Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 6 (indie win!)

Day six lynch Edit

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imagine forcing me to tag everyone.

guys vote shrike.

> ratchet/shrike day 1 was town v scum and mafia tried to lynch lind instead of ratchet to not uncover ratchet being town.
> n1 mafia killed tiffany (who was voting lind) then tried further to incriminate lind by pinning the kill on him and me. very weak attempt by shrike that he seemed to tunnel on the entire day despite lind basically being semi confirmed without any counter claim.
> insane resistance to shrike right now. literally nothing u say about him sticks. scum is totally trying to controll narrative of the thread by over focusing on lind my lie and melkor. completely trying to shroud anything against shrike in darkness

all i ask from town is to stop the apathy. we outnumebr mafia by alot now. but give them a free mislynch or 2 and its over. we need to lynch shrike today. we have to. its a must

and the wagon need to be big because scums will have vote silence and/or double vote

lets get it everyone!!!
imagine forcing me to tag everyone.

guys vote shrike.

> ratchet/shrike day 1 was town v scum and mafia tried to lynch lind instead of ratchet to not uncover ratchet being town.
> n1 mafia killed tiffany (who was voting lind) then tried further to incriminate lind by pinning the kill on him and me. very weak attempt by shrike that he seemed to tunnel on the entire day despite lind basically being semi confirmed without any counter claim.
> insane resistance to shrike right now. literally nothing u say about him sticks. scum is totally trying to controll narrative of the thread by over focusing on lind my lie and melkor. completely trying to shroud anything against shrike in darkness

all i ask from town is to stop the apathy. we outnumebr mafia by alot now. but give them a free mislynch or 2 and its over. we need to lynch shrike today. we have to. its a must

and the wagon need to be big because scums will have vote silence and/or double vote

lets get it everyone!!!
1. @OniKaido
2. @Flower
3. @Sigismund
4. @Shrike
5. @Lord Melkor
6. @charles101
7. @Vivo Diez
8. @Natalija
9. @Kvothe Kingkiller
10. @John Wayne
11. @Lind
12. @A I Z E N
13. @Cooler
14. @Hayumi
15. @Iwandesu
16. @TheAncientCenturion
17. @Ekkologix
imagine forcing me to tag everyone.

guys vote shrike.

> ratchet/shrike day 1 was town v scum and mafia tried to lynch lind instead of ratchet to not uncover ratchet being town.
> n1 mafia killed tiffany (who was voting lind) then tried further to incriminate lind by pinning the kill on him and me. very weak attempt by shrike that he seemed to tunnel on the entire day despite lind basically being semi confirmed without any counter claim.
> insane resistance to shrike right now. literally nothing u say about him sticks. scum is totally trying to controll narrative of the thread by over focusing on lind my lie and melkor. completely trying to shroud anything against shrike in darkness

all i ask from town is to stop the apathy. we outnumebr mafia by alot now. but give them a free mislynch or 2 and its over. we need to lynch shrike today. we have to. its a must

and the wagon need to be big because scums will have vote silence and/or double vote

lets get it everyone!!!
Your read is utter shit.

You claimed on D2 killing 2 townies tonight.

You caused massive chaos and made lots of townies to out themselves and gave chance to scum to fake claim.

Shut the fuck up.
imagine forcing me to tag everyone.

guys vote shrike.

> ratchet/shrike day 1 was town v scum and mafia tried to lynch lind instead of ratchet to not uncover ratchet being town.
> n1 mafia killed tiffany (who was voting lind) then tried further to incriminate lind by pinning the kill on him and me. very weak attempt by shrike that he seemed to tunnel on the entire day despite lind basically being semi confirmed without any counter claim.
> insane resistance to shrike right now. literally nothing u say about him sticks. scum is totally trying to controll narrative of the thread by over focusing on lind my lie and melkor. completely trying to shroud anything against shrike in darkness

all i ask from town is to stop the apathy. we outnumebr mafia by alot now. but give them a free mislynch or 2 and its over. we need to lynch shrike today. we have to. its a must

and the wagon need to be big because scums will have vote silence and/or double vote

lets get it everyone!!!
theres like one vote on Lind lol
Your read is utter shit.

You claimed on D2 killing 2 townies tonight.

