Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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So in order for Iwan to not tell the truth about being Hiruzen, Tiffany had to be Hiruzen, right? And Mafia had to have Kabuto role or some other way to learn that Ratchet was a control role?

Anyway, TAC should still be scum I think.
In that case they would both be scum, though, since Hiruzen and Nami would be fake claims.

Anyway, let‘s see what TAC flips.
Anyway town
Let me spill the tea for you guys
There are currently 4 scum and 5 of you.
The only "vote controlling" you have is Jhon
Wayne (Rosinate) which is pretty much warranted to be controlled this phase if he isn't already.
We have a vote stealer, which means we can take one of your votes away.
This means Aizen dictates the lynch if we wish to follow him
And the only way for you guys to lynch Aizen at this point is for us to follow you through against him.
You guys can vote for me, you guys can not vote for me.
in the end there is only one person who decides who the lynch will be today
Come forth @Sigismund ruler of all names, coaster of all coasters.
if you wish to cooperate I will tell you the identity of two town roles we have gathered through our investigations
if you don't, you are pretty much warranted to lose at this point because you will be lynched AND killed tomorrow.
Anyway town
Let me spill the tea for you guys
There are currently 4 scum and 5 of you.
The only "vote controlling" you have is Jhon
Wayne (Rosinate) which is pretty much warranted to be controlled this phase if he isn't already.
We have a vote stealer, which means we can take one of your votes away.
This means Aizen dictates the lynch if we wish to follow him
And the only way for you guys to lynch Aizen at this point is for us to follow you through against him.
You guys can vote for me, you guys can not vote for me.
in the end there is only one person who decides who the lynch will be today
Come forth @Sigismund ruler of all names, coaster of all coasters.
if you wish to cooperate I will tell you the identity of two town roles we have gathered through our investigations
if you don't, you are pretty much warranted to lose at this point because you will be lynched AND killed tomorrow.
You do realize I exist, too, right?
Also this is what we get honestly. Apart from my role hint, Like 5 of you hoes essentially open claimed day 2 mostly because of ussop's stupid ass play to bait flower into doing....what exactly? Like that play is literally a tragedy and fucked us over. No ussop can't take all the blame because nobody made you people claim but damn like that caused us a whole day phase of confusion and essentially all the town being outed. So no town doesn't deserve to win, but neither does mafia because you rlly didn't have to do shit, we destroyed ourselves, I said what I said. Stay mad if anybody got insulted by this but I'm laying out the facts.
Also this is what we get honestly. Apart from my role hint, Like 5 of you hoes essentially open claimed day 2 mostly because of ussop's stupid ass play to bait flower into doing....what exactly? Like that play is literally a tragedy and fucked us over. No ussop can't take all the blame because nobody made you people claim but damn like that caused us a whole day phase of confusion and essentially all the town being outed. So no town doesn't deserve to win, but neither does mafia because you rlly didn't have to do shit, we destroyed ourselves, I said what I said. Stay mad if anybody got insulted by this but I'm laying out the facts.
This. And Aizen got bunch of roles on the silver plate. Its a weird game
Anyway town
Let me spill the tea for you guys
There are currently 4 scum and 5 of you.
The only "vote controlling" you have is Jhon
Wayne (Rosinate) which is pretty much warranted to be controlled this phase if he isn't already.
We have a vote stealer, which means we can take one of your votes away.
This means Aizen dictates the lynch if we wish to follow him
And the only way for you guys to lynch Aizen at this point is for us to follow you through against him.
You guys can vote for me, you guys can not vote for me.
in the end there is only one person who decides who the lynch will be today
Come forth @Sigismund ruler of all names, coaster of all coasters.
if you wish to cooperate I will tell you the identity of two town roles we have gathered through our investigations
if you don't, you are pretty much warranted to lose at this point because you will be lynched AND killed tomorrow.

Now you see, @Sigismund we are currently on the inverse situation we were on horror mafia game.
That game mafia and town failed to tag team against me and lost.
This time, mafia is offering freedy Krueger the deal.
Town clearly doesn't deserve the win, but either of us do.

See @Sigismund you already got half our deal.
How nice can I be ?
I mean I'm flattered, but I'm legitimately not Aizen. Contrary to apparently everyone's beliefs, I am infact town lmao

When my role is revealed, a few people will laugh.
Also this is what we get honestly. Apart from my role hint, Like 5 of you hoes essentially open claimed day 2 mostly because of ussop's stupid ass play to bait flower into doing....what exactly? Like that play is literally a tragedy and fucked us over. No ussop can't take all the blame because nobody made you people claim but damn like that caused us a whole day phase of confusion and essentially all the town being outed. So no town doesn't deserve to win, but neither does mafia because you rlly didn't have to do shit, we destroyed ourselves, I said what I said. Stay mad if anybody got insulted by this but I'm laying out the facts.

I literally made you guys lynch some random ass friend by making shit up as I spoke :dank
I might not deserve to win but don't put me together with that fiasco :mad

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