Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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You think I, the student spammer, subbed in, to give you the working busy man, a hard time?

I didn't, but oh my god. Now I'll spam.

Probably can't though, already playing 3 games #_#

And I don't confess, I lynch or get lunched.
Speaking of which I'm kinda hungry. Peace.

Also If I find another 20 pages to catch up on when I'm back, I'm throwing you and @Ekkologix into the ocean
Speaking of which I'm kinda hungry. Peace.

Also If I find another 20 pages to catch up on when I'm back, I'm throwing you and @Ekkologix into the ocean
I wouldn't like to spam this phase. I haven't read anything past page 7. I might just get a town and sheep them, then from the next day I spam. But gotta get a town first. Sheepable town. Look at JW, no hayumi in list. What am I gonna do with that
Alright guys, I am currently in an abusive relationship with a certain someone. That certain someone has been doing whatever they can to get themselves yeeted and left me no choice but to stick my neck out for them and try to save them, i did lie about what i could do but its only because i didnt want Goatzen to control me.

So please, don’t do this to me. Save me from that person’s fucking bullshit, it is driving me insane and let’s move on to actual scum.

@Natalija @Kvothe Kingkiller @Flower @A I Z E N @Lind
Damn I feel sorry xd still, why you're vouching for Lind if you can't be sure od his role? When you say you are sure, it's basically hinting TI. Both of you made Nat claim.
Damn I feel sorry xd still, why you're vouching for Lind if you can't be sure od his role? When you say you are sure, it's basically hinting TI. Both of you made Nat claim.
Let's not go there again. Ekko played horribly, Oni just tried to save him in a bad way. I would gladly vote Ekko out, though, but I'm not a game thrower.

I feel like Shrike or LM, one of them has to be scum atp. Leaning LM because Shrike was voted up after him and it feels like a save attempt.
Let's not go there again. Ekko played horribly, Oni just tried to save him in a bad way. I would gladly vote Ekko out, though, but I'm not a game thrower.

I feel like Shrike or LM, one of them has to be scum atp. Leaning LM because Shrike was voted up after him and it feels like a save attempt.
I know, i know. Im not trying to get him lynched. Just giving my opinion
Yo, so. The scummiest person here is Usopp but he's confirmed town at this point. He should hope TP choses to protect him imo. That covers Oni too, so let's ignore that.

I think I know more or less what Kvothe might be so I'm not touching that.

Natalija is as much town as masons. By default I like Flower and their interactions.

Neutral on Hayumi. Wished she would tag me when she talks shet about me though :HeartPepe

No idea how active Iwan works. So I'm neutral as well.

Tbh, I think I'd just go for someone like Sigismund. He's maf like 80% of the time and it always looks like this. Silence, then someone finally beings up his existence, then he says something and goes. That's my guts. But there's not much time for change.

Interesting stuff:
It's basically LM or Shrike. I have troubles with reading LM and I've been proven wrong multiple times, right. Just it's hard to watch these "i don't like XXX", "yyy is werid", "zzz acts scummy". But why? What do you mean? Last time I ignored him he won as a SK. About Shrike maybe it's more my wishful thinking but I can't believe he's acting like this as scum. Last time I remember he was pretty chill in post FMA game. Can't remember him being this straightforward as scum. If I'm wrong, blame me, but he's like 3rd or 4th person I'd lynch (behind Sigismund, Aizen and LM in that order). Selling point is that he's often on the same page with Nat. Idk if she checked him or what.

Did I mention everyone? I did my best
Yo, so. The scummiest person here is Usopp but he's confirmed town at this point. He should hope TP choses to protect him imo. That covers Oni too, so let's ignore that.

I think I know more or less what Kvothe might be so I'm not touching that.

Natalija is as much town as masons. By default I like Flower and their interactions.

Neutral on Hayumi. Wished she would tag me when she talks shet about me though :HeartPepe

No idea how active Iwan works. So I'm neutral as well.

Tbh, I think I'd just go for someone like Sigismund. He's maf like 80% of the time and it always looks like this. Silence, then someone finally beings up his existence, then he says something and goes. That's my guts. But there's not much time for change.

Interesting stuff:
It's basically LM or Shrike. I have troubles with reading LM and I've been proven wrong multiple times, right. Just it's hard to watch these "i don't like XXX", "yyy is werid", "zzz acts scummy". But why? What do you mean? Last time I ignored him he won as a SK. About Shrike maybe it's more my wishful thinking but I can't believe he's acting like this as scum. Last time I remember he was pretty chill in post FMA game. Can't remember him being this straightforward as scum. If I'm wrong, blame me, but he's like 3rd or 4th person I'd lynch (behind Sigismund, Aizen and LM in that order). Selling point is that he's often on the same page with Nat. Idk if she checked him or what.

