Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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Usopp, the fact that I made it means I probably understand it better than anyone. :psyduck Can you name all the potential abilities in the game off the top of your head? You didn't even know Aizen was game ending.
yea but nitty u dont see the tones n stuff from player point of view

like it felt mafia had tmi on our coroners or cops, or shrike had good reads on them

i just rly rly dont think the day 2 is what lost the game and idk why anyone wud think so

im trying to imagine every scenario where we dont claim day 2 and its ALWAYS worst lol

mafia can rolecop/can tripple kill/have their own coroner

we will get annihilated if we dont know who is being killed
yea but nitty u dont see the tones n stuff from player point of view

like it felt mafia had tmi on our coroners or cops, or shrike had good reads on them

i just rly rly dont think the day 2 is what lost the game and idk why anyone wud think so

im trying to imagine every scenario where we dont claim day 2 and its ALWAYS worst lol

mafia can rolecop/can tripple kill/have their own coroner

we will get annihilated if we dont know who is being killed

if we didnt claim day 2, it makes mafia to be extremely lucky to get the coroner on day 2. We. are. breaking. down. the. poe. for. them.

Lets say I didn't claim or hint anything, they can guess the coroner amongst me, LM, Siggy, etc

Now lets say NONE of you guys claimed, the poe gets bigger for Mafia. How are you not understanding that part?

if u told us who ratchet is we wuda lynched iwan day 3 not TAC

its so scummy u basically told us u r hiruzen or coroner but didnt wanna share ur result

ofc im gna scum read u on that

did u rly think mafia will let u survive role

now u died and iwan gets to claim hiruzen for free, what i feared the entire day 2

YOU DIDNT BELIEVE I WAS CORONER SO FUCK OFF WITH THAT. I CLEARLY hinted it to you MULTIPLE times that coroner shouldn't out themselves on day 2 for a day 1 result. But you keep pushing, and pushing for it. And then you tinfoiled me and flower to the point that OTHER people are now believing your bullshit.

From my point of view, I didn't want to give the info to mafia on what ratchet was to break down even more of the PoE of our townies. I didn't know Kabuto was in the damn game. Only YOU tinfoiled that theory. And I didn't want to risk giving out info TO MAFIA, for a role I don't know for sure is in the game

I've also been gunning for iwan since the start of the game so dont give me that shit.
YOU DIDNT BELIEVE I WAS CORONER SO FUCK OFF WITH THAT. I CLEARLY hinted it to you MULTIPLE times that coroner shouldn't out themselves on day 2 for a day 1 result. But you keep pushing, and pushing for it. And then you tinfoiled me and flower to the point that OTHER people are now believing your bullshit.

From my point of view, I didn't want to give the info to mafia on what ratchet was to break down even more of the PoE of our townies. I didn't know Kabuto was in the damn game. Only YOU tinfoiled that theory. And I didn't want to risk giving out info TO MAFIA, for a role I don't know for sure is in the game

I've also been gunning for iwan since the start of the game so dont give me that shit.
u were defending flower, who was defending shrike. i have no reason to belive u unless u tell me what ratchet was
it wuda been better off if u didnt hint at all

u said u knew one of the dead roles then just said no u didnt
that was super weird lol
this game is kinda like ToS. claiming is essential there. i learned it the hard way

I think that claiming should be used occasionally, primarily by investigative roles that are ready to share their results. I think if claiming is done too often, it's very detrimental to the quality and enjoyment of a game. I tried to design this game in a way where the town was punished for claiming. This game was inspired by Kue's games, which are themselves inspired by Town Of Salem, but I've never played TOS and this game was not based on TOS. Most importantly, I stuck to the 3:1/4:1 town-mafia ratio, which is very different from what TOS uses.
u were defending flower, who was defending shrike. i have no reason to belive u unless u tell me what ratchet was
it wuda been better off if u didnt hint at all

u said u knew one of the dead roles then just said no u didnt
that was super weird lol
I had just woken up that day, when I posted it I knew I made a mistake because I couldn't pretend to be anything else about knowing the role. I already explain my reasoning when i was saying coroner/hiruzen shouldnt out themselves (like I told my reasoning and hoping ANYONE would get the hint why coroner shouldnt say what ratchet was)

But come on Usopp how the fuck dense are you when you just kept going after flower, non stop to the point where it was between you two for the wagon and I knew both of you were town.

