsy] - During the night Mayuri can investigate the body of a dead player to learn their role.

Spoiler: Town Vigilante Roles
One of these roles will be in the game.


Namikaze Minato

[Passive - Shunshin no Jutsu] -
Minato uses speed-enhancing techniques to protect himself against roleblocks and redirects.

[One Shot Active - Hiraishin no Jutsu] - During the night, Minato can attempt to kill the players he marked. Minato must choose which order to kill the players in, and Minato will stop after he kills an innocent player. Minato cannot use [Jutsu-shiki] the same night he uses this ability.

[Active - Jutsu-shiki] - During the night, Minato can mark another player for his space-time ninjutsu.



[Active - Hidora] -
During the night Magellan can use his Devil Fruit to poison another player, killing them at the end of the following night.



[One Shot Active - Shunkō] -
Soifon can use Kidō to amplify her speed, enabling her to use [Nigeki Kessatsu] twice in one night.

[Active - Nigeki Kessatsu] - During the night, Soifon can use her Shikai mark another player. If Soifon marks the same player twice, she will kill them. Soifon can only mark one player at a time, and if Soifon marks a different player, her first mark will expire.

Spoiler: Town Protective Roles
One of these roles will be in the game.



[One Shot Active - Sōzō Saisei] -
During the night, Tsunade can use her regeneration technique to protect herself against kills.

[Active - Katsuyu: Mōryōjika] - During the night, Tsunade can either place or remove a Katsuyu clone on another player, or protect everyone who has a Katsuyu clone against kills.


Tony Tony Chopper

[Active - Doctor] -
During the night Chopper can offer medical treatment to another player, protecting them against kills.


Kurotsuchi Nemu

[Passive - Healing Factor] -
Nemu's specially-made body can recover from fatal injuries. If Nemu would be murdered by another player, then she will instead be role crushed for one cycle. Nemu cannot survive superkills.

[Active - Bodyguard] - During the night Nemu can guard another player, redirecting kills used against them to herself.

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Town roles continued
Town roles continued

Spoiler: Town Investigative Roles
Two of these roles will be in the game.



[Active - Research] -
Jiraiya is adept at gathering information on dangerous individuals. During the night, Jiraiya can investigate one category of mafia roles to learn which role from that category is in the game.


Yamanaka Inoichi

[Active - Shinranshin no Jutsu] -
During the night, Inoichi can cast a jutsu on two players to learn whether they have the same alignment. Inoichi cannot use this ability on the same player two nights in a row.


Riku Viola

[Active - Peeping Mind] -
During the night Viola can use her Devil Fruit to view another player's memories, learning who they visited the previous two nights.


Nico Robin

[Active - Oreja Fleur] -
During the night Robin can use her Devil Fruit to listen in on another player, learning whether they posted in a private chat that night.


Kotetsu Isane

[Active - Bakudō #58: Kakushitsuijaku] -
During the night, Isane can cast a spell to track another player and learn who they visit.


Hisagi Shūhei

[Passive - Seireitei Tsūshin] -
Hisagi is the lieutenant of the Ninth Division, which receives and publishes reports from the other divisions. Hisagi knows the identity of the other town investigator.

[Active - Seireitei Tsūshin Henshūbu] - During the night, Hisagi can visit the other town investigative role to receive a copy of any results they learn that night. If Hisagi or his target are murdered while Hisagi is visiting, then they will both die.

Spoiler: Town Control Roles
Two of these roles will be in the game.


Yamanaka Ino

[One Shot Active - Shintenshin no Jutsu] -
During the night Ino can cast a jutsu to possess another player, permanently role crushing and vote silencing them until Ino dies or dispels the jutsu. If Ino's target dies while Ino controls them, Ino will also die.


Yūhi Kurenai

[Active - Magen: Jubaku Satsu] -
During the night, Kurenai can cast genjutsu on another player to roleblock them.



[One Shot Active - Thunder Lance Tempo] -
During the night Nami can electrocute a player she marked that day, role crushing them for that night and the following day.

[Active - Dark Cloud Tempo] - During the day, Nami can use the Clima Tact to form clouds around another player, marking them until the end of the night.


