Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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I'm making a small change to Aizen Sōsuke's abilities. Currently, Aizen is tasked with guessing the mafia members' roles just like he is with the town roles, but this is unfair to him because mafia members will (almost) never role claim or leave information in the thread about their abilities.

Therefore, Aizen no longer needs to guess mafia members' roles to control them, he only needs to guess their alignment. Aizen's guesses now work like this: he can submit a town role for another player, or simply submit that they're mafia. If Aizen guessed correctly that they are that town role, or if he guessed correctly that they are part of the mafia team, he will control them.

Let me know if you have any questions.
It's either Vig or Aizen. Or both. I don't remember anyone outright claiming D1 though. It was all D2. He'd have to guess Vig N1.

There's also a chance one of these people are Ino Yamanaka controlling other dying person.
Or it was just Mafia using one of the dead Vigs. Or Nat was killed while visiting the other invest. That's why the claim fiesta was so, so bad.
What the hell?

How could 4 townies die in one day? I think two of mafia roles had double kils but town vig should also be involved.

I supsect TAC, Hayumi, Iwan, Aizen.

@Flower why did you claim Naruto so easily that said people were claiming foolishly? You were not in danger when you claimed Naruto, it was enough to claim protagonist role.

[Vote Lynch TAC]
I'm not an idiot, Melkor. I had my reasons.
Sorry for spelling mistakes, been posting from phone.

@Hayumi, why did you think i was better Lynch than Shrike
By the end of the day phase I was starting to realize the chances of you being mafia were slim, but I still felt like you could of been and still could be Aizen. I didn’t want to hop onto Shrike within the last few hours when I wasn’t even that sus of him. I felt like the chances of him being a mislynch over you was higher. But turns out I might of been wrong, remains to be seen.

This was my post about how I was feeling when I suddenly realized hella suspects were hopping on your wagon and multiple people I trusted were voting Shrike instead.

Im on the fence of switching to Shrike based off liking the people on his wagon a little more but there's a few things stopping me apart from running out of town for a late hop:
1. For reasons already explained, I genuinely cant outright scum read him personally
2. At least he's giving us way more then LM
3. LM is still likely scum
4. I don't want to fuck up votes and force an rng. Or who knows if someone has extra vote power or something, I need to read up on the roles.
Why did you leave people like TAC, Hayumi, Iwan?

Though i also do not like Aizen, he seemed to avoid any serious engagement.

Not sure about JW, he is hard to read.
Because of D1. It was Natalija/Shrike vs Lind/John Wayne for a while. But only Nat and Lind were voted up and it was TvT. Feels like Shrike and JW have just been fueling the flames on their respective sides.
What the hell?

How could 4 townies die in one day? I think two of mafia roles had double kils but town vig should also be involved.

I supsect TAC, Hayumi, Iwan, Aizen.

@Flower why did you claim Naruto so easily that said people were claiming foolishly? You were not in danger when you claimed Naruto, it was enough to claim protagonist role.

[Vote Lynch TAC]
Likely one double kill and a town vig.
Tbh im surprised mafia did not target usoop or oni given they are already a "lovers" role
Lind did claim Rukia but given the lynch record he was likely the vig target night 1
Did kvothe claim anything ?
Also yeah, TAC posts are overral terrible and aizen is hard coasting
I will iso hayumi
Vivo + Nathalya is likely given their claim (nathalya role died together with her invest partner I believe)
Why kvothe and Lind tho :hmm

Lind was semi-confirmed while Kvothe is good player who I started to townread yesterday and also hinted and invest role I think.

Your suprise seems fake to me, are you mafia or Aizen?

At least we know that Crocodile is not in game. But with Barragan as Godfather mafia may reach parity with 5 town alive vs 3, this is scary.
Likely one double kill and a town vig.
Tbh im surprised mafia did not target usoop or oni given they are already a "lovers" role
Lind did claim Rukia but given the lynch record he was likely the vig target night 1
Did kvothe claim anything ?
Also yeah, TAC posts are overral terrible and aizen is hard coasting
I will iso hayumi

I think as masons Usopp and Kaidou were less dangerous to mafia than active or invest roles.

And they can now use the roles they killed as fake claims...
Lind was semi-confirmed while Kvothe is good player who I started to townread yesterday and also hinted and invest role I think.

Your suprise seems fake to me, are you mafia or Aizen?

At least we know that Crocodile is not in game. But with Barragan as Godfather mafia may reach parity with 5 town alive vs 3, this is scary.
Oh he claimed too ?
Amazing :dank
I'm town, not Aizen nor mafia.
What about you ?
lol what are you on about? you tagged me once last phase and once here asking me to talk when i wasnt even around to begin with. you realize this is the same vote thread from D1 so my vote was already placed. ive responded to whoevers actually interacted with meand not just tagged me to show up. so our points are moot.

i didnt refuse to vote shrike i just refused to vote with usopp, difference i even explained it to onii. i chose lm cause he latched onto shrike wagon only to attempt to save himself without actually talking his way out of it he essentially gave up and has been hiding all day not actually defend himself. why would a 'townie" play like this. shrike has better quality post over lm where his are just meh. and i based my vote off of my town read hayumi.

Is this all you have at this point?

Do you still town read Hayumi? He was town read for me day one and some of his reactions felt genuine, but I am now starting to be unsure.
Most of the sus they've thrown this game has been against now confirmed town.

Not to mention the extreme fluff at the start, the complete obliviousnes towards the roles and mechanics and that weird post about being Town map despite how bad their sus record had been.

Yeah this not looking good

Does this indicate JW and Hayumi should not be on the same team?
lol i cant really read tac either way memeing a lot so i'd say a scumlean

nah just town i honestly forgot how the last cycle went and this one was such a headache i only ready like the first 4-5 pages and it was just flower uso.

like i stated before and in the past present a stronger case. stop fucking begging me and then asking for me to get vigged you think that will make me want to vote with you?

First part of this post looks genuine to me, not liking the second part when he did not wat to vote Shrike, though.
do you trust kvo?

you care to go into detail on this comment or?

sure put me out of my misery you really make this game unenjoyable tbh

i mean look at Onii his whole game is fucked now.

you betray him so stand up Zuko.

you obviously dont understand the way the way the role works.


mass claiming and claiming in general for no reason honestly just takes away from any point of invest roles and actual scum hunting.

uso wouldn't understand it even if he endangered his lover and got them killed...

oh we thank you for not causing anymore unneeded chos for this DP

oh god can you play this game without claims or abilities?

you've already wasted half of this day so you really have no room to breathe.

we couldn't gotten more info and further this dp if it wasnt for your shitshow of a ploy. you do realize this correct?

Those points from Aizen are good, though I think at this point making points about role claiming being bad was easy, and could be an excuse to avoid scumhunting? He is not actually giving any reads here.
lol what are you on about? you tagged me once last phase and once here asking me to talk when i wasnt even around to begin with. you realize this is the same vote thread from D1 so my vote was already placed. ive responded to whoevers actually interacted with meand not just tagged me to show up. so our points are moot.

i didnt refuse to vote shrike i just refused to vote with usopp, difference i even explained it to onii. i chose lm cause he latched onto shrike wagon only to attempt to save himself without actually talking his way out of it he essentially gave up and has been hiding all day not actually defend himself. why would a 'townie" play like this. shrike has better quality post over lm where his are just meh. and i based my vote off of my town read hayumi.
you look like a clown now

Damm Kvothe was coroner, we are fucked.

@Ekkologix, despite being town I think your strategy with encouraging claiming was terrible and may cost us the game.

Redeem yourself and give some good reads.
how so. aizen cant control them since they r dead anywya lol

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