Of course I'm going to say Flower's town to stop your bullshit but instead I get tinfoiled along with flower.
this game is kinda like ToS. claiming is essential there. i learned it the hard way
I've played Town of Salem as long as I've played mafia (10+ years now), and you don't have many roles claiming all at once in most set ups either, and you certainly don't have people faking investigative claims without immediate retractions afterwards. Proper claiming is essential and different set ups have different situations for which roles to claim and under what circumstances.

What happened on D@ was not proper in any way no matter the game.
u wont stay alive after hinting coroner sadly rip
thats my bad there forcing u to hint it
I was kinda hoping I could use Hiruzen's ability the night I got it so I can protect myself but I would only get the abilities for the next night

Its also why I was hoping to catch scum on day 3 and get the coroner's result. I was waiting on day 3 to reveal my results because I thought I can maybe survive it out.
I had just woken up that day, when I posted it I knew I made a mistake because I couldn't pretend to be anything else about knowing the role. I already explain my reasoning when i was saying coroner/hiruzen shouldnt out themselves (like I told my reasoning and hoping ANYONE would get the hint why coroner shouldnt say what ratchet was)

But come on Usopp how the fuck dense are you when you just kept going after flower, non stop to the point where it was between you two for the wagon and I knew both of you were town.

Of course I'm going to say Flower's town to stop your bullshit but instead I get tinfoiled along with flower.
yea i was gna tinfoil u and her the entire day, but u see me clearly taking ur vouch for her and pushing shrike dont u?

i literally posted that in the thread???
if u had told me ratchet was control i wouldnt need to tinfoil it lol and we wud easily get iwan day 3

anyway we had no teammwork which sucked

i think the way i played was different from majority, which caused lots of issues

my bad there
ratchet was Hiruzen. I didnt want mafia to think Hiruzen was dead because I wanted Mafia to at least be afraid of fake claiming

But didnt really think about Kabuto until the very end. I was hoping to live with Hiruzen's abilities but didnt work.

If ratchet was anything else i wouldve claimed ratchet was that category
@Shizune can u pls keep the semi open setup with no flips. i rly like this style. tweak it as u like for next iterations.

or i guess u can give mafia forge/frame abilities

I'm happy you enjoyed it, and I appreciate the compliment, but I was not happy with how this setup was played and I don't think it will get much better the next time. Maybe I'll try again someday, but that day won't come soon.
I'm planning to use wills in Favorites. I originally intended to use them here too, but I ended up deciding the setup didn't need it.
Oh thats great. I think Wills would've benefited here in this set up with mafia having a way to counter it so that the heavy work isn't fully on coroner.

But other than that, I mentioned on discord I did enjoy this set up as well
the deaths in night 2 was brutal. One was a misfire from the vig and idk if vivo / nat visited lind. but if they did then that was probably the biggest blunder in this game

I was dead from mafia

sometimes its hard to scum hunt when youre defending yourself 90% in the thread by a tunneler :doggokek
I didn’t visit Vivo of my own accord, I was controlled
btw if aizen wincon wasnt game ending, town would just yeet charles today and win lol

aizen is almost 100% guranteed to win if he makes it this far since only like 2-3 roles will be left

we were so focused on fighting each other we shuda shot him or lynched him at some point

i cant belive he still didnt even lose his deathproof shot lol
I did propose an union and you guys (and Aizen) dumped me

Haven't said anything about game yet. It's very different from anything I played lately, but it's great. Usually I prefer blasting powerful one-shots left and right, but this one was surprisingly just as fun. Setup was great, forcing us into picking a set of roles was interesting too. We went straight after Naruto, but others would work fine too. We were really lucky for the whole game (ok maybe not in the end) with all this claiming and this quadra kill n2. I'm not an expert when it comes to balance so I can't really speak of that. I think game was pretty balanced. Some roles are bit stronger than others but that's how it work. They can't be equally useful in every scenario if they have to be different.

Thank you for the game obviously @Shrike @Iwandesu and @A I Z E N

Congratulations to @only once again. I really thought you were inactive, but looks like you worked hard behind the scenes.