Donquixote Rosinante

[Active - Nagi Nagi no Mi] -
During the day, Rosinante can use his Devil Fruit to vote silence another player.


Ise Nanao

[One Shot Active - Hakudan Keppeki] -
During the night Nanao can conjure a barrier to divide the game in half. Nanao must choose half the living players to put on one side of the barrier, with the other half remaining on the other side. For that night, Nanao will roleblock players who try to visit people who are not on their side. Nanao will learn who she roleblocks.


Urahara Kisuke

[Active - Tenkai Kecchu] -
During the night Kisuke can use a teleportation device to busdrive himself with another player, redirecting abilities used on Kisuke to his target and vice verse.

Spoiler: Town Support Roles
Two of these roles will be in the game.



[One Shot Active - Kishō Tensei] -
During the day or night, Chiyo can sacrifice her own life to permanently resurrect another player. Chiyo's target will inherit her will, permanently enabling Chiyo to discuss the game with them outside of the thread.


Sarutobi Konohamaru

[One Shot Active - Omago-sama] -
During the day or night, Konohamaru can have the moderator reveal his identity as the Hokage's grandson in the game thread. Konohamaru is a young child, so revealing his identity will also permanently reduce his voting power to zero.


Nefertari Vivi

[Passive - Alabasta] -
Vivi is the heir to the desert kingdom Alabasta, granting her a voting power of two.



[Passive - Yomi Yomi no Mi] -
If Brook dies then his spirit will persist in the game, enabling him to continue posting in the game thread.


Tsukabishi Tessai

[Active - Forbidden Kidō] -
During the night, Tessai can cast a time-altering spell on another player. If Tessai's target dies that night, Tessai will enable them to use their active abilities one last time on the following night.


Ushōda Hachigen

[Active - Kekkai] -
During the night, Hachigen can conjure a barrier around another player to protect them against abilities used by control roles.

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Mafia roles
Mafia roles

One role from each of the following categories will be in the game, for a total of four mafia members.

Spoiler: Mafia Godfather Roles


[Passive - Orochimaru-Ryū no Kawarimi no Jutsu] -
Orochimaru can regenerate his body, protecting him against kills.

[Two Shot Active - Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei] - During the night Orochimaru can cast a necromantic jutsu to raise one mafia role that isn't in the game, permanently granting Orochimaru control over their abilities. Orochimaru cannot raise godfather roles.

[One Shot Active - Orochimaru no Juinjutsu] - During the night Orochimaru can bestow his Cursed Seal on another player. From thereon, if Orochimaru's target visits a member of Orochimaru's team, Orochimaru will roleblock them and then permanently gain control over their abilities. If Orochimaru uses this ability on Hiruzen, then he will attempt to kill Hiruzen.


Sir Crocodile

[Passive - Suna Suna no Mi] -
Crocodile's Devil Fruit protects him against lynches.

[Passive - Baroque Works] - Crocodile leads a criminal syndicate, which has eyes and ears everywhere. Crocodile will learn the results of abilities used by the town investigative roles.

[Passive - Ōka Shichibukai] - Crocodile uses his status as one of the Shichibukai to cover up sensitive events and information. If one of Crocodile's teammates die, they will appear to be innocent in the game thread. If Crocodile dies, his scheme will be discovered, and the host will announce the true alignment of any teammates he covered up.


Louisenbairn Baraggan

[Passive - Senescencia] -
Baraggan can slow the passage of time around himself, protecting him against kills.

[Passive - God-King of Hueco Mundo] - Baraggan once ruled the realm of the dead. Baraggan counts as two players toward the parity count.

[One Shot Active - Arrogante] - During the night Baraggan can cause another player's body to age and wither, permanently removing them from the parity count until Baraggan dies.

[One Shot Active - Respira] - During the night Baraggan can shroud his team behind a lethal miasma, roleblocking anyone who visits them.

Spoiler: Mafia Control Roles


[One Shot Active - Juinjutsu] -
Tayuya can use her Cursed Seal to amplify her genjutsu, enabling her to use [Mateki: Mugen Onsa] on two players that night.