You caused massive chaos and made lots of townies to out themselves and gave chance to scum to fake claim.

Shut the fuck up.
thats not true, scum is torally caught offguard and are in shambles now

claiming early is the right play given the setup

if we wait longer then scum will have more night kills and rolecops meaning they could be claiming so many janitored roles and we wouldnt know. what if they kill coroner and hiruzen? they can totally control the entire game and we wouldnt know who is flipping

scum are super caught off guard rn. this is the best chance to catch them. dont give me this fake anger

and aizen is not a threat. he can only control 1 role per phase and we will deal with him soon. hes in no way as threat to town as the scum killer roles
imagine forcing me to tag everyone.

guys vote shrike.

> ratchet/shrike day 1 was town v scum and mafia tried to lynch lind instead of ratchet to not uncover ratchet being town.
> n1 mafia killed tiffany (who was voting lind) then tried further to incriminate lind by pinning the kill on him and me. very weak attempt by shrike that he seemed to tunnel on the entire day despite lind basically being semi confirmed without any counter claim.
> insane resistance to shrike right now. literally nothing u say about him sticks. scum is totally trying to controll narrative of the thread by over focusing on lind my lie and melkor. completely trying to shroud anything against shrike in darkness

all i ask from town is to stop the apathy. we outnumebr mafia by alot now. but give them a free mislynch or 2 and its over. we need to lynch shrike today. we have to. its a must

and the wagon need to be big because scums will have vote silence and/or double vote

lets get it
I know you did not just-
thats not true, scum is torally caught offguard and are in shambles now

claiming early is the right play given the setup

if we wait longer then scum will have more night kills and rolecops meaning they could be claiming so many janitored roles and we wouldnt know. what if they kill coroner and hiruzen? they can totally control the entire game and we wouldnt know who is flipping

scum are super caught off guard rn. this is the best chance to catch them. dont give me this fake anger

and aizen is not a threat. he can only control 1 role per phase and we will deal with him soon. hes in no way as threat to town as the scum killer roles
He gains permanent control of a role each phase, not just for that phase
He gains permanent control of a role each phase, not just for that phase
im aware thats gna be very chaotic
but most of the townies that are active will be dead anyway i gurantee it

he gains nothing from my role, onis role, flowers role ( if shes not lying)

hardly gets anything off nat and lind roles but can control them

eitherway thats beyond the point. he is not a threat whatsoever rn. period.

we cant be afraid of aizen to the point where we dont lynch mafia. thats unecessary paranoia
im aware thats gna be very chaotic
but most of the townies that are active will be dead anyway i gurantee it

he gains nothing from my role, onis role, flowers role ( if shes not lying)

hardly gets anything off nat and lind roles but can control them

eitherway thats beyond the point. he is not a threat whatsoever rn. period.

we cant be afraid of aizen to the point where we dont lynch mafia. thats unecessary paranoia
Bro I hope you realize that you guys mass claiming breaks down the POE for other people right?? Like mafia can eventually figure out whos the coroner, Hiruzen, the doctor, the vig, etc
So who voting melkor is scum in your opinion?
cant tell fully yet

> shrike is scum
> kvothe leaning scum rn. shes being super unobservant
> flower soft leaning scum. the tinfoil with coroner and protagonist being dead is still in play. hiruzen might die tonight as well.

the last scum could be anyone on the lower activity. i wanna lean town on u but noting that some posts by u are questionable
its super easy for kabuto to fake claim coroner. and for crocodile to claim naruto

u guys wil be tinfoiled forever

its smart but risky play. hiruzen 99% wont go for coroner ability n1 so it pays off.

if u rolecopped hiruzen u can just kill hin tonight and the game is basically under ur controll

we cant rly allow that now can we

if that tinfoil is false, which is at best clears flower/kvothe. but shrike is still scum and must go
I'm considering my options. Rule of mafia, at least 2 of the 5 scum are barely active. Your @charles101 and @A I Z E N s of the world.

Then we for 2-3 of these active mofos out there with something to prove.
my activity has no basis for alignment i mean i was a top poster in last game and i was scum so gtfo with your nonsense.

i already said this game gave me a headache.
i legitimately forgot about this game after i left lol

i just honestly couldnt put myself through reading flower and ekko for the next post so i gave up with this phase.