And thx everyone for wholsome posts and stuff :HeartPepe
@Ekkologix sorry if I was a little harsh with you earlier. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this game. This was a very different format from what we usually do here, so I’m sure none of us knew what to expect.
ur fine nitty, i think i was the one being harsh criticizing the setup
i did enjoy it for sure, im sorry im pretty impulsive and emotional sometimes
looking forward to next iterations ^^
a fake claim was only half of day2, it was corrected later. it was intended to be corrected and im glad we forced some players to claim

imagine a world where we dont claim and we end up losing coroner/hiruzen

we literally auto lose now cuz we will have no idea who is dead and mafia does as they please
there are mafia basics you should consider learning uso its what you lack that can make you an actual real threat, like actual scum hunting and using your abilities the best you can even if you are vanilla you couldve utilized your mason chat a lot better to coordinate with onii and get thoughts before acting cause everyone had to react in a second and it fucked town up badly v badly. as well as not being reliant on claims. they're never inherently good unless absolutely needed which is why mafia is designed the way it is. random claims are cop outs and some weak gameplay especially if you claim as town for no reason. more so if you're doing it for personal gain instead of doing whats best for town.

imagine a world where you didnt make that gambit and at least

3-4 people didnt claim and you went into d3 15 town instead of 12
day 2 vote count:

Shrike - 9 (Kvothe Kingkiller, Vivo Diez, Lord Melkor, Ekkologix, John Wayne, Lind, OniKaido, Natalija, only)
Lord Melkor - 7 (Shrike, TheAncientCenturion, Iwandesu, charles101, A I Z E N, Hayumi, Flower)

Players of interest: TheAncientCenturion, Iwandesu, charles101, A I Z E N, Hayumi, Flower, Melkor



this looks odd now that we see flower claimed fake claiming. is it an agenda scum had to fish for aizen?

this post has 0 value without results to show

most of these r town, TAC just throw these names around but never actually attempts to push any of them, notability iwan who he mentioned alot. its just a read list for the sake of read list, not for the sake of game progression

pure wifom

overall conclusion: its a typical coasting play style, throws names and shades around but never really actually pushes them. bit of wifom involved in the mix as well. His closest thing to a push was iwan, and even that was going nowhere with how he almost put no devotion behind it. definitly not Erwin this game. does not really strike me as town TAC, but leans more as indie TAC than mafia. there is a possibility he and flower are together, but his laziness to contribute is more of indie trait than scum.

read: slight scum lean/ indie lean



all of these are lazy reads, specially the one on shrike. totally useless post that reeks of fake hunting

again same thing

this aligns with the plan flower had to bait aizen, did mafia rly think aizen will bite that?

1. how?? how did flower act within the naruto role? WHATTT???
2. why dont cops just check the other non claimed players tho? this is such a waste
3. fair enough 1 scum among 4 players, BUT you NEVER did anything to help solve that case and narrow down PoE. we could literally throw dice at the player list and we have 1/4 chance to nail scum. all of this is literally fake scum hunting baloney. your post provide nothing of value whatsover.

another shrike lazy read, even after his death

more posts interested at Aizen. i feel like you guys really dont have anything to hunt other than him huh?

overall conclusion: absolute load of nothingness, fake reads, fake pushes, aizen hunting. there is no way this slot is town.

read: heavy scum lean



> starts with reiterating the confirmed town players. does not add any value
> i wish hed have something other than neutral on hayumi/iwan. it still gives me no value
> wants to go for sigis based on stats of him being maf 80% of time. while its an original read, its a useless one and wont go anywhere without a proper case behind it other than past game stats. im glad he didnt just park vote on sigis tho.
> atleast provides a reason on why they think shrike is town as opposed to LM, so then votes LM. this could come from town or scum honestly, but given the timing of it and the fact that they used it to vote LM over their gut read in sigis makes it looks more bad than good

weird question to ask, im not sure what is he trying to accomplish by this, specially since he voted LM anyway. i hope hes not hinting double voter or trying to bait a town double voter.

whose TK? town killer? again what weird posts r these lmao
why wud u say u know their role to begin with lol

more aizen talk

another aizen talk

aaand even more aizen talk

its like 80% of his posts now.