Did I mention everyone? I did my best
I like those reads tbh.
Oh and lastly - "no resistance to the LM lynch" :kobeha

And Lind goes free again.
I don't know why you keep brining up the fact that "I go free" when you haven't made a case for me to be scum. Plus, your tinfoils really are pretty bad here and the fact that both Flower and I are scum in your reads is just really bad again.

There's no evidence to support this push of yours other than the tinfoil of me fake claiming the real Rukia.
Tbh LM and Shrike could both be scum too. This split is really insane tbh.

(behind Sigismund, Aizen and LM in that order). Selling point is that he's often on the same page with Nat. Idk if she checked him or what.
Tbh I wouldn't mind getting more out of Aizen. I tagged him a couple of times and he's just come in to trash talk Flower and Usopp, and was stubbornly refusing to vote Shrike based on the reason that there wasn't a clear case being made.

I don't know why he decided to vote LM, though. He never mentioned why his vote went where it is now.
Melkor’s wagon is more informative if he flips town - means scum was on him to save Shrike
Or town is just that good and Melkor is scum? :catbae
Oh definitely. Could be vise versa as well.

LM's had some shade posts like voting Ratchet to see if Shrike was right about him, then voting me last day phase, but saying he wanted to vote Ratchet in reality. Then this day phase, he town read me for some reason... which wasn't what I was expecting.
I gave some.

I townread Hayumi and Natalija based on tone.

I thought Ekko is scum for lying and urging town roles to reveal but apparently he is confirmed due to being mason with Oni.

Lind's reaction to being lynched end of day one seemed townish. Though i did not like when he suddenly started cursing in one of his posts. Seemed fake.

I am liking Kvothe slightly more now but not sure about her. Shrike looks worse with how angry he became.
These were his reads. I don't mind early tone reads, but later on, I would like something more concrete than tone. I believe by the time this read list came out, Nat had already claimed.

Ekko's read was really safe, and the read on me and Kvothe... isn't solid enough. I mean, he says we seem better, but retracts the former statement by saying something contradictory in the same sentence.

It's like he's saying we are both null. These reads really don't help me.
So Onii and Usopp will be gone by the next cycle unless a doc chooses correctly and saves them in the NP or Usopps lynch actually goes through which would suck for Oni and his continuous lynch streak.

damn this game is such a clusterfuck half the players are already outed on D2 this shit is just boring at this point. honestly going to have to reconsider playing mafia unless it is vanilla.

Reasoning on Shrike @OniKaido
I honestly don't know what this post even means here. Like fam, you've ranted enough and you've given us only 2 town reads - Oni and Hayumi.

We want scum reads as well, and why you're voting LM.
While it's good that we have those 2 targets we are up against more scum than that and we also cant let someone fade into obscurity
Oh I definitely agree that calling out Sigi is the right way to go, but your current vote on him has put the main wagons in a deadlock.

As far as pressure goes, I'm not sure your vote would do the job either. Between LM and Shrike, who's scummier to you?
Oh I definitely agree that calling out Sigi is the right way to go, but your current vote on him has put the main wagons in a deadlock.

As far as pressure goes, I'm not sure your vote would do the job either. Between LM and Shrike, who's scummier to you?

At gunpoint I'd say Shrike, but it's really close to me and I wouldn't mind both of them getting lynched.
Tbh LM and Shrike could both be scum too. This split is really insane tbh.

Tbh I wouldn't mind getting more out of Aizen. I tagged him a couple of times and he's just come in to trash talk Flower and Usopp, and was stubbornly refusing to vote Shrike based on the reason that there wasn't a clear case being made.

I don't know why he decided to vote LM, though. He never mentioned why his vote went where it is now.
lol what are you on about? you tagged me once last phase and once here asking me to talk when i wasnt even around to begin with. you realize this is the same vote thread from D1 so my vote was already placed. ive responded to whoevers actually interacted with meand not just tagged me to show up. so our points are moot.

i didnt refuse to vote shrike i just refused to vote with usopp, difference i even explained it to onii. i chose lm cause he latched onto shrike wagon only to attempt to save himself without actually talking his way out of it he essentially gave up and has been hiding all day not actually defend himself. why would a 'townie" play like this. shrike has better quality post over lm where his are just meh. and i based my vote off of my town read hayumi.
Charles voting for a no lynch in this scenario when he jumped on the Usopp wagon is concerning. It just feels like he's unwilling to put any weight behind his reads, bar mechanical results, without confirming them. Scum lean to me so far.

These posts are definitely not good, Iwan. You haven't taken any explicit stance on any player here. Aizen is coasting, but you didn't push him. TAC ... no read, so you will need to ISO, and you gave some behavior analysis of Shrike.

Any concrete reads so far?

Why are you voting LM over TAC? I would like your opinion on those two.
Why would I push an inactive day 2 ?
Thats what vigs and cops are for.
TAC is scum on my book i made it pretty clear but why would i vote for TAC if he aint getting lynched ?
I pushed melkor because I wanted to fish his reactions
He gave absolutely none

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