@Ekkologix you know you can also look into others instead of just hard tunneling one person for the entire phase. we get it you want shrike lynched you dont have a solid case against him as others do on LM. if you want us to change votes so badly stop begging us and make a stronger case. screaming he's scum and spam tagging will honestly not get you far in mafia.

the strongest case you've presented to us is for us to lynch you but you're very lucky you relied on a claim where another one could save you. if it wasn't for onii you'd be dead by the end of this phase.
I would vote him but i feel a bit better about rn and LM is a good option to go for atm, we should also
Study the people that wanted to vote either of us that we feel were being opportunistic, like my dad for example.
:catthinks @Sigismund I just saw you switching your vote. What are your thoughts?
Does he always play like this? Often times we just leave him alone and like 80% of the times he turns out to be scum or indie.

His disinterest in the game rn is jarring, him and TAC though he got a bit better but not by much, he basically tried to go for me before i had to claim and then tunneled Iwan most of the phase.

But seriously though we just let sigi coast and it often costs us:

Do we trust Kvothe?
do you trust kvo?
im not liking ur play at all kvothe
you care to go into detail on this comment or?
vig aizen
sure put me out of my misery you really make this game unenjoyable tbh

i mean look at Onii his whole game is fucked now.
Father *kneels*, what are your orders? :catjam
you betray him so stand up Zuko.
and aizen is not a threat. he can only control 1 role per phase and we will deal with him soon. hes in no way as threat to town as the scum killer roles
you obviously dont understand the way the way the role works.

Bro I hope you realize that you guys mass claiming breaks down the POE for other people right?? Like mafia can eventually figure out whos the coroner, Hiruzen, the doctor, the vig, etc

mass claiming and claiming in general for no reason honestly just takes away from any point of invest roles and actual scum hunting.

uso wouldn't understand it even if he endangered his lover and got them killed...
u can see im clearly leaving flower for now because im respecting what others r saying in regards to the tinfoil being wrong

but i do not see any reason to keep shrike longer than today
oh we thank you for not causing anymore unneeded chos for this DP
@Lord Melkor claim ur role and actions. id rather have ur role alive controled by aizen rather than dead if ur town.

would be a waste of entire day so just claim before its too late to move votes off u

who r who?
who u targeted? why?
do u scum or town read that person?

oh god can you play this game without claims or abilities?

you've already wasted half of this day so you really have no room to breathe.

we couldn't gotten more info and further this dp if it wasnt for your shitshow of a ploy. you do realize this correct?
Does he always play like this? Often times we just leave him alone and like 80% of the times he turns out to be scum or indie.

His disinterest in the game rn is jarring, him and TAC though he got a bit better but not by much, he basically tried to go for me before i had to claim and then tunneled Iwan most of the phase.

But seriously though we just let sigi coast and it often costs us:

if brokii was still here she'd push him a bit for his inactivity.
you betray him so stand up Zuko.
Im iust waiting for my Aang, then ill act.

And i assume by this comment that you scum read TAC right?

Did you deliver your reads already? If so please just say yes and ill go check your posts.
if brokii was still here she'd push him a bit for his inactivity.
Well she isnt there so lets do her job! @Sigismund besides commenting on the claiming stuff do you have any personal thoughts on certain players? Id like it if you shared them and talked with the class some more.
Im iust waiting for my Aang, then ill act.

And i assume by this comment that you scum read TAC right?

Did you deliver your reads already? If so please just say yes and ill go check your posts.
lol i cant really read tac either way memeing a lot so i'd say a scumlean

nah just town i honestly forgot how the last cycle went and this one was such a headache i only ready like the first 4-5 pages and it was just flower uso.
go shrike
like i stated before and in the past present a stronger case. stop fucking begging me and then asking for me to get vigged you think that will make me want to vote with you?
lol i cant really read tac either way memeing a lot so i'd say a scumlean

nah just town i honestly forgot how the last cycle went and this one was such a headache i only ready like the first 4-5 pages and it was just flower uso.

like i stated before and in the past present a stronger case. stop fucking begging me and then asking for me to get vigged you think that will make me want to vote with you?
go shrike.

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