overall conclusion: hardly find any posts of value in his iso. he danced around that LM vs shrike wagon pretty poorly and just parked vote on LM. im getting whiffs of hidden agenda in his posts and excuses to fake scum hunt. nothing rly impressed me in any of them. the issue is he could of just voted LM without saying it. his play is too scummy to be scum and im having trouble mashing him with the other scum reads. i'd say hes a very very slight town read for now susceptible to change very fast. he is playing very scummy. but im not sure if he is scum. the issue is shrike placed him and hayumi as his town reads and there might be a chance both r town or one of them is mafia.

read: slight town lean/ scum lean if hayumi flips town



ok says he dont think LM is the lynch, yet keeps his vote on him anyway. makes absolutely no sense to me and needs to be questioned more for it.

more reasons to flip him or iwan. i dont recall iwan reacting to this at all. could be a poor busing attempt.

im not sure whats his obsession with me is but hes clearly trying to hard discredit everything i do for whatever reason. putting players on ignore is auto scum indicative, and looks even worst after my strongest scum read shrike flipped scum.
> notice here he mentions his judgment is clouded

this was a good post until i saw kvo flip town. frankly i thought shes mafia cuz she refused to share her results, which i still think is poor play by her not to cuz she already hinted hard at her role. its whatever.
this post is now a bad look after kvo flipped town.

again with the descredit of me using the excuse of tunneling, but now even calling me as the one with clouded judgement?
i am trying to give this guy a town read but his posts make it so hard to. hes bringing pre-emptive facts about me from his ass just to descredit my reads and i do not appreciate that regardless of his alignment.

this is his worst post so far for these reasons:
1. gets very defensive when asked about his vote
2. refused to vote shrike using an excuse that they refuse to vote with me, but tells that to my mason partner??
3. says his vote is based off his town read of hayumi. so basically sheeps hayumi as an excuse to vote melkor, so if melkor flips town he can drop the blame on hayumi. this is HORRIBLE and unacceptable.

overall conclusion: provides NOTHING for the game. afk and non contributive, posts inactivity excuses, discredits my push on shrike, gets very defensive when asked about his voting pattern and sheeps hayumi to vote of the counter wagon to a confirmed scum flip.

read: heavy scum lean, but also potentially very bad townie/ maybe town or indie lean if flower flips scum.



this post have to be looked at after shrike's flip, and while i agree its NAI, it will always be there and will gurantee u will forever remain in the PoE for defending him. but for now atleast u dropped a valid reason unlike aizen/iwan

adds reasons for LM push as well, altho they came after kvothe mentioned it first. i do still agree with it that LM's play is weird.

i need this to be more elaborated on. what flip of iwan wud tell info on shrike. scum or town flip?
i felt like shrike flip was more important but to each is their own

agree on this as well, kvothe did look very scummy refusing to share her reads, but why are u agreeing to her and not shrike. that bothers me considering their flips

thats fair, altho again u wont rly leave PoE because u followed players u scum read over players u town read.

this is pure wifom, but hayumi does that sht regardless of alignment. cant tell much from it.

might be tmi on both of ur to try and gain u to help his wagon. there is a possibility one of u or charles is scum.

another wifom, but leaning more toward town hayumi wifom style.

overall conclusion: some of their posts do reek of scum and they will never leave the PoE, but by no means they should be our priority lynch for today. i do feel we have a scum in hayumi/charles as i doubt shrike will drop 2 town reads for free, but im not about to flip them both to find out. id say a slight town read for now but bumps to scum read if charles flips town. i would also have to note that his town read of flower is concerning.

read: slight town lean/ scum lean if charles flips town


i've talked about this scum slot alot during the game, so i'll only highlight few recent posts here

how did i cost time the game when i power steered into a scum lynch yesterday exactly? u sound like a very pissed off scum rn

ur very aware aizen failed on u cuz ur claim is fake, but regardless u also know aizen has absolutely zero reason to control naruto. he gains nothing from that role. neither does he gain anything from my role. controlling us is meaningless specially since we will likely die soon anyway. it makes zero sense to claim naruto for the sake of baiting aizen. thats outright just a waste because in no world i see aizen controlling u

if im aizen and you are THE ONLY player to claim in day 2, i would still take my chances and guess other players roles instead of attempt to control u. im not stupid, and i dont think anyone here is stupid enough to control naruto role as aizen this early into the game. you got caaught flower, get over it.

