Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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Okay, I changed vote to TAC anyway.

Could you maybe ISO Hayumi or John Wayne by the way?
uso did an iso you can just piggyback his tbh
Can you ask Shizune if I get informed if I am rolecrushed for the night during the day already? If so, rc me.
if you want to go this route youre choosing jdub as lc?

its a lot to confirm without actually confirming anything tbh. this plan is flawed when its openly discussed the value of confimation is all about lost at this point.

im still leaning iwan over tac due to shrike interactiosn although tac has just been memeing
anyway since shizune basically fked up the game by making aizen auto win
we kinda need to yeet him by today or tomorow


and btw aizen can fake claim a dead role easily if he controlled it b4
YOU fucked up the game. NOT Nitty.

if your going to shit talk the host take it to pm to discuss your frustration. Nitty clearly stated in opening post roles are subject to change,
@Shizune ur fken drunk i swear :lmao

so orochimaru can permanently get abilities from 2 other mafia killer roles

so mafia can have 3 killer role abilities

not to mention the masons are linked together, and hisagi dies with his m8 aswell

ah its gg

games rigged
once again take these concerns to pms the thread isnt the place for this banter.

Please disregard my earlier post about Aizen. I am discarding that change and making a different change instead.

Aizen still needs to guess peoples' role names to control them. However, Aizen now wins when he controls all living town members. Aizen does not need to control any mafia members in order to win.

If Aizen wins, the town and the mafia both lose.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I need to clarify a point in this post. Aizen was always a hostile indie whose victory would end the game. The change here is not that Aizen prevents the town and mafia from winning; he always did that.

The change is that Aizen now wins by controlling just the living town members, where before he also needed to control the living mafia members. Making Aizen control the mafia is unfair to him because there’s no way for him to reasonably guess their roles, unlike with townies who usually leave clues or information about their abilities.

This is simply a fix for an oversight that make Aizen’s wincon unachievable. I hope this helps make things clear.
By the end of the day phase I was starting to realize the chances of you being mafia were slim, but I still felt like you could of been and still could be Aizen. I didn’t want to hop onto Shrike within the last few hours when I wasn’t even that sus of him. I felt like the chances of him being a mislynch over you was higher. But turns out I might of been wrong, remains to be seen.

This was my post about how I was feeling when I suddenly realized hella suspects were hopping on your wagon and multiple people I trusted were voting Shrike instead.

One more thing. I just read back and saw that Shrike put both me and @charles101 as his only two town reads. He probably put me because I was soft defending him. Not sure about Charles
Honestly either I'm tunneling you because your playstyle seems classics scum to me, or you are post scummy things on purpose, or you are scum.

Has to be one out of the three.

TP can't protect you and Oni at the same time. You should keep that in mind. It may cost town two members in 1 kill.

But enough of that. You think it was good idea, I think it was bad. Let's move on
I agree with this.
There is no way one of sig, Aizen or only isn't the coasting mafia member tbh.
Jhon Wayne has been really weird this game so maybe he is Aizen ?
@Iwandesu and what leads you to this conclusion, I haven't read Aizen or sigi, JW seems towny from a few posts that I have read so far. but what makes your read on me? Do you town read Hayumi?
She was in the OP x DBZ game!

Also, I was against Iwan since the start

I have nothing to ISO. This weekend is a holiday weekend in the U.S. and I've been slammed with work ;_;
We played more games than that, come on.
Aizen: Scum.
You: Weird.
Iwan: Possibly scum.
JW: scum.

Iffy list:


Town list:
Possibly LM.
why am I not even in the list smh
Tbh, it's D2 once again. Iwandesu looks bad, but TAC looks just as bad. What's interesting to me is that there's literally no oposition to Iwan's lynch.
you make sense to me, i like your reads.
i am not.

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