[Active - Mateki: Mugen Onsa] - During the night, Tayuya can cast genjutsu on another player. If Tayuya's target attempts to protect another player outside of Tayuya's faction, they will kill them instead. If Tayuya's target attempts to kill someone in Tayuya's faction, they will protect them instead. If Tayuya's target uses an investigative ability, their results will be corrupted.


Miss Goldenweek

[Active - Tomodachi no Kimidori] -
During the day Miss Goldenweek can use yellow and green paint to befriend another player, stealing their voting power for that day.

[Active - Nagomi no Midori] - During the night Miss Goldenweek can use yellow and blue paint to calm another player, roleblocking them.


Zommari Rureaux

[One Shot Active - Gemelos Sonído] -
Zommari can use Sonído to amplify his speed, enabling him to use [Amor] on two players that night.

[Active - Amor] - During the night Zommari can use his Resurrección to control another player, redirecting any active abilities they use to a player of Zommari's choosing and stealing their voting power for the following day.

Spoiler: Mafia Support Roles

Yakushi Kabuto

[Active - Ninshiki Kādo] -
During the night, Kabuto can consult his info cards to investigate one role and learn whether that role is in the game. If Kabuto learns that a role is in the game, he will also learn which player it belongs to. Kabuto cannot investigate the town core roles.

[Active - Shikon no Jutsu] - During the night, Kabuto can cast a necromantic jutsu to raise a dead player and use one of their active abilities. Kabuto can use limited-use abilities if their owner did not expend all its charges before they died. If Kabuto raises a player whose role he doesn't know, then he will instead investigate them to learn their role. Kabuto cannot raise the same person twice.

[Active - Hyōrōgan] - During the night, Kabuto can feed another player a performance-enhancing drug to protect them against abilities used by the town control roles.


Miss Friday and Mister Thirteen

[One Shot Passive - The Unluckies] -
Miss Friday and Mister Thirteen work as a pair. If Miss Friday and Mister Thirteen are attacked by another player then only one of them will die, consuming this ability and permanently disabling that character's corresponding ability. Until this ability is consumed, Miss Friday and Mister Thirteen have a voting power of two.

[Active - Bird of Prey] - During the night, Miss Friday can transport another player through the air to protect them against kills.

[Active - Small Savage] - During the night, Mister Thirteen can track another player to learn who they visited that night. If Mister Thirteen investigates the same player two nights in a row, then he will also learn the name of their role.


Szayelaporro Granz

[Passive - Fornicarás] -
If one of Szayelaporro's teammates dies, he will use his Resurrección to create a clone of them, permanently granting Szayelaporro their abilities.

Spoiler: Mafia Killing Roles


[One Shot Active - Juinjutsu] -
Sakon can use his Cursed Seal to amplify his attacks, upgrading kills performed him and Ukon that night to superkills.

[Active - Kisei Kikai no Jutsu] - During the night, Sakon can send his twin brother Ukon to invade another player's body. The following night, Ukon will kill that player. Ukon cannot be sent back out until the night after he performs a kill.


Mister Five

[One Shot Active - Nose Fancy Cannon] -
During the night, Mister Five can detonate his bombs to kill everyone with a bomb on them. Mister Five cannot use [Bomu Bomu no Mi] the same night that he uses this ability.

[Active - Bomu Bomu no Mi] - During the night, Mister Five can use his Devil Fruit to strap a bomb to another player.


Tōsen Kaname

[Passive - Mumyō] -
If Tōsen performs the faction kill, he will use his bankai to surround his victim in darkness, enabling Tōsen to fool trackers and watchers. If another player successfully protects Tōsen's victim, Tōsen will learn their name.

[One Shot Active - Suzumushi Hyakushiki: Grillar Grillo] - If Tōsen performs the faction kill, he can use his Resurrección to upgrade his kill to a superkill.

[Active - Horōka] - During the night, Tōsen can designate another player as his team's backup kill. If the faction kill fails to kill its victim that night, then Tōsen will release the Hollow inside him to faction kill the backup target.

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Independent roles

This role is guaranteed to be in the game.


Aizen Sōsuke

[One Shot Passive - Hōgyoku] -
The Hōgyoku protects Aizen against the first lynch or kill used against him. The Hōgyoku cannot block superkills.

