Game The Wheel of Time: Trouble in Tar Valon (mafia wins!)

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Then Ishmael has a role-block, I guess? That's not a good look for Ishmael.

Not a lie, scum.

lol we'll see. You picked the wrong person to pull your gambit.

This is interesting :hm

Can anyone even state any valid reason for my lynch except this "Cypher was saved" BS?

How about considering I was watched, and you Cypher, did not target me?

I don't mind being lynched, tbh. As long as you are lynched along with me.
I did target you and got guilty.

But the thing is, I watched Tiger last night & my results don’t support this. Considering how you survived two lynches, this also doesn’t look good for you.

With the results of actions being manipulated, I’m not confident in my results either, but I’m looking to hear from @Ishmael & potentially any others who targeted or didn’t target Tiger before I can place votes
But I was correct about Xebec & Melodie & Sigs targeting DDL.

Xebec & Melodie targeted him again which they confirmed. Usopp was apparently wrong. I’ve been wrong once
Yeah, and I was apparently wrong with Ishmael visiting Cypher?

But your thing with Melodie yesterday aligned with mine, and today I can confirm Nessos's result of LM visiting Melodie.
For the last time, the only ones who can manipulate are either Tiger or you, yes :blobcry

Only true in your one theory. Don't spread this false narrative that it's the only option. That penchant is why you're firmly in my scum pile with Nessos. Both of you pick out one theory and then act as if it's the only one with merit and try to lynch people because of it, ignoring any other possibility.

It's more fabrication than reads or deduction.

It is far more likely that mafia has an ability that can be used to fuck with votes from outside of it than Cypher or I happen to have vote fuckery passives.
I'm confident I won't be lynched today because not enough people agree with you that I should be.

And because we have other leads to exhaust. Only upon your (Cypher) flip can your scan claims be accepted and trusted.
You and I are the current wagons atm. But guess you didn't notice this because you don't care since you can manipulate the lynch anyway, right?
Only true in your one theory. Don't spread this false narrative that it's the only option. That penchant is why you're firmly in my scum pile with Nessos. Both of you pick out one theory and then act as if it's the only one with merit and try to lynch people because of it, ignoring any other possibility.

It's more fabrication than reads or deduction.

It is far more likely that mafia has an ability that can be used to fuck with votes from outside of it than Cypher or I happen to have vote fuckery passives.
Erm, it's just a theory. It's called a theory because obviously no one can confirm it yet.

And I can say what I want, just like Nessos can too.

I'm not saying there's no other possibility, stop taking everything so literally jeez. :giogio But we will surely find out today with those two lynches.
You and I are the current wagons atm. But guess you didn't notice this because you don't care since you can manipulate the lynch anyway, right?

I am confident the early push on me of 2 or possibly 3 votes is tainted by mafia, and town will not go with it. I am also waiting on responses to my questions which will hopefully give town a strong lead that can't be fucked with like watchers and trackers.

Hero viewed Ishmael target me, so we're also waiting on his thoughts and reaction.

I've asked DDL if he blocked me. I've asked Melodie, Nessos, WPK, and Juan if they were role-blocked last night.

The answers are very important.
@Pool Party Nitty do mafia role-blocks have priority over town role-blocks?
Yes. This has come up several times in my games recently, so I thought it was common knowledge now that I give mafia actions priority over town actions if an action conflict occurs. For example, if mafia member A roleblocks town member B, and town member B roleblocks town member C, B's roleblock would be superceded by A's roleblock, so player C wouldn't be roleblocked.

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