Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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I literally made you guys lynch some random ass friend by making shit up as I spoke :dank
I might not deserve to win but don't put me together with that fiasco :mad
Child you guys got like what 5 free kills? Albeit with the help of Aizen because of our foolishness as town. So no, even with you convincing us to lynch TAC, you still don’t deserve to win lmfao. And even then, TAC kind of made it harder to trust anything he was saying when half his posts didn’t make any sense and he backtracked on himself multiple times. I won’t be mad if mafia wins this because like I said, town ruined themselves me included. But y’all mafia ain’t shit sooo

Child you guys got like what 5 free kills? Albeit with the help of Aizen because of our foolishness as town. So no, even with you convincing us to lynch TAC, you still don’t deserve to win lmfao. And even then, TAC kind of made it harder to trust anything he was saying when half his posts didn’t make any sense and he backtracked on himself multiple times. I won’t be mad if mafia wins this because like I said, town ruined themselves me included. But y’all mafia ain’t shit sooo

We got free kills thanks to town stupidity yeah
Anyway I digress
Also this is what we get honestly. Apart from my role hint, Like 5 of you hoes essentially open claimed day 2 mostly because of ussop's stupid ass play to bait flower into doing....what exactly? Like that play is literally a tragedy and fucked us over. No ussop can't take all the blame because nobody made you people claim but damn like that caused us a whole day phase of confusion and essentially all the town being outed. So no town doesn't deserve to win, but neither does mafia because you rlly didn't have to do shit, we destroyed ourselves, I said what I said. Stay mad if anybody got insulted by this but I'm laying out the facts.
@Shizune please award this best post of the game. Thank you love
Anyway given town apparently has odds of winning and you guys don't seem interested on looking after Aizen
@Lord Melkor is Magellan
@Flower is Ichigo Kurosaki
@John Wayne has claimed rosinate
@Hayumi has claimed Brook

@Sigismund @charles101 @A I Z E N @only
One of you guys can tank a lynch AND control half of those named players on this very cycle (if you haven't already).
You literally should be about to win this game.
Anyway given town apparently has odds of winning and you guys don't seem interested on looking after Aizen
@Lord Melkor is Magellan
@Flower is Ichigo Kurosaki
@John Wayne has claimed rosinate
@Hayumi has claimed Brook

@Sigismund @charles101 @A I Z E N @only
One of you guys can tank a lynch AND control half of those named players on this very cycle (if you haven't already).
You literally should be about to win this game.

@charles101 if we are to believe Iwan you are scum. I was leaning town on you earlier but you became silent today?
so aizen isnt going to back iwans play. Aizen big pusssy. lol
this game is Aizens regardless tbh. idek know how either mafia or town pulls off the w.

pretty weak way to go out iwan, wouldve liked you stick to your guns and at least try to flip this on jw.
feel like this gambit was borderline game throwing with rosinante in play with vc scum was fucked with a - 1
still being 4v3 in vote power for this phase.

i know i havent really played this game well or played it in general but wow man this is possibly the biggest betatier gameplay ive ever witnessed all around. truly a clusterfuck.
Charles, Only Aizen and Iwan appear to be our clean up list

so aizen isnt going to back iwans play. Aizen big pusssy. lol
this game is Aizens regardless tbh. idek know how either mafia or town pulls off the w.

pretty weak way to go out iwan, wouldve liked you stick to your guns and at least try to flip this on jw.
feel like this gambit was borderline game throwing with rosinante in play with vc scum was fucked with a - 1
still being 4v3 in vote power for this phase.

i know i havent really played this game well or played it in general but wow man this is possibly the biggest betatier gameplay ive ever witnessed all around. truly a clusterfuck.
Ok, which one are you, mafia or Aizen?

Because this surely sounds fake from the town's perspective.
Night 4 - Flower and John Wayne die
@Flower and @John Wayne died tonight. They were both innocent.

The game has reached ELo, or Eliminate-or-lose. If a member of mafia team is not lynched today, the mafia team will win the game today.

You may vote to end the phase early with the command [vote end phase]. If all six living players agree to end early, I will end the phase. Otherwise, day 5 will last for 24 hours from this post, ending at 1:30 PM central time on Thursday, September 9th.

Day 5 start

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