[Passive - Reiryoku] - Aizen's immense spiritual power protects him against roleblocks, role crushes and redirects.

[Passive - Las Noches] - Aizen leads the Espada against Soul Society. If Aizen uses [Kanzen Saimin] to discover the identity of a mafia member, then Aizen cannot reveal their identity in the game thread or he will lose the game.

[Active - Kanzen Saimin] - Each phase, Aizen can guess another player's role. If Aizen guesses correctly, he will use his Shikai to permanently gain control over that player's abilities. Aizen's victims do not know they are being controlled. Aizen wins the game if he controls every living member of the town.

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ELo - Eliminate-or-Lose, or ELo, is a game state wherein the Town must eliminate scum during the present Day phase or they will lose the game (often by being endgamed by scum). It is also called Eliminate-right-or-lose. It is also known as LiLo, standing for "Lim-or-lose". It is generally easy to tell when a game is in ELo because there will only be one more Town player alive than the number of scum. You can read more about this phrase here.

Investigative Abilities - Abilities whose purpose is to give their owner new information about another player, such as trackers and cops.

Limited Use Abilities - Refers to one shot, two shot, three shot, etc. type abilities.

MeLo - Miseliminate-and-Lose, or MeLo, is a game state where the Town will lose if it miseliminates during the present Day phase. This is different from ELo in that ELo requires the Town to eliminate correctly, whereas in MeLo the Town is still afforded the opportunity to No Eliminate without forfeiting the game (though this generally makes the next Day ELo). You can read more about this phrase here.

Murder - Death at the hands of another player, as opposed to death by lynching. For example, if the town vigilante uses their abilities to kill another player, they are said to have "murdered" that player.

Parity Count - The parity count refers to the number of players, or the amount of combined voting power, alive on each team. The mafia team wins by achieving parity with the town, which can be done through having the same amount of players alive as the town, or the same amount of combined voting power as the town.

Role Crush - Disables most player abilities, both passive and active.

Superkill - The highest level of kills. Superkills bypasses defenses, bonus lives and roleblocks. However, superkills can be stopped by a combined roleblock and protection. If the person using the superkill is roleblocked and their victim is also protected, then the superkill will be stopped. Superkills can be redirected.

Vote Silence - A type of ability that reduces another player's voting power to zero.

Vote Tampering - Abilities that interfere with voting, such as vote silencers and vote thieves.

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Player list
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The game starts in one hour. Please review the rules and mechanics, as some things have changed from my previous games.

In particular, please be aware of the following:
1. Do not discuss the game outside of the game thread unless given permission, even after you die. There will be no dead chat for this game.

3. Lynch votes will be cast through the thread poll. At the end of each day, I will screenshot the poll, and the player with the most votes will be lynched. In-thread votes are not required, but you may still find them useful. "No lynch" is an option in this game.

4. Role claiming is strictly banned on day one, but allowed from day two onward.

6. When players die, only their alignment is revealed in the game thread. If a player is murdered by another player, such as through the mafia faction kill or the town vigilante, then the murderer will learn their victim's role.

Link to the countdown

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Game start
Welcome to the first game in the World Mafia Arts Tournament! Participating players will enjoy special rose petal effects on their username, courtesy of @Rinoa. She will activate them as soon as she is available.

The fun doesn't stop there; I am happy to finally announce this tournament's prize system! Players who win three games will earn one month of large avatar privileges. There are nine games in the event, meaning you have the opportunity to earn up to three months of large avatar privileges.

Day one will end 24 hours from now, at 9 AM central time on Thursday, September 2nd.

Link to the countdown

Day 1 start. You may now post.
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I don't care whether you announce your votes or not. The poll is public, so anyone can check it at any time to see who is voting for whom. Just think of it like a vote count that updates in real time.
Does the poll close at a certain time (end of day), or will there still be a chance to change votes after you declare the day over?

I've no problem with it either way. It's an interesting idea to test out.
Does the poll close at a certain time (end of day), or will there still be a chance to change votes after you declare the day over?

I've no problem with it either way. It's an interesting idea to test out.

When the phase ends/votes lock (there is a countdown for this in the game start post), I will screenshot the poll and do the lynch using that screenshot. That's how I will "lock" votes.

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