we can claim. i can, naruto can, oni can. aizen doesnt get anything from us rly. he can only add 1 role to his control list per phase and our roles should be lowest priority for him since we have no actions. ur just being dumb flower, u dont want aizen to guess u r mafia lmao

just wow lol
mafia is rly that paniced over aizen controling them arent they?

overall conclusion: she fumbled everything up. botched a protagonist claim, botched thread play, botched reads, inconsistent aizen hunting, reacts poorly to fake robin result on her, overreacts to me being revealed as liar, frustration seems to be coming from a frustrated scum thats caught not a towny frustration, completely ignores shrike wagon and tries to avoid talking bout him. keeps fueling ekko and lind talk but not shrike, now reveals her claim is fake to bait aizen knowing full well any aizen with more than 2 IQ will not control naruto anyway.

its clear scum killed protagonist and coroner/hiruzen so they think they r free to claim. flower just fked it up pretty badly and it backfired. other than that her tone is scummy as sht, trying to mimic her town self by fake raging and insta day 2 claiming. its veyr inorganic and obviously fake.

read: heavy scum lean


i talked about this slot alot yesterday as well so i'll only highlight recent posts

a slight town lean on hayumi is fair i agree. would be nice to point out what some rereading u did tho. did u iso him or the entire thread?

he could yes, but its more aligned with town hayumi than scum hayumi. i do like that question tho and i think ur approaching the game more organically than most players in this list.

aizen is aggressive regardless of alignment, think of something like a mix or rion and me. hes a potential indie if ur not the indie.
do u not have any info to help us with? i think aizen might be town playing poorly here cuz his play is super bad for scum lol

why is flower such a low sus for u? i would like an elaborate reason for it pls
also why is JW/sigis this high up your list.

its odd u put 3 of ur voters this low (hayumi/charles/flower) but put sigis and JW high when they voted shrike, or atleast didnt oppose it.

do u know something we dont? pls tell me why u read them like that.

its very likely a counter wagon, but ur voting TAC as well. what do u make of that both u and iwan are voting TAC, assuming u r town ofc, so from ur town melkor PoV. what u make of that.

overall conclusion: its an obvious slot used for counter wagon to shrike, but it had its fair share of scumminess to allow to be such an easy counter wagon. there is also the possibility scum wanted to yeet melkor over shrike since melkor might have a better role. i just find it odd none of my scum reads are hard pushing him now really. i would rly like to see a claim from him to solve. it will help solve alot. overall id say hes either a scummy town or indie for now.

read: slight town lean/ indie lean.


Overall reads/count
Shrike - 9 (Kvothe Kingkiller, Vivo Diez, Lord Melkor, Ekkologix, John Wayne, Lind, OniKaido, Natalija, only)
Lord Melkor - 7 (Shrike, TheAncientCenturion, Iwandesu, charles101, A I Z E N, Hayumi, Flower)

If we run the list from most to least scummy, we have:
1. iwan
2. flower
3. TAC
4. A I Z E N
5. hayumi/charles

6. melkor

IWAN OR FLOWER should be today's lynch
best for info and for scum candidates

@A I Z E N this post alone debunks everything u said

not only i pushed shrike day 2, but i basically had all scum reads here

only mistakes is thinking TAC is possible indie and scum reading flower

rest were on point.

i was positive one of hayumi/charles was scum and the moment i read hayumi's claim i knew it had to be charles

idk why wud u say i played bad when realistically the only really terrible play by me was the tunnel on flower
nitty trust me claiming is the right play. dont be too stubborn lol

u have host tmi, we dont

if mafia kills us without us claiming, we wouldnt even know who died. mafia can do 2 kills per night, sometimes more with orochimaru

we will get absolutely destroyed if we dont know who died but mafia does. thats 3 janitor kills a night nitty. u realize how nuts this wud be without claiming?
you are literally the only person in this thread that believes claiming is the right play. its betatier gameplay tbh
@A I Z E N this post alone debunks everything u said

not only i pushed shrike day 2, but i basically had all scum reads here

only mistakes is thinking TAC is possible indie and scum reading flower

rest were on point.

i was positive one of hayumi/charles was scum and the moment i read hayumi's claim i knew it had to be charles

idk why wud u say i played bad when realistically the only really terrible play by me was the tunnel on flower
Now now i will be pretty honest with your
Your scum hunting was pretty good, your reads were kinda spot on
This doesnt preclude that your fake claim was terrible for town and pretty much gave aizen and mafia a buffet of power roles.
Outing shrike was a lucky move, i would have pushed you as hard as i did even as town until oni claimed (and many did).
this game is kinda like ToS. claiming is essential there. i learned it the hard way
lol uhh what, you clearly dont understand how to play ToS then especially if you're stating its based off of ToS than you most certainly do not claim as cop unless you substantial info and you especially dont fake claim cop thats scum indictive and lucky onii saved you.

you really did nothing to push shrike its just the fact that you have to beg everyone and go into a rage fit to get "your" point across regardless of how tinfoil it sounds to majority. you got shrike lynched over you d2 cause Onii saved you and nothing more. if you were just a vanilla w/o mason you were dead there not shrike.

NO your claim was not good in any capacity. AT ALL.

fuck after im done reading the end game im just placing you on ignore. my agita is acting up just reading your post.

You're blatantly arguing with the host in the game thread like i said take those concerns to a pm with just you 2.

Personally i think you should get some sort of punishment from this game like a one game ban or something.

im just so over getting tilted playing with you. you are literally the reason i asked nitty to sub me out and why i didnt even really play the game.

give me beta ultra juan and uchi all in one game over you.
We gotta talk about section rules soon in another thread.

Night posting and criticizing the game mid-game will be less tolerated from now on, for starters. Both happened here, and we wish to avoid that in the future of the section. Night posting has become quite rampant and those posts will be deleted from now on if the host doesn't let some through on purpose.

Haven't said anything about game yet. It's very different from anything I played lately, but it's great. Usually I prefer blasting powerful one-shots left and right, but this one was surprisingly just as fun. Setup was great, forcing us into picking a set of roles was interesting too. We went straight after Naruto, but others would work fine too. We were really lucky for the whole game (ok maybe not in the end) with all this claiming and this quadra kill n2. I'm not an expert when it comes to balance so I can't really speak of that. I think game was pretty balanced. Some roles are bit stronger than others but that's how it work. They can't be equally useful in every scenario if they have to be different.

Thank you for the game obviously @Shrike @Iwandesu and @A I Z E N

Congratulations to @only once again. I really thought you were inactive, but looks like you worked hard behind the scenes.

And thx everyone for wholsome posts and stuff :HeartPepe
you impressed me this game charles and i glad i put you in charge of the killing role.

really great game man youu did a hood job.
im just so over getting tilted playing with you. you are literally the reason i asked nitty to sub me out and why i didnt even really play the game

Sorry AIZEN, but I think this is just an excuse. You were never very involved with the game, and if Usopp was annoying you so badly, you could have just put him on ignore and nobody would have blamed you.

Also, I hear you were quite mean to Flower, so you don’t have much room to talk about behavior this game. I appreciate that you played my game, and I always enjoy hosting for you, but I think you should calm down and try to model the behavior you want to see from others.
Sorry AIZEN, but I think this is just an excuse. You were never very involved with the game, and if Usopp was annoying you so badly, you could have just put him on ignore and nobody would have blamed you.

Also, I hear you were quite mean to Flower, so you don’t have much room to talk about behavior this game. I appreciate that you played my game, and I always enjoy hosting for you, but I think you should calm down and try to model the behavior you want to see from others.
i was ready to get into it going into d2 when i logged but when i was catching up all i saw was flower and uso going at it again which i just dealt with in aries game so after reading a feww pages i was just so over it i mean i even asked you to sub me out. so i just about gave up then.
i was ready to get into it going into d2 when i logged but when i was catching up all i saw was flower and uso going at it again which i just dealt with in aries game so after reading a feww pages i was just so over it i mean i even asked you to sub me out. so i just about gave up then.

Believe me, I understand your frustration, maybe more than anyone else here. I’ve gone through the same thing myself. Still, it’s a poor excuse for quitting a game. I’m grateful that you stayed and played as long as you did, but between almost quitting and being so mean to Flower, I think you should examine your own posts first.
We gotta talk about section rules soon in another thread.

Night posting and criticizing the game mid-game will be less tolerated from now on, for starters. Both happened here, and we wish to avoid that in the future of the section. Night posting has become quite rampant and those posts will be deleted from now on if the host doesn't let some through on purpose.
im guilty of doing that soryyy :neesama

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